MTL - When a Master of Metaphysics Marries into a Wealthy Family-Chapter 112

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When Luo Zifan was mentioned, Liu Silu showed a hint of shyness in his eyes, and then he gave Chen Zi a disgusted look, and replied to Shen Ye, "Yes, I like Brother Little Mule."

Little Mule is Luo Zifan's nickname, whether it's fans or people in the circle, they all call him that.

Shen Ye glanced at her: "I thought you dare not admit that you like Luo Zifan."

Liu Silu shrugged: "You think too much."

She is the second young lady of the Liu family, and her family dotes on her. No matter what she does, her family will always take care of her. There is nothing she dares to do. What's more, she is not yet eighteen years old, so she can bear less legal responsibility. In addition, the Liu family is powerful. If something happens, she can be sent abroad without anyone noticing.

So she is not worried and afraid at all.

Shen Ye swept across her face, saw her expression in his eyes, and raised his eyebrows: "Your Liu family is really amazing."

Liu Silu thought he was sincerely praising the Liu family, raised her head slightly, and showed a smug smile.

On the contrary, Liu Sichen sensed some surprise, and asked in a deep voice, "Sister-in-law, did Xiaolu do something wrong?"

Although the Liu family is also an old family in the imperial capital, how can it compare with the Ye family.

The Ye family had funded many big figures back then, and they shared the country's troubles, and their status was detached. The Liu family had to rely on the Ye family too often.

He was clever when he was a child, so he insisted on getting close to Ye Ze and growing up with Ye Ze, taking advantage of his reputation as a young boy, otherwise he would not have been able to enter Ye Ze's core social circle at all.

So compared to Liu Silu's domineering, Liu Sichen is much more humble, and has special respect for Shen Ye, his sister-in-law.

Shen Ye met Ye Ze's friends early in the morning, and knew that Liu Sichen was not bad, and he was decent.

Originally, he didn't like Liu Silu very much, but for Liu Sichen's sake, he didn't hold back, nodded and said, "Your sister did commit a crime."

Liu Sichen immediately sat up straight and his face became serious.

On the other hand, Liu Silu, who hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter until now, sat on the sofa dangling her feet, still glaring at Chen Zi.

"Tell me about your own situation." Shen Ye motioned Chen Zi to speak.

Chen Zi hesitated slightly.

She had just thought that what happened to her in the past six months might be instigated by the second lady of the Liu family.

The Liu family is very powerful, should she offend the Liu family?

You must know that her family background is very ordinary. Over the years, she has relied on her acting skills and popularity with the audience to gain a firm foothold and achieve her current achievements.

But Master Shen obviously wants to support her, if she doesn't even have the courage to speak up, then she will fail Master Shen's good intentions...

She was silent for a moment, and finally told what happened to her.

It was she who took the initiative to approach Master Shen and ask him for help. If she backed down today, it would definitely chill Master Shen. Besides, this is also solving the problem for herself, she can't do the thing of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, leaving Master Shen aside.

So even if she offends the Liu family, she must stand up.

Liu Sichen is very smart, and after listening to it, he already had a guess in his heart.

He scanned his sister's face and looked at Shen Ye: "Sister-in-law, tell me the truth, did Xiaolu do this?"

Shen Ye nodded: "Yes."

Liu Sichen stood up all of a sudden, and stared straight at Liu Silu: "Are you going to kill an innocent person for the sake of a male celebrity?"

"What an innocent person, Chen Zi is a slut, sucking my brother's blood, dragging my brother to fire CP, shameless!" Liu Silu curled her lips in disdain, and then gave Chen Zi a vicious look.

"Your brother? You only have my brother. I want to ask you, how did Miss Chen Zi **** my blood?" Liu Sichen turned cold.

He didn't quite know what 'chao Xipi' meant, but he knew the word blood-sucking worm, and he could vaguely understand what Liu Silu was cursing.

Liu Silu was swallowed, and said speechlessly: "Brother, I'm talking about Luo Zifan, little mule brother, she is my idol!"

She was not afraid of Liu Sichen at all, because she was not in good health when she was young, and the family spoiled her, and her elder brother also loved her very much.

Otherwise, how could she develop a temperament that is not afraid of anything.

To be honest, Liu Sichen really didn't mind his younger sister chasing stars. Anyway, the Liu family had plenty of money, and Liu Silu spent her own pocket money chasing stars. Let her find something to do, so as not to let the whole body think wildly.

But this time the matter is not as simple as chasing stars, but she is committing a crime!

Liu Sichen still stared at Liu Silu, and asked in a cold voice: "So, because of that little mule brother, are you really looking for someone to follow and intimidate Miss Chen Zi?"

"I was just scaring her." Liu Silu still didn't care, and was even a little complacent. "We discussed the countermeasures together, but we couldn't understand Chen Zi pulling my brother to fire CP. She, Chen Zi, was nothing. How dare you covet my brother!"

Seeing her confession, Chen Zi couldn't help frowning, subconsciously said: "I didn't fire CP."

"Bah! Dare to act, dare not act, bitch!" Liu Silu had hated Chen Zi for half a year, and now she saw the real person and Chen Zi denying what she did like a white lotus, she couldn't help it, He also didn't care about the cultivation of the young lady of the family, so he scolded her directly.

Anyway, she decided that Chen Zi deserved death.

Chen Zi likes to stir up CP, and this time it happened to her little mule brother, she took the initiative to teach Chen Zi a lesson, that's doing justice for the heavens!

Shen Ye glanced at Liu Sichen with a half-smile: "Your sister has lost her brain in chasing stars. It's not a big problem to be brainless. The problem is that she has already committed a crime."

Liu Sichen also knew that the matter was serious, so he frowned tightly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely give Miss Chen Zi an explanation."

Liu Silu didn't like to hear these words, she snorted coldly: "Why should I explain to her! She has done something wrong, she should reflect on it!"

She has repeatedly belittled Chen Zi, and she has no guilt or remorse for the fact that she committed a crime.

Shen Ye crossed his arms and glanced at her: "You know I can tell fortunes, right?"

Liu Silu froze for a moment, then nodded.

She is also an Internet addicted girl, Shen Ye is very famous on the Internet, and now the classmates in their class will repost Shen Ye's Weibo to pay homage to them when they take exams.

Shen Ye said again: "You should also know that I am Ye Ze's wife, the wife of the head of the Ye family, right?"

Liu Silu was taken aback for another moment, then continued to nod.

Shen Ye looked at her: "Then do you know that your Liu family has to rely on the Ye family to live? If you mess with the Ye family, your Liu family will be ruined sooner or later, do you know that?"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Silu's expression immediately became embarrassing.

She moved her mouth awkwardly, but she couldn't speak a word.

Seeing that she was no longer as arrogant as before, Shen Ye sneered at her: "Idiot."

He didn't have any hostility towards women. He sympathized with the women who were abducted by Dahe Village, and Xiangu's patriarchy also made him angry, so after he came back, he discussed with Ye Ze about establishing a women's foundation. Ye Ze Even contact the relevant departments to promote the following ideological education and progress.

But Liu Silu in front of him, he really couldn't bear it.

Didn't Liu Silu dare to intimidate Chen Zi because of the support of the Liu family?

Her behavior was too vicious and too ridiculous.

Being refuted by Shen Ye, Liu Sichen didn't dare to have other emotions, and he was also a little annoyed at his sister's ignorance.

To be honest, Shen Ye still cared about Liu Sichen's face, otherwise he would have taken action to teach Liu Silu a lesson.

"Let me tell you, Chen Zi didn't fire CP at all, and all the drafts of fire CP were issued by your brother's studio!" Shen Ye sneered again.

Liu Silu was not happy when Shen Ye scolded her for being an idiot, and when she heard Shen Ye push the blame for CP speculation on Luo Zifan, she immediately exploded: "You are talking nonsense! It was obviously sent by Chen Zi's studio! Who doesn't know her I like fried CP the most!"

Hearing this, Chen Zi couldn't help but smile wryly: "Second Miss Liu, I really haven't fired CP before."

The studio did think about this in the early years, because all kinds of CPs were very popular back then, but at that time she was full of arrogance and only wanted to prove her ability with acting skills, and she didn't want to go wrong at all.

Under her strong opposition, the studio finally gave up. The studio was managed by her parents, who loved her very much and were willing to listen to her.

Liu Silu didn't believe it: "Sure enough, she is a bitch, and she still poses as a white lotus flower! You mean, all your CPs were made by the man back then?! How shameless are you to give the responsibility to others?!"

Chen Zi: "If I'm not mistaken, the CPs you're referring to are all extensions of TV dramas, right? Everyone's talking about the CPs of me and the male actors in the drama, right?"

"Don't you know it well? There are several CPs in a show, and you are really good! You are not afraid of retribution for pulling other actors to hype, and every actor you work with will be ruined once!"

Chen Zi: "..."

All of a sudden, she just felt disheartened.

In recent years, her dramas have been very popular, and most of the audience of TV dramas are women, and everyone likes to substitute the heroine. And because she acted well, it is easier for the audience to substitute, and many audiences will choose the male lead or male supporting role in the play from the perspective of the heroine.

Many people even extended from inside the play to outside the play, knocking on her CP with the leading actor, or her CP with the supporting actor.

In the final analysis, Chen Zi is just a tool to smash CP, and if another actress is replaced, the audience will also be blown away.

But can this be her fault?

It's because the show is so popular, and fans of the show assume her identity, fantasizing about falling in love with the leading actor or supporting actor, how innocent is she?

Why did Liu Silu blame all the faults on her?

Chen Zi covered her face, and couldn't help thinking, shouldn't she step into the entertainment industry?

Red has a price to pay.

Her psychological quality is not good, she is very fragile, and she was easy to get hurt. Later, she reduced the time spent on the Internet and stopped reading Heizi's remarks, which was relieved.

But Heizi didn't let her go, just like Liu Silu, who actually threatened her in reality.

She felt like she couldn't hold on any longer...

Shen Ye saw that her mood was on the verge of collapse, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I will solve this matter for you."

Chen Zi showed gratitude, but still.

Shen Ye turned to Liu Silu: "What a fool, how long has your brother been popular? Chen Zi has been popular for so many years, her acting skills are good, and the audience likes her, why should she help your brother from the poor! Do you think everyone is like you foolish fans? , Thinking of your brother as fat? Chen Zi has never seen any handsome guy in the showbiz, or any rich man, what kind of thing is your brother, and he is worthy of Chen Zi's eyes?"

Hearing that her idol was demoted to nothing, Liu Silu became anxious: "Shut up! Why belittle my brother!"

"I don't like your brother, so I think your brother is a waste." Shen Ye shrugged, "Don't you also think that Chen Zi is a waste, sucking your brother's blood? You can call Chen Zi a **** and splash her dirty Shui can scare her in reality, why can't I belittle your brother?"

Liu Silu held her breath in her chest, and tears fell down suddenly, looking very pitiful.

"Brother, do you just watch me being bullied like this?" She sobbed and asked Liu Sichen for support.

Liu Sichen didn't speak.

Of course he loves his younger sister, but he is even more shocked that his younger sister has become such a hideous person in order to chase stars.

Shen Ye didn't sympathize with Liu Silu. When she asked people to abuse small animals, she was not weak at all.

"After all, you are also the second young lady of the Liu family. You have met so many handsome guys since you were young, but you are still fascinated by a male white lotus star. I think you are out of your mind!" Shen Ye continued to scold Liu Silu, and sarcastically.

The main reason was that Liu Sichen was present, so it was difficult for him to teach Liu Silu a lesson, so he could only speak out for Chen Zi.

Liu Silu's eyes were red with anger, she jumped up and reasoned with Shen Ye: "I think you are fascinated by Chen Zi's white lotus, don't forget that you are gay..."

"Shut up!" Before she could finish speaking, Liu Sichen interrupted her sharply.

There was no such thing as beating in the Liu family's tutoring. Although he wanted to slap his younger sister severely to wake her up, he still held back and just grabbed Liu Silu's arm to prevent her from being unrestrained.

"Master Shen is the wife of the head of the Ye family, what are you, you dare to talk nonsense here!" Liu Sichen glared at his sister fiercely, warning her not to offend Shen Ye.

Offending Shen Ye is offending the Ye family.

Liu Silu thought of the power of the Ye family, and thought that the elders in the family always let her eldest brother and Ye Ze have more contacts, she suddenly became wilted, and she didn't dare to hate Shen Ye anymore.

But she still hated Shen Ye's belittling Luo Zifan in her heart, she clenched her fists secretly, thinking that she had written down the account!

How could Shen Ye not be able to see her thoughts, but Liu Silu was just a little guy, he didn't take it to heart at all.

He looked at Liu Sichen again, and said, "Your sister has done something wrong, so she has to accept legal sanctions. I will call the police, send your sister to the police station, and sentence her if the sentence is changed."

Liu Sichen's expression froze, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to plead for mercy.

But when he thought of what his sister had done, he didn't make a sound.

"Why call the police! How come I didn't do anything wrong!" Liu Silu quit, screaming, "Brother, don't let me go to jail!"

Liu Sichen sighed, but remained silent.

"I'm under eighteen, what can you do to me!" Liu Silu said angrily and impulsively, "Call the police, I'll see if the police will sentence me!"

Shen Ye had seen Liu Silu's brain damage and viciousness, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said to Liu Sichen, "Your sister, I'm afraid you will be ruined."

Liu Sichen sighed again, closed his eyes in pain, and said, "Sister-in-law... can you let me take her back first, and tell the family before calling the police..."

"No." Shen Ye glanced at him, "Don't anyone in your family try to intercede with her!"

For a moment Liu Sichen didn't know how to respond.

Shen Ye thought that the Liu family was still cautious in their daily activities, and Liu Sichen's personality was also good. He paused and said, "Your sister is obsessed with obsession, and she has lost her mind after chasing stars. Why don't you ask someone to call Luo Zifan over?" , face to face. After your sister knows the truth, maybe she will be able to wake up."

The firing of CP was done by Luo Zifan's studio. Putting the facts in front of Liu Silu will probably make her more sober.

Liu Sichen thought about it, felt that this method was good, and immediately said: "Then I will ask someone to find Luo Zifan now."

Shen Ye hummed: "But your sister must be sent to the police station to accept legal punishment!"

Finding someone to intimidate Chen Zi and mistreating small animals are all vicious.

Liu Sichen had ordered someone to find Luo Zifan, but he was stunned for a moment, but he didn't object after all.

Shen Ye glanced at Liu Silu again, and said, "She still has accomplices, we will arrest them together."

He really didn't know that today's little girl has no bottom line in chasing stars, and she actually does illegal things in reality.

But...Maybe Liu Silu is a special existence, after all, the Liu family is rich and powerful, so it is possible for her to go offline to deal with the idol's opponent.

Thinking of this, Shen Ye looked at Chen Zi and said, "Aren't you curious why all the surveillance cameras disappeared when the police collected evidence? In fact, she found someone to hack the surveillance cameras. She paid a lot of money, and the people she found were better. So the police didn't notice."

"So it's like this..." Chen Zi murmured.

She thought she had hysteria and was afraid of being sent to a mental hospital, and now she finally knew why.

Liu Silu still stared at Chen Zi angrily, she didn't believe that Luo Zifan's studio did the CP firing at all.

In her heart, Chen Zi is the **** who likes to stir up CP. An old woman who wants to marry her elder brother Lalang, and doesn't even use a mirror to see what she looks like!

And because Shen Ye favored Chen Zi, Liu Silu also hated Shen Ye.

If it wasn't for Shen Ye's own ability and his marriage to Ye Ze, she would definitely teach Shen Ye a lesson!

Seeing that she was full of resentment and wanted to do something to him, Shen Ye couldn't help but snort coldly.

He was suddenly a little curious about Luo Zifan's charm, which could brainwash Liu Silu and make Liu Silu so vicious.

From Liu Silu's face, he saw that Liu Silu had several accomplices, all of whom were girls under the age of 18, and they planned together to intimidate Chen Zi.

They're all little girls, but they're all bewitched.

Not long after, Luo Zifan arrived.

The author has something to say:

The stories are all fake~~~It’s really fake~~~

See you guys tomorrow~ good night~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-13 20:47:07~2020-01-14 23:53:04~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of uncle; 10 bottles of Qiuqiu Gungun; 5 bottles of Menglin Xiaoyue and Changing the Nickname; 2 bottles of Liuli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!