MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 72

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Okay, it's finally done.

Another five minutes later, in the bright and spacious office building, the little girl with the shofar braid looked at the computer, heaved a long sigh of relief, and leaned back on the back of the chair in satisfaction.

A staff member next to her put a cup of hot fruit tea on her table, and said curiously upon seeing this: "Mr. Jiang seems to be very happy."

"Of course, no one will be unhappy if the big brother joins." The little girl said happily, "By the way, tell the administrators of the forum to wait for that sister to register an account and directly give her the highest level."

"...Ah?" The employee was taken aback, "Xiao Jiang, this, give it directly?"

"Of course. Her boss, of course it has to be given to the tallest one." Jiang Siyu plausibly said, "Oh, by the way, is there anyone named 'Jianglin' ​​among our suppliers?"

"I haven't seen this name before. It should be a pseudonym or a code name." The employee recalled and said, "Does Xiao Jiang always have his number or forum ID?"

"No...forget it, it shouldn't be important." Jiang Siyu thought for a while and shook his head.

High-level long night tendency, very sensitive to other people's emotional and psychological perception, and her unique quality magnifies this trait, even if separated by a network cable, she can roughly perceive something.

Regarding Jiang Lin, she could feel that the boss opposite had complicated emotions about him. She didn't like him, and she was a little defensive. But this defense is not strong...

And when she said that there is no need to check this person, her external expression and internal thoughts are consistent.

So leave it alone for now, it shouldn't matter.

Jiang Siyu pondered secretly, nodded, turned to sit forward, clicked on another software on the computer, glanced at it for a while, and suddenly frowned.

"The mission in Renhu District, City C, failed?"

"Yeah." The employee next to him nodded, and his expression became serious, "It is said to be a high-level abomination. It has already been sealed, but it was snatched away by others with the box."

"Been robbed again... How many times is this this month? Which organization does that guy belong to? Does he understand the rules of the world?" Jiang Siyu bit his lip, swiped down the report a few more times, and saw a photo.

This is from a vendor who went hunting. It is said that he himself was beaten so badly that he only had time to take a picture of the robber's back.

Even the back view is blurry. It was night and it was raining, so the outline of the other party could hardly be seen clearly, only a head of gray hair was visible, which was very conspicuous.

Jiang Siyu stared at the back, her thin brows furrowed even tighter.

She didn't know what to say...but when she saw the figure, she instinctively felt a little repulsed and uncomfortable.

She rolled her eyes unhappily and swiped across the photo.

"Go and confirm whether this woman belongs to us. If so, send a private message to communicate and negotiate. If not, put the photo on the internal forum to remind everyone." Jiang Siyu said, looking at it When I got off the time in the lower right corner of the computer, I quickly jumped up from my seat and picked up the schoolbag next to me.

"Everyone work hard! I'll go back first, my mother is waiting for me to eat!"

As she spoke, she rushed towards the door in three steps at a time. Halfway through the rush, she came back and snatched the half-written text from the hand of an employee next to her.

"Thank you! This counts as your monthly performance!" She waved the copybook, turned around and ran out again.

The door opened and closed. In the office area, other people looked at each other, exchanged smiling eyes, and soon turned their attention to the current work.

They are all ordinary employees of Old Man Jiang's Taobao shop, they have gone through formal procedures, and they are the kind with five social insurances and one housing fund. I clock in and go to and from get off work on time every day, and I have a two-hour lunch break at noon, which looks similar to ordinary office workers.

If you have to say something special, apart from the company's weird business operations, there is only this boss.

The legal person and main operator of Old Man Jiang's Taobao store is naturally "Old Man Jiang", that is, Jiang Siyu's grandfather. But in fact, only these employees know that old man Jiang has not appeared in the company for a long time, and now the main manager is his granddaughter Jiang Siyu.

Although Jiang Siyu is young—or rather, too young, she manages well. As for her grandfather, who has not appeared for a long time, she only said that he was "busy with experiments".

Those employees who deal with her often are also wise not to ask more questions. Not only that, but they also tacitly kept silent on the matter, and only called themselves the boss. Therefore, the outside world does not know that there is Jiang Siyu behind the Taobao store, and they always think that old man Jiang is in power.

Of course, because of his young age, Jiang Siyu would sometimes do some childish things. But so what? As long as the salary is paid and the company can still operate normally, let her go.

The employee who delivered the fruit tea to Jiang Siyu thought so, sat at his desk, logged into the management account of the forum, ordered takeaway, and waited to review the materials for the newly hired "big boss" opposite.

the other side.

Xu Tuoran took a long breath, pulled up the post, and found the "pinching people" link sent by the other party again.

According to the other party, once they apply for high confidentiality status, they will no longer force the real information of employees. But there is still a need for an "identity" for communication. As for how to fill it out, Xu Tuan can decide for himself, as long as it doesn't go too far.

The completed information will be reviewed by someone there. If there is no problem, Xu Tuoran can use this information to register an internal account in the forum. If there is information you want to display, you can also post it on your personal homepage. If someone wants to form a team and cooperate in the future, it can also be used as a reference.

Xu Tuoran didn't consider cooperating with others for the time being, and the information was relatively perfunctory. Anyway, the interviewer said that he could change it in the future.

"...That's why you named yourself 'Zhang Baixue'." Yang Buqi leaned on the table with one hand, staring at Xu Tuoran's interface, "Why is your surname 'Zhang'?"

It's not that he has any opinion on the surname. The main reason is that Xiao Zhang left a deep impression on him in the big Sophora japonica incident last time. Intellectually, he knew that Xiao Zhang was a good boy, but emotionally, he was inexplicably terrified when he saw this surname.

He thought Xu Tuoran took it casually, so he just asked casually. Unexpectedly, Xu Furan tapped on the keyboard without raising his head: "Isn't Xiao Zhang surnamed Zhang? It's the wild Zhutong in Renxinyuan, the one who recruited monsters. If you borrow his surname, it will be a trophy."

During the last period of time in Dahuaihua Middle School, she heard Yang Buqi and others mention Xiao Zhang's ability. To be honest, she was quite envious.

Yang Buqi: "..."

All right, as long as you're happy.

As for other information, Xu Tuoran just fills in as much as he can. Anyway, all her information chose to hide. But what she didn't expect was that even so, within half an hour of creating her account, she still received about three or four private messages.

"It's all asking if you want to go on a mission together?" She flicked the interface and frowned, "I hope I can provide a rough estimate of my ability so that I can make an assessment... Are they trying to empty my information?"

It is too strange for a person whose gender and age are a mystery to receive so many private messages in a short period of time. Xu Turan couldn't help but suspect that they didn't want to invite him at all, they just wanted to come over to find out first.

Yang Buqi came over to look at these private messages, and frowned: "Part of it is. But part of it is really looking for teammates..."

He asked Xu Tuoran to log out of the personal interface, turned to open the member list of the forum, observed it, and said: "Look, the actual number of members in this forum is not many. The highest number of online users is only more than fifty people. Eight people."

And among these members, there must be ordinary employees of the Taobao store, and maybe there are Jingfen trumpets...there are even fewer "suppliers" who can actually devote themselves to the task.

I just don't know why these people are so keen to form a team... He thought that the people who would cooperate with Old Man Jiang were all lone wolves who wanted to hide their identities.

"Could it have something to do with my logo?" Xu Tuoran did some research and found another thing, "My account avatar has a small golden crown on it. I think other people have this. few."


Yang Buqi took a closer look and found that there were less than ten members with the same crown. At this time, Xu Tuoran was online alone.

"It feels like a sign of a big boss." Xu Tuoran nodded with self-confidence, "It's pretty pretty."

After I finished speaking, I checked the forum again and found that it was true. The golden crown on her avatar represents the highest level in the forum—you can accept tasks at will, read posts, and enjoy priority in item application. When getting paid, you can also enjoy 1.5 times the benefits.

When a new member joins, Taobao Store will give the corresponding forum level according to the review, and then gradually upgrade by accumulating points. The person on the other side probably spoke highly of Xu Tuoran, and gave him the highest level as soon as he came up.

And those who invited to form a team, most of them also noticed this sign, so they wanted to hug their thighs.

It's not that Xu Tuoran doesn't want to cooperate with others. The main reason is that she wants to quickly pick up a task so that she can apply for a stack of silver colored paper. If she forms a team with someone, this matter will not be easy to operate.

Therefore, she still prefers to take a solo mission.

The team invitations that have already been received will naturally be rejected. Xu Tuoran didn't want more to appear.

She researched it and managed to hide the "big boss logo", but she still felt that it was not enough, thought about it, and started to change the information again.

With a tap of the finger, the age was changed to 72, and then posted on the personal information.

As for whether such a change will have any effect, Xu Tuoran is still unclear—because after she finished the change, she clapped her hands in satisfaction and closed the interface in front of Yang Buqi.

Yang Buqi: "...To be honest, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to take your age seriously."

"That's hard to say." Xu Tuoran muttered, and turned to open the WeChat chat interface. Yang Buqi consciously looked away, sat on the sofa in the corner, Xu Tuoran typed a few words, and suddenly turned to look at him:

"Hey, are you familiar with City C? Is Renhu near the city center?"

"It's okay." Yang Buqi recalled, and said. He happened to be on a business trip to City C: "Renhu is considered a suburb of City C, and there is a villa area there. There is a highway to enter the city... What do you ask for?"

"I'm looking for a new place to live." Xu Tuoran said, "Didn't I promise Zhu Tang to go to the comic exhibition together? City C also has houses, but in Renhu District..."

The manga exhibition that Zhu Tang said was in City C, but it was in the city center. The rest of Fairy Tale Town are all there now. If she leaves in these two days, she should still be able to catch up.

Yang Buqi was startled: "Do you really want to go?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"Hmm... It's hard to say whether you want to go or not, mainly because you haven't experienced it before." Xu Tuoran turned his head and thought for a while, "But with Zhu Tang and the others around, it should be interesting."

Yang Buqi himself doesn't like this kind of activity very much, it feels too noisy. Hearing the expectation hidden in Xu Tuoran's tone, he thought for a while, but still didn't say anything, only reminded: "If it's your own property, be careful of ambushes."

Haunted House No. 71 is a lesson from the past.

Isn't that good... These words only circled in Xu Tuoran's mind, but they were not uttered. She just nodded her head as an answer.

The adoptive brother is on a business trip at the moment, and Xu Tuoran is in contact with another assistant, who is extremely efficient, and it didn't take long to finalize various matters about the move with her.

Xu Tuoran admired the other party's efficiency in his heart, turned his head and was about to say something to Yang Buqi, but saw that he was propping his face sideways with one hand, his eyes closed, and his head was moving bit by bit.

It seems to be dozing off.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Think about it too. They all left from Dahuaihua Middle School at one o'clock in the morning this morning. Xu Tuoran was fine and slept for five or six hours when he got home. Yang Buqi should have been writing a report and submitting his body to Jianglin after returning home.

The small portion he brought over was said to have been "processed", and this work could only have been done in the first few hours. In addition, he was backlashed just now, dizzy and retching...

Xu Tuoran exhaled lightly, leaned over carefully, took his hand away, and leaned his head on the back of the sofa. He also adjusted the angle of the back of the chair so that he could lie down more in line with the laws of the human body.

Yang Buqi probably was really tired, he didn't wake up even after his head was moved around. Xu Tuoran arranged people neatly, took a pillow and stuffed it in his arms, and then quietly exited the room.

It was already noon, and she was actually a little sleepy. She opened the refrigerator, wanting to touch some quick-frozen food for lunch, but unfortunately she couldn't help yawning when she reached in, and while closing her eyes, she fumbled to the side and found a strange bag.

"..." Xu Tuoran froze suddenly.

She opened her eyes, and found that as expected, she touched the black bag containing Xiao Ban Jianglin—Xu Tuoran nodded instantly, lost her appetite, closed the refrigerator door and went back upstairs silently.

Since he didn't eat, he simply went to sleep. Because Yang Buqi had already occupied the sofa in his bedroom, Xu Tuoran went directly to the guest room on the third floor, lay down and fell asleep.

...I don't know if it was because of touching that small part of Jianglin that she fell asleep not long ago, and a familiar scene suddenly unfolded in front of her eyes.

Ruins, tall grass, and a rabbit circling around its feet.

Xu Tuoran stood where he was, and blinked knowingly.

She's back in "The Palace of Order."

the other side.

second floor.

Yang Buqi was lying on the sofa chair, his brows were slightly frowned, and the arms holding the pillow were tightening involuntarily.

And in his dream, he was frowning at the moment.

Below his feet is a spiraling corridor, the floor is covered with inexplicable patterns. There is no wall on the outside of the corridor, and you can see the vast starry sky and the other corridors surrounding it from the side. There is a huge gap between each corridor, as long as one is not careful, it can directly fall into the bottomless starry sky.

On the inside of the corridor, there are countless neatly arranged doors.

There are different patterns on each door leaf, and there are only half of them. Yang Buqi knew that he could only open it if he found the correct door and drew the corresponding pattern on the other half.

In a corridor, there are two correct doors. After opening one door, you will enter a room, which contains the light ball used for upgrading; after opening the other door, you will enter the corridor of the next stage.

If you don't open the door, you will just wander in the same corridor forever. If you open the wrong door, you will fall directly into the starry sky after stepping through it, and you will be expelled back to the real world.

To find the correct door, you must refer to the patterns on other door panels. They are both misleading and reminders—the problem is that since they were blocked by that Chen-level seer, all the reminder patterns have been altered. If the correct pattern cannot be restored, it is simply impossible to obtain clues.

Fortunately, in a sense, Yang Buqi has something to do with it—in the previous dream, he had successfully found the door leading to the next corridor. Patterns will do.

Hmm...the correct pattern...

He stared at the blurred pattern in front of him for a moment, then turned his head cautiously, and his eyes fell on the rabbit next to him.

It was a little black rabbit, it looked like a small ball, its fur was shiny, and its bright blue eyes seemed to glow.

It still looks cute. And for some reason, Yang Buqi now has a high liking for this image of a black rabbit with blue eyes—but the moment he met the rabbit's eyes, he still subconsciously avoided looking.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his hand to press the door panel in front of him, and began to try to draw a complete pattern on it. After he drew the second stroke, he heard a "boom" from the side—

Yang Buqi withdrew his hands reflexively.

Looking at the black rabbit again, its two front paws were pressing on the floor, and its two hind legs quickly lifted up, stomping **** the floor.

Boom! Boom!

...Okay, it seems that the second stroke should be wrong.

Yang Buqi smiled awkwardly, withdrew his hand, and began to stare at the messy half pattern again, trying to find the original trajectory from the messy lines.

Frankly speaking, this is really difficult. He has entered the area representing the torch at this time, and what he is about to open is the door that hides the torch-level light ball. And the complexity of the pattern on the door is obviously increasing with the upgrade.

…Even if he can skip the puzzle-solving process and find the correct door directly under the guidance of the black rabbit, it is still a bit difficult to extract the original pattern from the intricate black threads like a ball of wool...

Yang Buqi sighed silently. The cold gaze of the rabbit behind him made him feel like a light on his back. He still remembers the first time he entered the "Prediction Corridor", he wanted to touch the rabbit out of curiosity, but was bitten by the other party and was forced to log out... He feels like he is being watched by the invigilator standing next to the exam.

The semi-finished products drawn before have disappeared by themselves. He closed his eyes and thought for a while, then raised his hand again, trying to paint on the blank space of the door panel.

First, second, third...

Boom! Boom boom boom!

The rabbit began stomping impassively again. Yang Buqi quickly raised his hand: "Okay, okay, I understand. Is it wrong here? I'm sorry, I'll think about it again."

After another thought, he raised his hand again.

...the eighth stroke, the ninth stroke, the tenth stroke...

stomp! stomp stomp!

Yang Buqi took a deep breath, pushed down and tried again.

...twelfth, thirteenth...


...22nd, 23rd...

With a sigh of relief, Yang Buqi smeared on the door as quickly as possible.

Although the rabbit's stomping was indeed a bit scary, under its repeated corrections, he could faintly feel that he was getting closer and closer to the final correct answer.

Strange to say. When I logged into this space before, I always felt that I would be kicked out after a while. This time, the time was extraordinarily plentiful, even though he had to overthrow and start over many times, he had no intention of driving him away at all.

Finally reached the last stroke, Yang Buqi took a deep breath and painted it carefully.

Immediately remove the finger, push it back cautiously.

A faint radiance emanated from the pattern in front of it, quickly blooming and brightening. Immediately afterwards, Yang Buqi heard the sound of the door lock turning.

He took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to press the doorknob, and pushed hard—

I saw a small ball of light floating in the dark room.

"...This is the light ball that raises the lamp?"

On the other side, in the Palace of Order.

Xu Tuoran looked at the ball of light floating in front of his eyes, and murmured in disbelief: "Am I, it's too easy to hold..."

Although it is easy for her to upgrade the natural disaster tendency, the natural disaster tendency still has the problem of "step count" that is within the scope of her understanding. However, the Palace of Order...

This was so smooth that even Xu Tuoran himself was baffled.

God knows, the last time she upgraded, she just touched the light ball of the candle level; Start directly.

She glanced at the rabbit next to her, curled her lips, and squatted down.

"You have always been the one who led me the way." She looked at the white rabbit circling around her, thoughtfully, "What the **** are you?"

Principal Shangguan mentioned in his records that "the space for upgrading is alive." Then this white rabbit might be the will itself of this upgrade space...

This also explains why it is so familiar with the correct upgrade route.

The question is, why does it have to help itself?

You can't just look good at yourself, can you?

Xu Turan raised his eyebrows puzzled, the rabbit suddenly moved its ears, and took the initiative to stick to her hanging palm, and kept arching into her palm.

Stick it!

Xu Tuoran was amused by it, patted its head, then stood up, looked around again, the smile on his face gradually subsided.

Same as before—this ball of light is also hidden in the ruins.

The ruins are hidden in the tall grass. The surface of the huge stone is covered with traces of corrosion and moss, like the corpse of a giant.

His eyes flicked to a corner, and Xu Tuoran's heart moved, instead of touching the light ball, he walked towards that corner first.

I saw that the weather-beaten corner of the outer wall was full of bumps and bumps. Xu Tuoran watched closely for a while, then lowered his eyes.

"These scars look like they were smashed by someone." She sighed, and for some reason, a sense of regret suddenly surged in her heart.

The white rabbit hopped up and followed her, and started circling her again.

Xu Tuoran touched it, exhaled, and stood up.

"Okay, let's focus on the present."

With a grunt, she returned to the orb of light, carefully reaching out to it.

A warm feeling came from the fingertips, and the next moment, Xu Turan, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

— [Congratulations, you have successfully completed a preference upgrade. 】

—[Current quality: Snow White]

—[Current Level: Natural Disaster: Torch / Order: Lamp]

The special skill "Absolute Kingship" corresponding to the tendency of order has also been upgraded. As for the skill description, Xu Tuoran didn't pay attention to it because he had already touched it before.

So far, the levels of her various tendencies are respectively, the level of the natural disaster torch, the level of the light of order, and the level of the light of chaos, while the beast still stays at the firefly.

Not surprisingly, it took only two days for the chaos to rise to the torch... Xu Furan calculated silently, and his mood improved a lot.

She checked the time and was surprised to find that she slept until almost four o'clock in the afternoon. No wonder I was a little hungry.

Xu Tuoran got up and went downstairs, and went to his room first, only to find that Yang Buqi had disappeared. Going down again, I came to the living room and found a few quick dishes and a note on the dining table.

The note was left by Yang Buqi. It probably meant that the Tzu Chi Institute had something to ask him to go back. He saw Xu Tuoran was sleeping, so he left without calling her. There is warm rice in the rice cooker, and the dishes on the table are made with the ingredients in the refrigerator. If you want to eat, just heat it up.

Xu Tueran glanced at the table, and found that he liked everything, so he happily scooped up a bowl of rice and started eating. Before he started eating, he didn't forget to send a message to Yang Buqi to express his gratitude. Just after sending it, another WeChat message popped up.

This message came from her and Gu Chenfeng's group of friends. It was quiet for a while before, but now that everyone is starting school one after another, it is lively again. People often share things in the group, or complain about strange things encountered in the university.

This time the news was shared by Gu Chenfeng. He originally planned to take the A University exam, but he didn't perform well in Chinese in the college entrance examination, and now he has gone to his second choice, and he is out of town. He joined a group of supernatural lovers at the university before he entered school, and these days he often forwards the "supernatural information" he comes into contact with to their small group.

…To be honest, Xu Tuoran was quite surprised. After experiencing the incident at the homestay, this guy is still enthusiastic about the so-called "spiritual incidents"...

Speaking of it, Yang Buqi seems to have said it before. The student cubs who experienced the homestay incident together at that time seemed to be in a good mental state afterwards and were quite stable. There is no need for their people to intervene to guide them. The only exception is the school committee, which was depressed for a while, and was listed as a key concern by the staff following and observing.

Xu Tuoran was still surprised when she heard about this incident at the time. She always felt that the academic committee's psychological quality was good. After meeting Yang Buqi at the right time, he finally solved the case—at that time, the admission notice came out, and the real reason for the academic committee's depression should be that he was transferred to a major he didn't like because his grades were a little worse.

Back to the present. Xu Turan clicked on the news shared by Gu Chenfeng, and as expected, it was a link to a supernatural event. The text following the link is a classic surprise:

[Think carefully and fear! The horror that only those who watch the live broadcast can experience! It is said that all the up masters who have broadcast live have disappeared! 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Just looking at the title, it seems to be similar to the link that Gu Chenfeng shared before. She thought about it, clicked in, and went directly to a video website, but the content displayed on the interface was "the content you want to watch does not exist".

Xu Tuoran: [? 】

After a while, Gu Chenfeng replied: [Eh? Why is it gone? I have seen it before. 】

Xu Turan: […]

Xu Turan: [What is the content of the video? 】

Gu Chenfeng: [Live game. recorded by someone else. I have only watched it for a while, and I feel that the style is quite rare, so I just want to share it. As a result, after sharing with several groups, the video disappeared. 】

Xu Turan: […]

Xu Tuoran: [All right. 】

She tried to click the link again, but still couldn't see anything, so she gave up decisively, put down her phone, and concentrated on eating.

After eating, he cleaned up the dishes and went upstairs to tidy up the supernatural props that he hadn't been doing well recently. Xu Tuoran turned on the computer again, logged into the forum, and was surprised to find that his account had received another invitation to form a team.

The user who invited her also kept all information hidden. He greeted Xu Tuoran very politely, saying that he wanted to cooperate with him on a mission, and hoped to discuss it in detail.

Xu Turan was silent for a while, and then sent a question mark.

The opposite party was also online at this time, and immediately replied: [Hi, sir! 】

Xu Turan: ...

Xu Tuoran: [My daughter. 】

On the other side, he was kind and kind: [Hello, aunt! 】

Xu Tuoran: [...knowing that I am old, you still invite me to do tasks? 】

Opposite: [To be honest, we just need older people. 】

Xu Tuoran: [? 】

She stared at the screen suspiciously for a while, then typed slowly: [What are you doing. Let me go undercover in a nursing home? 】

Opposite: [No, no, you misunderstood. Nothing to do with nursing homes. 】

Opposite: [Actually, we need to play games with you. 】

Oh, playing games...

No, wait.

Xu Tueran stared at the line for a while, and a question mark slowly floated out of his head.

hit what? ? ?