MTL - When Jianxiu Penetrates Into the Infinite Stream-Chapter 134

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Aoyama and Baine were on the front lines when they received the Queen's order.

A while ago, the queen finally succeeded in laying hatchable eggs, and from then on, they stopped dormant and began to form troops, planning to attack the Alliance of Wisdom.

Waging war is not only because of the belligerent nature of the Zerg, but also for food. The Zerg do not do anything about production. Every time they occupy a planet, they destroy a planet. Only by constantly occupying new planets can they ensure a sufficient source of food.

In previous years, because the queen was not fully developed and could not lay eggs, they had to hibernate. After so many years, the planets occupied by the Zerg have basically been destroyed, and the remaining food will not last long, and new territories must be opened up as soon as possible.

The defense line of the Alliance of Wisdom seemed vulnerable to the Zerg, and they did achieve an overwhelming victory at the beginning. However, it didn't take long for the Wisdom Alliance to unite suddenly and regained quite a few planets. The Zerg suffered heavy losses.

This drug was born, and the most affected is Qingshan, because its soldiers are all pure-blooded zerg.

a regiment.

Bane: "Why haven't new Zerg soldiers hatched? If this continues, our advantage will not be able to hold."

"Who knows? It's all her fault, she didn't lay eggs properly, she even thought of going to the battlefield, and she got angry and ruined a batch of eggs." Qingshan's voice was filled with obvious anger, "If you don't do your job properly, definitely It was broken by Cecil!"

Bane did not answer, Qingshan continued to scold indignantly, "Our Zerg queen should lay eggs and replenish soldiers for us, this is what she should do. Thinking about something all day long Nope, Cecil had no good intentions in telling her those bedtime stories, teaching the queen to be like their human female, and not at all restless."

It was at this time that the Hyena mixed low-level Zerg brought the Queen's order to them.

"Let's go to the Hyena territory?" Qing Shan stood up abruptly, "The battle on the front line is so intense, how can we walk away? What is she making a fuss about?"

It took two steps back and forth irritably, and suddenly turned to Baine and said, "Let your personal soldiers take her directly back to the Wangtai, my soldiers can't resist her control."

The personal soldiers in its mouth refer to the mixed-blood zerg that was originally with Baine. The hybrid Zerg does have a certain resistance to the queen's control, but it is not strong. Qingshan said so, but he didn't care about the mixed-race Zerg.

"My personal soldiers... are not very resistant." Baine said slowly, "I am more curious about how she is in Hyena territory."

It turned to look at the Hyena hybrid, "You are Houndstooth's personal soldier, the queen is with Houndstooth now?"

Compared to the completely brainless pure-blooded low-level Zerg, although the mixed-blood low-level Zerg has low intelligence, simple questions can still be answered.

"I'm following Lord Cecil."

Hearing this name, Qingshan Sanfen's anger immediately soared to ten points, "That guy Cecil, he is trying to force the queen to do nothing serious!"

Bane narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you following Cecil?"


Bane: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen Cecil's personal soldiers for several days."

When the four generals of the Zerg fight, they are all sent by their personal soldiers.

After being reminded by Bain, Qingshan was startled. It seems that he has not seen Cecil's personal soldiers recently.

"What's wrong with Cecil?" Qingshan muttered.

The two of them didn't have the slightest intention to leave, and the Zerg who sent the letter had to repeat Xie Liuyi's order again.

"The queen sent a letter and asked the general to accompany us to see her as soon as possible."

"Don't go!" Qing Shan waved his sickle-like chelicerae and said impatiently, "I can't go away."

"Let's go. This time the loss is heavy, we have to persuade the Queen to return to the throne as soon as possible to replenish our soldiers," Baine said slowly, "By the way, ask Cecil, what does it have? what's the plan."

Therefore, the Zerg temporarily truce, and the two generals followed the Zerg to the Hyena territory.

On the other side, the front-line defensive fortress of the Wisdom Alliance, Yan Yugui stood in the prison with a cold expression, looking at the Zerg who looked exactly like humans through the special bulletproof glass.

If it weren't for the insect repellent incense, he would not have noticed that so many Zerg had mixed in in the Human Federation.

At first, General Xu discovered that some soldiers in the army were intolerant to deworming incense. He was a very vigilant person and immediately detained them. After inspection, he found that these soldiers were actually is the zerg.

Zerg only.

Except for a few Zerg who sneak into the army and look exactly the same as humans, others have more or less Zerg characteristics, human hats, wigs, contact lenses and other daily necessities have become key props for their disguise.

"This is not normal," Admiral Xu said, "I have dealt with Zerg for so many years, and I have never seen a Zerg that can become a human."

He is one hundred and thirty years old, with gray hair, and still in good spirits. In the interstellar era, human life expectancy is generally more than 170 years old, and General Xu is at the best age for a military commander.

Before Yan Yu returned, I guessed that the Zerg queen transformed into a human form and had a love history with the original grandfather. It is not surprising that the Zerg has mixed blood with insects.

The strange thing is that if the human-insect hybrid Zerg looks so similar to humans, it is impossible for the Alliance of Wisdom to be unaware for the past 100 years.

In addition, soldiers will be screened strictly when they join the army. Thinking of the ability of the Zerg Queen to change shape, it is only possible that these Zerg changes in appearance, replacing the soldiers.

99% of the soldiers who have been replaced have suffered accidents.

Yu Gui coldly lowered her face.

"Spot the insect repellant and smoke until they are in their original shape."

The solid deworming incense is directly vaporized by the instrument and sent to the cell where the Zerg is held through the excellent air circulation system of the prison. They began to shiver, and as time passed, their expressions took on their original shape in agony.

The Zerg are larger than humans, and the prison is crowded after showing its original shape.

At first glance, they are all giant bugs, but they are more curious, some have insect-headed faces, some have six arms, and none of them look exactly like humans.

The military executives who were watching suddenly changed their faces.

"The Zerg can turn into a human?!"

"How is this possible? We've been fighting the Zerg for so many years, and we've never heard of it!"

"The Zerg may have been lurking in the Commonwealth for many years. I recommend screening across the Commonwealth, and everyone must undergo a medical examination."

"Don't worry," Admiral Xu interrupted them, "We have found out that these Zerg sneaked into the Federation for less than a month."

He turned to return, "Marshal, please instruct."

Yugui, right index finger tapped the desktop unconsciously. The Zerg Queen can indeed change shape, but these Zerg soldiers should have only recently learned, and the ability to change shape is strong or weak.

The strongest ones are those who entered the army, which are exactly the same as human beings, and can also simulate the appearance of others. Some Zerg features on others have not been completely eliminated.

Besides, they are both human and insect hybrids.

Previously, he guessed that at least one of the four generals of the Zerg is a human-worm hybrid, and these Zerg are likely to be its subordinates.

Yan Yugui signaled the staff to stop releasing the vaporized insect repellent incense, and the air circulation system cleaned the air in the prison. .

He controlled the virtual screen and turned on the internal and external communication system, "If I guessed correctly, your Zerg should have a general who is half-human and insect."

The Zerg inside did not give any response, and one of them had a human head with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"There is also an orc half-blood general." Yan Yugui continued.

The Zerg stirred slightly.

"And a Hyena hybrid?"

In the bottom of my heart, I snorted, even if it is mixed with human genes, the IQ does not seem to be very high.

Not only the Zerg, but also several high-level officials of the Human Federation also came over with curious eyes.

The four generals of the Zerg are very mysterious, and they don’t know much about the old people who are fighting on the front line. How does this young leader know such details?

After asking these questions, Yan Yugui had already confirmed the guesses he had been thinking about, and got up and walked out.

"Marshal, what should I do with these Zerg?" General Xu asked from behind.

"Kill it."

"You can't kill us." A broken federal lingua franca suddenly came out of the communication system, and it didn't sound like the sound of a human vocal organ, "We are your uncles, and Half of your family's blood is shed."

Everyone's face was full of shock, shocked that the Zerg could speak the common language of the Federation, and it was this kind of exciting news.

From the appearance, it can be seen that they are mixed blood of humans and Zerg, but they did not expect the blood of the marshal's family to be mixed? If this is true, can the marshal and the family behind him still be trusted?

Yugui stopped in her tracks, tilted her head and sneered, "I remember that the blood of the Zerg is green? Half of our blood is flowing, tsk, then your blood is red Go green."

"Pfft." Some military executive behind him didn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The Zerg didn't expect him to speak so clearly, and was stunned for a while, not knowing how to refute.

Yu Yu walked back in a tidy way, "Half of the human genes mixed in, it is indeed smarter than the ordinary Zerg, and the trick to sow discord is well learned."

Hearing this, the shocked expressions on everyone's faces turned to deep thought. In human history, how many outstanding generals died because of the enemy's strategy to sow discord. It would be disgusting if this kind of slander was a way of alienating the Zerg.

"Teach you one more thing that humans often say," Yan Yugui said, "If you are not my race, your heart will be different. Even if you mix human genes, we will share with you. It's still a never-ending relationship."

Everyone present is the high-level of the Human Federation, and I am not afraid that this sentence will cause dissatisfaction with other races in the Wisdom Alliance.

This statement obviously reassured everyone, and the doubts on their faces disappeared.

"Kill them all." Yan Yugui spit out three words coldly.

The author has something to say:I repent, I saw a good article today, and I saw it at night…

I'm trying to code, and there is one more update, I'm sorry I won't touch the fish tomorrow! Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-1121:26:17~2021-10-1523:16:28~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 for Xiaoye and Ruoshui Qianqiu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: AmberTeoh, 10 bottles in the distance; Ruoshui Qianqiu, 5 bottles in Moqing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!