MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 45

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In a sense, Yang Buqi is a person who reacts a bit slowly.

For example, he and Xu Tuoran have crossed one and a half years of territory together, but he has always held an unrealistically optimistic attitude towards Xu Tuoran's spirit of daring to die, until the bottom line has been broken again and again; Only after this incident did I realize that some people shouldn't judge her mental state from her external performance.

There are always some strange things in the world. It seems that he can still walk in a straight line when he walks, and he speaks clearly and logically, but in fact, his brain is on the verge of resting, and the dancing villains in front of him are already surrounded by a large circle*.

Just like Xu Tuoran at this time.

In fact, Pu Han's evaluation of her is somewhat optimistic. He heard Xu Tuoran say that "only the eyelids were seen" at that time, and seeing that she acted and spoke normally, he thought that there was still time to salvage everything, as long as she was dealt with in time, she could still avoid the sight of Haunted House No. 71.

But actually Xu Tuoran knew it in his heart. At this time, let alone losing consciousness, even jumping upstairs may not be useful to relieve thousands of worries.

This is not speculation, nor reasoning, but purely a hunch. A premonition of prey—she could feel that the real haunted house, 71, was starting to lock her down. Its half-dream and half-awake eyes are patrolling and searching in the house, like a tiger and leopard patrolling the territory of a hunter determined to win. This is no longer something she can actively avoid.

Xu Tuoran walked alone in the long corridor. According to her previous experience, she walked straight forward with a dull head, and piles of black silk threads kept appearing in her field of vision—they were like mushrooms that multiplied wildly after the rain, and sometimes there would be a large piece of them with just one wrong eye. Some even reached out to her, tentatively rolling her hands and feet. Or hang down directly from above, like a female ghost hanging upside down, trying to kill her in the face.

Xu Tuoran didn't look sideways, just blindly quickened her pace, and finally almost ran - holding her breath, she rushed out of the door directly in front of her, her feet landed on the solid floor, making a stomping sound.

She looked around and exhaled softly.

The good news is that she successfully escaped from the space-time fragment and has now returned to reality. The current location is exactly the game room where Yang Buqi was received; and the bad news is that, perhaps because she is out of the influence range of other No. 71, the "real" in front of her has become even less "real". .

The black silk threads are tangled with each other and piled up everywhere, like thick cocoons spreading out one by one. If you look around, you can hardly see the whole floor and wall.

What's worse, the eyes in those threads have already opened.

Yellow eyeballs the size of headlights were embedded there, and they were turning randomly up and down, left and right, their eyes scattered, as if they were looking for something.

Xu Turan didn't dare to delay, and immediately walked quickly to the exit of the basement, and walked up the stairs all the way. And almost every step she took, she could hear a reminder that the death value increased in her mind.

What "Snow White"—she thought blankly, with this kind of experience and configuration, she must be a Little Mermaid anyway.

The premonition of crisis crazily ringing in her head made her brain ache. It made her even more affirmed by her approach—

For her, being "seen" is only a matter of time. The only thing she can do is to stay away from other people as much as possible before being "seen" by the other party.

As for what to do after the lead...

After stepping on the last step of the stairs with both feet, Xu Tuoran stopped suddenly.

She looked up as if feeling something. He was facing countless indifferent, arrogant and malicious eyes.

All those icy gazes fell on her, as if a big bucket of ice water was pouring down her head with icy slugs—without a doubt, she had been "seen".

…On the bright side, at least I got out of the basement in time.

Next, just try to hold on.

Xu Tuoran closed his eyes, comforted himself in his heart, and then heard a familiar reminder sound in his mind.

[Congratulations, you have obtained a thousand death points. 】

[Congratulations, you currently hold a total of more than 5,988 death points, unlocking the reward function [Natural Disaster Cemetery] entry ticket X1]

...I always feel like I'm at a loss.

This was Xu Tuoran's first reaction after listening to the notification tone.

She clearly remembered that the entry ticket she got last time was a dual-use ticket for Chaos and Beast servers, why did it become a single-use ticket this time?

She didn't understand, but she subconsciously felt that she was at a loss. Or maybe the death value system is too cheating, and the rewards are more stingy as you go up.

And the second reaction was—this name is too unlucky.

The cemetery... Xu vainly smacked the title and bit the tip of his tongue.

The pain rushed up along the nerves, and the eyes that had been in a trance instantly regained clarity. She instinctively licked her lower lip, and a little blood stained the dry mouth.

"Honestly, I think I can do another rescue." She murmured and raised her hand suddenly. The flashlight that had already been prepared flashed on, and the raging flames sprang up in front of Xu Turan, forming a false wall of fire.

A clump of black threads that was about to rush back was shaken by the false fire. Xu Tuoran saw the timing right, and raised his hand to control it with another blow. All the yellow eyes were stunned, and after 1.5 seconds of blanking, they turned again——

But in such a fleeting time, Xu Tuoran had already taken a few steps, nimbly bypassed all the positions occupied by black silk, and ran straight upstairs.

Her goal is very clear, which is her own room.

Xu Turan thought very clearly, now in this house, apart from the basement, there are only two safest rooms. One is the adoptive brother's bedroom, and the other is his own bedroom—only in these two rooms, Yang Buqi has arranged many runes, which can play a considerable defensive role.

And in my room, there are still some supernatural items that haven't been thrown out... I was afraid that they would be eaten directly, so I reduced the number. Now it doesn't matter that much.

Those gadgets are light-level bases anyway, so they should be more attractive than a rookie like myself, right?

Thinking silently, Xu Turan used his rabbit-like speed to the extreme, and rushed up the stairs in two or three strokes, and was about to step onto the corridor on the second floor—

There was a long cry of crisis premonition in his head, and Xu Tuoran's heart moved, and he stopped abruptly.

Turning her eyes slightly, she seemed to realize something, squatted down, and tentatively touched the floor.

Fingers run straight across the floor, as if through a cloud of air.


That thing is repeating the old trick again.

Xu Tuoran closed his eyes, imitating what Feifei did to Pu Han, and raised his hand to slap himself.

She strikes unceremoniously, but the pain seems to be separated by a layer, coming slowly and gently. Xu Tuoran cursed inwardly, and helplessly backhanded again, this time with greater force, when she tilted her head, her teeth grazed the wound she had bitten out before, and a faint smell of blood spread from her mouth again.

The good news is that under the effect of the double pain, the scene in front of her finally changed a little—

The original stairs and corridors began to shake slightly and gradually became transparent, revealing the real scene hidden below.

Only then did Xu Tuoran realize that he was actually standing on the balcony on the third floor.

…to be precise, the outside of the balcony.

The stair railing she thought she was hanging on was actually a balcony railing. There is a circle around the railing of this balcony, surrounded by a circle of metal strips, which can be used to place flowers, and the width is just enough for one person to step on...

And Xu Tuoran happened to be standing in this position right now.

It's not just a matter of not being able to move forward - but if she accidentally releases the railing and takes a step to the side, it will also relieve her worries in the same way.

…so, how the **** did I get here?

Then Xu Tu unconsciously broke out in cold sweat. She knew that she shouldn't be embarrassing herself at this time, but she still couldn't help but glance down.

...But see below, layer upon layer, full of corpses.

All her dead bodies.

His head was bleeding, and he fell miserably just looking at it. Xu Tueran stared at it for a moment, but calmed down, and looked away indifferently.

Hey guys, why don't you play Horror Cruise with me here?

But from another point of view, this also proves that this guy's brain is not very good at the moment...

Don't even think about it. If there really is a space-time cycle, and countless Xu Tueran fell to death here, then according to the principle of first come, first served, the more Xu Tueran who jumps last is less likely to fall to death, at least he won’t fall into such a miserable state—at any rate, the following Pile of meat pads too!

What a bug!

Xu Tuoran thought very logically, and froze the black silk rolling towards her through the railing into an ice lump, then supported it with one hand, turned over the railing, and at the same time gave the black silk beside him a pile of comfort With one kick, he successfully created a stiff effect.

...Fortunately, he had already slipped through several childhood versions of Haunted House No. 71. At this time, Xu Tuoran was already familiar with how to cast control on these black silk threads, and he had no pressure to connect the moves. The only worrying thing is that the use of Ice No. 7 and the active effect of "Confusion" will bring certain side effects—

"Ice No. 7" is okay, it is a probability trigger. Not encountered yet. "Complicated and confusing" is more annoying, and you will feel chest pain after using it several times in a row, and you have to take it easy.

Xu Turan sighed secretly, his feet landed on the ground, but he didn't let go of the hand holding the railing immediately. Instead, he grabbed the railing again, touched and touched it everywhere, and confirmed that the "study" he saw was real, before walking quickly into the house.

The study room was also completely occupied by piles of black silk threads, and even the door was covered so that the original color could not be seen. Xu Tuoran wanted to take the time to go to the second floor, but after walking a few steps, he realized that the scene in front of him began to blur again. Realizing that it was not a suitable time to move, he could only stop and backed away silently. Live on the black silk thread.

Just like Pu Han said. The current Haunted House No. 71 is no longer so afraid of the flames. When it is illuminated in time, it will only retreat a little bit. Once it slows down, it will immediately organize a counterattack—but the disgust is really disgusting. Every time Xu Tuoran's flashlight shined on her, those cloudy yellow eyes always showed unconcealable anger and malice.

Xu Tuoran thought to himself, what's the use of staring at me? Do I still care if you stare at me at this time? Simply turn on the flashlight and put it on the small table next to it, to add some confusion to people anyway.

As for herself, she was naturally not idle. After freeing both hands, he immediately took out a small knife, cut his finger, and began to paint on the surrounding floor.

—Since I can’t go to the second floor to rub Yang Buqi’s runes directly, I might as well draw some by myself first.

Xu Turan remembered clearly that Yang Buqi once said that in that set of conversion runes, there are torch-level and hui-level ones—the hui-level can directly affect the abominations of the same level, and the torch-level is definitely weaker, but it is better than nothing.

But at that time Yang Buqi did not elaborate on which ones were Hui-level. Xu Tuoran didn't know how to tell the difference, so he simply followed the painting from beginning to end until the last one, only to realize that he was stupid——

"Absorption and conversion? I'm sick, why draw these two." Xu Tuoran shook his head and stood up from the ground. Because of space, her last conversion rune could only be drawn on the cabinet next to her. At this time, there is still the last point that has not been drawn, and Xu Tuoran is too lazy to complete it.

At this time, the only things that can come in handy are confinement, suppression and advanced defense. Every time she draws a rune, she will lose some physical strength. If she draws an additional absorption rune when she is unconscious, it will be a blood loss. If there are more, she will definitely not draw.

Xu Tuoran made up his mind, and slapped himself twice to keep himself awake. It's a pity that at this time, pain seems to have little effect.

In front of her eyes, the original real scene began to shake and change again. For a moment, she felt that she was still in the basement, and Yang Buqi was standing not far away, asking her nervously about the situation and asking her to go over; The feeling was so real that even the cabinet that was leaning against it disappeared out of thin air.

…It's a good thing she turned on the flashlight early in the morning. Although the original intention was just to add a block to No. 71, it was surprisingly useful.

The fire illusion brought by the flashlight cannot be completely covered, but when the new illusion overlaps it, it will have a certain impact. For example, the motion effect is stuck, the details are rough, or the pixels do not match, and the 3D image becomes a 2D image... Whether she is sitting in the basement or on the roof of a warm house, as long as she looks up, she can see a large group of cards obliquely in front of her. The flames of Dunton were flickering there.

No matter how real the scene was, it was immediately downgraded by the sudden appearance of five-cent special effects, so fake that it was called an obvious one.

...But no matter what, this is not going to work.

Taking advantage of the surrounding black silk threads being pushed away by the drawn runes, Xu Tuoran quickly adjusted his state and began to look for new ideas to get out of trouble.

She is currently on the third floor. There are very limited tools around you that can really earn an advantage. And her goal is to drag Yang Buqi and the others to complete the work of charging the sealed box...

If it’s really not possible, take out the poisonous mist that Yang Buqi gave you and spray it on, and just jump from the balcony to relieve your worries?

...Don't say it, it seems to be okay.

This is the third floor, and the bottom is still soft soil. Jumping down should not stop the food on the spot. Take a few more pills...

But think about it, it's weird, and the risk is a bit high. Xu Tuoran silently marked this as an alternative, and at the same time looked through all the skills he had mastered so far to see if he had any untapped potential.

...The potential was not found, but she discovered a side effect.

— An abnormal state of sanity.

According to the description, whenever she uses No. 7 ice once, there is a 10% chance of entering an "abnormal rational state".

Because it has never been triggered so far, Xu Tuoran almost forgot about it. However, this time, she noticed one of the key words.


The opposite word of madness.

Speaking of which, abnormal rationality, in essence, should also be considered rational... right?

Xu Turan thought uncertainly, pondered for two seconds, and tentatively raised his hand—

Aiming at the pile of black threads that were just around the corner, he hit "Ice No. 7" again.

the other side.

The drained pen fell to the ground with a slap, and a red bubble squeezed out of the pen tip, before it could float up, it burst with a slap; at the same time, Yang Buqi sat down against the wall with his forehead supported, his face was shockingly white.

Pu Han put away the glowing sealed box and turned to look at him: "Are you all right?"

Yang Buqi was speechless, waved his hands, and paused for a few seconds before saying, "Wait for me to take it easy."

Closing his eyes, he said again, "Not yet full?"

"It's not enough." Pu Han said honestly, "The seal on this pen is too strong. The power we can get from absorbing runes is limited."

" far away?" Yang Buqi struggled to stand up, "Are you going to cook that broken fish outside?"

Broken fish... Are you a personal attack?

Pu Han looked at him in surprise and shook his head.

"No need. When you recover, you can make up for it with an assist."

As the only Hui class in the audience, he must be responsible for operating the seal box, and he also drew the attention of Haunted House No. 71. Therefore, this job can only be handed over to Yang Buqi.

Yang Buqi nodded, wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and glanced at the door next to him, frowning tightly.

The rule paper was pasted on the door. From Xu Tuoran's departure to the present, the above content has not changed.

Pu Han wanted to comfort her, but on second thought, according to Xu Tuoran's character, if she had already arrived in her bedroom, it was impossible for her not to leave a mark to report her safety—even if she did not report her safety, it was unlikely that she would not write anything.

This realization made Pu Han feel a little uneasy. He immediately took out the pen he took out from Xu Tuoran's room, and with a blank look, he tried to "read" Xu Tuoran's current situation. However, after watching for a moment, a trace of bewilderment appeared on his face.

"...Pu Han?" Noticing that his expression was wrong, Yang Buqi stood up, "What's going on? What did you see?"

"I... didn't see anything." Pu Han shook his head, frowning, "I wanted to see Xu Tuoran's situation. But I didn't see anything."

"Is it number 71?" Yang Buqi's face became serious.

"No, it's not...I can 'see' No. 71, it is indeed hunting Xu Tuoran now..." Pu Han murmured, and Yang Buqi's expression on the side became even more ugly.

"But it's weird. I just can't see her state. I know she's there, but she seems to be wrapped in something...not Haunted House 71, but something harder and colder..."

Pu Han's expression also became nervous, he took a breath, turned to look at Yang Buqi: "Why don't you go find her?"

Yang Buqi: "..."

He subconsciously took a few steps towards the door, paused, and turned around again.

"You mean, Haunted House No. 71 is now with Xu Tuoran?"

"Almost." Pu Han nodded, "It is still in a half-dream and half-awake state, and its limited attention is all on Xu Tuoran."

"..." Yang Buqi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Then I'll stay here."

Pu Han:?

"I'm different from you. Once I leave the space-time segment, I can't come back." Yang Buqi said quickly, "Then how should your follow-up plan be carried out? Things have developed to this point, and one mistake and omission is All previous efforts were wasted."

Pu Han: ...

That being said, it is true.

"What's more, Xu Tuoran's current state is mostly related to No. 71. If you want to help her, the most effective way is to lure No. 71 away." Yang Buqi looked very anxious, but his tone was strangely calm, " You just said that this sealed box is almost ready to use, right?"

"Yeah." Pu Han nodded, his tone hesitant, "But your current state..."

"It can last." Yang Buqi said, and in front of Pu Han, he took out another bottle of "Universal Heart Rescue Pill" from his pocket, opened the lid and poured it in, chewed it a few times, his face wrinkled.

Pu Han: "..."

"Then what, this and the medicine you gave Xu Tuoran before..."

"It's the same." Yang Buqi closed his eyes and swallowed the medicine, reached out to touch the top of his head, and clicked his tongue heavily.

Pu Han actually saw this for the first time, and couldn't help being curious: "Didn't you say that this can only treat physical injuries?"

"If you overdose, you can restore energy in a short time, but it will have a serious negative impact." Yang Buqi collected the good medicine, and touched the top of his head again, "Is there something growing on my head?"

Pu Han was shocked to see a long strip of flesh-colored objects growing rapidly from the top of his head, as fast as a mushroom after a rain at double speed, and he couldn't help opening his mouth slightly.

"It seems to be... horn... no no, uh..."

"Hand. It's a hand." Pu Han gave the final answer.

"Really? That's okay. At least it's not something weird." Yang Buqi nodded, "When it's over, remember to remind me to cut it off."

...That's it, it's not too strange.

Pu Han was silent. For the first time, he discovered that Yang did not abandon him, and it seemed that he was not as normal as he seemed.

On the other side, Yang Buqi didn't care about him anymore, and walked past him to get the sealed box he put on the table—the smooth nape of his neck was exposed during the movement, and Pu Han realized that he was actually more than just a lot of hair on the top of his head. Only one hand.

...This medicine is powerful.

He looked at the little finger on the back of Yang Buqi's neck, and silently thought, when I have a chance, I'll try it out.

at the same time.

On the third floor, in the study.

The shattered thin ice shook everywhere as the black silk thread squirmed. Xu Tuoran leaned against the cabinet and lifted it casually, another clump of black silk thread was trapped in a layer of ice shell.

She couldn't remember how many times she had cast "Ice No. 7". Even though the time had not passed, she felt that it was taking a long time for no reason.

Large clumps of black silk threads wrapped in yellow eyeballs swam around her like pythons, cautiously staying out of the range of influence of the runes. As soon as they approached, she would add some ice, and if the distance was right, she would go up and kick them again—over and over again, a high-level hunt and a low-level hunt unexpectedly turned into a tug of war.

Obviously there is a 10% probability, but the legendary "abnormal mental state" seems to have not come for a long time. It's just that from that moment on, Xu Tuoran clearly felt that his surroundings seemed to be different.

The hallucinations that were constantly switching back and forth gradually disappeared, and only the reality was shown in front of her eyes, and even the phantom of flames cast by the flashlight no longer existed; she could still feel the sight from those yellow eyes, but the emotions revealed in them changed. getting thinner...

No, not right.

It's not that there is less emotion in the sight in these eyeballs.

It was she who gradually couldn't feel it.

My mood is also good. The emotions released by those eyeballs are also good. The coercion from a high level is also good. The desire to survive is also good.

Before I knew it, it became very thin and thin.

But... not enough.

Xu Tuoran realized vaguely. She didn't know why she had such an idea, but she just knew.

She pursed her lips slightly, and pressed her teeth against the wound she had bitten out before, but she couldn't even feel the pain.

Not so much.

A little more.

Just...trigger one more time...

Xu Tuoran raised his eyes indifferently, and glanced at the black silk thread hanging from above. A layer of frost immediately climbed up along the black thread, but in a blink of an eye, even the yellow eyeballs wrapped in the silk thread were covered with a layer.

Like the membrane on a bird's eye.

Xu Tuoran tilted his head, curiously observing the strange effect he had unintentionally created, and everything in front of him suddenly became dim—

She seemed to be grabbed by the back of the collar and pulled down hard.

The body passed through the ground, and circled abruptly around the center of the circle with the feet. When her vision was restored again, all she saw was a layer of ice.

A solid and complete layer of ice spread out quietly, with no boundary visible at a glance. The ice surface is so smooth, it seems to be the most beautiful and perfect mirror.

As for Xu Tuoran, she is sitting on this perfect ice surface right now—under her body is a pair of high-back chairs carved from ice, which is complicated and luxurious. She sat quietly on it, sitting in the middle of the boundless ice, like the only king in this world.

Xu Tuoran blinked blankly, and stroked the ice handrail with his fingers. It should be cold, but she didn't feel it at all.

She lowered her eyes indifferently, but there was a vivid picture under the transparent ice surface.

She saw herself—or rather, another self. Sitting softly in the study, with his eyes closed, he seemed to have lost consciousness. And in front of "myself", there are large groups of black silk threads, which are rushing eagerly.

On the ceiling above "self", that huge ray appeared at some point. The countless yellow eyeballs on his body trembled, as if he was thinking about how to get past those obtrusive runes on the ground, and slapped the girl who had lost consciousness.

...I should kill it.

Xu vainly thought silently.

The idea came naturally. At that moment, she seemed to have completely forgotten about the thoughts of "holding number 71" and "drawing its attention away", and there was only one thought in her mind.

kill it. Kill this unsightly guy at all costs.

However, how to do it...

Xu Turan thought for a while, and tentatively poked his finger in the air. The "self" who was motionless in the picture immediately opened his eyes and stood up, looking forward with a blank expression.

Ah, that's easy.

Xu Tuoran tilted his head, studied the current situation again, thought for a moment, and tapped the air a few times with his fingers.

The "self" in the screen followed the path of the click, walked a few steps forward, and walked out of the protection range of the rune.

Then he took out the small knife again, aimed at his palm, and swiped it unceremoniously.

The blood dripped down on the ground, causing even more commotion among the abominations. The ray on the ceiling flapped its wings uncontrollably, and countless piles of black threads scrambled towards "Xu Tuoran" in the picture!

Xu Tuoran observed all this through the ice, and hurriedly clicked. The screen was paused, and she flicked her palm again, turned the screen to several angles, and watched it repeatedly for a while.

Finally, he made up his mind and started playing the screen again. At the same time, he continued to operate "self", flexibly avoiding several **** of black silk threads, and grabbed a yellow eyeball closest to "self".

She used the blood on her hands as a medium to freeze the silk threads near the eyeballs with a thick layer of ice, then smashed them mercilessly, and forcibly plucked them off.

The ray on the ceiling struggled desperately, which obviously caused great pain to it. However, the state of "Xu Tuoran" was obviously not much better - almost the moment she touched the yellow bead, her hand immediately became **** and bloody, as if it had been burned by high temperature.

It is a painful picture to watch. Xu Turan, who was sitting on the ice, felt nothing at all. She just looked down at the screen seriously, and proceeded to the next step rigorously—

She controlled "herself" and released the control skills several times in a row, took the opportunity to hide back within the protection range of the rune, and at the same time pressed the yellow bead in her hand on the rune representing "suppression". The No. 1 ice activated again, directly freezing it completely on top.

Blood dripped on the runes. This seems to increase its utility even more. The ray clinging to the ceiling twisted more eagerly, even across the ice, Xu Turan seemed to be able to hear it roaring angrily—



I seem to... really hear it.

Faint sounds came through the ice. It was clearly separated by a thick layer of ice, but it was getting closer and clearer, until finally, it seemed to be exploding in the ear.

Almost at the same time, Xu Tuoran felt that his body was empty, and his whole body fell heavily from the sky——

Xu vainly opened his eyes suddenly.

My first reaction was, it hurts!

Looking at his **** right hand from the corner of the eye, Xu Tuoran took a deep breath.

This hand is so deformed that it can be used directly to shoot horror movies, can it not hurt!

Not only the hands, but also the chest was throbbing. The heart seemed to be breaking down, as if it was going to stop in the next second. Xu Tuoran gritted her teeth and took two steps back, trying to adjust her breathing, ignoring the ominous monsters around her, shaking her hands to get out the medicine Yang Buqi gave her.

This time it really is a life-saving pill...

She struggled to open the lid with her good hands, poured out two tablets and put them in her mouth, only then did she feel better.

Xu Turan's breathing slowed down, he looked at the monsters outside the rune array vigilantly, and thought about the situation just now, feeling a rare bit of fear in his heart.

Obviously, just now, I just entered the so-called "abnormal sane" state.

What ice surface, what throne. It's all just an image. The actual situation is—her consciousness has entered a state of extreme numbness, neither pain nor fear of death, she has no other thoughts except to achieve her goal, and she doesn't even think about the condition of her body...

It's as if her whole person has been split into two parts, one part is a high-ranking controller, and the other part is just a puppet being manipulated. The problem is, this state is only temporary, and once she leaves, what should be suffered by her will still be suffered by her...


So miserable.

But honestly, kind of handsome.

The palm is still roasted, but the pain in the chest has eased a lot. Xu Tuoran breathed a sigh of relief, and looking at the abominable thing outside, he could obviously feel that the oppressive feeling that the ray gave him was much weaker.


Although the "irrational state" is quite detrimental to me, but so far, it seems to be somewhat useful.

Xu Tuoran leaned against the cabinet, took another lozenge, and glanced at the death value data by the way, and was surprised to find that his death value had increased by 1,500 points at some point. Seven thousand five, just a little bit short.

…and no wonder. Cutting hands and selling blood and pulling people's eyes, and letting go of control so that you will have a heart attack, it is indeed worth fifteen thousand.

Xu Tueran closed his eyes, turned his head to look at his right hand, and suddenly heard another voice in his mind:

【Congratulations on getting five hundred death points. 】

[Congratulations, you currently hold more than 7,500 death points. Unlock reward function - upgrade steps X3000 [only for natural disaster cemetery/beast wasteland/foreseeing corridor/long night mountain range]] More free good articles are in [gong/zhong/呺: xnttaaa]


? ? ?

Xu was startled in vain. I'm just sitting here waiting for a reply, why did I act like a dead man again?

She glanced around blankly, and when she looked behind her, her gaze paused.

Only then did she realize that the conversion rune that was only partly drawn had already been completed at some point.

—The original missing piece was covered with a bloodstain, which happened to form a complete pattern.

The bloodstains in other places had almost dried up, and Xu Tueran happened to avoid this fresh part when he leaned down, so the runes as a whole remained quite intact.

But now, a headlight eyeball is frozen in the rune representing suppression, and he is leaning against the position belonging to the conversion...

Xu Turan retracted his gaze in disbelief. Just as he was about to move his body, he suddenly felt a burst of heat in his back, as if something was pouring in continuously, followed by another flower in front of him——

Immediately, his head drooped and he inevitably fainted.

At the last moment before her consciousness disappeared, what she heard was the sound of Haunted House No. 71 turning around and leaving.