MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 47 [For questions about the original male and female protagonists, please read the words]

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Xu Tuoran always remembered this matter.

Not long after Haunted House 71 was revealed, Pu Han, who had just arrived in the house, unconsciously read it—at that time he mentioned the word "waiting".

According to him, Haunted House No. 71 has been lurking in this house. Although it has controlled her adoptive brother, it has not killed anyone for a long time, precisely because it is "waiting".

As for what it was waiting for, because Pu Han was in a trance afterwards, they didn't get the answer. And according to Pu Han, it seems that this is not something he can directly "read".

But now, the answer to this matter is mostly hidden in this bead.

Yang Buqi left after cleaning up. Xu Tuoran wanted to go to see the contents of the beads as soon as he left, but then remembered that he was not in good condition and couldn't move his mind. This bead is also a one-time product, if any key information is missed, it will be too late to regret it.

So he could only forcefully suppress his curiosity until two days later when his body had almost recovered, Fang took out the bead again, poured a glass of water, and threw it in.

The black beads are like effervescent tablets, and when they enter the water, they bubble up and sink down. Xu Tuoran waited for it to completely dissolve, then raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

The taste is nothing special, a bit like diluted plum juice. Xu Wuran was surprised by her state after drinking—she was in a trance for a moment, the light and shadow swayed, her body seemed to float up, and finally fixed at a certain height, and the perception of her limbs gradually disappeared, until finally, she seemed to be One head left...

Or rather, an eye.

Xu Turan turned her eyes curiously, and after a long time, she finally figured out her own state—she turned into an eye, a big yellow eyeball, embedded in layers of black lines, Looking out indifferently.

With black lines blocking her view, her field of vision was limited. It can only be vaguely recognized that the scene outside is very strange, like a dilapidated old house. Haunted House No. 71 is perched on the roof of this old house, and there is a figure sitting obliquely below it, looking tall and thin.

Because of the angle, Xu Tuoran could only see the man's profile. The other party was wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed down very low, revealing a very pale chin. He was wearing a **** shirt, and his jeans were torn.

"You're in a hurry." Xu Tueran heard him talking, as if he was talking to Haunted House No. 71, "Didn't I say, you just have to wait in Xingxing Park. Why are you so restless? Come to me now , I have nothing for you to eat."

Haunted House No. 71 didn't make a sound, only beat his chest and abdomen rhythmically a few times. Perhaps it was because she was substituting it from its perspective at this time, so Xu Furan naturally understood its meaning.

【Boring... Waiting is boring...】

[I saw the person you mentioned. She doesn't look good at all. 】

[And she is already someone else's believer...I smell's food I can't move...]

【can not eat. Unappetizing. You lied to me. angry. You lied to me. 】

"...other people's believers?" The man seemed to be stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he laughed lowly, "Interesting. Besides me, are there other people who are also eyeing 'her'?"

Haunted House 71 ignored his soliloquies. Its chest and abdomen continued to pulsate, tossing and turning, only repeating one meaning.

【angry. Mad. angry. Very angry. 】

Xu Turan: ...

I didn't find it when I played against it before. This big it so naive?

The sitting man seemed to have the same idea. Xu Turan heard him laugh again: "Don't be angry. There is nothing to be angry about."

"The one you see is not the 'food' I told you to wait for. The person I'm talking about, she hasn't come yet. Just wait a while, when you see the real 'her', you will know , I didn't lie to you at all."

His words were unhurried, and seemed to carry some kind of strange power. No. 71, who was so angry that he wanted to turn into a puffer fish, actually gradually calmed down after hearing this, and his anger gradually dissipated invisible.

"But I have to remind you again. When you return to Star Park this time, don't leave casually again. It will attract the attention of those people. Big fish, you have to learn to be patient, understand?"

【patience. patience. trouble. hungry. 】

Xu Tuoran heard No. 71's "response".

"Believe me, when you actually eat 'her', you won't be hungry. She is different from others..."

The man said, and suddenly lowered the brim of his hat: "But you have to be careful. Even if you see 'her', don't rush to shoot. You must learn to lie dormant—don't let her notice you until you are absolutely sure."

"That guy is a cake that can bite people. It looks delicious. But if you are not careful, you will be the one who gets bitten back."

The man spoke casually, stood up, lowered his head and patted his dusty jeans. Seeing that he seemed to be about to leave, Xu Tueran couldn't help but tense up, and hurriedly adjusted the angle, trying to see his face clearly. After several attempts without success, the man seemed to realize something, turned around suddenly, and looked towards her—

When the eyes of both sides met, Xu Turan felt a sharp pain hit her eyes, and the next second, she seemed to be pushed hard by something, and she fell backwards suddenly!

There was a crisp "click", and Xu Tuoran regained his sanity.

She opened her eyes, and found that she had sat down on the floor at some point, and the glass in her hand had fallen to the ground, and it had turned into pieces on the ground.

There are some flowers in front of my eyes, and everything is doubled. In his mind, there was still a reminder of the death value. Xu Tuoran called up the interface and looked at it, and found that it had just increased by two hundred inexplicably. Whispering inwardly, the phone rang again.

Xu Tuoran shook his head, picked up the phone, and could only see a text message from Pu Han, but the small characters on it couldn't be read clearly. The content on the screen is all stacked together, and the edges are blurred.

Xu Tuoran's first reaction was that he was still unconscious, and after a while, he realized that there might be something wrong with his eyes. She touched the wall and went to the bathroom, and went to the mirror, only to realize that her eyes were piercingly red, congested like two red beads, as if blood and tears were about to drip in the next second.

Xu Tuoran: "..."


She now knows how the two hundred death points came about.

"...So, when you were reading the memory yesterday, you met that person's eyes. Then something went wrong with your eyes?"

On the second day, in the box on the second floor of the cafeteria inside the Tzu Chi Institute.

While digesting the information he got, Pu Han watched Xu Tuoran's eyes.

"How is it now? Are you okay?"

"Yes. I took some medicine that Yang Buqi gave me. There is only a little red blood left." Xu Tuoran said, and immediately "tsk": "I am more concerned about how that guy hurt me ?”

It felt like Sadako really crawled out of the TV to scratch someone while watching "Midnight Ring". Holographic films suddenly become interactive images. Xu Tuoran was not afraid, but just puzzled.

"The only possibility is that his level is much higher than yours." Pu Han was thoughtful, "When you looked at him, he also saw you. And consciously refused your visit..."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

If you deny access, you deny access. Why did he hit me in the eye?

Feifei patted Pu Han unhappily. Pu Han sighed and looked over: "I'm sorry. This is my negligence."

Xu Tuoran quickly waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm not losing money anyway." After all, he earned two hundred death points.

And the information obtained this time is obviously very valuable... Xu Tuoran thought silently, his eyes sank.

Judging from the picture seen, it is obvious that the man in the turmeric shirt ordered Haunted House No. 71 to hide in Xingxing Park and carry out an ambush. But what Xu Turan cares about is what he said with Haunted House No. 71——

【I saw the person you mentioned...she has become someone else's believer. 】

【The one you saw is not the 'food' I made you wait for. The person I mentioned, she hasn't come yet. 】

Although phonetically, it is difficult to distinguish between "he" and "she". But at that time, Xu Turan watched the conversation from the perspective of Haunted House No. 71. She could feel the psychological activities of Haunted House No. 71, so she knew that the "she" they mentioned was a woman.

Haunted House No. 71 stayed in Xingxing Park for a while, saw "her", felt cheated, so left, and was coaxed back by that man.

In other words, when it first saw it, there was a high probability that it was the original body worn by its own soul—this conversation should have happened before the original body died. At that time, the original body had already been coaxed by someone in the name of "Gu Chenfeng", and even wanted to "offer his heart". Judging from the time and performance, it fits the description of "she has become someone else's believer".

If this is the case, then the "real her" in that man's mouth can only point to one person.

That is yourself.

In other words, someone had foreseen her arrival and made arrangements in advance.

The question is, how did that person know? Why is he dealing with her? What good does it do him?

...Is my "time travel" really just an accident?

Many questions swirled in Xu Tuoran's mind. But in any case, looking on the bright side, there are at least three things that can be confirmed now:

First, someone is following him. And he wanted to die himself.

Second, this person is not the thing that killed Yuan Shen.

Thirdly, the one who killed the original body was indeed not a "person", and his status was probably not low.

After all, Haunted House No. 71 is already "Hui". It will make it feel that the existence of "can't grab food" must be Hui and above...

Xu Tueran sighed silently, just in time to hear Pu Han say: "By the way, the person who instructed No. 71, have you seen him?"

Xu Tuoran shook his head: "No, I just met his eyes, and my eyes stopped working. But..."

Pu Han: "Huh?"

"I saw his clothes." Xu Tuoran said seriously, "There is a torch pattern printed on the front of his clothes."

"It's the pattern on your business card."

"Cultural shirts?" Pu Han's eyes were full of thought, "Cultural shirts with torch patterns...As far as I know, there is only one place that sells them..."

"It's the Taobao store where I bought the supernatural objects." Xu Tuoran said, "But I checked yesterday. They don't have **** shirts in the store. I went to ask the customer service, and she said that this color is not sold to customers. of…"

"Of course they don't sell it. This color is exclusively for their internal employees." Pu Han exhaled, "It's related to old man Jiang's shop, and it's a high-level... To be on the same level as Haunted House No. 71, it must be at least a bright-level... "

"Also. At that time, the man calmed down the anger of Haunted House No. 71 with a few words." Xu Tuoran added, "I can't tell what it was like, but his words made me feel very comfortable..."

"Does this ability generally belong to 'Long Night' or 'Eternal Day'?"

"These two abilities can indeed affect emotions..." Pu Han pondered, "But because I haven't experienced it myself, I can't be sure whether you are talking about these two abilities."

Other tendencies, such as "chaos", combined with more special personal abilities, can also play a role in soothing emotions.

"There is a girl in our courtyard. I don't know if you have seen her. Her surname is Zhu. Her abilities tend to be 'Chaos' and 'Beast', but her skill is 'Bewitching'. It is easy to be misunderstood as Chang Ye or Eternal Day. "

Xu Tuoran: "This way..."

She pursed her lips and thought for a while, then said: "Hey, then you can read about the Taobao store. For example, call out their employee form or something..."

"It's hard." Pu Han said bluntly, "Old man Jiang's shop is an independent organization. And it is different from the charity institute and the benevolence institute. , there are actually many high-level ability users organized by them..."

To put it more bluntly. This Taobao store is currently the organization with the most high-level abilities—this "high-level" specifically refers to the Ju-level and Hui-level.

"They are very afraid that other organizations will poach the wall, so they have done a good job of keeping confidentiality. Not to mention outsiders, even the internal employees may not know the specific composition of the personnel. And they also deliberately guard against me, even the Taobao store and The address of the warehouse is encrypted with runes. I tried to see it, but I couldn’t see it at all.”

Pu Han sighed. Xu Tuoran thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "Speaking of which, I am a VIP in their store. If I ask..."

"What VIP. You are a VIP when you coax you to spend money. Once you mess up, you are a troublemaker." Pu Han shook his head, "I really need to think about this matter again... By the way, you brought the things I asked you to bring. ?"

Xu Tuoran nodded, and put a small silver square box on the table.

Inside the box is the pen of the Pen Fairy—Pu Han sent a message yesterday, and he actually wanted to ask her to borrow this pen. Unexpectedly, she bumped into Xu Tuoran and her eyes got hot, so she thought about it and asked him to have a chat.

"Speaking of which, what do you want this money for?" Xu Tuoran asked curiously.

Pu Han: "To be honest, I don't know either."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"It was Feifei who asked me to borrow it. Why didn't she tell me exactly why she borrowed it... Don't worry, I will pay you back within three days at the most." Pu Han said, opened the box and looked at it, and let out a "huh".

"Why does this pen look listless?"

"Really?" Xu Tuoran glanced at it indifferently, and quickly looked away, "Maybe you were confused yesterday?"

Pu Han: "...What?"

"Just yesterday, after reading that memory, I remembered some personal things. I wanted to ask it." Xu Tuoran shrugged, "But this guy, it's not very willing to cooperate... I took some 'small tricks' '."

She didn't directly say what the so-called "little trick" was, but calmly glanced into the box again.

A layer of fluff sprang up from the body of the pen lying in the square box, and it couldn't stop shaking. After a pause for a few seconds, Pu Han watched it stand up by itself, and poked his hand holding the lid with the tip of a pen—Pu Han instinctively withdrew his hand, and the lid immediately closed back.

... I don't know if it's his illusion. The pen lay down on its own before the lid came down. Lying so flat and stable, Pu Han even saw a bit of an urge to die in the ground from it...

"Well..." He was silent for a while, "If you need to use this money urgently, then I will borrow it later..."

"It's okay, you can use it first." Xu Tuoran smiled, "There is plenty of time between me and it."


This time Pu Han confirmed that he was not mistaken.

The moment Xu Turan's words fell, the small square box containing the pen of the pen fairy did tremble.

In fact, Pu Han is quite curious about what "personal matters" Xu Tuoran is talking about—to be honest, although Xu Tuoran's level is lower than his, there are still many things about her that he can't read.

But Xu Tuoran didn't take the initiative to mention it, so he didn't ask. After thanking you, he carefully put away the silver box, got up and was about to leave, when he suddenly remembered something, turned around and said:

"I thought about it. About the Taobao store, I can wait for Yang Buqi to come back and ask him to inquire about it."

Xu Tuoran: "Him?"

"Well, his nanny." Pu Han plausibly said, "And she is a rare all-round nanny. Many people in the circle owe him favors. Even if they don't owe her, they don't dare to offend her too much."

In a sense, Yang Buqi's configuration is somewhat similar to the "miracle doctor" in martial arts novels-the kind that is passive and well-connected. If you ask him to inquire, maybe there will be some news.

Xu Tuoran nodded thoughtfully, then changed the subject: "Speaking of which, where did he go this time?"

She originally wanted to call Yang Buqi today. Who would have thought but couldn't get in touch, and only after asking Pu Han did he find out that he was called away by a phone call last night and rushed out of town overnight.

"C City. Renxin Yuan surrounded and suppressed a big guy over there, and it ended up being a big loss. I called him there as a first aid." Pu Han said, "I thought he would talk to you first. But now I I can’t get in touch with him, so it’s probably really inconvenient.”

Xu Tuoran: ...?

What Pu Han said was so natural that she didn't realize it for a moment. It wasn't until Pu Han left that she realized something was wrong.

—Why did Yang Buqi have to tell her in advance about the urgent mission? Frankly, it doesn't seem necessary, does it?

Xu Turan thought so, but when he received the message from Yang Buqi in the afternoon, his heart still relaxed unconsciously.

The message came after five o'clock. Yang Buqi explained that he left in a hurry, his phone was not charged, and he was busy trying to find people after he got there, so he didn't bother to send a message.

At this moment, it finally calmed down, so I hurried to talk to Xu Tuoran.

[Renshin Academy is working on a new plan. It is estimated that I will enter the [domain] with them in two days. May be out of touch for a while. If you have anything, you can find Pu Han. 】

【have a good rest. take care. 】

The content is very simple. Xu Tuoran looked at the few short lines of words, subconsciously curled the corner of his lower lip, and immediately began typing on the keyboard.

Before I finished writing the reply content, the second message came again.

[You can read the notes I gave you when you have time. Your math foundation is really poor, you have to hurry up. If you have any questions that you can't figure out, make a number first, and I will talk to you slowly when I come back...]

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Xu Turan couldn't laugh immediately.

She stared at the phone for a while, pursed her lips silently, and resolutely deleted a few playful emojis in the reply - the ones with hearts and little flowers.

Yang Buqi actually went out for quite a long time this time. Unconsciously, a week has passed, Xu Tuoran's training courses at the Tzu Chi Institute have been completed, and the official university admission letter has been received, but he has not yet returned.

During this period of time, Xu Tuoran even learned to use the official account of the Tzu Chi Institute, and grabbed a few team-building tasks—the tasks were not difficult. It can even be said to be quite simple. The kind that goes from morning to noon.

Two of them are real supernatural events, and there are abominations, but the abominations are quite weak, and the visual inspection does not exceed the light level, and they are not as strong as the supernatural objects she bought; Approaching Science".

Although the tasks are very simple, Xu Tuoran firmly believes that the chance of dying is like water in a sponge, as long as you are willing to squeeze it, there will always be some. So he jumped up and down, and got a total of more than 120 death points from these three missions, and successfully cleared the total to 8,600 points, and unlocked a natural disaster-prone stunt.

—【Ice Eighteen】

Like the "No. 7 Ice" before, Xu Tuoran didn't understand the meaning of the name of this stunt at first glance. After checking, he found out that "Ice Eighteen" is actually a kind of ice. It's called that because it's numbered eighteen.

This kind of ice seems to be quite strange. Xu Turan read the science popularization for a long time, but he didn't understand it. He only figured out a few points. First, the ice is black. Second, this ice is semi-solid and semi-liquid. Finally, this ice has a very high surface temperature.

This corresponds to the skill description: [You can choose to spend one to twenty death points to get a chance to summon. After summoning, you will have a 50% probability of obtaining a flowable high-temperature black ice cube of the corresponding volume, and you can control its shape and movement arbitrarily. The volume and duration of ice cubes depend on the death value you choose to consume. 】

...In other words, this is a card-drawing skill, depending on the face.

Although it looks very powerful, Xu Tuoran has never been very confident about his luck. After unlocking this stunt, she did consume some death points privately and tried to "pump", but it ended up being empty every time. Simply do not try.

The good news is that during this period of time, she has finally made progress in upgrading her "Tendency to Natural Disasters"—on one unprepared night, she fell into a dream in a daze and went straight to the corresponding server At the door, subconsciously consumed the "Entrance Ticket to the Natural Disaster Cemetery" in his hand, pushed the door open and entered.

Strange to say. When she entered the "login space", there was also a door on the left and right. She instinctively knew that one of them was the door leading to the "Natural Disaster Cemetery", and the other closed door was very strange to her.

At first, she thought that that door would correspond to another tendency she mastered, "Order". However, when passing by that door, they could only hear the continuous sound of killing and wailing from inside.

... No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look very "orderly".

Anyway, he couldn't get in that door by himself, so Xu Tuoran didn't care. She opened the door and entered the "Natural Disaster Cemetery", and the scene inside was not as bleak as its name—there were indeed many tombstones inside. But it looks very quiet, far from being as gloomy as the Path of Chaos, and not so oppressive.

… Xu Tuoran even felt that this place gave people a sense of familiarity and relaxation for no reason.

And very strange. In the Path of Chaos, she could get hundreds of death points just by entering the gate. In this place, she walked around for a while, but didn't receive any death points.

This place looks like a real cemetery, with the tombstones lined up neatly and the roads straight and horizontal. On each path, there are transparent figures walking in line. Xu Tuoran took a few steps forward curiously, and saw clearly the content on one of the tombstones—

There was no writing on it, only a pattern of flames was drawn.

Xu Tuoran is new here and doesn't understand anything. Seeing other figures touching the tombstone, she followed suit—she just put her hand on the flame pattern, and the pattern immediately began to distort, turning into a line of text.

【Top eight】


Xu Tuoran lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and counted eight tombstones along the path he was currently on. Found one with a thunderbolt pattern drawn on it.

There is the same pattern on a tombstone next to her. Another figure stopped there, reaching out towards the stele.

At almost the same time, the hands of Xu Tuoran and the figure each landed on the tombstone they had chosen. Faintly heard a "bang", Xu Turan turned his head in surprise, and found that the figure next to him exuded a burning smell, which gradually faded and disappeared.

On the tombstone touched by the figure, the pattern changed from "Thunderbolt" to a blood-red "fork". On the other end, on the tombstone that Xu Tuoran touched, there were new instructions—【First Three】【Top Two】.

…I see.

Xu Tuoran felt as if he understood.

To move forward here, you must follow the instructions of the tombstone. Once you find the correct tombstone, you can move on. If you make a mistake, you will be punished accordingly and will be directly ejected from the "server".

It seems quite interesting.

Xu Turan thought about it silently, but she didn't plan to continue walking step by step—she pondered for a while, and then recalled the rewarded 3,000 steps from her consciousness.

This number of steps can be used in batches. Xu Tuoran didn't have that patience, and chose to consume it all at once. In the next second, she seemed to be speeding up at double speed, and she swiped forward - the scenes on both sides kept going back and forth. She couldn't see the words on any of the tombstones clearly, but her feet seemed to be moving. His own thoughts led her to walk back and forth between the tombstones with great flexibility.

Xu Turan didn't know how long he had been led through by his feet, but he only noticed that he felt a ball of light in the process and passed through another door. Seeing that she was about to touch another ball of light, her feet stopped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, she woke up.

It was safe and sound, without any bumps, and there was no reminder of the increase in the death value, just waking up like that.

The moment she opened her eyes, she heard a voice in her mind:

— [Congratulations, you have successfully completed an inclination upgrade]

—[Current quality: Snow White]

—[Current Level: Natural Disaster: Candle / Order: Firefly. 】

Good guy.

Xu realized it in vain.

How could she use the number of steps? This is obviously a gift package for helicopter promotion.