MTL - What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?-Chapter 14 step on

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  Chapter 14 Step on a foot

  Tang Lin woke up from a dream. He was obviously recovering while lying down, as if he had a full-body massage after soaking in a hot spring.

  But just enjoying the feeling of physical and mental relaxation, suddenly, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, his whole blood was boiling, and even his heartbeat began to speed up.

  When Tang Lin opened his eyes, he found that his body seemed to be completely sunk into the ground. His body was already covered with a thin layer of sand, and there were many low shrubs on it.

  Almost buried alive, Tang Lin got up from the ground in fright. This movement shook the ground again, raising dust all over the sky. The people standing on the ground ate a lot of dust, and the storm goddess Ororo had to summon a strong wind to blow away the dust storm.

   Tang Lin realized that there were several small figures at his feet, and one of them looked like Brother Purple Sweet Potato, wasn't it the boss Tian Qi that he wanted to avoid just now? !

   "System, system! I want to give up the mission and return!" Tang Lin shouted desperately in his heart, for fear that Tianqi would snap his fingers and bury him alive in the sandpit.

  Mo De's emotional system quickly responded: "I am in a special state and cannot return. Please check your skill interface for details."

I go!

   Tang Lin didn't have time to check the system interface at all, because the mutants under his feet had already started to attack him. The storm goddess Ororo flew into the air, and countless lightning bolts condensed on her body and struck towards Tang Lin.

   Although Tang Lin's reaction speed was not affected by the gigantic effect, the lightning speed was not something he could escape. The lightning that was thicker than Ororo's waist drew a white trail in the air and landed on Tang Lin's knee.

   It's over, I got an electric shock in my knee!

   This was Tang Lin's first reaction, but the next moment he found that he didn't feel anything at all.

   Oh, thank you to the Municipal People's Hospital for the good quality of the hospital gowns, without cutting corners at all. To Ororo, the lightning that was thicker than her waist, to Tang Lin, it was almost like the crack of an electronic lighter.

  The trousers, which were originally quite thin, became larger with Tang Lin, and the thickness exceeded 20 centimeters. How could such a thick cotton cloth be penetrated by this "little electric light". Tang Lin didn't even feel numb, but was startled by the lightning.

   Ororo has not yet grown into a real storm goddess, unable to summon a real lightning with a diameter of several meters, so there is no threat to Tang Lin.

   Ororo didn't seem to expect that his attack would have no effect at all. At most, there would be an inconspicuous black spot on the giant's white pants. The next moment, Ororo heard a loud noise that pierced the sky.


  Tang Lin yelled at the Storm Goddess, shaking her weakly.

   Ororo only felt the darkness descending, and a huge white object acted as a hood, covering her whole body inside.

   "You think you'll be fine if you don't agree?"

   Tang Lin just grabbed the enamel cup and put the "mosquito" Ororo in it. No matter who told her to fly so high, she even reached Tang Lin's knees. Once she scooped up the cup, she put it upright, and then covered it with the lid.

  The surface of the enamel cup is coated with a layer of ceramic glaze. Although it is only a thin layer to Tang Lin, it is like a half-meter-thick layer of pottery to Ororo. The lid probably weighs dozens of tons, so it would be difficult for her to push it away.

   After finishing one, Tang Lin turned around and wanted to run away. Otherwise, if Tianqi started to do it, he would just wave his hand to build a pyramid, and he would bury himself alive in minutes.

   Just started, when I heard a rattling sound, I looked down and saw a cut on the trouser leg, which was bleeding. Another mosquito flew up, it was the angel with steel wings.

  The sharp wings cut Tang Lin's pants, and drew a shallow wound on his calf.

   "Asshole, these pants are public property!"

   Tang Lin swung the toilet brush and threw it at the angel.

  A huge sonic boom cloud appeared, and the top of the toilet brush suddenly became shrouded in mist, smashing towards the angel with tremendous force. If it hits right now, no matter what steel wings it is, it will definitely be smashed into a pile of meat sauce, and it will still be meat sauce caught in the bristles of the brush that cannot be removed.

   But the angel is much more proficient in flying than the storm goddess Ororo, and escaped the attack of the toilet brush with a flap of its wings, but the whirlwind brought by the brush also caused the angel to roll and fly far away.

   Tang Lin was furious, as if he saw a mosquito that sucked blood and escaped smoothly.

  The toilet brush turned around and hit the angel again. He couldn't dodge this time, after all, he wasn't a real mosquito, and the shock caused by Tang Lin's toilet brush that broke through the sound barrier had already made him dizzy.

  Being so close to a sonic boom, if he didn't get directly shocked to death, he would be considered a mutant.

  The angel couldn't escape, but he still couldn't die. A huge stone pillar suddenly grew out of the ground and stopped in front of the toilet brush. Of course, Tang Lin's huge force was able to shatter the stone pillar, but after all, he was blocked for a while, and the brush's attack direction was deflected a little, and it brushed against the angel's side again.

  The angel circled dozens of times in mid-air, struggling to fly far away. This little thing flies very fast, Tang Lin probably won't be able to catch up if he doesn't trot.

  But Tang Lin didn't intend to chase after him anymore, the stone pillar just now reminded him that the big boss Tianqi is still there, so he should run away quickly!

  Before he was about to run away, Tang Lin still glanced at Tian Qi, only to find that he was being supported by Ling Die, as if he had no strength to stand up.

   "What's the situation? Who was Tianqi seriously injured?!"

  Tang Lin was shocked. Didn't this boss in the movie be full of blood until the second he was killed? I haven't seen the movie, but I have seen some clips.

  Tang Lin made a very impulsive decision at this moment, taking advantage of his illness to kill him!

   Step on, step on and run!

  This idea is too strong, and Tianqi's position is too suitable. If you don't step on him, you seem to be sorry for your two hundred meters.

  Tang Lin raised his leg and stomped towards Tianqi with all his strength! The speed was so fast that Tang Lin stepped on a huge sonic boom cloud when he landed. The white water mist wrapped around Tang Lin's thighs, falling like a forbidden curse, towards Tian Qi and Ling Die.

   With a stomp, the ground subsidence exceeded 30 meters. The dirt ground turned into a water surface, and layers of ripples oscillated, forming a huge crater, as if it had been bombarded by a meteorite. The surrounding big trees were blown down by the blasted storm, and the damage range exceeded 100 meters.

   Tang Lin obviously felt that his strength had grown a lot, and with the blessing of the earth, he had far surpassed his limit. Coupled with the blessing of this huge size, the aircraft carrier will also be trampled into a discus.

   But Tang Lin was still not at ease. After stepping on it, he crushed it vigorously, afraid that the two people below would not die.

  Such an earth-shattering kick, even Tianqi should die, right? !

  (end of this chapter)