MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 25 【Micro repair】

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Abominations are not omnipotent. Even in your own domain.

They also have weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and blind spots. In the situation where the power users and the abominations are not equal in strength, all they can do is to find these gaps for breathing, and survive as much as possible in this "hunting ground" that belongs to others.

And if you want most people to survive, you need "experience". Someone needs to mine, someone to summarize, someone to keep, someone to share, someone to pass on, someone to update - "experience" is a very precious thing, it can make the game where only one person can survive, and finally ten people survive. It can turn a situation where there were only ten people stubbornly resisting in the corner into a hundred people. The more people survive, the more help there is, and the greater the hope. In the initial stage of the ability users' struggle against the abominations, there were many times when they were able to carry it over little by little.

Use this long and stupid method full of sacrifices to fight and even repel the attacking abomination.

"Later, there were more and more high-level ability users, and people discovered the thing of 'inclination'." Su Sui'er led Xu Tuoran into the new room, rummaged around, and said casually, "And the abomination The confrontation becomes more advanced."

The awakening of ability users mostly comes from contact with abominations. And the influence of the abominations left in their bodies, together with some of their own characteristics, will form the initial "quality" of the ability user. Everyone has unique qualities and will have one or two aptitudes. As long as the "inclination" is well utilized, the ability user can upgrade and gain stronger resistance capital—

"Chaos, beasts, long night, eternal day, foreknowledge, omniscience, natural disasters, life, war, order. These are all the tendencies of abilities that have been developed so far. Among them, the two tendencies of 'prediction' and 'order' are human beings. unique."

Su Sui'er handed a roll of gauze to Xu Tuoran, and clapped her palms neatly: "Even an abominable object that was degenerated by a capable person will lose the abilities related to these two tendencies after degeneration. Therefore, people once believed that these two tendencies are the greatest capital for human beings to fight against abominations."

"Once?" Xu Tuoran noticed Su Sui'er's words.

"Predicting farts is useless. But 'order' is really useful." Su Sui'er said, "The high-level ability inclined to order can formulate regional rules, further restrict the activities of abominations, and strive for greater survival for human beings." and against space…”

Using "experience" plus "order" to construct "rules" that can maximize human combat power, this is currently the main way for low-level ability users to fight against high-level abominations.

And the guy they are going to deal with now is obviously very aware of this.

"Unfortunately this time, among the ability users dragged into this 'domain', there is no tendency towards order. All we can use is the most old-fashioned experience play—but this time the abomination is extremely cunning, and has arranged a lot of camouflage Adult little monsters, people can't trust people. From the beginning, more than one misleading information has been arranged in the room..."

Su Sui'er frowned, and the moment she opened the door, she shot and killed a monster that was lying on the corpse. She moved very quickly, and a red light shot out from her fingertips like a flying needle. Xu Turan didn't see it clearly, and the monster fell down.

"Anyway, now, I don't really dare to believe those hints." Su Sui'er waved her hands and concluded, "A companion who came in with me mistrusted one of them, and he suffered a short time after he came in. hurt, and now I don't know what to do."

She bit her lip unconsciously and started a new round of searching. Xu Tuoran followed her with a bunch of resources, and nodded clearly: "So are you looking for your own companion now?"

"Yeah." Su Sui'er nodded, "We got separated not long after we came in."

Because they lost trust in the information they found, they had many rules and could only explore by themselves. In the repeated tossing, the loss of personnel is always inevitable.

Su Sui'er was separated from the army because of an experiment. At that time, they were trying to figure out the law of changing rooms behind the door. So Su Sui'er stepped into a room alone, and when she opened the door and looked back, her companions were all gone.

This also allowed her to find a hidden rule - when two or more people are in the same room, the person responsible for opening the door will be temporarily bound to the next room. If the person who opens the door does not enter the next room, the outside room will not be refreshed, and even if you open another door, you will only see the same room; and if the person who opens the door closes the door after entering the next room , then when other people open the door again, the outside room will be replaced.

Therefore, after she and Xu Tueran met, she would open the door every time, and after Xu Tueran entered, she would go in by herself.

It can be seen from this that she was really worried that Xu Furan would get lost.

Xu Tuoran didn't care who would open the door, anyway, every time she changed rooms, she was worth dying for. And she really has no plans to separate from Su Sui'er for the time being - she still has a lot of questions to ask.

"How to upgrade the tendency you mentioned?" She asked curiously while helping to search, "What if there are many tendencies at the same time? Can I decide which one to upgrade?"

"All of this depends on epiphany, understand? You are only at the first level, don't think about it, it's too early." Su Sui'er said, and suddenly looked at Xu Tuoran, "By the way, you said you are a newcomer, so your quality is better. Have you tested it? Have you figured out your ability?"

Measurement? groping? Xu Tuoran paused for a moment, and suddenly understood—it seems that other capable people are different from himself, and their qualities and abilities will not be directly presented in his mind.

She thought for a while, and responded vaguely: "I haven't tested it yet. In terms of ability, it seems to be able to make low-level monsters faint, but I still don't know how to use it."

It's not like she's lying, after all, she hasn't figured out what "kicking right" is until now.

"Dizziness? It sounds like a chaotic tendency... I'm just guessing like this, I'm not sure. But if it is, then you'd better not get promoted, just firefly level, it's good. This tendency is very dangerous." Su Sui'er As he said, he frowned, "If I'm not mistaken, the owner of this domain is probably also prone to chaos. You'd better stay away from the monsters inside."

Xu Turan: ...

Understood, wait and find a monster post.

She carefully wrote this down in the small notebook in her heart, turned her mind, and asked again: "Then you have tried it, how to escape from this place?"

"No." Su Sui'er sighed heavily, "But based on past experience, we either need to take advantage of the loopholes to find the exit, or directly repel it. Or find a way to destroy the foundation of this domain. No matter which one is not easy."

"Foundation?" Xu Tuoran quickly included new keywords.

"It's something like a support point... Hey, let me think about how to tell you." Su Sui'er scratched her head, "The prerequisite for the formation of a domain is the ceremony. And some things related to the ceremony will be It is possible to become the support point of the domain, such as sacrifices, sacrificial vessels, the ritual performer itself, or the accompanying creatures generated by the ritual—you can understand it as a nail used to nail the tent."

If the nails are removed, the tent will naturally fly.

Xu Tuoran nodded half-understanding, and suddenly frowned: "Zha Ruoyu, who can perform the ceremony, hasn't been able to come in until now..."

She had already shared her guess about Cha Ruoyu and the key with Su Sui'er, so Su Sui'er quickly understood what he meant.

"Who knows him. Maybe he was disgusted by it." Su Sui'er made no secret of her dislike for Zha Ruoyu. Xu Tuoran turned his eyes slightly, and suddenly thought of another thing.

"'Our family will definitely be reunited...Under the merciful gaze of the starry sky.'" She murmured and read aloud.

Su Sui'er gave a "hmm" and turned her head: "What?"

"This is Zha Ruoyu's suicide note." Xu Tuoran said, "He said that he sent his wife and children away, and that he would definitely meet them again... He insisted on entering this domain..."

"Does that mean that his wife and children are likely to be in this domain?"

"..." Su Sui'er opened her mouth slightly, and after a while, she revealed a look of sudden realization, "I remember that man, he seemed to have mentioned in his suicide note that he wanted his family to live forever..."

"He said he sent them across death." Xu Tuoran frowned, "But people who enter this domain will still die."

Even if it becomes a monster, it will be killed by people. If this is also considered eternal life, will this "eternal life" contain too much moisture?

Or he was given to the donkey by that mysterious existence.

"...No, not necessarily." Su Sui'er shook her head in thought, "The abominable thing will not deceive its followers—it will only fulfill its promise in a distorted way."

As if something flashed through her mind, she and Xu Tueran looked at each other, and they both said in unison: "Companion creature!"

"That's the end of the story. Zha Ruoyu completed the ceremony and transformed his wife and children into companion creatures and sent them into the domain to achieve 'immortality'. He himself became a companion creature, but he didn't know Why, I couldn't come in—and those accompanying creatures are probably the foundation of this domain!"

Su Sui'er strung everything together, couldn't hold back, and patted Xu Tuoran's shoulder heavily: "Yes, newcomer! You have a future!"

Xu Turan smiled cooperatively, and asked the next question at the right time: "But I heard from Yang Buqi that companion creatures can't die?"

"Not dying doesn't mean there is no weakness. It's better to have an idea than to be blind." Su Sui exhaled heavily, and he seemed to be more energetic. "The next step is to find a way to pass this information on... the best By some means of avoiding 'it' and other monsters..."

Xu Tuoran remembered the box of business cards he was carrying, and was about to speak when Su Sui'er opened the door to the next room.

Xu Tuoran's voice choked instantly.

There was a big guy—the premonition of crisis in her body sounded crazily in an instant, she tentatively walked into the room, looked around, and finally her eyes fell on another door far away from the room.

What they were in at this time was not so much a room as the lobby of an office building. At first glance, it is very empty, and once you step in, you will feel a chill.

Su Sui'er cursed, took out a piece of clothing and put it on her body, and was about to look around, but from the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Xu Tuoran walking quickly towards another door on the side of the lobby.

"Eh?" Su Sui'er hurriedly called to her, "Don't run around!"

"Yeah, I'm just looking around—" Xu Tuoran said nonchalantly, and while Su Sui'er wasn't paying attention, he pressed his finger on the doorknob of that door.

The premonition of crisis in her body screamed louder, she no longer hesitated, turned the doorknob hard, and pushed the door in—

The door swung open.

She glanced in quickly, gasped, and slammed the door shut again.

"What's the matter?" Noticing the situation on her side, Su Sui'er walked over quickly, "Is there something hot-eyed inside?"

Xu Tuoran: "...It's not as extreme as spicy chicken eyes."

Su Sui'er:?

"I seem to see an acquaintance..." Xu Tuoran said uncertainly, after a moment of silence, he opened the door carefully.

Behind the door is a small bedroom.

The bedroom is furnished with bunk beds, colorful stickers and anime posters on the walls. There are two writing desks on the opposite side of the bed, and a figure is sitting in front of one of the writing desks.

Xu Turan stared at the man, and then again. Finally confirmed that I was right.

"Yang Buqi?" Before she could speak, Su Sui'er was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Yang Buqi did not answer their questions.

He just sat in front of the writing desk, lowered his head and wrote something seriously. Xu Tuoran took a special look at the thing in front of him, it seemed to be a Xinhua dictionary.

The desk was small in size and seemed to be used by primary school students. Yang Buqi, a tall man sitting inside, was indescribably awkward and weird. Xu Tuoran took a closer look and found that his eyes still seemed to be a little cramped.

Su Sui'er noticed something was wrong, and began to push Xu Tuoran away. Xu Tuoran patted her on the shoulder instead.

"I opened the door. Where else can I go but this room? Don't worry, everyone is here."

After speaking, he stepped in directly.

Add fifty to the death value, perfect.

Su Sui'er held the doorknob firmly, and didn't let her close the door. She glanced inside again and clicked her tongue heavily.

"I knew I was coming to open this door." She muttered worryingly, and stepped in.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard Yang Buqi's helpless voice: "Isn't I winking at you? Why do you want to come in?"

"I thought you had a cramp in the corner of your eye." Xu Tuoran said sincerely, "Can you talk now?"

"It's just that I can't talk to people outside." Yang Buqi pursed his lips, still writing in his hand for a moment, "Can you still go out from there?"

This room has only one door and no other way out. Su Sui'er closed and opened the door behind her, only to see a black wall behind the door.

Yang Buqi closed his eyes restrainedly, and was forced to accept the fact that two calabash babies had arrived.

Xu Turan was already strolling around the room at the moment, she noticed that there was still a stack of papers on the desk next to Yang Buqi, she picked it up and flipped through it, all of them were compositions.

The title of the composition is "My Great Father". The handwriting of the writers is different. The only thing in common is that they all use red pens, and the handwriting becomes more messy as it goes further.

"What are these things?" Su Sui'er briefly flipped through the pages, then suddenly changed her expression, threw all the composition papers on the ground, and turned around to cover Xu Tuoran's eyes.

"Don't look! This is not something to look at!"

Xu Turan: ...

But I have already read it, and there is no death value added.

Xu Tuoran was wondering when suddenly a small voice came from behind him.

"Hello, sisters." A childish voice sounded behind him, Xu Tuoran turned around vigilantly, and saw a girl climbed up from the upper bunk of the double bed.

"Are you also here to write essays?"

Xu Tuoran: ...?

"What kind of composition are you talking about?" Su Sui'er said alertly, "No, we don't know how to write that kind of thing!"

"What kind of thing? Sissy doesn't understand." The girl tilted her head innocently, and climbed off the bed—but she didn't use her hands or feet, but huge blood vessels.

Wrist-thick blood vessels extended from her slender body, a total of four, like a spider's legs, gently lifted her body up and put it down flexibly.

She crawled on the ground with those blood vessels, and her body was lifted higher than Xu Tuoran.

"Sissy is just collecting essays. Everyone who comes in has to submit essays. Only those who write well can go out. This is what my father said."

""My Great Father"?" Xu Tuoran asked curiously, "Are you referring to your own father who killed a bunch of people and now runs around like a headless chicken every day?"

Yang Buqi who was still bowing his head to copy:...

His hand was unsteady, and the red pen drew heavily on the paper.

Please shut up.

Hearing this, the little girl's expression visibly froze for a moment, and she looked at Xu Tuoran with a bit of ferocity, but there was still a sweet smile on her face.

"Of course not, he is not Sissy's father. Sissy's father is greater, more secretive, and more praiseworthy—"

Her expression was a bit fanatical and obsessed, she shook a blood vessel, and picked up the composition paper on the ground:

"Come on, you all have a look. You also have to write it—you will know how great it is after you finish writing it."

Xu Turan: ...

No, what do these mean? I have recognized an old Wang as my father, do you want other people to follow suit?

At this moment, she felt sorry for Zha Ruoyu who was always wandering in the corridor.

As for why it was confirmed that the other party was Zha Ruoyu's child, the reason was very simple - the arrogance of "Come on, hit me, you can beat me and your surname" was exactly the same as her own father.

Moreover, the door they entered was exactly the same as the second bedroom door in 1501. Coupled with the configuration of a double bed, it is easy to lock the identity of the other party.

There are two children in Zha Ruoyu's family, and there are two beds in the second bedroom, which makes sense.

It has been speculated before that most of Zha Ruoyu's family members have also become companion creatures, and the breath after meeting each other proves this point. Xu Tuoran touched his satchel with one hand, thinking about whether to throw a supernatural object out for emergency treatment, when Yang Buqi coughed desperately behind him.

"Don't mess around." He lowered his voice, "This is their territory."

Xu Turan thought for a while, and finally let go of his hand.

On the other side, Su Sui'er raised a hand flatly, and seemed to be debating whether to do it or not. The girl misunderstood their silence, smiled again, and turned to open a schoolbag.

"Don't worry, I'll find paper and pens for you... You can sit down first and think about it. Only when I am satisfied with the writing will I let you out."

Seemingly completely immersed in his own world.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, leaned towards Yang Buqi quietly, looked around, and saw that he was holding a red pen in his hand, scribbling on the paper in a serious manner, and suddenly he was confused.

"Why are you here?" she whispered.

"I came to look for you. It didn't take long to come in, and I came to this room." Yang Buqi replied, paused, noticed Xu Tuoran's confused eyes, and said, "I snatched Xiao Zhang's key and came in. .”

After all, he is not stupid. After seeing Xu Tuoran open the door with his own key and then disappeared, he quickly understood that the problem was with the key, and immediately looked for Xiao Zhang everywhere—Xu Tuoran's own key had been taken away by her. , if he wants to follow up to save people, he can only use Xiao Zhang's.

Coincidentally, when he found Xiao Zhang, he was about to open the door with a key. He immediately went up to stop him and asked for the key. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhang, who was originally timid and weak, went crazy on the spot when he heard this—

"You can't use my key! Here's my key, it's for me! Here's my chance! Go away, go away—"

The tone was so excited, it seemed that what Yang Buqi wanted to get was not his key, but his salary card.

Only then did Yang Buqi realize that something was wrong with his situation.

"I asked Luo Yu later. The suit doll's restraint was loose, but it was far from being able to run by itself." Yang Buqi said, "Xiao Zhang was bewitched. He didn't go up by accident, but attracted by some kind of force."

Xiao Zhang's cognition was affected, and he believed what he said was true-and in this case, even with the ability of a prophet, it was difficult for him to distinguish.

As Yang Buqi said, he took a deep look at Xu Tuoran. To be honest, when he saw Xu Tuoran rushing up to the fifteenth floor, he was still a little angry. Now that he thinks about it, maybe he blamed her by mistake. Maybe she too was just bewitched—

"Damn." After hearing this, Xu Turan couldn't hold back his curse, "So he was pulled up? Then why didn't it pull me?"

How much effort did she spend getting up to the fifteenth floor? Why can Xiao Zhang be directly recommended? It's not fair!

Yang Buqi: "..."

I don't know, I'm just trying to rationalize your behavior.

Yang Buqi fell silent. He finally realized that when he tried to rationalize Xu Tuoran's behavior, his thinking itself might be extremely unreasonable.

"Are you talking about Xiao Zhang?" Su Sui'er had been nervously looking at the girl flipping through her schoolbag, but she couldn't help interjecting, "The one following Luo Yu? Is he all right now?"

"..." Yang Buqi kept writing, bowed his head and recalled seriously.

He remembered that he was in a hurry to come in to find Xu Tuoran, so he was a little ruthless. If I remember correctly, it seems to have knocked out two of the opponent's teeth, broken a few twigs of the opponent, and seems to have twisted his arm...

"Well, it's okay." After recalling, he nodded calmly, "His condition is very stable now."

"..." Su Sui'er gave him a distrustful look, then turned her head and continued to stare at the little girl vigilantly.

The girl didn't care about their whispering at all, she rummaged through her schoolbag and found two blank writing papers and a handful of red pens

"Come on, let's all sit down and write."

She put the pen and paper on the desk, and said with a smile: "Just write "My Great Father". Be careful, don't deviate from the topic, you must fully write about his greatness—"

"What if we can't write it?" Su Sui'er said in a deep voice, "What will happen to us?"

"Then I will copy the model essay for you." The girl said, "Copy it a few times, and you will know the greatness of your father."

"Don't copy." Yang Buqi whispered, "You will be brainwashed."

Xu Tueran glanced at him, and finally couldn't help but said, "What are you doing now?"

She wanted to ask before. Since she came in, Yang Buqi has been scribbling on the paper, completely confusing behavior.

Yang Buqi: …

"When she asked me to write an essay, I said I couldn't read. She asked me to copy the dictionary." Yang Buqi closed his eyes, "The dictionary was also full of brainwashing things."

He didn't dare to look at those things, and he didn't dare to write, so he could only scribble all the time to prevent being taken advantage of.

"The same goes for those compositions. They all praise 'it'." Su Sui'er approached Xu Tuoran, "No matter what she says, you can't write, copy, or read. If you are brainwashed, you will become its believers..."

The problem is that if you don't write, you can't go out...

Xu Tuoran thought for a moment, looked at the girl in front of him again, and suddenly said:

"Ask, what kind of composition can satisfy you?"

"Of course it is to be praised!" The girl replied immediately. She doesn't care about the whispers of several people at all, but when others talk to her, they always answer their questions—and their body language and expressions are extremely rich.

"Praise it! Praise its deeds! Let everyone who read the article be amazed by it from the bottom of their hearts!" The girl twisted the two blood vessels in front of her body and made a prayer-like gesture.

Xu Tuoran casually picked up a red pen, poked it on the composition paper, and said, "But I haven't had much contact with it, how do I know what it has done?"

"It is omnipotent." The girl lowered her voice, "As long as it is written by you, it will definitely be able to do it."

"...Okay, I roughly understand." Xu Tueran pursed his lips, "Reconfirm, the point is to make others 'amazing', right!"

The girl nodded sweetly.

Xu Tuoran: "Is there a word count requirement?"

"Follow your heart." The girl said, "When you truly accept it, you will find that you can't finish writing praises for it even if you use all your blood..."

"Understood, let's write some meaning first." Xu Tuoran nodded and sat directly next to Yang Buqi.

Yang Buqi: ...? !

"Hey, wait, you can't!" Su Sui'er's eyes widened, and she immediately pointed her five fingers at Xu Tuoran, "You can't write this kind of thing! You will be brainwashed—uh!"

Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly photographed aside by the little girl.

The little girl, who had always ignored their conversation, finally showed a slightly sinister expression.

"Don't interfere with other people's writing." She pressed Su Sui'er against the wall with a blood vessel, and said seriously, "This is a sacred thing."

"...!" Su Sui'er glared at her angrily, then looked at Xu Tuoran who had already started to write, her eyes were full of unconcealable anxiety.

"Stop her—" She struggled to speak out, and her throat tightened as soon as she spoke, and all voices were suppressed.

...Yang Buqi, who was sitting next to Xu Turan, glanced at Xu Turan's composition paper from the corner of his eye, and suddenly showed a subtle expression.

After a while, he hesitated and said, "Well, leave her alone."

Su Sui'er: "...?"

Yang Buqi took a deep look at her, and repeated again with unclear meaning: "Don't worry about it, just let her go."

Su Sui'er: ...? !

On the other side, Xu vainly wrote the first paragraph in a blink of an eye.

【My father is a great father... His greatness is reflected in his omnipotence...】

[The so-called omnipotence means that it can do things that ordinary people cannot do. For example, it dares to eat shit...]

【Yes, I think it must be brave, after all it is so omnipotent...】

Yang Buqi: …

Just, how should I put it.

Even if Xu Tuoran was successfully brainwashed, he felt that the other side probably didn't want this believer very much.

It's quite reassuring.