MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 35

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The product that the customer service found was called "The Pen of the Pen Fairy".

The Pen Fairy is a common theme in horror novels. Simply put, it is a lonely ghost who is invited to do divination. This pen can be named "Pen Fairy", so naturally it plays a similar role.

Simply put, it can ask it questions, and it will answer every question.

According to customer service, this pen can express itself in words, so you must pay attention when communicating and don't get too immersed in its answers. It will gradually control the minds of others through the dependence and trust of others, and finally turn the other party into a puppet of its own actions.

[But please rest assured. This pen has the restrictions imposed by the senior orderer of Renxinyuan. It can only answer questions now, and cannot say redundant words. ] The customer service emphasized so, [As long as you don't ask too many questions in a day, there should be no accidents. 】

【Oh. ] Xu Tuoran sincerely asked for advice, 【Then, is there anything else that needs to be taken care of? 】

Customer service: [There are some. Just, please be careful not to ask it math problems. 】

Xu Tuoran:?

[Omniscient tendencies are biased. 】The customer service is frank, 【This pen is not very good at mathematics. Ask it about math and it won't be happy. 】

[Also, this pen, it may not be easy to get along with. 】

Regarding this point, Xu Tuoran is not surprised: [I know, I know, it's about grades, right? Don't worry, I will treat it with caution. 】

Customer service: [...not all of them. 】

Xu Tuoran:? ?

[It has a bad temper. 】The rhythm of the customer service typing is a bit hesitant, 【So, the communication may be unpleasant. 】

"..." Xu Tuoran paused, and asked sincerely to the customer service: [Then do you think I will make them feel happy when I communicate with them? 】

customer service:…

She thought of the bald doll and the book of flesh and blood with most of its spine ripped off, and she took a silent breath.

That must have been very unpleasant.

[That's right. 】Xu Tuoran was confident,【It's not for making friends, and I don't plan to raise it for a long time, so what's the pleasure? 】

Customer service: ...It makes sense, I can't refute it.

Xu Tuoran asked some more points to pay attention to, and after confirming that there was no problem, he directly discussed with the opposite party to pick up the goods. Because the security in the Xingxing Park villa area is relatively good, Xu Turan had to run to the outside of the park with great difficulty, and finally picked up the goods smoothly.

This time, it was a silver pencil case that was no longer than the length of a palm. Xu Tuoran took it back and opened it, only to find a bright red fountain pen inside, with strange runes engraved on the body of the pen, and the cap didn't fit very well, it felt loose and easy to fall off.

It's strange to say... Just as Xu Tuoran took out the pen, the reminder of the death value in her mind rang again.

[Congratulations, you have obtained forty death points. 】

The voice is smooth, no problem at all.

She checked the data again, and found that she did not know when she had an extra death value of about 120 points—this reminded her of the five-sound "Congratulations" before.

According to previous experience, every purchase of a supernatural item should bring a certain death value. This "Pen Fairy's Pen" is pressed down to the light level, and the corresponding death value is 40 points; then the other five light-level products, the corresponding death value should be around 20 or 30 points.

Assuming that the extra 120 points were brought by the previous unpacking, the data is just right.

Coincidentally, the notification sound of Caton before was also five times... Maybe the system at that time was just taking into account the death value brought by those five products?

The question is, why is it stuck? Obviously the numbers are not that big...

Xu Tuoran frowned slightly, and soon turned his attention back to the pen.

Along with the pens, there are also a large pile of blank coil books and note books. The customer service suggestion is to tear off the answers written by it every time after asking it a question, and it is more convenient to use this kind of notebook.

Xu Tuoran wrapped up the other psychic items and put them aside, sat in front of the table, straightened his posture, and held the pen in his hand.

"Excuse me, are you the pen of the pen fairy?"

The pen controlled her finger, and it moved on the paper by itself, leaving a line of smooth red cursive characters:

【Yes. I am the omniscient prop you are looking for. Believe me, I can answer all your doubts. 】

"Okay." Xu Turan waited patiently for it to finish writing, and then spoke again, "Now, I want to ask you a question."

She swiped the phone quickly with her left hand, and pulled out the topic she found earlier:

"Excuse me—I put the rabbit and the chicken together. There are thirty-five heads from the top and ninety-four feet from the bottom. May I ask how many rabbits and chickens there are..."

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

The pen seemed to be frozen, and after a while, it finally wrote the answer slowly:

[Twenty-three chickens, twelve rabbits, plus a big idiot who came to ask the omniscient one to share chickens and rabbits when he was bored. 】

Xu Turan: ...

Almost at the same time, a reminder sounded in her mind again: [Congratulations, you have gained twenty death points. 】

Okay, it seems that the temper of this pen is really not very good.

— Xu Tuoran was very satisfied.

Another twenty minutes.

Xu Tuoran gradually realized that the wording of the customer service was still too conservative.

Communication with that pen was more than unpleasant.

...Although strictly speaking, she provoked this matter.

Here's the thing.

Xu Tuoran originally prepared a lot of math problems for it. After all, every time a question is asked, there is a death value, so if you don’t do it, you don’t do it. But this one is obviously smarter than she thought—

Except for the first two questions, which will be carefully calculated for a while, the subsequent questions, it simply starts to fail. Either answer [Little Monkey Search Question], or answer [Baidu, you will know].

And the mood is also adjusted very quickly... I don’t know if I can see that Xu Tuoran is teasing it on purpose. At the beginning, it will angrily call Xu Tuoran an idiot, and at the same time increase the death value, but after that, there is no emotional ups and downs. .

...Is this the power of a H-level abomination? Sure enough, it should not be underestimated.

Xu Tuoran was amazed and could only try to start from other aspects. While asking some common questions, she searched for information about "Ben Fairy" on the Internet. After a few rounds of ordinary experiments, she suddenly said: "Hey, how did you die?"

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

[Congratulations, you have obtained thirty death points! 】

Xu Tuoran nodded in satisfaction, and put away the search page on his phone.

[One of the taboos of summoning a pen fairy is that you can't ask its cause of death] - I found this from a strange talk forum, I didn't expect it to be useful.

Pen of the Pen Fairy: Are you polite?

The pen proved to be even more impolite. Because it immediately replied:

[You just died. 】

【Your whole family is dead. 】

...It looks like a dirty word, but after careful consideration, it is not like not answering Xu Tuoran's question.

Xu Tuoran got excited on the spot. Yo, this little chic is quite something.

She thought for a while, and asked again: "Can I enter [Path of Chaos] smoothly tomorrow night?"

The brush of the pen fairy moved quickly on the paper: [What the **** are you buying with an omniscient tendency or a predictive tendency, don't you have any points in your mind? 】

Xu Turan: ...

"Understood." Xu Tuoran nodded, "You don't know."

It seems that this pen's blind spot is not just math can't predict the future.

Xu Tuoran silently recorded this little discovery in the small notebook in his heart, and on the other end, the red pen was already so angry that it started dripping ink on the tip of the pen.

How did you speak? Omniscient things, can this be called ignorance?

This is called a super-level question!

But it's a pity that it returns to its spirit, but it can't "say" much - because of the prohibition on it, it can only answer questions, but it cannot express itself at will.

Xu Tueran managed to choke back, and she was in a good mood. What made her feel even better was the reminder of the death value sounded again—but she replied casually, and gained another thirty points. What a generous sum.

But seeing that it was not too early, she didn't bother to beep with this pen any more, she wrapped it in silver colored paper, turned around and made preparations before the break.

Xu Tuoran knew in her heart that her current situation was somewhat strange.

Maybe it's because of the few stuttering notification tones tonight, or maybe it's an instinctive premonition—but she can't figure out the reason for the weirdness for the time being. I didn't think much about it at all, I should eat and sleep. It's just that before going to bed, I paid some attention and made some extra arrangements in the room.

It just so happened that when she was renovating the human rules at the Charity House during the day, she saw some runes suitable for newcomers—this kind of runes were developed by those with high-level abilities, and the runes themselves already contained a certain amount of power. to a certain detection or defense role.

Of course, the things that can be used by newcomers are not very advanced, but it is better than nothing. Xu Tuoran is learning and selling now, and painted some in the room before going to sleep, which is considered to be hard work.

But when he woke up the next day, nothing happened.

Have a good night's sleep. Have a safe night. The runes painted on the wall above the door have not been touched at all, and the hair stuck between the door and the cabinet has not been moved.

Even the performance of the newly purchased supernatural items was normal—Xu Tuoran only put away the supernatural Polaroid, the chaotic mirror, and the brush of the pen fairy before going to bed last night, and placed the rest in the room inside.

When I woke up this morning, it was no surprise that the ground was messed up. A new teddy bear she bought with a knife had a hole in its belly, exposing red cotton, which was a miserable sight.

In other words, his passive skill "confusing" is still functioning healthily. Not disturbed.

Moreover, since the pen was retrieved last night, the death value system has been operating normally. She tried it, and the skill point function can also be used normally...

Xu Tuoran pondered for a while, and took out the pen of the Immortal Pen again.

"Ask you." Her tone was very rude, "Is there any other non-human beings in this room besides the products I bought from Taobao?"

The pen was also answered very bluntly: [Heh. If so, why didn't it kill you last night? 】

Xu Turan: ...

All right, that's it.

Of course Xu Tuoran didn't fully believe it. After all, this sum might not be able to bear it to a certain extent. The answer he gave was at most a reference. She packed her things and went downstairs by herself, and she was going to find some other ways when she was going to the charity institute for training today.

It would be better if Tuo Feifei could help me take a look... But after all, it is an outsider I just met, no matter whether the other party has goodwill towards him or not, Xu Tuoran is not used to relying too much on him.

Just arrived at the hall, just in time to hear the voice of her adoptive brother who is cheap and bossy, and there seems to be a hint of anger in the voice:

"I've emphasized this matter from the beginning... Don't make excuses for me. I won't listen to explanations. Before this afternoon, give me the revised plan."

"?" Xu Tuoran poked his head out, and saw the other party take off the bluetooth headset and throw it on the table, with a sullen expression on his face. Sensing her coming, he restrained his expression in an instant.

"Wake up so early." He greeted her coldly, "Breakfast is in the refrigerator, you can take care of it yourself. I'm ready to go out."

As he spoke, he put two sugar cubes into the coffee cup on the table and stirred them. Xu Turan pondered what he had just heard, and tentatively asked, "Is there something wrong with the company?"

"Small things. Don't worry about it." The adoptive brother said.

"It's not yours, of course you don't have to worry about it." Xu Tuoran snorted coldly and sat down at the dining table.

In the next second, the young man placed the coffee cup heavily on the tray.

"Xu Tuoran, you don't have to try me so grotesquely." The young man glanced at her and said coldly, "I will definitely do what I promised my uncle and aunt. If you are so eager to take over, I don't mind if you skip a grade from college." graduate."

"..." Xu Turan just wanted to test it out, but he didn't expect the boomerang to come as soon as he said it, and choked her in a daze.

Just talk as you say, talk about universities in a good way!

Xu Tuoran was instantly depressed, but the person opposite seemed too lazy to talk to her any more. After drinking coffee quickly, he took his coat and left.

At the same time as the door was closed, Xu Tuoran raised his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the place where the cheap adoptive brother was sitting just now.

"Was he really angry just now?" She took out the pen of the pen fairy.

The pen of the pen fairy: [chick. It was as if if I said no you would run after him and apologize. 】

...That should be really angry.

Xu looked down in vain.

She guessed that yesterday's anomaly might have something to do with the people and things she had come into contact with, so she suspected her adoptive brother and made a tentative statement.

The other party was irritated by himself, but there was no reminder of his death value—and, would a non-human being be so genuinely annoyed by his sarcasm?

Could it be that I was thinking too much? This adoptive brother is actually fine?

So what happened to Carton last night? It's impossible for the death value system to ask itself...

and many more.

Thinking of his own book-transmitting system that he claimed had never appeared since returning to the factory for repairs, Xu Tuoran's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

...doesn't seem impossible?

In any case, the sign has not been found, and the verification has to continue. Xu Tuoran went upstairs to put away the pens of Bixian, quickly took care of everything, and rushed to the Tzu Chi Institute.

Today is her first day of training, and the course is very simple. The main thing is to teach them to regulate their emotions and learn to accept their current selves - Xu Tuoran has no problem with mastering them.

She has always been very accepting of herself. As for whether other people can accept it, that's none of her business.

In addition, it re-emphasizes some primary life-saving principles for surviving in this weird world, including but not limited to - stay away from places that make you feel uneasy and dangerous in time, don't try to explore phenomena you can't understand, don't pursue upgrades at will, and Don't rush to buy psychic items online, even if the store has a torch logo.

Xu Tuoran remembered that it was seriousness. When Yang Buqi came to see her, he still swore that he had done everything he should.

Turning around, I took a taxi back to Xingxing Park, and sent a message to Pu Han to ask how to continue to explore the house. By the way, I gave Taobao a five-star praise, and when I got home, I started thinking about upgrading in the evening.

As for Pu Han, Xu Tuoran actually doesn't trust him, and he doesn't know how much he can see clearly about him. But he helped him conceal his true qualities and abilities, and to a certain extent, the two of them were already tied. Since you have such a resource, don't waste it.

You can't rely too much on it, but you still have to use it.

Of course, when she asked, she only mentioned that she felt a little uneasy after moving in, and she didn't reveal the existence of the death value system. As a book traveler, benevolence is the utmost. As for whether the other party can read out the death point system, that's out of her control.

Pu Han's reply came very quickly: 【Huh? Are you upset too? 】

[It shouldn't be. Didn't you beat all the new batches you bought? Oh, and if you're talking about a disturbed conscience, forget it. 】

Xu Turan: ...

No, why do you all-knowing abilities have such long mouths?

...But this also means that the other party didn't see anything wrong with the house.

There are only two possibilities.

First, there are really no problems around me. The "Congratulations Congratulations" last night was purely a system convulsion.

Second, it was the guy who caused the system abnormality, so awesome that even the all-knowing-level Pu Han couldn't see it.


Either way, it seems pretty fun.

Xu Tuoran pondered for a moment, nodded affirmatively, and received another message from Pu Han:

[Fifito, let me tell you to work hard tonight. 】

There is also a heart emoticon on the back.

Xu Turan smiled lightly, turned his head to look at the mirror on the bedside, and became serious again.

Just as Feifei predicted—this night, Xu Tueran really came to that space again.

Behind him was the cold iron door that had been pushed open. In front of him was a huge black shadow standing silently. Xu Tuoran took a deep breath, tried to take a step, and walked towards the white path.

To get to the path, you need to traverse a large black wilderness. Xu Turan walked over step by step, and for some reason, she felt that her footsteps were extremely heavy; and when she finally stepped on the path, the familiar notification sound finally sounded again.

[Congratulations, you have gained 100 death points. 】

Xu Turan: ...

Just... that's it?

Just walking over, isn't it considered an upgrade?

Xu Tuoran frowned, suddenly felt something drifting by. Turning his head to look, only to find that at some point, there were many translucent figures around him.

Those figures were very vague, and their faces could not be seen clearly, but Xu Turan could feel that they all exuded a similar eagerness and longing.

She looked forward following the eyes of those figures, and after a lot of effort, she finally saw that there was a ball of light not far in front of her.

A very small light, floating in the darkness. Like a guide to the lost, and like a lure to moths.

Xu Turan's heart moved slightly, he pondered for a while, then raised his feet and walked forward.

She also started to move forward. Just like the countless figures around her. It wasn't until he walked ten or so steps along the path that Xu Turan realized that there were actually far more people on the road than he had imagined—they were crowded together and merged into a crowded translucent river. She was engulfed by this river and walked forward, although she had been walking for a long time, she was still not far away from the light.

She noticed that someone was left behind. Some people were walking, and suddenly turned into the forest of black shadows on both sides, while others stopped in place, looking around blankly, as if they suddenly lost their goal.

There were voices of conversation ringing in her ears, at first it was only faint and sporadic whispers, but as she continued to move forward, it gradually became clear and noisy, like a group of buzzing flying insects, lingering around her ears.

Xu Turan frowned even more, and waved her hands to try to dispel the voices, but her arms were so tired that they seemed to be hung with lead—only then did she realize that her body had become very heavy.

Whether it's hands or feet. All were too heavy to move. She raised her feet with great effort, and the buzzing conversations in her ears suddenly became louder, some were speaking words she could not understand, while others were fragments of words she heard somewhere, and all the ravings were suppressed. Stacked and spliced ​​together illogically, spinning around her—

"Xu vainly."

At this moment, she heard her name.

The name is very clear, but I don't know where it came from.


I can't take care of it. There is no turning back.

She realized this almost instinctively, and walked forward even more desperately.

"Xu vainly."

"Xu vainly."

"Xu vainly."

The voice was getting closer and closer, like a shadow that could not be shaken off. He was obviously chanting her name, but the pronunciation became more and more weird and out of shape.

Until the last time, its pronunciation completely lost the characteristics of "Xu Tuoran", and was distorted into two words that were completely out of bounds.


Almost at the same time, Xu Tuoran felt something sharp stretched out and stabbed her on the back—

Must leave!

A strong will erupted in his chest, and Xu Turan opened his eyes suddenly, his chest still throbbing violently.

She lay on the bed for a long time, and the headache-inducing raving gradually faded away from her ears. She raised her hand to touch her forehead, felt the cold sweat on her hand, and her back was also icy cold.

...This upgrade seems to be more difficult than I thought.

Xu Tuoran closed his eyes helplessly, while comforting himself, he got up from the bed, intending to pour some water to drink.

A strange rustling sound caught her attention at this moment. She followed the sound, and her eyes widened instantly.

half an hour later.

Pu Han was shaken awake in his sleep, and looked sleepily at his right hand: "What's wrong?"

Naturally, the right hand can't speak, so he can only try his best to reach the mobile phone on Pu Han's left. Pu Han didn't know, so he picked up the phone, and the first time it was turned on, a text message popped up.

"Oh, it's that girl again..." He stared at the text message, turned his head to think for a while, edited the message slightly, forwarded it, and then lay back on the bed.

"...!" Feifei got a little anxious and kept pushing his chest.

"It's okay, Yang Buqi will take care of it. It doesn't interfere with our business... Be good, go to sleep."

After speaking, he pressed his still noisy right hand on the small pillow next to him, then pulled up the small handkerchief to cover it, turned his head to the other side, and returned to sleep in an instant.

Feifei: "...?!"

Another half hour later.

It was four thirty in the morning.

Yang Buqi brought a lot of tools and breathlessly rang the doorbell of No. 17 Xingxing Park villa area.

Seeing him from the video doorbell, Xu Tueran was startled, and immediately came out to open the door.

"Why are you here?" She was surprised.

"Pu Han asked me to come. He said you were in trouble..." Yang Buqi followed Xu Tuoran into the house, and looked around, "What's the matter? Is there anyone else in your house? You have to evacuate."

"My brother is at home." Xu Tuoran said absently, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "It's not necessary to evacuate. It's not a big deal, but it makes people feel a little annoying..."

Yang Buqi: "...?"

"It's like this. I bought a pen from Taobao yesterday." Knowing that he couldn't lie in front of Yang Buqi, Xu Furan simply confessed, "The omniscient pen can answer people's questions...but I get along well with it. Not very pleasant."

So before going to bed tonight, she did another thing with the intention of playing a prank.

"I asked it a question." Xu Tuoran scratched his face, and pushed open the door, "Then I woke up early in the morning, and the room was like this."

Yang Buqi looked inside, and immediately gasped.

I saw that the floor of the room was covered with paper full of words, like fallen leaves, covered with a thick layer.

He picked it up and saw that it was crooked and full of dirty words.

[I'll **** your father, **** your big dad, **** your grandpa! 】

【Are you sick? ? ? 】

[Wait for me! Ahhhhh! 】

Yang Buqi: …

Not only are there words on the paper, but also on the floor and walls. There are one or two swear words repeated over and over again, and the most frequent sentence is "Are you so sick?"

Just when they pushed the door and came in, the pen was still writing vigorously on the wall, poking it so hard that the wall was falling down, which showed its strength.

Yang Buqi saw the silver colored paper on the table, so he walked over quietly, clasped his hands together suddenly, grabbed the pen, quickly wrapped it into the colored paper, and added a simple seal mark.

...After a while, the seal loosened by itself, and the pen rushed out of the colored paper again, and continued to write obscenities on the wall.

Yang Buqi: …

"It shouldn't be." He frowned inexplicably, suddenly realized something, and turned to look at Xu Tuoran, "Wait, what did you ask him just now?" fact, I haven't said it yet.

Xu Tuoran's eyes wandered for a moment, and he spoke as nonchalantly as possible:

"I asked it how many words it can write at most in one night."

Yang Buqi: …

Noticing the incredulous look in the other person's eyes, she hurriedly added: "But I sealed it up as soon as I finished asking... I thought it was a math problem."

And there are still math problems that can't be solved with "monkey search questions" and "baidu once".

The point is that this question can make the pen very uncomfortable. The fact that it does make it very uncomfortable. Added 50 death points.

Yang Buqi: "..."

He turned his head to look at the abomination that was dancing wildly. At this moment, he suddenly understood the mood of the omniscient pen.

This is not sick, what is it?