MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 41

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Pu Han has been laughing since writing the first comment.

His shoulders trembled wildly from laughing, and he couldn't stop.

"Now I understand better why you value that girl so much. Yes, she's a talent." He smiled, talked to Feifei, drew twice on the ruled paper in front of him with the tip of the pen, and added another comment.

He didn't know what state of mind he was in with that pen, anyway, he was very happy, super happy.

"You, you already knew, the true grade of that pen?" He put down the pen, turned his head and continued to study the secret room where he was, and asked at the same time. Feifei paused for a moment, then raised a finger and shook it slightly.

Sure enough—Pu Han sighed in his heart.

Although Feifei still has the ability to predict, what she can actually foresee is limited and has a very large randomness. For example, she asked Xu Tuoran to engage in an omniscient thing-this doesn't mean she really knows what that thing is, she just can feel it, and it will bring good things.

And it's a "good thing" by her definition.

"Is the omniscient obsession above Hui level abominable?" Pu Han narrowed his eyes slightly, "There seems to be only that one that has been recorded so far..."

The "Omniscient God" who once made a large number of believers abroad to stir up trouble, was captured across the ocean, and was released by the traitor five years ago. He has no trace of him anymore.

Of course, the omniscient **** is the name it has given itself. Once these abominations reach a high level, they especially like to call themselves gods or something. Pu Han estimated that this should be similar to the monsters in "Journey to the West" who like to occupy a mountain and call themselves kings.

In Pu Han's memory, that abominable object has no entity, but after being contained, it was forcibly locked on a certain object... But at that time, Pu Han's level was still low, and he was not qualified to know the details. After he was promoted to the Hui rank, the relevant information and insiders were almost destroyed, and this matter became a secret with no answer.

If it's really it, then we're really awesome this time - two abominations, one at the top level and one at the bottom level, if this matter gets out, it's enough for them to form a group training material for the last time.

The kind that is super big.

Pu Han thought with a blank expression. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the text on the rule paper being refreshed again, so he leaned over again. After scanning it once, he circled it twice,

...What happened to the Teru-class abomination?

Even if it is Chen level, what should be changed still needs to be changed! snort!

Not to mention, the Immortal Brush seemed to be dishonest, and they half-coaxed and half-forced several versions of the plan, and actually came up with two seemingly feasible ones.

One is to use the sealing box brought by Yang Buqi-this box itself can deal with the abomination of the Hui level, but it needs the assistance of other powers of the same level.

The proposal of Bixian Zhipen is to unseal it, and then it contributes its power to help them seal Haunted House No. 71 together.

It is worth mentioning that, if the box wants to seal the Hui-level abomination, in addition to the manipulator of the same level, it needs at least one Hui-level, or multiple Torch-level power assistance.

That pen can openly show that it can be topped by one person, which shows that its mind is quite unconscious, and it even forgot to pretend to be a high-grade.

As for the second plan, it is actually similar to their previous guess—start with the chaotic time and space fragments in the domain, and look for opportunities to get out.

It's just that the path given by Bixianzhibi is more clear.

According to it, those flashing fragments of the past were originally the means used by Haunted House No. 71 to confuse people, and they were illusions used to drive people crazy. It’s just that when the domain is operating normally, the fragments displayed are carefully designed, which can be step by step, tempting to go deep; but now, because of the confusion of the domain owner, these fragments have become completely out of order, and some domain owners even want to The past to hide appears.

[In the history of Haunted House No. 71, someone escaped. 】Pen Xianzhi wrote with difficulty,【In this domain, the boundary between reality and illusion will be blurred, and the area of ​​the present and the past will overlap...]

But the concept of "escape" is unique.

If they can find those survivors in the scattered past and escape with them, they can leave this "domain" naturally.

...Of course, the pen of the pen fairy once again emphasized in this plan that it is not easy to find such fragments. As a friendly abomination with an omniscient tendency, it is obligatory. As long as it is unsealed, it will be free and free. Buy one and get three free.

But no one cares about it.

It is also thanks to the fact that the rule paper can be used as a cloud document, and Yang Buqi and Pu Han, who is also omniscient, have been following up and controlling, so that they can pick out the traps buried in the plan one by one, and come up with These two relatively plausible methods.

During this process, the rules paper kept absorbing the content they wrote on themselves, and the corresponding escape rules were updated version after version. In the end, for some reason, they silently added a sentence [Please] Respect the fruits of labor of others].

...God knows, when Bixianzhibi saw this line, he almost cried out.

Sure enough, only tools understand tools.

Before it finished expressing its emotions, words appeared on the rule paper again.

[Okay, so far, it seems that it has roughly taken shape. 】

The pen fairy's heart relaxes.

[However, the part about [past clips] seems to be able to be expanded in conjunction with the second edition. 】

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

It froze for a moment, then began to write cursingly again, with the tip of the pen poking the door panel through the ruled paper, making a snapping sound.

Xu Turan, who was busy by the door, was annoyed by the noise. He glared at it angrily, knocked on the door panel to signal it to correct its working attitude, then bent down and lowered its head, and continued to carry his candle.

—Yes, Xu Tuoran is carrying candles at this moment.

While the pen of the pen fairy was seriously writing the plan and changing the plan, Xu Tuoran was not idle, and kept wandering between the two rooms, looking for clues to leave. After searching unsuccessfully, she fixed her eyes on the corpses in the ceremony room.

Now, there were only the bodies, which she hadn't examined yet.

The few corpses were supported by the invisible current, floating in the sky above the room, a considerable distance away from Xu Turan. She lacked the tools to reach them directly, so she thought about letting them get down by themselves.

The best way is to let go of the "water" that fills the room. When the water is gone, things floating on the water will naturally sink to the bottom. And the only exit that allows water to leave is the secret door that connects the two rooms inside and outside.

There is a circle of candles outside the secret door, like a plug to stop the flow of water—speaking of which, the pen fairy pen did mention that Haunted House No. 71 hates fire and related concepts. Using an open flame such as a candle can play a repelling role.

However, this plan was completely rejected by Pu Han. His reason is that abominations can also evolve, and in the process of evolution, they will gradually overcome their weaknesses. Using something that Haunted House 71 hated at E-level against it will not only not work, it will probably make it angry instead.

...Of course, it doesn't know if it is afraid of fire now, but it must have been afraid of No. 71 in the past.

So Xu Tuoran picked up the candlesticks placed outside one by one, and moved them into the ceremony room. And just as she had guessed—as the range of candle lighting in the ceremony room became larger and larger, the gloomy atmosphere in the room became weaker and weaker. She even noticed that in a certain corner surrounded by firelight, there was a huge shadow curled up.

And the moment she moved all the candlesticks into the inner room, the shadow, like lightning, slipped out through the gap she left.

As the thing left, the corpses floating in the air finally landed one after another. Xu Tuoran cautiously stood by the secret door, and when he saw the body falling, he immediately closed the door with his backhand, and went forward to search carefully.

I have to say, this experience is definitely not good... Those people all died of drowning. Although the bones are still fresh and there are no signs of decay, the death conditions are still a bit scary.

Xu Turan was not afraid, and even felt a little helpless and regretful for them in his heart. But if she really wanted to do a body search, she was still a little bit conflicted.

"Tell me, what kind of big fish are you raising so well? You must have drowned." While muttering, she searched one of the corpses, and with a flick of her fingertips, she suddenly came across a small sealed bag.

She took the bag out and opened it to find a notebook inside. It was full of records about past ceremonies—it seemed that before this ceremony, they had tried many times, but they all failed for various reasons.

Some are due to the amount of materials used in the ceremony or incorrect placement, and some are due to problems with the drawn runes. There were also several times when candles were mistakenly placed during the ceremony—it seemed that those faint lights had saved them more than once. It's a pity that they still can't stop their death.

A page was torn off in the middle of the book, and Xu Tuoran took out the piece of paper with the incantations that he had picked up earlier, and it happened to match.

…Although the rule paper once emphasized not to pick up things that do not belong to this time and space, Xu Tuoran still kept this book silently on his body. It's a pity that it can only be changed to five points as a death value, which can be said to be quite shabby.

Xu Tuoran shook his head secretly, and was about to lower his head to look over another corpse when a strange sound was caught in his ears.

Stinging, stabbing, like someone is scratching the wall in a breakdown.

Xu Tuoran paused, turned his head vigilantly, and his eyes fell on the sound of the closed secret door behind him.

If she heard correctly, the voice came from behind the door.

...who would it be?

Xu vainly frowned.

She had just come in from the outer room. She remembers very clearly that there was no...

Ah, wait.

Xu Tuoran clapped his hands and finally remembered.

She shut the pen fairy pen out.

Almost as soon as the heavy secret door was pushed open, the pen flashed in dingy.

Its condition seems to be very bad. The originally bright and clean body of the pen has become much darker, the cap has become more skewed, and the nib has become a little leaky, with red ink dripping down the gap in the cap.

Not only that, but it seemed angry. As soon as he came in, he slammed the tip of his pen against the wall crazily, and Xu Tuoran was a little worried that it would damage his pen tip.

"Okay, okay, my pot-I'm so sorry, I didn't throw you out on purpose."

Xu Tuoran apologized responsibly: "I really didn't expect that you couldn't even defeat the old No. 71..."

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

After a brief pause, it hit the wall even more frantically.

Xu Turan didn't bother to pay any attention to it, and after apologizing, he turned around and continued searching for clues. However, the pen of the Bixian seemed to be in conflict with her, and it floated directly in front of her. No matter which direction Xu Tueran looked, it would sway in that direction, disturbing Xu Tueran's mind.

If it was normal, she would just grab the pen, stuff it into the silver colored paper and it would be done. But at this time, she couldn't forcibly delete this part of the scene-her "complicated and confusing", the more and stronger the abominations covered, the more effective it will be. The actual level of this pen is not low. Once it is kicked out of the coverage area, the chaotic effect on No. 71 will be reduced. No one knows what will happen at that time.

And even if Xu Tuoran activates the active skill, it can only let it stop for a while at a time, and it will slow down her progress... She thought about it, and said directly:

"What do you want to say?"

The pen of the pen fairy fell to the ground, without even taking off the cap, it was directly stained with dripping red ink and made gestures on the ground:

[I have fulfilled your request. 】

[It's up to you to fulfill your promise. 】

"Request... Oh, you said that plan." Xu Tuoran crossed his arms, confidently said, "I'm sorry, I didn't actually read the rule paper much later, and I don't know how far you have advanced... How about this, after I go out , I have confirmed the situation of the plan with my own eyes, and then hold a summary meeting with them. If there is no problem, I will give you an answer, how about it?"

After speaking, he turned his head to look at the corpse in front of him again, but suddenly felt a pain in his palm.

She lowered her head, only to see that there were several cuts on her palm.

Those wounds were very small and thin, wriggling like worms in her palm, and red blood seeped out, forming a line of small characters.

【You are kidding me】

Xu Turan: ...

She was silent for a while, and looked at the pen again. The other party had floated up from the ground at some point, and the glaring red ink slid down the pen body, as if bleeding.

Didi Didi alarm sounded in my mind. Xu Tueran stared at the pen for a while, then suddenly laughed: "Oh, I just found out."

The sound of the death value prompt sounded instantly, and the value of more than 300 was staggering. The next second, Xu Tuoran also felt pain on the back of her hand. She lowered her head and saw another line of blood on her skin:

【Woman, you are playing with fire】

[The gods don't show their power, what do you think I am? 】

I thought... I thought you were a retarded little pen.

Xu vainly thought silently. Well, now it seems that this pen is not so mentally handicapped.

"Then what are you thinking now? It's not enough to lure, but to threaten?" Xu Tuoran looked at it amusedly, and was not surprised to hear the reminder sound of death value in his head again.

[If you really don't want to cooperate, I don't mind another way]

This time it was the arm that hurt. Xu Tuoran lowered his head and saw a line of words appearing:

[Perhaps you know [Stigmata]? In the past, I enjoyed playing this kind of trick with my disciples]

[Where do you want to write the next line? face? heart? Or the soles of the feet? 】

Xu Turan: ...

I don't know what stigmata are, but your trick reminds me of a vicious villain in a magical novel*.

And why did you nominate the soles of the feet in a serious way, the whole sentence has a flavor, okay?

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, his heart froze, and he simply closed his eyes.

In the dark, she seemed to hear a sneer. Immediately afterwards, a line of red letters appeared out of thin air in the field of vision covered by the eyelids.

【You close your eyes, don't you dare to see your end? 】

"No." Xu Tuoran didn't open his eyes, and said indifferently, "No, I'm just remembering."

Pen Fairy's Pen: ...?

"Recalling that fish... that is the appearance of Haunted House No. 71." Xu Tuoran still closed his eyes, "Pu Han said that if I recalled its appearance, the shield of ignorance on my body would disappear, and I would go back again. see it…"

"It will see me again, too."

She opened her eyes to look at the pen, and smiled slightly: "Tell me, if it sees me, will it also see you who are with me?"

The pen floating in the air paused obviously upon hearing this.

The next moment, the handwriting on the palm distorted. It was reorganized into a new sentence: [Then what's the matter with me? 】

"Why don't you turn it off?" Xu Tuoran looked at it with his head tilted, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but a cold look in his eyes, "You are afraid of it, aren't you?"

This time, the pen paused for a longer period of time—it would not be an exaggeration to say that it froze.

It seemed to be frozen in mid-air, motionless. After a while, it began to move around like a patch. At the same time, the blood on Xu Tuoran's body changed again.

What changed this time was the two lines on her arm:

【I do not know what you're talking about. 】

[Why should I be afraid of it? What does it have to scare me? Ridiculous! 】

Xu Tuoran's eyes dimmed, and he said unhurriedly, "If you weren't afraid that it would eat you, why were you in such a hurry to let me unblock you?"

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

"I've already seen the black line." The smile on the corner of Xu Tuoran's mouth became more and more obvious, and the premonition of crisis sounded faster in her mind, and the reminder of the death value sounded again, and she just pretended not to hear it.

"Threads are everywhere. If you recall carefully, you should be able to see more..."

Pen Fairy's Pen: ...

I don't know if it's Xu Tuoran's illusion, but the red ink on it seems to be dripping faster.

[Shut up! 】

Finally, the handwriting on her arm changed again:

[Quickly shut up! 】


Xu Tuoran's heart suddenly relaxed.

She guessed right.

This pen probably didn't know about it. She actually told a lie just now—it wasn't that she didn't pay attention when the Pen Fairy Pen kept revising its plan. It's just that her focus is different from what it thinks.

She mainly looked at the revision points pointed out by Yang Buqi and Pu Han. That is, the mistakes it buried, or in other words, traps.

After following Xu Tuoran, I discovered one thing—this pen, although it seems to be freer, is also more capable of lying. But the part it can really lie is actually only related to itself.

In other words, it has to tell the truth except for this part. At most, you can only play word games and confuse some concepts, but lying is not feasible.

This reminded Xu Tuoran of the day after she received the pen. At that time, she asked the pen if there were inhumans in the room that she didn't know about. Although the pen at that time answered very shamelessly, it was essentially answering "no".

No current pen fairy can lie about this kind of thing, let alone it at that time. In other words, the pen of the pen fairy at that time could not perceive the existence of Haunted House No. 71.

In other words, Haunted House No. 71 is stronger than the current Pen of Immortals.

So now the strength chain can be drawn. Haunted House No. 71 is stronger than Bixian's pen, and Bixian's pen is better than Pu Han—and Pu Han is definitely better than Xu Tuoran himself.

It is also known that Haunted House No. 71 has the habit of eating together with the same kind.

In addition, when Xu Tuoran was about to move the comatose cheap adoptive brother, Pu Han also said something like this:

"For an abominable creature like Haunted House No. 71, the food can be raw or cold, and Chinese food is fine. In comparison, I am fried chicken, you two are green vegetables, and your brother is a cornbread. Normal people, who I’ll skip the fried chicken and eat steamed buns.”

He said that at the time just to make Xu Tuoran dispel the idea of ​​moving his adoptive brother, but it was useless, Xu Tuoran and Yang Buqi still deliberately moved his adoptive brother to the second floor.

But looking back now, these words gave Xu Tuoran more confidence.

"I am Qing Cai, and Pu Han is fried chicken. Then you must be something more delicious than fried chicken." Xu Tuoran said, "Then let's guess, if I really look at the main body of Haunted House No. 71, it will Will he eat you first, or deal with me first?"

Pen Fairy's Pen: "..."

[Are you so sick! 】It endured and endured, but in the end it still couldn't hold back. At this moment, it didn't even have the leisurely mind to pretend to be a stigmata, and it just turned its head and wrote on the wall, [You can't live if I'm eaten! What are you planning! 】

Xu Turan raised his eyebrows slightly, straightened his body, and said in a sonorous tone, "Just to have fun! Can you?"

Pen Fairy's Pen:! @#¥%

Its rationality told it that Xu Tuoran was bluffing—although there were not many things in the first place, and now there are only a few scraps left.

But for some reason, it suddenly remembered the time when Xu Tuoran and his party had just left the room on the second floor. At that time, it had already woken up, and it also had a certain perception of the external situation.

It heard Xu Tuoran say with its own ears, "To make your enemy unhappy is to make yourself happy."

"Rounding up, you earn, it loses."

Let's talk about all the things it has experienced since it was lurking beside Xu Tuoran—


I always feel that she can do that kind of **** thing that ends together! What should I do!

As if aware of its entanglement, Xu Turan spoke again, but his tone was a little light: "Alternatively, if you really don't want to deal with the current No. 71, you can deal with it in the past."

The corners of her mouth sank, and she looked at Bixianzhipen as if she was looking at a dead object:

"Would you like to compare and see whether you write me to death faster, or I throw you out faster?"

Pen Fairy's Pen: @#¥%…%¥

[! I get it, I finally get it! ] It turned its head and began to write on the wall again, 【You did it on purpose! You left me outside on purpose just now, just to test me! 】

【You woman, you are so vicious! ! 】

The red handwriting was printed on the wall with teeth and claws, and the words were crying blood. Those who didn't know it thought it was the one being persecuted.

Xu Tuoran scratched his cheek, but his eyes became a little subtle.

No, this brain supplement is a bit too much.

You may not believe it, but I really forgot you by accident...

"Anyway, that's my attitude." Xu Tuoran blushed inwardly, without changing his expression, and even took the initiative to take a step forward.

"Either, we both die together. Or, just bet on your life and death, and you choose one."

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

Although this really seemed embarrassing, the moment Xu Tuoran took a step forward, he couldn't help but backed up a little, and directly touched the wall.

After a few more seconds, it finally gave up completely, fell to the ground, and stopped moving.

Red ink leaked from the pen cap, staining a puddle, like blurred blood.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Xu Tuoran always feels that the whole pen has become a lot of gray and ruined.

...then completely ignored it, turned around and continued to search for the body.

The place where the "stigmata" was left on the skin is still painful. The handwriting has become blurred, leaving only streaks of blood. It looks a little scary, but fortunately, it won't really bleed.

Xu Tuoran felt that it was a bit of an eyesore, so he turned his head and called out to the pen. The guy just pretended not to hear, with the pen cap on his head, and rolled to the side.

...Is this autistic or something?

Xu Tuoran shook his head, turned around and continued to touch the waists of the corpses, and finally found a bunch of keys from the back waist of one of them.

Almost the moment she took the key in her hand, a wooden door suddenly appeared in the originally closed room. The door was closed tightly with a keyhole on it.

So that's the case—Xu Tuoran suddenly realized.

It is said that there is a lock before the key. The order here is reversed, the key must be present before the corresponding lock can be unlocked.

There was also a piece of rule paper taped to the door. At this moment, the plan written above has almost disappeared, leaving only a series of escape rules neatly arranged.

The flickering candlelight shone on the door. Xu Tuoran's eyes were sharp, and he saw at a glance that someone had added something to the blank space above the rule paper.

It looks like a rune, triangular, with large and small diamonds and circles drawn in the middle, and Pu Han's signature on the side.

Xu Tuoran knew that this should be a clue given by Pu Han, and his first reaction was to look through the notebook he picked up, but he couldn't find the corresponding pattern after looking through it. She held up the candle again, and went to check the things in the room. She passed the self-closing pen on the way, and picked it up by the way.

Xu Furan's movements suddenly paused as his fingers brushed the body of the pen inadvertently.

She remembered. There are also runes on the body of this pen.

Xu Tuoran brought the fire light closer to the pen of the pen fairy, observed it carefully for a while, and found a rune on the cap of the pen that was the same as the pattern on the regular paper.

She took a deep look at the rule paper, and said to Bixianbi again: "By the way, I'll ask you another question."

"What's the way to unlock the seal on your body?"

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

Pen Fairy's Pen: ...? !

It jumped up from Xu Tuoran's hand almost instantly, floated in the air for a while, turned around and wrote on the wall:

[What do you want to do again? ! 】

Xu Turan: ...

"Well, I can't control you anymore, can I?" She lazily raised her eyes and stood up, "Okay, don't answer if you don't want to answer."

Pen Fairy's Pen:! !

It quickly moved to Xu Tuoran, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and wrote a line of words on the wall quickly.

—The method is not difficult, that is, to smear the runes on it with human blood, repeating while smearing: [I will give you freedom, I will give you freedom, I will give you freedom].

Xu Tueran did as he said, and forced a little blood from the wound on his body without hesitation, pointed at the light carefully, and put his finger on it.

Precisely covered the bloodstain on the triangular rune.

Gai continued to read: "I give you freedom - but only a small part."

"I give you freedom...but only a small part"

"...Only give a small part. Not much."

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

No, you read it so loudly, are you afraid that I don't know that you are cheating me?

Obviously the seal on his body is dissolving. For some reason, it suddenly had a bad feeling and a heavy sadness.

In any case, a small part of freedom is also freedom - because Xu Tuoran's upright chanting of the mantra, when it was over, the pen unexpectedly did not feel a big psychological gap.

In fact, because Xu Tuoran's "Come on, let's explode together" style was too bluffing, it actually has no hope of unblocking. I didn't expect it to be unlocked a little bit at this moment...

It even has an inexplicable sense of surprise, "Hey, I actually won the lottery".

However, as a villain who thinks he is more forceful, Bixianzhi quickly adjusted his emotions, and secretly warned himself not to be so disappointing like a country puppy; The reason for losing part of the seal.

By the way, once again standing on the moral high ground, he justly accused her of breaking her promise, being cunning and treacherous, and being an extremely despicable human being.

People like you, back then, I wouldn't have accepted me even if they wanted to join me, okay?

"Why don't you keep your promise? It's because you kept your promise, so you painted it for you." Xu Tuoran was unreasonable and strong, as if the person who planned to go whoring for nothing before was not her.

"This is called a deposit. Do you understand the deposit? At least the final payment cannot be paid until the project is completed—they are all advanced abominations. Can you explain some business logic?"

After speaking, he went straight to the wooden door, compared the keys in his hand for a while, inserted one of them into the door lock, and opened the door generously.

There was only one brush left, silently floating behind her, with hesitant movements and a very confused heart.


So... is that so?