MTL - When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel-Chapter 96

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Three days ago.

Poisonous medicine is refining alchemy in Lulu, and suddenly someone is approaching. Looking back, it is Yi Xichen.

Yi Xichen saluted: "Uncle."

He had been a poisonous master in the past. After he succeeded the elders of Tianjianmen Yaoge, his disciples have changed his name to Master. The only thing Sun Zijun and Yi Xichen did not change was, and they insisted on calling him an uncle.

Although the medicine and poison are brothers of the same teacher, the temperament of poisoning and medicine are very different. The medicine is not poisonous, but it seems to have a bad temper, but it is really a good-hearted person who goes straight without any twists and turns. The poisonous medicine is pure and clean, and his voice is soft. It looks like a gentle and easy-going person. In fact, there is a black water hidden in his stomach. He has the most bad ideas and bad ideas. Lost. Naturally, there is no loss in poisonous medicine. Otherwise, Qiu Jian would not find him back to become the new elder in the Jianjian Pavilion.

After being an elder of the Medicine Pavilion, the temperament like poison and medicine is also a good thing for the Medicine Pavilion. The elders had previously bearded and stared at the table for many days to fight for the new door rule. The new door rule promulgated greatly improved the status of the medicine cabinet. Among them, there is no small amount of toxic drugs and other elders. Carefully entered the trap he set, he was not clear, and he was too late to regret it when he found it.

Poisonous medicine looked at Yi Xichen, and a small fan in his hand slowly swayed. He couldn't afford any wind, but because of this action, he looked very elegant. He whispered, "What's the matter?"

Yi Xichen said, "I want to ask my uncle for a medicine."

"What medicine?"

Yi Xichen shivered and said, "Is there any kind of medicine that can't give birth to a child no matter what?"

The poisoned fan's hand paused, his eyes narrowed, exposing his light, and looking up and down Yi Xichen. Yi Xichen and his elder grandson Zijun are acquaintances, and everything about Tianjianmen is known. Now that the two men have become acquaintances, poison and poison take it for granted that this avoidance, Dan Yixichen, was asked for someone else. Could it be said that ... Yi Xichen was derailed? !! Not only was he derailed, the man was still a scumbag. He wanted to prescribe medicine to women so that he would not conceive his child, so as not to leave evidence. !!

Thinking of this, the poison snorted. However, he is a person who is indifferent to emotions. His face always seems to be smiling, making people unable to feel his emotions. Poisoned: "Do you want people to never have children?"

"Right." Yi Xichen nodded in a hurry.

Poisonous medicine slowly said: "This way. I haven't refined this elixir before. I'll look through the pharmacopoeia and tell you if I find a suitable recipe. Think about it if you go back. No medicine. "

"Okay, thank you Uncle." Yi Xichen quickly thanked and said, "Yes, I asked Uncle to ask me about the medicine, and I asked Uncle not to tell others, especially the grandson Zijun."

This statement is even more conclusive that Yi Xichen is a scumbag speculation for Yi Xichen. He slowly said, "I see. If there is news, I will inform you."

Yi Xichen was relieved.

However, there is no medicine to kill the poison. Yi Xichen is not asking for others, but for himself. Earlier, Sun Zijun often mentioned his child birth. At that time, Yi Xichen felt ridiculous, and only Chang Sun Zijun hit the magic barrier, so he didn't take it seriously. However, after returning to Tianjianmen to see so many new children, Yi Xichen inevitably remembered the old age.

Among the "magic obstacles" of Chang Sunjun, there is no doubt that he was pregnant with a child, and it seems that he has been pregnant more than once. Can't the things in the magic barrier be taken seriously? Not necessarily, after all, the inexplicable and strange bloodlines and abilities of Chang Sun Zijun have been realized one by one. Therefore, Yi Xichen was afraid that his ability to "allow other men to bear children" would also be realized-although he didn't know whether it was the ability of the grandson Zijun or the ability of the talented one in the magic barrier. ——This kind of thing hasn't happened even if they have been repairing for several years, but is it not guaranteed? I think those normal couples have children, and they are not all hit in one shot! Many people who have been pregnant with a child for several years are here. Furthermore, it may be that Zi Jun's ability has not yet been awakened, just as his ghost power was awakened after going to the ghost realm.

In fact, if there could be a child who inherited the blood of him and his grandson at the same time, Yi Xichen would not reject it. What he really rejected, however, was letting him have a baby. Not to mention that he is a man, a man has children that are contrary to heaven and earth, the key is, where will he be born? !! He had only two eyes together, if from the front ... can the thing in front still be wanted? !! If from the back ... can the child who came out with that or anything still want it? !!

No matter what you think, Yi Xichen feels that he is going crazy.

After returning to Tianjianmen, Yi Xichen had been having nightmares for several nights. In the dream, he was lying on the bed with a big belly panting, and Long Sun Zijun held his hand to cheer him up, calling him "Come on Hard! Remember the feeling of **** when you weren't breaking the valley? Just find that feeling! Come on! ", Always woke him up in shock. To the extent that now long-grandson Zijun Jun is intimate with him, he remembers the scene in the nightmare and has no interest in Shuang Xiu.

If this doesn't work, Yi Xichen feels that he must find a way to solve it, otherwise he can't live a good life. So he was cheeky and came to find poisonous medicine to ask for a child Dan.

I don't know if he has a mustard in his heart, so he becomes particularly sensitive, or he is afraid of what is coming. Yi Xichen found that recently, the elder grandson Jun always stared at his stomach. The look seemed a little regretful. Zijun seems to, really, want him to have a child ...

When thinking of this possibility, Yi Xichen's hair was all up. The most terrifying thing is that if Chang Zijun really thought so, then he might be awakening to some kind of ability. As a result, Yi Xichen didn't even dare to affectionately with him. He only hoped that poisonous medicine could be used to evade Zidan Dan, so that he could live a harmonious life again.

Two days later, the poison called him away.

"You should think about it for two days when you go back. I ask you again, do you want that woman to never be pregnant with a child?"

Of course, Yi Xichen is hard to say that there are no women at all. I want to avoid Zidan. It is for me. He nodded: "Yes ..." However, remembering the look of Long Sun Zijun looking at his stomach, he suddenly became less firm. After a moment, he hesitated and said, "Also ... maybe not forever. At least for the current few years ... decades ... hundreds of years ... well, in short, is there a way to avoid children for a long time, But in case I can't think of it one day, I can do it again, again, again ... "He couldn't open his teeth very much, almost bit his own tongue before finally blushing and said the second half," Are ... pregnant? "

Poisoned eyes narrowed again. Listen, it's not just the scumbag, it's the universe's super invincible Thunderbolt dagger! Don't say that you are derailed by your own lover, it is enough to want the derailed object to not be pregnant with the child, and still think that if you regret it or have to have one? !! You have taken advantage of all the good things in the world!

Then the poisoned medicine throws out a prescription: "You go get these medicinal herbs, and I may make fuzidan for you."

Yi Xichen took the prescription and left with gratitude. 2k novel reading network