MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 37

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Pu Han was woken up by Feifei's slap.

When he opened his eyes, the alarm clock hadn't even rung. He picked up his phone and looked at it, yawned and rubbed his face.

"What's the matter, it's only before eight o'clock... That girl didn't send a text message either..."

"! Hey, hello! What's the matter? This is Feifei! Feifei!"

The slap from his wife hit his head and face, Pu Han couldn't dodge in time, he slapped twice, and finally woke up completely. He looked at himself waving his impatient right hand and raised his eyebrows slightly: "What did you 'foresee' again? Or... related to that girl?"

Feifei curled up a finger and kept pressing down her knuckles, as if she was nodding.

Pu Han: "..."

"Okay, okay, I got it." He still didn't know the seriousness of the problem. Under Feifei's strong request, he had to pick up his mobile phone and call up Xu Tuoran's phone number. "Read" Xu Tuoran's situation at the moment.

However, within a few minutes, his face became serious.

"...It's not good, this matter is a bit serious." He murmured, quickly rolled over from the bed, got up and turned on the computer, "I will report to the courtyard immediately. higher…"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the right hand rushing over and pressing on the computer screen.

"...Feifei?" Pu Han noticed her movements and had some bad premonitions in his heart, "You want to say that no one should know?"

Feifei curled her fingers again and nodded her head.

"Feifei, don't mess around." Pu Han straightened his face, "This time we met at least a Hui-level. It's impossible not to find someone. No matter how special Xu Tuoran is, he's just started, and Yang Buqi has the most Torch-level. Requires two torches or one hui..."

Pu Han's words paused.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed to himself in disbelief: "Do you want me to go?"

Feifei "nods" again.

"..." Pu Han took a deep breath, "You should know that your husband and I have no other strengths besides being able to pick up people's privacy from the air?"

And this time his skills might not be effective - the one confronting Xu Tuoran now is obviously a guy who is not weaker than him. For some reason, the other party's strength seemed to fluctuate, and he was able to "read" the other party's existence...

But it's just "reading".

The other party's identity, origin, and ability all seemed to be covered by a thick fog, and he couldn't see it at all.

If you get closer, you might be able to see it. But this also means that he may also be targeted or even targeted by the other party - the biggest characteristic of Omniscience is that he knows a lot, and sometimes knowing a lot makes him easier to be influenced. What's more, as a forced upgrade to the Hui level, he is actually not very capable of fighting...

To put it simply, it can't provide long-range assistance, and can't deal damage in close quarters, but the inspiration and intelligence are still quite high. Let him like this come to the scene in person, and if he is not careful, he will have two GG results——

One is called Sending Human Heads Thousands of Miles, and the other is Sending Human Heads Thousands of Miles to Kill the Engine.

Pu Han looked at Feifei seriously, while the latter clenched a small fist, lightly hammered his chest, and then rubbed against him.

As if coquettish.

Pu Han still had a serious face: "..."

In the next second, he sighed and turned on the computer again.

"I'll pack my things after I submit the leave note." He said helplessly, "I'm talking about it up front. If I don't die, it's fine. If something happens, the two of us will cooperate in advance, one dies and the other dies..."

Feifei slapped him lightly again, lay obediently beside him, and began to wait.

Pu Han's leave slip was passed quickly, and he thought of some reasons, declined the bodyguard who was about to be assigned to him in the courtyard, then picked up his cell phone, and prepared to call Yang Buqi.

However, he just opened the address book and stopped again.

"... Lying on the grass, is it true or not?"

Staring at Yang Buqi's contact information, his eyes were blank for a few seconds, and he quickly came back to his senses: "Yang Buqi, he is already on his way..."

"This kid, the news is better than me?"

at the same time.

on the highway.

While driving, Yang Buqi glanced at the shining glass ball on the passenger seat from time to time, filled with the urge to curse.

He knows it! He knew that Xu Tuoran would never listen to him! Look, something went wrong, didn't it!

Yang Buqi took a deep breath, turned the steering wheel and drove out of the highway, and called Xu Tuoran again while waiting for the red light.

However, as before, it doesn't work at all.

Yang Buqi closed his eyes, looked at the shining glass ball next to him again, and pressed his lips together.

This glass ball is a testing tool that he personally owns. It also comes with several small glass stones. One of the glass stones was being placed in Xu Tuoran's previous room where he had scribbled wildly with the pen of the pen fairy.

Yang Buqi once suggested to Xu Tuoran to move out of that room and not to use it for the time being. Because Xu Tuoran probably didn't listen, so when he went to help paint the wall, he quietly put a glass stone in it - the stone has no other function, it can only sense the surrounding situation. Once a more dangerous situation happens, the glass ball in Yang Buqi's hand can give a response, so he can go over in time to have a look...

However, the most dangerous situation that Yang Buqi can think of is that Xu Tuoran is lured and bewitched by the handwriting of the abomination, loses himself, and does something that hurts himself.

It can be seen that the glass ball is frantically lighting up, and the current situation is obviously much worse than he expected——

what happened? Did she do something to that sum again, to drive people into a hurry?

All kinds of speculations were swirling in Yang Buqi's head, disturbing him. Just at this time, his car finally drove into Xingxing Park. He drove along the internal road for a while with ease, and finally came to the entrance of the villa area.

There is a crossbar blocking the entrance. A well-dressed security guard came over: "Sir, which building are you looking for?"

"Number 17!" Yang Buqi said quickly, tapping the steering wheel with his fingers anxiously.

The security guard was stunned for a moment: "What number 17?"

"It's Villa No. 17, the innermost one..." Yang Buqi explained subconsciously, halfway through speaking, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He was sure that he did not drive the wrong way - but every time he came here before, it was always a car, so he just drove in. No security guard ever asked his destination.

A subtle sense of strangeness crept into my heart. Sure enough, the security guard said in the next second: "Sir, the house numbers on our side are all from No. 100 to the back row, and must be three digits. Are you sure it is No. 17, do you remember correctly?"

Yang Buqi: "..."

It's obviously a hot day. He suddenly felt a layer of cold sweat on his back.

the other side.

No. 17, Xingxing Park Villa Area.

Rewind the time to half an hour ago.

In the living room. Xu Tuoran was watching his adoptive brother sitting at the dining table with great interest. The latter drank the coffee mixed with butter without changing his face, and his tone was as cold as ever: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"...It's nothing, I suddenly realized that you are quite special." Xu Tuoran thought for a few seconds, adjusted his mood, and walked towards the dining table instead.

"Brother, don't you think there's something wrong with this coffee?"

While hinting frantically, she further observed the person sitting opposite. The young man was obviously taken aback after hearing her "Brother", looked at her in surprise, opened his mouth as if to say something, but held back.

...a very real reaction. It's so real that it doesn't look like a fake at all.

Xu Tuoran had some strange feelings in his heart, and the next second he saw the adoptive brother of the boss pick up the mobile phone on the table, put it in the bread, and opened his mouth to bite it down——

Teeth hit the screen of the phone, making a harsh sound. He chewed dignifiedly like a normal person, and after making a swallowing movement, he said: "The coffee is very good. Why, did you drug me?"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

In a sense, it is indeed drugged.

But now it seems that this medicine is not strong enough - her upgraded "confusing" has obviously affected the person sitting opposite, but the impact seems to be very limited.

Aside from an inexplicable change in her taste in food, her cheap foster brother is completely undisturbed.

Xu Tueran tried again, and cast the active effect of "Confusion" on the opposite person - it stands to reason that it should be able to put the opponent into a blank state for 1.5 seconds. But the fact is, after finishing a set of skills, she didn't respond at all.

Still drinking butter coffee and eating sandwiches on my phone. The action doesn't even stop.

…what's the situation?

Xu Tuoran had a question mark in his head.

She looked around for a while without giving up, and confirmed that she couldn't find anything more with the naked eye, so she made up her mind and put her hand into her pocket.

In her pocket was the pen of the Pen Fairy, but it was kept with silver colored paper. Xu Tuoran peeled off the layer of colored paper, and slowly pulled out the pen.

...I don't know if it was her illusion, but when she took out the pen, she was quite unhappy and struggled desperately. There was an inexplicably extra layer of fluff on the smooth pen case, and it couldn't help wriggling, trying to push her fingers away.

Xu Tuoran carried out the robbery to the end, and very firmly took out the pen of the pen fairy. And almost at the moment when the pen came off the colored paper, the people across the table had a bigger reaction.

In front of Xu Tuoran, he picked up the coffee cup again. In the next second, there was a "snap", and half of his face was buried in the coffee cup.

The cup made a sound of shattering, and when he raised his head, Xu Tuoran realized that the shattering sound came from his teeth—he bit off a piece from the rim of the cup.

The adoptive brother chewed the pieces unconsciously, swallowed them, and opened his mouth to speak:

"I, finish my coffee, let's go. You, arrange, yourself..."

"Not coming back, dinner, eat..."

"I, the company, take care of..."

"Uncle, aunt, uncle..."

Fragmented sentences came out of his **** mouth, broken and confused. He seemed to be a poisoned robot, repeating the pre-programmed sentences illogically.

…as predicted.

Xu Tuoran's heart hung up.

Her attempt was successful. The pen of the pen fairy has broken away from the shackles of silver colored paper, and has also become the object of influence of "confusing". And its addition deepened the effect of "complicated and confusing" on the person opposite—

After all, one of the characteristics of the passive skill "Confusion" is that the more targets it covers, the deeper the impact it will cause.

Xu Tuoran took the opportunity to activate the "confusing" active effect again, but the person on the opposite side still didn't respond. As he stumbled and spoke, his originally indifferent facial features suddenly twisted, gradually forming a painful expression:

"I, go to work, you are at"

"When you graduate...take"

"Run... run..."

"..." Xu Tuoran paused in his heart, and stood up abruptly, "Brother? Brother, what do you mean? Brother?"

The person opposite did not answer, but twitched violently. His facial features twisted in pain, and suddenly he opened his mouth full of blood, and let out a heart-piercing scream:


After finishing speaking, he was like a toy that had lost power, his head suddenly drooped down and stopped moving.

Xu Tuoran never thought that things would develop like this, so he hurried over and tried to shake the other party's shoulders.

"Weird...and a pulse..."

She put her hand on the side of the other's neck, and her fingers moved inadvertently, as if she had touched something suddenly.

Xu Tuoran's breath was stagnant, and he hurriedly put his fingers over, groping around the adoptive brother's neck.

She felt a thread.

The line was at the back of his neck. Thick, smooth, straight up.

Xu Tueran followed the direction of the line and raised his head, his gaze fell on the ceiling.

Empty, nothing.

…No, not right.

The crisis prediction that has been offline for a long time finally sounded again, and Didi's voice was like hypnosis. Xu Tu took a few steps back, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked towards the ceiling again—

This time, she saw it.

There's something on that ceiling.

It looked like a fish, a ray, but it was several times bigger than what Xu Tuoran had seen in the aquarium. Its pale black and huge body is stretched out, as if it is attached to the ceiling, and the soft pectoral fins are full of arcs, which seem to be huge fish scales.

Its tail was curled up, making a big bend around its body, emitting a faint green light. Around the tail, there are large stretches of black silk—the black silk looks like hair, but it has a metallic luster. They entangled the entire ceiling, like fine and thick spider webs.

...good guy.

Xu vainly was dumbfounded. Those who didn't know, thought her house was Pansi Cave.

With the appearance of the giant ray, the light of the whole house seemed to be swallowed. The surrounding area became darkened visible to the naked eye, and Xu Tuoran subconsciously withdrew his gaze and swept around, feeling even more surprised in his heart.

-black line.

throughout the restaurant. The legs of the table, the back of the chair, the handrail of the stairs, including the door—everywhere she could see, there were piles of black lines.

They silently entangle every corner, as if they have multiplied here for a long time. On some piles of black lines, there are arcs one after another—it looks the same as the fish scales on giant rays.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, and turned his gaze back to cheap adoptive brother. This time, she could finally see it.

A strand of black silk thread was extending upwards from the back of the adoptive brother's neck, connecting directly to the ceiling.

... She was silent for a while, then slowly reached out and touched the back of her neck.

Not surprisingly, a thread was also touched.

It also extends upwards, but it is much thinner than the one on the back of the adoptive brother's neck.

Xu Tuoran touched down along the line and touched his own skin. The thread was like a mosquito's mouth, and it penetrated deeply, but she didn't feel it at all.

…I see.

Xu Turan felt a chill in his heart.

She remembered again the five beeps of the system when she checked in on the first night. She had always suspected that the freeze meant that there was a problem with the system, some kind of hidden force that interfered with the operation of her system.

However she forgot one thing. The death value system is connected to her consciousness. In a sense, it was part of her.

The system is stuck, it may not be that the system itself has been disturbed—

It may also be herself who is disturbed.

"This move is absolutely amazing." Xu Tuoran sighed secretly. Obviously people have been recruited, but they can't find out. If she hadn't spent a lot of money on a whim to try, how long would she have been kept a secret?

What would happen to her if the situation was allowed to develop?

This imagination is too bad. Xu Tuoran glanced at the cheap adoptive brother who was slumped on the chair, full of rejection in his heart.

The giant ray overhead seems to be sleeping, with its soft pectoral fins undulating regularly. Seeing that it didn't seem to be paying attention to him, Xu Tuoran tried to pull the silk thread behind him, and carefully picked up the fruit knife on the dining table—

A paring knife cuts through the threads. The thread didn't break, but it trembled.

The tremor was transmitted upwards along the silk thread, and the next moment, the giant ray stuck to the ceiling opened its eyes suddenly as if awakened from a dream.

…yes, eyes.

It was only then that Xu Tuoran discovered that the thing actually had eyes—those randomly arranged arcs, which she thought were fish scales, were lifted up almost at the same time, revealing countless cloudy yellow eyeballs below.

All those eyeballs looked over, and their cold eyes all fell on Xu Tuoran. All of a sudden, Xu Turan felt as if something exploded in his brain, and the world in front of him suddenly began to shake and spin, and the house covered in black silk was covered with a strange red light, and there seemed to be countless yellow eyes in the red light, blinking at her , whisper...


Xu Tuoran cursed inwardly, bit the tip of his tongue forcefully, pulled himself together, waved his palms in the air, and opened and closed them violently.

- Activate the active effect of "Complicated and Confused"!

Because he had identified the target of the spell this time, the skill finally did not fail again. All the yellow eyes fell into a momentary sluggishness, Xu Tuoran took the opportunity to pick up the milk on the table, poured it on the back of his neck, and at the same time swung the knife in his hand again—

When the milk touched the black thread, it instantly condensed into a thin layer of crystals. Xu Tuoran knocked on the crystal with a knife, and the ice layer and the black silk inside were shattered in an instant!

It's done!

Xu Turan was overjoyed, raised the milk box, and pointed at Hei Si behind her adoptive brother on the opposite side—it wasn't because she had any preference for milk, but because her "Ice No. 7" had to be powered by liquid at the moment.

Without liquid, there is no object to crystallize, and the skill has a low success rate. This is the experience she summed up in these few skills training courses.

The silk thread behind the adoptive brother is thicker, and even with the help of "No. 7 ice", it is difficult to cut it instantly. Xu Tueran had to activate "Blizzard" again to buy time, which caused a slight pain in her chest—she reckoned that this might be the "side effect" mentioned in the skill introduction.

With another slash, Xu Tuoran finally cut off all the silk threads on the back of the cheap adoptive brother's neck, then turned around quickly, and rushed towards the door without thinking—

While rushing, I didn't forget to check my death value again.

Just now, his eyes were full of hallucinations and he didn't pay attention. The actual death value prompt has already sounded once. Gaining 1,200 death points is considered to have paid back most of the money.

Xu Turan didn't intend to be greedy. After all, the other party is an abomination of the Hui class. For her, it is no longer fighting monsters by leapfrogging, but fighting bosses by leapfrogging. The confrontation just now also made her clearly feel that this is not a master she can single-handedly—although the skill level is enough, but there is still a huge gap in itself. Just not.

Therefore, the best response is to grab a wave and run away. And her cheap adoptive brother looked angry, so he hurriedly asked people in the industry for help, maybe he could get it back...

Xu Tuoran was thinking silently. Seeing that his fingers were about to touch the doorknob of the door, a panicked voice suddenly sounded behind him——

"Xu vainly?!"

Xu Tuoran: "...???"

The next second, she felt herself being hugged by the waist and dragged back forcefully. Immediately, something cold touched her cheek.

The field of vision becomes blurred, but soon becomes clear again. Xu Turan raised his eyes blankly, facing Shang Yang Buqi's anxious eyes.

"Yang Buqi, why did you come..." Xu Tuoran frowned, glanced around from the corner of his eye, and suddenly paused.

She clearly remembered that she was running towards the gate. However, looking at the surrounding layout, she was obviously on the second floor.

And it's in the sun room on the second floor.

Xu Tuoran's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look in the direction he was rushing just now—

Where is the gate?

It was clearly a floor-to-ceiling window that opened wide.

"How come..." Her first reaction was that she was controlled, and she reached out to touch the back of her neck. But only touched a broken line.

The broken thread clung to her skin softly, like a dead snake. She didn't sense any danger from it.

On the other hand, Yang Buqi's neck was completely connected to a thin black line, leading straight to the top of the sun room.

Xu vainly looked up, and was not surprised to see the dense black silk and countless blinking yellow eyes.

Yang Buqi followed and looked up, with a blank expression on his face: "What's wrong? Did you see anything? What's the matter with this house, it suddenly became a domain, I finally came in..."

Xu Turan opened his mouth and was about to explain, but his gaze involuntarily drifted towards those yellow eyes again.

Consciousness became trance again, and a long sigh suddenly came, like a thunderbolt, which instantly pulled back her cognition:

"Don't look at it. If you look at it again, you will be taken away again."

Panting Pu Han appeared at the door of the sunshine room, leaning against the door frame, and exhaled heavily.

"Mom, this time it's a bit of a big deal." He shrugged his shoulders towards the two people in the room, trying his best to control his gaze, as long as he couldn't see the black hair and eyes all over the top, "You should have Remember to buy accident insurance?"

The other two: "..."

"Pu Han?" Yang Buqi resolutely ignored his nonsense, and said directly, "Why are you here? Where are the others?"

"There is no one else. Feifei said that it is not suitable for outsiders." Pu Han coughed violently twice, then turned to look at Xu Tuoran.

"Thanks to you, I finally figured out what it is. Chaos, Teru-class. It has the ability to hide and disguise, and can also create hallucinations—you should be glad that you confused it first. Cut off its influence on you in time. control. Otherwise, at this time, you are already a corpse."

Xu Turan: ...

She looked vigilantly at Pu Han, who appeared suddenly, and saw Feifei who was waving desperately at her. Then she felt relieved, and then glanced at the wide open window, frowning slightly:

"But I'm still under its hallucination."

"It's the same as your skill, it's passive... Yes, it's a coincidence that you two are on the same model." Pu Han sighed, and then showed a wry smile, "Besides, the high level of chaotic tendency has a deep impact on the low level..."

Xu Tuoran's face changed slightly. She remembered that Su Sui'er once said that people with chaotic abilities are easily affected by abominations of the same tendency, and then become—

"The group destroying engine." Pu Han said lightly, "It's gone. I thought I was the only group killing engine here. Now it seems that there are two."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Yang Buqi, and looked at Xu Tuoran with a half-smile: "Hey, why don't you compare and see who can beat him to death first?"

Yang Buqi: "..."

Um? ? !