MTL - When God Begins To Evolve Again-Chapter 411 prisoner

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Countless threads of light drilled out of Li Xiu's body, and each thread of light was connected to a cell in Li Xiu's body. In just an instant, Li Xiu's body was completely wrapped in the threads of light, because a giant silk cocoons.

What was even more frightening was that more filaments of light extended in all directions, piercing the mask formed by the joint efforts of the sixteen ancestor spirits in an instant.

The expressions of Bellona and the sixteen ancestor spirits changed at the same time, and horror appeared in their eyes. "The power of devouring spirits retreats," the gentleman ancestor spirit said angrily.

Needless to say, the sixteen ancestor spirits wanted to withdraw their strength and retreat, but at the same time they were horrified to find that his will seemed to be out of his control. He clearly wanted to withdraw his strength and retreat, but his body seemed to be resisting their will. Make it impossible for them to retreat.

They all knew in their hearts that it wasn't their bodies that were resisting their wills, but their wills were affected by the devouring spirits.

Countless light threads penetrated into the mask, and in just a moment, they covered the mask like spider webs, and finally connected to the body of the Sixteen Ancestral Spirits.

The sixteen ancestor spirits were frightened and angry, desperately trying to get rid of it, they all roared in unison: "Li Xiu, don't be awakened by the spirit-eating control!"

Their souls seem to be penetrated by light threads, like puppets, unable to control their bodies.

"The power of devouring spirits is stronger than before!" Bellona exclaimed in shock when she saw that Li Xiu couldn't wake up.

"Li Boyang is too poisonous. After being transformed by him, Soul Devouring is almost integrated with Li Xiu's body. Every time Li Xiu grows, Soul Devouring will grow with him. All the power he absorbs, Soul Devouring will also get it. The same power. Now that Li Xiu has fused the spirit-suppressing stone, the spirit-eating stone has also obtained the power of the spirit-suppressing stone. His power of eating the spirit is no longer the original power of the spirit-eating. The world..." The gentleman's ancestor spirit looked extremely ugly.

In fact, needless to say, other ancestral spirits have also been discovered.

Countless light threads passed through the mask and extended to every corner of the world. Countless demon spirits were connected to a light thread, as if they had become puppets on strings. Their spiritual consciousness was invaded and swallowed, and they could not control themselves body of.

Devouring spirits could originally devour spiritual consciousness, but it is absolutely impossible to devour the spiritual consciousness of creatures in the world like this, but now after it combines the power of Li Xiu and Zhenlingshi, the whole world seems to become a giant in front of it. All the puppets in the puppet theater have become its marionettes, allowing it to invade the spiritual consciousness along the light thread and take away the soul.

As the spiritual consciousness of billions of demon spirits is continuously drawn away, they flow towards the light cocoon along the light thread, and the light cocoon becomes more and more strange, as if it is alive, wriggling like a heart, shrinking and contracting. In the room, there is also a strange light inside that flickers on and off.

The strong man who was as powerful as the ancestor spirit couldn't shake his body, and he broke out desperately again and again, roaring loudly, but it was all in vain, and his mind began to become a little unclear.

They were too close to Li Xiu, and their souls were extracted too much, and they couldn't get rid of them at all.

After Li Xiu was devoured by the spirit devourer, his body and the spirit devourer continued to merge, and he rose to a new level, half a step away from the universe level.

The spirit devouring Li Xiu's spiritual consciousness gained control, and it wanted to use the power of the whole world's creatures to break through to the universe level.

Li Boyang looked at this scene, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he walked slowly towards the light cocoon Li Xiu had transformed into.

"He hasn't been promoted to the universe class yet, it's too early." A voice made Li Boyang stop walking towards Li Xiu.

Turning his head to look, he saw Tang Tianzhen, who was so handsome and unparalleled, even though he didn't have half of the brilliance on his body, but still exuded the brilliance like a god, walked over at some time.

"I do things, do I still need you to teach me?" Li Boyang ignored Tang Tianzhen and continued to walk towards Li Xiu.

But Tang Tianzhen stood in front of Li Boyang, and said with a smile: "The evolution of this world is incomplete because of you, and the town spirit stone is divided between you and Li Xiu, so there is no possibility of further evolution. Only when the spirit devours hundreds of millions of living beings can it be possible to reach the level of the universe."

"I have my own measure, I don't need you to remind me." Li Boyang snorted coldly, the purple energy from his body rushed out like a torrent, like a real dragon devouring the world

Xiang Tang is innocent.


Tang Tianzhen threw out a punch casually, there was no brilliance on the fist, but with just a light punch, the purple energy that devoured the sky and the earth was shattered, and instantly dissipated between the sky and the earth.

Li Boyang's eyes narrowed slightly: "You are not a prisoner!"

"When did I say I was a prisoner?" Tang Tianzhen said indifferently.

"You are a law enforcer" Li Boyang asked, staring at Tang Tianzhen coldly.

"No." Tang Tianzhen shook his head slightly: "I, like you, used to be an evolutionary."

"Since you are both evolutionaries, you are naturally a prisoner when you come here. Why do you say it so nicely?" Li Boyang said.

Tang Tianzhen smiled and said: "It's different, the winner is the king, the loser is the prisoner, and the defeated one is called the prisoner, and I have never been defeated, so naturally I am not a prisoner."

"You have never been defeated, why are you here?" Li Boyang snorted coldly.

"I never lied to you. Didn't I tell you long ago that I came from the main universe, but unlike you, you are an exiled prisoner, and I came here by myself." Tang Tianzhen smiled.

"Absurd. Even if you have never been defeated, you are still an evolutionary. The price you paid for entering the small universe is the same as that of a prisoner. If you really have never been defeated, would you come here by yourself?" Li Boyang stared at Tang Tianzhen, not convinced what he said.

"The pursuit of a winner is not something a loser like you can understand. I naturally have my reasons. It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. It has nothing to do with me." Tang Tianzhen said with a smile.

"Since this is the case, you and I will not interfere with each other. The previous agreement is still valid. After opening the door, whether you want to stay or not is your own business. Don't come to hinder me." Li Boyang continued to walk towards the light cocoon.

"The door will open naturally, but what I want is not just to open the door to the world." Tang Tianzhen stopped Li Boyang again.

"What else do you want?" Li Boyang narrowed his eyes and stared at Tang Tianzhen.

"I want to watch this world go from birth to death." Tang Tianzhen said slowly.

Li Boyang looked at Tang Tianzhen, and suddenly burst out laughing after a long time: "I see, it seems that you don't have the confidence to win."

Tang Tianzhen smiled and said: "It seems that you have already understood, so just watch it here, it will also benefit you."

"You are right. Being able to observe the birth and death of a universe is indeed of great benefit to me." Li Boyang said with a smile, but suddenly his face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "But I don't like being influenced by others. If you let me see it, will I see it?"

As he said that, Li Boyang moved slightly, and in an instant he came in front of Tang Tianzhen, and punched Tang Tianzhen on the cheek.

"I can do whatever I want, and it's not your turn to dictate here." Li Boyang's eyes were cold, and his fist had already hit Tang Tianzhen's face.

Tang Tianzhen's face was twisted and deformed by the pressure of the fist, but his body stood motionless.

His face was twisted and deformed, and his neck was twisted quickly together. The whole head was turned around strangely by the punch, like a twisted twist. But Tang Tianzhen still had a smile on his face, but the smile turned weird and terrifying on that distorted face.


Tang Tianzhen's head bounced back like a rubber band, but Li Boyang's fist was abruptly shaken back, and his body involuntarily backed up a few steps. "It's a great fate that you and I can be here together. In view of this fate, I don't care about you. Don't make mistakes." Tang Tianzhen still said with a smile.

"I am a person who likes to make mistakes." Li Boyang's long hair danced wildly, standing there as if he had never moved.

However, on Tang Tianzhen's body, there appeared one depression after another. The head, face, chest, arms, and legs seemed to be hammered by invisible fists, forming fist-shaped depressions.

With the last punch, Tang Tianzhen's face was completely sunken, and Li Boyang's entire fist was embedded in it.


In the next second, Li Boyang's expression changed, his fist was violently knocked back, and his body flew tens of thousands of miles involuntarily.

Tang Tianzhen was still standing there, but all the dents on his body bounced back in an instant, returning to his original appearance.

"I didn't want to argue too much with a loser. Besides, you didn't always want to return to the main universe and start again. This will benefit you and have no harm. You should not seek your own death." Tang Tianzhen is still that He spoke in a calm and unhurried manner, as if he wasn't annoyed at all.

"I've also said that I hate others telling me what to do. If you want me to listen to you, then let me see if you are qualified." Li Boyang said, the purple energy on his body became stronger and stronger. It was getting thicker and thicker, like a myriad of rays of light, and like countless purple real dragons hanging down, there seemed to be infinite purple energy gathering towards Li Boyang between the sky and the earth.

"Although you don't know me, I know you." Tang Tianzhen remained calm as before, looking at Li Boyang with a pair of ancient well-free eyes and said: "Born to experience calamities, purple energy comes from the east, real dragon enters the body, and debuts in a hundred battles." And without a single defeat, known as Zilong Emperor, if he hadn't met that invincible man, he wouldn't have become a prisoner."

"You are very clear." The purple energy on Li Boyang's body became more and more intense, and the whole world seemed to be trampled under his feet, looking down at Tang Tianzhen. "I just want to tell you that your purple energy can't beat the invincible man, and it can't win me, so why waste your efforts." Tang Tianzhen said.

"Really?" Li Boyang's eyes seemed to be narrowed, and the purple energy on his body suddenly surged up, turning into countless purple dragons and falling towards Tang Tianzhen.


True dragons of purple energy descended one after another, and the heaven and earth collapsed in an instant, and the mask formed by the combined force of the sixteen ancestor spirits shattered in an instant.

Bellona and the other sixteen ancestor spirits were scattered by the terrifying force and flew away for an unknown number of light-years.

In the land bombarded by ten thousand dragons, Tang Tianzhen supported the sky with one hand, and the endless purple energy was blocked by that palm, making it difficult to hurt him in the slightest.

This scene was shocking, and even Tang Tianzhen couldn't break through such a devastating blow.

A sly smile flashed in Li Boyang's eyes, his figure appeared beside Guangcocoon, and he punched Guangcocoon.

Seeing that his punch was about to hit the light cocoon, a white color suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Tang Tianzhen, who was dressed in a white robe, unexpectedly appeared in front of Li Boyang at some point, met Li Boyang's fist with one hand, and grabbed the fist abruptly.

"If you want to seek death, I will..." Tang Tianzhen's expression changed slightly before he finished speaking.

Li Boyang's fist, which was held by him, exploded with unimaginable force again, forcefully blasting Tang Tianzhen's body away.

Tang Tianzhen's body flew backwards like a shooting star, and hit the light cocoon fiercely, causing the light cocoon to sway for a while, and countless light filaments also swayed non-stop, and pieces of light filaments broke apart.

"Even if you are really an evolutionary who has never been defeated, so what? I want to return to the main universe, so naturally I have to fight the invincible person again. I don't even care about him, let alone you." Li Boyang looked at Tang Tianzhen said contemptuously.

"Emperor Zilong is worthy of being Emperor Zilong, I underestimated you." Tang Tianzhen got up slowly, left the light cocoon, looked at Li Boyang's eyes, and finally became serious.

"Emperor Zilong died at the moment of his defeat. Now there is only Li Boyang in the world. Leave your real name behind. Under Li Boyang, no one will be killed." Li Boyang said lightly.

"Tang is my surname before entering the main universe. I was named innocent in the main universe, so Tang Tianzhen's name is not fake." Tang Tianzhen said.

"Innocence" Li Boyang read these two words silently, his eyes moved slightly, he looked at Tang Tianzhen and said, "Are you the founder of the innocence?"

"Innocence and Evil Flow is indeed the main universe I brought, but I dare not be the founder. It is the foundation of luck, civilization, and inheritance in one universe. It is the crystallization of wisdom of countless generations and thousands of beings. I am just here It's just the right time to become its spokesperson." Tang Tianzhen said.

Li Boyang looked at Tang Tianzhen, turned around without saying a word, and disappeared in an instant.

Tang Tianzhen immediately realized something, and the body force also disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the entrance of the emerald tunnel.

"It's not time for you

Let's stay here." Before Tang Tianzhen finished speaking, he saw Li Boyang's figure appearing under the light cocoon, holding up the light cocoon with one hand, flipped his hand and rushed towards Tang Tianzhen like a shooting star. . Tang Tianzhen's eyes became colder: "Do you think you can break into the Time Tunnel like this?"

He didn't intend to give in at all, and he greeted the light cocoon with one hand, and pressed it on the light cocoon that flew like a meteor.

The strange power penetrated the light cocoon and acted on the palm of Li Boyang's pressing hand. Li Boyang squinted his eyes and smiled even wider, his long hair fluttering all over his head, and the purple energy on his body was as deep as a dragon.

To Tang Tianzhen's surprise, Li Boyang's other palm patted the bottom of the light cocoon, and even slapped the light cocoon into the sky.

There was no barrier between the two, Li Boyang showed a strange smile, and his whole body bumped into Tang Tianzhen, directly onto Tang Tianzhen's body, the two of them fell into the tunnel of time together, and disappeared in an instant.

Bellona and fifteen other ancestor spirits came through the air and returned to the light cocoon. All the ancestor spirits looked at each other in blank dismay.

They all saw the scene just now and heard the conversation between Li Boyang and Tang Tianzhen, but they still couldn't understand why the two of them would fight by themselves.

"Now is not the time to study those things. Before they decide the winner, we must immediately stop the devouring spirits from devouring the world's creatures, otherwise our world will really be over." The old man Zu Ling with a pipe in his mouth said looking at Guang Cocoon .

"That's true." Bellona also looked at Guangyu and said, "The power of the devouring spirit was not difficult for us to work together to destroy, but now it has integrated the power of Zhenling Stone and Li Xiu, it may be difficult to cut it off. If Li Boyang hadn't shattered the mask and the spirit-eating threads just now, we might not be able to escape at this time."

"It's hard to give it a try. Don't you want to watch the world be destroyed? What's more, no matter who they can come out later, it will be a big trouble for us. We must rush to get rid of them before they come out." The devouring is solved." The old man snorted coldly.

"Of course not, I mean, how do we cut off the soul-devouring thread? Li Boyang was able to shatter the soul-devouring thread because he was connected with the soul-devouring thread, how do we cut it off?" Bellona rolled her eyes.

"Then we can only use the Light of the Ancestors," said the old man.

"No way, wouldn't Li Xiu be killed together..." Bellona immediately rejected the old man's proposal.

"Besides this, do you have a better way?" The old man snorted coldly.

"No matter what, we can't let Li Xiu die." Bellona looked at the old man without giving in.

"He already has no way out. Even if we don't kill him, he has already been devoured by the devouring soul. Even if his body is still there, he is no longer him. What's more, we have no way to kill the devouring soul." separated from his body," said the old man.

Bellona couldn't help being silent, and she also knew that the old man was right. Li Xiu's soul might have been swallowed up by being directly possessed by the Devourer. The current situation is just an empty shell without a soul, and it is no different from death.

What's more, they have no way to separate the two, and killing them together seems to be the only way now.

"Don't hesitate any longer. When the Spirit Devourer is promoted successfully, even if we jointly use the Light of the Ancestral Spirits, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill it. Li Xiu's death will be even more worthless." The old man urged.

All the ancestral spirits looked at me and I looked at you, and they already had a decision in their hearts, knowing that this was their last chance.

"Then come on." Bellona looked helplessly at Light Cocoon.

All the ancestral spirits nodded in unison, UU Reading The sixteen ancestral spirits each surrounded the light cocoon according to a direction.

A little bit of divine light shone from the chests of the sixteen ancestor spirits, making their chests look like furnaces. The light inside burned brighter and brighter, and the whole person was lit up. The light of the ancestor spirits flickered like a torch. .

The sixteen rays of light kept rising and gradually merged into one, turning into a cocoon of light wrapped in it like a delicate sun, burning continuously.

The scorching sun became brighter and brighter, and soon illuminated the entire Demon Kingdom, and even the darkest bottomless pit in the Demon Kingdom was covered by this

The light shone like day.

In the boundless kingdom of monsters, all the monsters are watching the scorching sun in the sky, with fear and panic in their eyes, as well as surprise and hope.

Under the continuous burning of the light of the ancestral spirits, the soul-eating threads connecting the souls of countless demon spirits began to break one by one.

The sixteen ancestor spirits and many demon spirits were rejoicing when they saw a figure walking out of the tunnel of time.

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