MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 39

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In fact, Yang can't be blamed for his innocence.

Although he has been here a few times, he always went straight to Xu Turan's room, out of politeness, he never walked around - he really didn't know the detailed structure of the house.

"...Anyway, let's go out and check the situation first." Yang Buqi was silent for a few seconds, recovered his voice, picked up some props from the ground and put them in his pocket. He also peeled off the ruled paper pasted on the door, and after leaving the room, reposted it on the outside of the door.

Following Yang Buqi's actions, an identical piece of ruled paper appeared outside the doors of almost all the rooms. He glanced at the content on the paper again, turned to Xu Tuoran and said: "Suppose we get separated, you can write your location and status on this paper. The content will be synchronized to other papers, and we can Grasp the situation in time."

"Be careful though, this thing can only be synced if it's posted - don't tear it down."

Yang Buqi babbled, thought for a while, and added: "Of course, it's best not to disperse."

In the domain, being alone is an extremely dangerous thing, not to mention that their team also has a crispy parallel importer who knows, a low-level newcomer who tends to be chaotic...

Yet another one is more reckless than the other. Xu Tuoran didn't say anything, Pu Han, who is a crispy skin, would come over to give away his wife's head just because of a word, he didn't expect that...

Unfortunately, no safety rope.

Yang Buqi led the two of them to explore along the corridor, thinking with a sullen face all the way, if he had known to bring two safety ropes, one on the side of his trouser belt, he would not have to be so worried now...

"Strange." After Xu Tuoran walked out of the room, he called out softly.

Yang Buqi turned his head vigilantly, and saw her leaning on the railing and looking towards the first floor, with a deep sense of puzzlement on her face: "How come their atmosphere is so good?"

Yang Buqi didn't understand what she was talking about at first, so he leaned over to take a look to understand - he saw that the photos that Xu Tueran had taken outside the room earlier had all "hatched", and several female ghosts were leisurely walking on the first floor and the stairs. crawling.

Yes, leisurely—one by one, the posture of crawling is called relaxation, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you are walking in the courtyard.

"This state is not right." Yang Buqi also frowned. He had also seen the female ghost in Xu Tuoran's photo with his own eyes before. Although those female ghosts did not show any aggressiveness towards people, they were extremely keen on killing each other. As long as they stayed in the same space, they would definitely start fighting within three seconds. They had never been in such a peaceful state.

His first reaction was that Xu Tuoran's passive chaos had lost its effect, but after thinking about it, he was wrong - if so, they should have launched an attack on the humans present.

"Is this? Superimposed effect." Pu Han also came to look at it, with a calm tone, "Didn't I say that Haunted House No. 71 also has passive chaos skills. But it is different from Xu Tuoran, it will let people within the control range The abomination sinks into a state of serenity..."

Those in Xu Tuoran's room were all lamp-level, and they were closer to Xu Tuoran at the time, so they were more deeply influenced by her; but these female ghosts are currently active within the coverage area of ​​Haunted House No. 71, and their level is the lowest. , is an energy body that is not even a firefly level, so it is naturally more affected by Haunted House No. 71.

"From this point of view, this haunted house is quite friendly to the same kind." Xu Tuoran said, "Yang Buqi also said before that it can help the abominations recover..."

This is how her Polaroid was saved. In a sense, this haunted house is their reinvented parents.

Pu Han glanced at her with a smile, but didn't speak. In the next second, the painting style in the hall changed suddenly—a female ghost who was stretching in the corner suddenly widened her eyes, uttered a scream, and stretched out her claws to try to crawl out. Being dragged by something, he was dragged back.

Immediately afterwards, its body began to shrivel and shrink, until finally, it turned into a thin sheet, completely paralyzed on the ground, and soon turned into a puddle of powder.

Xu Turan: ...

Because she was still wearing the "shield of ignorance", she couldn't see the main body of Haunted House No. 71 for the time being, nor could she see what was wrapped around the female ghost and devoured her in an instant; Guess, she can guess too.

Pu Han's voice sounded again, as if sighing: "People are also very friendly to the pigs in the pig farms—look at them, how many of them have died?"

Xu Tuoran: ...

Sorry, I was naive.

Yang Buqi began to urge him softly, planning to explore the room on the second floor first. Xu Tuoran responded, thought for a while, took out a small medicine bottle from his body, poured several handfuls of small pills out of it, and sprinkled handful by handful to where the female ghost was.

Just looking at that action, it can be said to be full of the temperament of throwing petals and the boldness of throwing money. Yang Buqi frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Add some ingredients to them." Xu Tuoran said, put away the medicine bottle, and clapped his hands. Turned around and entered the bedroom behind him.

Infinite vitamin pill bottle - this is one of the supernatural items she bought in this batch. Although it looks like a dead thing, it is essentially a parasitic abomination, and it is still prone to war.

Inside this pill bottle, special pills will proliferate indefinitely. This kind of pills are active and can find hosts to parasitize on their own. Parasites include humans and other abominations. After being parasitized, the host will become more and more manic, irritable, aggressive, and incited to hunt other life, and the act of hunting will nourish the medicine bottle itself—it can be said to be quite cunning. What an abomination.

However, under the influence of Xu Tuoran's single chaos effect, it would only throw its own pills like stones. Can't do any damage, but it's more troublesome to clean.

As for what it will look like under the superimposed effect of Xu Turan and Haunted House No. 71, Xu Turan actually doesn't know. But since there is a chance, I'll try it, and it doesn't cost money—it would be best if it works, but if it doesn't, it doesn't matter to her.

"...No, you wait." Yang Buqi didn't understand her train of thought, "Why is it useful?"

"If it works, the pills will parasitize those female ghosts, making them very irritable." Xu Tuoran said naturally, "Isn't that good?"

Yang Buqi: ...?

"Haunted House No. 71 wants the abominations in the domain to die peacefully, which means that this situation must be beneficial to it. If this is the case, then as long as we can make things fail to meet its wishes, it will be a victory."

Xu Tuoran was confident: "Rounding up, it loses money, but we make money!"

In short, displease your enemies and displease yourself!

Yang Buqi: ...?

? ? ?

No, this kind of earning is nothing to be proud of, really. We don't need this kind of outlandish victory either. Escape alive is the victory, okay?

Yang Buqi opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, but silently covered his face.

At this time, their escape exploration had just begun for less than five minutes.

Yang Buqi felt that the time was so long that it seemed like five hours had passed.

Because their starting point is on the second floor, when exploring, they first took a look at the two bedrooms and the living room on the second floor.

Did not find any clues. There are many disturbing situations.

The faucet in the bathroom will drip untimely, and the perfume in the cloakroom will be overturned inexplicably. When Yang Buqi was checking the shower room, the shower above his head suddenly turned on by himself. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have been drowned on the spot.

It would be fine if there was only water, but the point is that Yang Buqi could clearly feel that there was something in the water—his neckline accidentally got a little bit on it, and when he reached out to wipe it away, his fingers felt the silky touch of hair.

"Is this all done by 'it'?" Xu Tuoran asked in confusion while helping to dry the water stains on Yang Buqi's collar, "But shouldn't 'it' be messed up?"

"A dog with rabies is also very chaotic, but it doesn't mean it won't bite people." Pu Han shrugged, "You just need to understand that this is an automatic hunting mechanism."

"What I'm more concerned about is why it's water—" Yang Buqi thanked Xu Tuoran, and patted his half-dry neckline. I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that he seemed to pat some hair-like things out of his clothes, "It likes liquid?"

"If you had seen its body, you wouldn't have such a problem." Pu Han shook his head, and reminded Xu Tuoran, "Don't describe it to him, and don't recall it."

Once recalled, the shield of ignorance he imposed will be shaken, and it might fail.

Xu Tuoran was about to say "it's a fish", but swallowed it silently. Because of this, Yang Buqi thought of another thing: "Speaking of which, I have read the relevant information of Haunted House No. 71. It was mentioned in it that after the first ceremony, people found a dozen corpses in the house. All died of drowning."

"The strange thing is that there was no running water in the house at that time because of the arrears of bills - and there was no water source nearby." Pu Han said lightly, "I only found a few plates and gold cups in the basement, which were suspected to have contained liquid ..."

He turned his eyes and straightened up: "Why don't you go to the basement first."

Yang Buqi had no objection, Xu Furan thought about it, but suddenly stopped him.

"Sorry, I know it might be a bit abrupt to ask like this." She thought about her words, "But Pu Han, I want to make sure that your current state is fine, right?"

"Huh?" Pu Han looked at her curiously, "May I ask, what is the reason for your doubts?"

Xu Tueran touched the pen that was put back into his pocket through his clothes, but Pu Han on the opposite side suddenly waved his hand as if realizing something, "Forget it, no need to explain—I probably know what you're talking about."

He paused for a few seconds, then turned to Yang Buqi: "In this case, Prophet, why don't you test it?"

Yang Buqi: …

Although he was not clear about the situation, Yang Buqi quickly straightened his expression and looked at Pu Han seriously:

"Pu Han, let me ask you. What is Article 23 of the "Ability Person Convention?"

"'Anyone who knows the content of this article can only announce the content of this article with full concentration and clear consciousness. It can be used as a detection method if necessary.'" Pu Han finished speaking without changing his face, and added another sentence, " Believe me, my consciousness is very clear now."

Yang Buqi stared at him for a while, then turned to Xu Tuoran: "He didn't lie."

His prophetic ability is very special, it belongs to the dual tendency of "foreseeing" and "omniscient". Even a person with a high tendency to be omniscient can't affect his judgment result.

Unless the person being questioned has no doubts about the answer he said. That's why he asked Pu Han to recite Article 23 of the Convention again—this content was instilled with the power of several high-level ability users of order, and it was quite mandatory. Even Pu Han couldn't violate the constraints.

"If you are still not at ease, I can tell you one more thing." Pu Han looked at Xu Tuoran with a smile, not angry at being suddenly questioned, "Feifei is my anchor—and also a supervisor. If I have The problem, she must know."

An anchor refers to something that allows people to stabilize their self-awareness. Xu Tuoran took a deep look at Feifei, who immediately patted Pu Han's chest, as if reassuring her.

...It just seems that the filming seems to be a little too hard. Pu Han's face turned pale on the spot, and he turned around and began to cough.

Speaking of this, Xu Tuoran finally let go of his guard. Immediately apologized to Pu Han—although there was still a little confusion in my heart.

"It's okay, that's how it should be. If you have any questions, just say it. At this time, I'm most afraid of finding some doubts, but I hold back..." Pu Han coughed and waved his hands, paused for a few seconds, and said, "Also, Remind you of two things."

"First, even if an omniscient person is confused, he will not mistake what he has read." Looking into Xu Tuoran's gaze, he paused word by word, "Second, people only ask others about things they don't know. things—or things that were being concealed."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xu Tuoran's pocket, his eyes were serious.

Xu Tuoran touched his pocket with one hand, his eyes turned slightly, and his heart suddenly froze.

On the other hand, Yang Buqi seemed to realize something, and turned suspiciously between the two of them:

"You guys, have nothing to hide from me."

The two looked at each other, and shook their heads tacitly: "No, no, no."

Yang Buqi: …

He took a deep breath and tried his best to resist the urge to swear:

"You guys should know that I can tell the truth from the fake, right?"

The two looked at each other, and nodded: "I know, I know."

Yang Buqi: ...

I don't want to follow. I really don't want to follow.

He closed his eyes and thought blankly, with this level of cooperation, I should have been flying solo from the very beginning.

Of course, it is impossible to fly solo, and it is impossible to fly solo in this life.

Even if you are so angry that your chest hurts, you must ensure that the team is neat and tidy-in fact, when the few people went down to the first floor, Pu Han even suggested whether to split up, but Yang Buqi directly turned back.

Can the crispy skin be a little bit crispy?

On the other hand, it turned out that the pills that Xu Tueran had thrown before had some effect—at this moment, the female ghosts crawling around on the first floor were obviously not so leisurely and leisurely, and were scratching and biting violently. In Pu Han's words, what they scratched were all the black threads entangled in every corner of the room.

Because of Xu Tuoran's chaotic effect, the main body of Haunted House No. 71 seemed to be sleeping, and the counterattack was relatively slow. The number of female ghosts did not drop too much for a while.

Xu Tuoran knew that the female ghosts couldn't deal too much damage to Haunted House No. 71, so he scraped and scraped to death. However, that scene was really scary, so even though Pu Han thought it was okay, she called Yang Buqi, and first moved the unconscious adoptive brother to the bedroom on the second floor—his own room.

Yang Buqi drew a large number of protective symbols on the door, which should have some effect.

After tidying up this end, she went to the basement again. As soon as she approached the entrance, she knew that Pu Han's guess was right.

The voice of the reminder of the death value sounded in her mind.

Not many numbers, ten o'clock. Xu Turan thought for a while, and took the initiative to take over the heavy task of opening the door, and unsurprisingly, a wave of door-opening kills came—

Almost at the moment when the door was pushed open, a miserable green hand rushed straight to her.

"help me-"

The entrance to the basement, itself is located deep down a flight of stairs. Logically speaking, after pushing it away, it should be flat ground, but in front of Xu Tuoran, it turned out to be a long staircase——

A strange boy was lying on the stairs, his lower body was hidden in the endless darkness, he was struggling to reach up, his eyes were wide open, his forehead and side neck were covered with stretched blue veins.

The icy breath rushed towards the face, and at the same time, the young man cried out for help:

"Save me, save me! I regret it, I regret it—" He put one hand on the steps under Xu Tuoran's feet, and tried to move his body up an inch, "Save me—sister, save me!"

When he was speaking, he fixed his eyes on Xu Tuoran who was directly in front of him, as if he could see her.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She thought for a while and took a step back silently.

"Adults should be responsible for the choices they make." Her voice was low as if she was talking to herself.


He froze in place for a moment.

His limited brain was in confusion—in his cognition, the person being called for help at this time should have three reactions. Either escape this flight of stairs, or fall limp, or actually reach out and pull him.

And except for the first case, he can take her away in one wave, grab the other person, and drag her into the endless darkness below him...

But now, the situation is very delicate. This woman, you said she retreated, she didn't completely retreat—she only retreated one space.

It is difficult for a chaotic self-awareness to make a reasonable judgment on the current situation. Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, he made a wrong decision—he tentatively took another step up.

Xu Tuoran immediately took another step back.


He gritted his teeth and climbed up another step.

While crawling, he continued instinctively: "Help, save me..."

At the same time, he tried his best to reach Xu Tuoran's ankle.

Seeing that his fingertips were about to touch, Xu Tuoran took another step back.


Coincidentally at this time, Yang Buqi and Pu Han saw that Xu Tuoran had been silent for a long time, and they also walked down the stairs. Seeing the battle, they immediately tensed up: "What's the matter?"

"Hush." ​​Xu Tuoran waved his hand, dragged the two people who had just rushed over, and took another step back.

Boy: ...Help, I'm so annoying!

Xu Tuoran just stepped back one by one. Because she never left the stairs completely, the young man always held some inexplicable hopes, as if he could reach her as long as he followed the climb—until finally, Xu vainly dragged Yang Buqi and Pu Han, who were both dazed, to stand. At the end of the stairs.

"Look, it's almost there!" She cheered on the boy solemnly, "Adults, don't beg all the time, learn to save yourself, aren't you coming out soon!"


Cooperate with you to do rehabilitation for me here!

He stared at Xu Tuoran angrily and confused, but the other party seemed to be unaware of his anger, and was still looking at him with an encouraging look similar to "Mengmeng, stand up".

At this moment, the three of them were standing on the first stairs leading to the basement on the first floor. This step of stairs is beyond the reach of the boy no matter what. But as long as they are still standing on this staircase, he can't leave...

The boy was helpless. He stretched out his arm again with difficulty, waved sideways, and again.

"Go up, go up..."

Xu Tuoran cooperatively pulled the other two up one step further, leaving the stairs completely. In the next second, the darkness under the boy was swallowed up like a living abyss, and an invisible force stretched out from the darkness, grabbed the boy, and dragged him down—

It stands to reason that this should be a very scary scene.

For some reason, Yang Buqi actually saw a trace of relief in the opponent's eyes.

He raised his hand and rubbed between his brows, trying to make his voice calmer: "So, can someone explain to me what happened just now?"

"It should be the energy body living in the domain, commonly known as 'ghost' or 'ghost'... It may also be an accompanying creature." Pu Han speculated in a good mood, "It seems that with the official start of the 'domain', More and more 'stuff' is starting to wake up."

"...Then what were you doing just now?" Yang Buqi turned to Xu Tuoran.

"I'm saving the boy who has lost his footing - by the way, I'm testing his operating mechanism." Xu Tuoran was confident, and frowned, "He doesn't seem to be affected by my passivity?"

"Not necessarily." Pu Han said as he went downstairs and opened the door, "Didn't you notice? Your passive has obviously different effects on monsters of different levels. Low-level monsters are more inclined to kill each other, while Haunted House No. 71 sleep..."

As for the boy just now, to become the companion of Haunted House No. 71, his level must not be low. And judging from his performance, he seems closer to dementia...

After all, as long as you have a little brain, you can't do something like being stalked all the way by a kite and still insist on not giving up.

Xu Tueran nodded as if suddenly enlightened, and Yang Buqi's heart trembled suddenly for some reason.

"It's written on the rule paper, don't interact with people who obviously don't belong to this time and space..." He felt that this interaction should also include not sneaking people.

"Yeah, I remember everything." Xu Tuoran nodded affirmatively, and followed Pu Han into the basement.

The entrance to the basement was pushed open again, and this time the situation behind the door was very normal—no stairs, no miserable green boy, just the same corridors and rooms as usual.

The difference is that there are many more people here now.

There are men, women and children, they come and go in the room, each exchanging nonsensical dialogues, they seem to be unable to see Xu Tuoran and the others, or even each other.

Some are like bubbles, ephemeral, while others are always active, and even the voice of speaking is very clear.

"I know, I know everything!" A man in a long trench coat ran past Xu Tuoran and the others, holding a thick notebook in his hand, with a crazy expression, "I know why the previous ceremony failed! I Finally dreaming about it again...I finally know where we went wrong!"

As soon as the words fell, another woman with a high bun appeared on the other side of the corridor, her tone was indifferent: "The ceremony is about to start, are you all ready? This time, maybe it is our last chance."

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Another boy's voice sounded, as if he was calling someone, "Move all of these here... Move them all to the main sacrificial altar... The teacher said, these are the real keys!"

"...Hiss." Pu Han glanced left and right, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that we can't act without distraction."

The three figures are obviously in different time and space, leading to three different clues. If they pursue one of them alone, they are likely to miss other information.

Yang Buqi: "..."

"You can only observe and don't interact." In desperation, he emphasized again, "Also, if you encounter anything, communicate through the rule paper."

Although the basement at this moment has become very weird, it still falls under the coverage of the rule paper. That piece of paper was pasted on the outside of each door.

Xu Tuoran nodded, and took the lead in specifying the target: "That woman seems to be leaving—I'll follow her."

After speaking, he was the first to turn around.

Yang Buqi gave her a worried look, and finally he and Pu Han each picked a figure to follow—he chose the man in the long trench coat, who had already passed through the corridor and turned into a room. Yang Buqi didn't dare to delay, and immediately followed in.

The furnishing in the room is very strange. There are massage chairs, sofas, and a projector in the middle, and a large projection screen next to the wall; where the massage chair overlaps, there is an old writing desk.

The man in the long windbreaker was standing in front of the writing desk, pointing his finger at the notebook, as if he was having a heated exchange with someone. Yang Buqi leaned over, glanced across the table, trying to see his notebook clearly, but couldn't see clearly.

A man's voice came over, full of confidence: "Fire! The key point is fire! We shouldn't use candles! It doesn't like exposed fire...We should change the material, I think we can use lights..."

"Can't use electricity, and it doesn't like electricity...Gas lamps, or oil lamps...Lanterns..."

Yang Buqi: ...?

The man's voice became intermittent, and his figure began to shake. Yang Buqi tried his best to listen to what he said, and after waiting for an unknown amount of time, the man suddenly disappeared in place like a burst of bubbles.

Disappeared together are the old writing desk and the notebook. Yang Buqi didn't dare to delay, turned around and went out, and when he turned the doorknob, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

This door cannot be opened.

... to die.

Yang Buqi tried several times but couldn't open the door, so he immediately turned around and walked to the other side - this was originally the underground audio-visual hall of Xu Tuoran's home, with a bathroom. The good news is that the door leading to the bathroom can be opened at this moment. The bad news is that there is no exit to other rooms in the bathroom.

It was just a small transom window, and it was dark outside, so I couldn't see anything.

Yang Buqi knew that he was trapped, so he could only choose to think long-term. But before that, he didn't forget to take out the pen he carried with him - there was also a rule book on the door of the bathroom, and he could use this rule paper to share the information he just obtained with others.

However, the moment his eyes fell on the rule paper, he froze.

I saw that on the rule paper, at some point, several lines of words had been added.

The red handwriting is flamboyant, crooked, and mixed with a lot of obliteration and typos—

【I am trying to get your attention to convey to you that I am willing to help you. 】

[Although we didn't get along well before, you believe me, I can really help you. 】

[If I want to harm you, I'm already confused by you right now, haven't I? 】

[Release the suppression on me, I will help you escape, this is a very profitable deal. 】

[Yes, I only have the H level, but I am more useful than you think. You think I'm weak, it's just that you haven't seen my true strength. 】

…looks like a one-sided conversation. Although the handwriting has become much uglier, but through this tone, it is not difficult to guess who the guy who wrote it is.

——The brush of the immortal pen in Xu Tuoran's hand. It should be communicating with Xu Tuoran in another space. For some reason, it used the ruled paper as a writing material, and the written content was synchronized to him by the ruled paper.

However, this is not what Yang Buqi cares about.

What he cares about is that almost two-thirds of these densely packed lines are all lies.

...including the first sentence of the last line.