MTL - What Should I Do if the School Bully is Interested in Me-Chapter 33 Say you are my boyfriend

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Ji Liao is not intentionally concealed, but it is not too high-profile, and their situation is special, there is no need to make everyone known.

So vaguely said: "It is a friend."

Boyfriend is also a kind of friend? He has a dim sum. 1

Chen Liwen did not doubt that his face showed an envious expression.

Last year, his mouth cheap, privately He Chengming said Shuashuai love the loading force, these words do not know how it is spread, and that night he was riding a bicycle to go home, see He Chengming coming toward him, thought it was to beat him, quickly I turned a corner and didn't expect the other side of the corner to be a downhill ladder. He had already rushed up when he couldn't get the brakes. 1

If He Chengming chased him and pulled the back seat of the car, he might even roll down the car.

Although he finally fell into a fracture, he saved his life.

Therefore, he was very grateful to He Chengming. Unfortunately, most of the students in the school still believed in rumors. He insisted that He Chengming had beaten him into the hospital. In fact, he himself fell. 3

The two men practiced for a while, and the season was so hot that they sweated, so they took a while to go out and went out of the basketball court to see someone waiting for him on the wall not far away.

Walking over, he bent his eyes and said softly: "Why haven't you gone yet."

He Chengming only transferred his gaze from his mobile phone to Ji Liao, and looked at his mouth with a blank expression. After a week, it was already clean.

For seven days last week, he couldn't wait to kiss Ji Li because of this broken wound. Now he can't wait. 3

He took the person into his arms, he looked down at the other's mouth, then hooked his tongue, repeated entanglement, deep sucking, Ji Liao was kissed dizzy, even legs soft, relying on the other side in.

But this kiss gradually changed the taste, just like there is no end, the other party constantly asks for it, and the strength can't wait, let Ji Li inexplicably feel a kind of oppression and fear, forcibly interrupted.

Frowning and pushing the person in front of him, he saw He Chengming smirk and smiled and asked him: "What's wrong, not comfortable?"

Ji Liao did not speak, and there was a slight grievance in his eyes. He just felt wrong, but he could not tell.

He Chengming looked at him with such a pitiful look. He was going crazy. He turned around and looked back. He held his shoulder and smiled. "What are you wronged? Ji Liao, am I not good enough for you?"

Ji Liao stunned for a moment, and seemed to feel the seriousness of the situation, but he could not understand what he was doing wrong, so that the other party suddenly did this again?

The brain flashed a conversation with Chen Liwen. He suddenly looked up, is it...

"Have you heard it?" he whispered. 5

He Chengming did not deny it. He just thought that he was probably really guilty. Even if he heard that the other party denied his relationship with him, he still could not bear to go, or stood here waiting for him.

"Sorry, don't be angry." Ji Liao hurriedly said, clutching He Chengming's clothes with uneasiness. "I will tell him tomorrow, and we will say that we are a relationship, saying that you are my boyfriend! OK?" 3

He Chengming sighed and thought that he had got it wrong.

When the brain reacted, he screamed in the air and screamed at the firecrackers. His face was tightly stretched, and he wanted to endure it and sigh for himself. 5

But this kind of happiness can't be controlled. Even if he tries to press his lips, his eyes will naturally overflow with laughter. 2

He simply did not install it. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't wait to hold Ji Liao up against the madman, but he was afraid that the act would intimidate the other party, so he forced himself to calm down. Then he looked down at him seriously and asked: "When you say Ji Liao again, who am I?" He was really afraid that he had got it wrong. 2

Ji Liao knew that he had already deflated, so he refused to speak again. I thought, hey, big pig hoof, change face so fast! It’s just so cold, and now it’s enthusiasm. 3

He Chengming clung to a person and began to make a bad, deliberately yelling at him. "Baby, please, repeat it again?" 4

Ji Liao couldn't stand the sound of his sues and dumbs, fearing that his heart was soft and scared to cover his ears. 1

He Chengming laughed low and then blew a sigh of relief around his neck. Ji Liao was itching, smiled and hid, and heard the other voice muttering, "Is it your boyfriend?"

Ji Liao Mo, but he had to answer: "Yes!"

Then the sparkling eyes looked at the person in front of him, He Chengming was overjoyed, didn't hold back, hugged the person, and still face-to-face, scared Ji Liao tightly around his neck, and shy and shocked: "You What are you doing!"

"Try a different posture." He said that he kissed the pro-Qiao Liao's mouth, and wanted to come to a French deep kiss. But the other party did not cooperate very much, always avoiding it. He held his hands in his hands, but he couldn't help. He snorted and put the man down.

"You just..." Ji Liao dialect did not finish, his mouth was forcibly blocked, and only a squeaking voice could be heard behind.

This time he was extremely gentle, as if to contain the other party.

When the two went out of school, Ji Liao’s mouth was swollen.

He Chengming smiled like a big fool, holding people tightly, asking cold and cold, and asking if he was hungry, Ji Liao was a little bit floating, and he said directly to him! 1

However, our schoolmasters are not angry at all, and even enjoy the lessons of the wife.

"Then I shut up," he said.

The two walked against the cold wind on the street in the winter, and the sky was getting darker. The season was silent. I remembered one thing and asked the person next to me: "Last time at the hotel, why didn't you?

... did not continue? ”

Usually they kiss and hug, he can feel the other side of the tide, can not wait to eat him immediately. But the last time, why did he give up?

He Chengming gave him a meaningful look and then raised his eyebrows: "How, little bad guy, disappointed?"

Ji Liao's face rose red, which is an uncontrollable physiological reaction, but his mind is extremely firm, "hmm".

The boy’s desire is stronger than that of the girl. If he likes him, he wants to do intimate things with him. Therefore, He Chengming’s point is so close that he can’t understand it, and he has no sense of security. Is he still not enough to like him?

"Well? Today is bold?"

Ji Liao’s answer is beyond his expectation. He Chengming originally wanted to get away with it or transfer the topic. He could see the other person staring at himself. It seems that he did not say a word today, so he would not give up. Tolerance, he also endured very hard!

"I am afraid that you will regret it later." Touched the head of Ji Liao, he said softly.

He didn't know especially about Ji Qingwen, so he didn't want to lure him into relationship so early. Ji Qingwen is like a sword across them. If you are not careful, both of them will be hurt. 18

"I won't regret it." Ji Liao said quietly.

What is his own choice, what regrets.

He Chengming listened to his waist and deliberately touched his waist and joked: "So, are we going to open the house now?"

"Rogue!" Ji Liao glanced at him and ran away quickly.