MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 13

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A beam of light, like a path, leads straight from the corridor to the interior of the room.

Zhong Sijia shook her body and walked out slowly along the beam of light, the fruit knife stuck in her neck flickered, as arrogant as if she was walking on a red carpet.

Of course Xu Tuoran didn't intend to obediently wait for him to come over. She took a step back, glanced around quickly, and quickly locked on the emergency light closest to her—it said it was an "emergency light", but it was actually invisible from the outside. When it is not lit, it is a very ordinary wall decoration, but when it is lit, it looks like opened eyes...

Fortunately, it is not very high.

Xu Tuoran jumped suddenly and punched the emergency light.

Who would have thought that the feet were not completely off the ground, and suddenly felt a tightness in the ankles. Something grabbed her and pulled down forcefully at the moment, Xu Tuoran lost his balance for a moment and fell back to the ground with a bang.

Sure enough, tentacles are the most annoying.

Xu Tuoran clicked his tongue impatiently, and tore off the tentacles wrapped around her feet. And this period of entanglement was enough for Zhong Sijia to walk up to her swaggeringly.

"Did you have fun stabbing me just now?" He looked down at Xu Tuoran condescendingly, without hiding the malice in his eyes.

Xu Turan: ...

She recalled Gu Chenfeng's previous negotiating terms, and learned to use them flexibly: "Don't get excited, talk about it if you have something to say. I don't want things to develop like this. Gu Xiaoya once said, don't just vent your emotions..."

"..." Zhong Sijia's face twisted for a moment.

No, can I have a snack? Although I won't listen to what you say, you can't fool me with the lines you just copied, can you?

He snorted coldly and kept the character well. Tentacles stretched out behind the faint silhouette, as if preparing to tear the NPC into pieces.

—At this moment, a messy crashing sound was heard from downstairs.

There was a bang in the frame, and there was a "bang bang bang bang" slapping sound in the middle, the sound was rapid, one after another, and the noise was endless.

Xu Tuoran couldn't help but startled.

She had never heard the crashing sound before, and could only tell that it was the sound of something being smashed, but she was quite familiar with the bang bang sound at the back.

It was clearly the sound of the metal cabinet being hit!

what happened?

Xu Tuoran's heart moved slightly, and he immediately restrained his mind and kicked Zhong Sijia fiercely - the latter was obviously distracted by the sound, so he was caught off guard for a moment, and was directly kicked to the ground by her.

But correspondingly, Xu Tuoran also felt a pain in his right foot. She had no time to think about it, so she got up and ran towards the stairs, and within a few steps, she saw a familiar figure approaching her.

"Xu Tuoran! I'm here to help you!" the sports commissioner said anxiously, holding a flower pot the size of a head in his hand, as if throwing a shot put.

The pots were horribly bulging, cracked, revealing an eerie green color.

Xu Tuoran immediately understood what the sports committee was thinking, and immediately said: "Give me the things! Don't touch him!"

Sports Committee: ...? !

Although he didn't understand Xu Tuoran's reason for stopping, he obediently withdrew the hand that was about to throw the shot put, and threw the flowerpot to Xu Tuoran instead.

Xu Tuoran caught the flowerpot, turned around resolutely, and shot Zhong Sijia's head behind him!

Because she was afraid of Zhong Sijia's attack rebounding ability, she didn't use much force this time. Even so, the flower pot that had already swelled to the limit still shattered. A mass of green directly broke through the clods of soil and landed on Zhong Sijia's head. Tentacle-like blades of grass immediately wriggled around his head, burrowing inside like an earthworm!

It was the small water plant that the Sports Commission had spit into the flower pot before—Xu Tuoran was a little emotional, it had grown so big after not seeing it for a while.

Of course, now is not the time for emotion. Taking advantage of Zhong Sijia tearing up the water plants, Xu Tuoran pulled out the fruit knife stuck in his body and threw it upwards forcefully. The emergency light closest to Zhong Sijia shattered at the sound, and the corridor was suddenly dark. Xu Tuoran communicated with the sports committee again, and the two left in different directions, smashing the emergency light they saw halfway.

In the blink of an eye, the emergency lights in the corridor on the third floor were smashed to pieces, and the light under the pavement became missing. Some emergency lights were hidden in a tricky way, and they couldn't be found at a glance. Xu Tuoran didn't waste any time. After smashing a few lights, he went directly down the escape ladder. When he reached the second floor, it was completely dark.

He seemed to have stepped on something under his feet, Xu Tuoran touched it and found that it was a fragment of the emergency light.

That's how it turned out, now she knew where the clanging sound in the hall came from.

The room next to the escape ladder was pitch-black, and there were still "bang bang bang" sounds coming from inside. Xu Tuoran walked over, tried to call out, and then heard Gu Xiaoya's pleasantly surprised voice: "Xu Tuoran! That's great, you're all right!"

Seeing Gu Xiaoya and Xiaomi stumbling out of the room in the dark, Xu Furan said, "What's going on? Those voices just now..."

"It's all made by us!" Gu Xiaoya immediately said, "Xiaomi and I ran into the room to attract the female ghost to hit the cabinet, and when it stopped moving, we went up and knocked on it ourselves... This idea came from the school committee. She said This may draw Zhong Sijia away."

"Everyone else went to break the lamp. The school committee is at the other end of the corridor to meet the sports committee. The others should be on the first floor."

As she spoke, she led Xu Tuoran forward, and when she reached the stairs on the second floor, she happened to join the school committee and the sports committee who came down the stairs here. Xu Tuoran looked around, but saw no one else was there, and frowned slightly: "The squad leader is not here, how do you find the exit?"

"The squad leader will leave us traces." Gu Xiaoya said firmly, she lowered her head to search, and suddenly reached out and pointed at the ground, "Look, this is it!"

Xu Tueran looked over and saw a bright green trace on the floor.

Her eyes turned slightly, and she quickly understood: "Is it that can of luminous paint?"

"Yeah. But I didn't receive enough light before, and the color was a little dark..." the school committee said, followed behind the sports committee, supported each other with other people, and moved forward carefully. Several people followed the luminous paint all the way downstairs, bypassed the hall, and turned into the corridor. Sure enough, they met Gu Chenfeng and the squad leader again outside the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

I saw the two of them standing by the bathroom door with an oil painting, and the blue arrow on the oil painting pointed straight to the direction of the bathroom. The door of the bathroom was ajar, and there was a glint of blue light from behind the crack of the door.

"It's coming." Seeing that everyone was there, the monitor was obviously relieved, "Where's Zhong Sijia?"

"Trapped on the third floor!" The Sports Commission said first, "Xu Tuoran is amazing, a throwing knife pierced the emergency light! Absolutely!"

Xu Tuoran: "..." No, I threw the handle of the knife, thank you.

Knowing that now is not the time to listen to people's bragging, she quickly stopped and asked the monitor about their situation. The squad leader opened the door of the bathroom next to him at once, speaking with gratitude.

"In this bathroom, there are completely two states of turning on the light and turning off the light. Judging from the direction of the arrow, this should be the exit..."

In fact, even without relying on the arrow, it is enough to see the extraordinaryness of this exit—there is no toilet behind the door, but a spinning blue light ball, which looks like an exit at first glance.

There is just a little bit of incongruity. It's like the violation of Altman in horror movies.

"Then... that's it, can we go out?" Gu Chenfeng swallowed, and looked around the crowd nervously, "Who will go first?"

The Sports Committee responded, and stood up fearlessly, and was about to go in, but was held back by Xu Tuoran.

"How about I go first." Xu Tuoran said, taking a step forward. Seeing that he was about to enter the light ball, he stopped again. After waiting for a few seconds, he turned his head and looked at the crowd, "I suddenly remembered that I have other things to do. You should go first."

After speaking, he took the initiative to step back.

The rest: ...?

He looked as if something was imminent and timid. If Xu Tuoran hadn't been as reckless as Zhong Kui was reincarnated before, they would really have believed it.

The squad leader's heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his voice: "Is there something wrong?"

"No problem. You can go in. I really have something to do." Xu Tuoran took a few steps back, "Go first. I'll be here soon."

Her tone was as steady as ever. After such a haunted house horror, these pure and good boys have no doubts about her words—after all, although Xu Tuoran can't fry fish, his judgment is basically right.

Only Gu Xiaoya frowned: "What are you going to do? I'm with you? Your hand is still hurt."

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore, you can go out with them." Xu Tuoran comforted him casually, and pushed him forward.

She just tried it. After expressing her willingness to "go through the door and leave", the reminder that there was no death value sounded in her mind. To some extent, it was enough to show that the door was harmless.

And what she said "something to do" is actually not an excuse—

Seeing that Gu Xiaoya, who was the last one, also passed through the light gate worriedly, Xu Tuoran didn't delay any longer, turned around immediately, followed the luminous paint left by the squad leader, walked all the way back to the stairs, and went straight to the third floor.

Upstairs, shattered emergency lights littered the floor. In the dappled light and shadow, a figure crouching in the darkness can be faintly seen.

It was Zhong Sijia.

I don't know what happened to him and the aquatic plants. With such a long distance, Xu Tuoran couldn't see and didn't bother to care.

"Hello." She stood cautiously in a small piece of darkness, and called to the figure, "I have a question for you."

The creeping black shadow moved, but did not speak. Xu Tuan didn't care, and continued on his own: "You and this board game are in a cooperative relationship, right?"

"...I said it." This time Zhong Sijia squeaked, "It's a tool."

"Okay, then it seems to be the relationship between the collaborators." Xu Tuoran nodded clearly, "That is to say, you can't do anything to it. It can't do anything to you, can it?"

Zhong Sijia gave a characteristic sneer: "So what?"


Xu Tueran looked at him quietly, was silent for a moment, but shook his head:

"No, you lied. It's better than you."

At least in terms of her feelings, there is definitely something more powerful than Zhong Sijia in this game.

On the other hand, Zhong Sijia's words proved her new guess—for this board game, Zhong Sijia is still an "outsider" in essence.

At the same time, he is also a player...

"What are you thinking?" Sensing her silence, Zhong Sijia sneered coldly, "What else are you planning to do?"

"Don't waste your time. You can't do anything. If you trap me, you can't kill me. And I—"

"And you, even if the game is over, you will keep an eye on them." Xu Tuoran said lightly, "There is no need to say nonsense twice."

Zhong Sijia snorted unhappily, his eyes flashed, and he opened his mouth to say something else—he remembered Xu Tuoran's previous interest in the concepts of "light" and "moth". If I can use this knowledge to catch her again, maybe it will allow her to spend a little more time here...

Once forty minutes had passed, she could never go again. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat, which is better than nothing.

Unexpectedly, before he could speak, Xu Tuoran spoke again: "It's because of this, so I think we have to find a way."

Zhong Sijia:?

Xu Tuoran's words were a little jumpy, so that he didn't keep up all of a sudden. Not wanting to think about it for a second, a sentence appeared that made him even more confused.

He heard Xu Tuoran say, I saw the black shadow on the stairs.


No, what shadow?

Hearing the sound of the other party turning around and hurriedly going downstairs, for some reason, a bad feeling crept into Zhong Sijia's heart.

There was a rustling sound in the air, and in the dappled light of the corridor, there were distorted silhouettes looming. As if realizing something, Zhong Sijia's voice suddenly changed its tone.

"…What do you want to do?"

"We agreed, mutual benefit. I didn't violate the rules, you can't touch me..."

"You, don't come here—I brought you out! Without can't do this to me! You can't—"

A scream sounded in the corridor on the third floor, Xu Tuoran, who was rushing towards the exit, paused slightly, and then quickened his pace.

There was a creepy rubbing sound behind him. Xu Tuoran clicked his tongue and changed his expression slightly.

Mistake—she thought the darkness also had a limiting effect on that shadow. Now it seems she took it for granted.

As early as when she said that sentence to Zhong Sijia, the notification tone for the death value had already sounded once. The value of breaking a hundred for the first time is enough to prove how much she died this time.

But still the same sentence, she was just pretending to die, but she didn't intend to really die.

Hearing the strange rustling sound gradually approaching behind him, Xu Turan gritted his teeth secretly, and rushed forward in the darkness. The leg injury that was rebounded by Zhong Sijia earlier became more and more painful during the staggered movement. As the thing behind him gradually approached, there was a slight chill, wrapped from all directions——


Xu Tuoran cursed in his heart blankly, and finally had no choice but to come up with the final plan B.

As she moved as fast as possible, she called up the "skill plus point" operation interface in her mind.

Wash it! Heavy! Forty o'clock, full speed! Allin! Allin!

The legs that had been added forty points danced away in an instant. Xu Turan suddenly had an illusion that he could fly to the moon. She swore that just before and after the washing operation, there was definitely another notification sound in her mind, but she had no time to pay attention, the only thing she could think of was to run, to run forward desperately—

Krypton gold legs are different. He forcibly distanced himself from the thing behind him again.

Turn the corner, a sprint. The oil painting used by the squad leader was placed on the ground, where the blue arrow pointed, the light door was still slowly rotating.

I don't know if it's because of the time limit, but the door seems a lot smaller than when I first saw it... but whatever.

The thing behind it seemed to realize that she was about to escape, and let out a piercing scream. A strong coldness came from behind, Xu Tuoran kept walking, but half turned around.

She wasn't sure what she saw in the dark, or maybe it wasn't what she was supposed to see.

She could only hold on, pointing directly in front of her, forcefully and firmly raised a middle finger.

Another reminder sounded that the death value had arrived. Xu turned his head in vain, and threw himself into the light gate in front of him without hesitation.

The author has something to say:

Xu Tuoran: It's so exciting to run away after finishing!

Read Kill the Sun