MTL - What If I Can’t Die?-Chapter 20 you are the monster

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Song Shi didn't refuse, and directly raised his hand to give him a slap.

With a snap, the latter was fanned downstairs like a puppet.

His guard was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Song Shi to actually make a move, he hurriedly chased down the floor, and caught Sun Xuan, only to avoid falling head and blood.

"Why mess with me? I just want something to eat."

Song Shi muttered, turned and entered the room: "Come here, serve the food and wine!"

Sun Xuan's angry roar came faintly: "Song Lao Qi, you dare to hit me! Lao Gu, go and catch him for me!"

"Sun Gongzi, the use of force is prohibited in the Yueyue building."

A man in black with an expressionless face stopped Sun Xuan.

"Damn it, he hit me just now, why didn't you stop him?"

Sun Xuan was furious.

The latter was silent for a while, "Young Master Sun provoked him and let him beat you, that doesn't count."


The guests present laughed and were a little surprised at the same time. Seeing this, Yaoyuelou was a little partial to the seventh son of the Song family. What's going on?


Sun Xuan stared at the man in black, thinking that the backstage of Yaoyue Tower was not easy, so he held back his anger: "You are not fair, I won't come anymore."

"It's up to you, anyway, Song Qigong will be our guest of honor in Yuelou from now on."

The old man in black doesn't care about Tao.


"Mr. Song has become a distinguished guest?"

"How did you do it? The VIPs in the Yueyue Tower can only be obtained by people with status. It seems that there are no more than ten in the entire Splendid City, right?"

"And those ten people will basically never come here again."

Some people who knew the value of a VIP could not help but face changes, even Sun Xuan's face darkened.

Although Yaoyue Tower is a romantic place, it is also involved with the three religions, nine streams and even the imperial court, and the forces behind it are not simple.

Those who can be invited to Yuelou as VIPs usually have something special about them. Why is this Song Shi?

He gritted his teeth, left with a gloomy face, and was about to go back and find out what was going on.

There was a mockery in the eyes of the man in black.

How can you, a mortal, be able to be compared to the person who can be appointed as the furnace by the disciples of the Moon Palace?

In the Meiyue elegant room.

Song Shi's hearing and eyesight were tens of times stronger, and he could hear the movement outside through the crack of the door.


Doubt flashed in his eyes: "Why did I somehow become the VIP of Yaoyuelou? I heard that this is the identity of only those who have been recognized, and the number is very small."

If there is no background in a top romantic place like Yaoyue Tower, it is impossible to open it. Therefore, the VIPs recognized by it are often high-ranking officials.

As a son of a concubine, he is not qualified.

With doubts, Song Shi began to eliminate food.

In the backyard of Yaoyue Building, Meiniang walked to a rockery, took out a jade pendant and pressed it against the air.

In the next second, a distorted door appeared out of thin air. She opened it and walked in. There was a hole inside.

This is an underground cave, the ground is paved with jade, engraved with mysterious runes, emitting strands of spiritual light, making the light in the cave blurred.

Mei Niang respectfully said at the entrance of the cave: "Miss Xue'er, Song Shi is here again!"

"Ah, it's coming every other day, can he bear it physically?"

There was surprise in Xueer's cold voice.

"Young man, recover quickly. Anyway, I see him alive and well, without any sense of weakness."

Mei Niang teased: "It seems that Miss Xue'er will be blessed in the future when she meets a strong Lu Ding."

At the entrance of the cave, a snow-white light shirt came out, looking spotless.

Liu Ruxue's red lips parted lightly: "It seems that he probably has some special constitution. Normal people shouldn't recover so quickly. What I inhale is pure yang energy. Those with weak constitutions will not be able to recover in a lifetime."

"Maybe, Miss Xue'er can take the opportunity to check on the bed."

Mei Niang nodded, then noticed something, and said in shock: "Miss Xue'er, have you already practiced the fourth level?"

"Well, Mr. Song's yang energy is very pure, which helped me break through the bottleneck and step into the crescent moon."

The corners of Liu Ruxue's mouth were filled with joy. Among their group of outer disciples, there were not many who had stepped into the fourth level of Qi training.

"Congratulations miss!"

While congratulating Meiniang, she felt complicated.

Back then, at this age, she had only practiced Qi at the second level, and the gap was really quite big.

"It's all about external force. I'll go meet this furnace cauldron. He has helped me a lot. Let me explain later."

Xue'er smiled slightly and licked her lips, showing a different kind of charm.

A few minutes later, when Song Shi buried himself in eating a lot, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards his face.

Song Shi was startled, and looked up, Liu Ruxue, who looked like a fairy in the Moon Palace, had already come in front of him.

The sparkles in her eyes flowed like a pool of spring water in her mouth, which seemed to be full of tenderness and sweetness, which made people intoxicated.

A head of jet-black hair fell like a waterfall, part of which fell on the delicate collarbone and full chest. She smiled like a flower, with a charm in her coldness: "Sir, should I eat first or Cher?"

Song Shi greedily looked at this **** disaster, and the other party's fairy-like temperament, with the temptation of being at his fingertips, really grasped people to death.

He grinned, hugged the softness tightly, and said with a smirk: "You feed me first."

For some reason, Song Shi felt as if he was going to burn up when he touched this woman's body, and his breathing couldn't help but be short of breath.

"My lord has eaten so much, isn't he full yet?"

Xue'er covered her mouth and smiled, Xian Xiansu picked up a piece of beef, bit it with her red lips, and boldly delivered it to Song Shi's mouth.

Song Shi couldn't control it anymore, he secretly scolded himself for not being able to concentrate, and at the same time secretly said Zhenxiang.

Among the indescribable things, the yang energy from Song Shi's body drifted into Liu Ruxue's body like smoke.

Her eyes couldn't help but glow, because it was obvious that Song Shiyang's energy had become more vigorous. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com

"What kind of physique is this? Why does the more Yang Qi is collected, the more exuberant it becomes? I really found a treasure!"

Liu Ruxue jumped for joy.

Song Shi was shocked when he noticed this, the desire in his eyes dissipated a little, and he regained his composure.

"Xue'er, how did I become a VIP?"

Liu Ruxue, who was thinking about how to get Song Shi to practice Furnace Kung Fu, blushed and said, "I want you to belong to Xue'er, my lord."

"What's the meaning?"

Song Shi didn't understand, "You brothel girls, can you still pick our guests?"

"Bad guy, Xue'er is no ordinary woman!"

Liu Ruxue thumped Song Shi's chest, and suddenly his expression straightened, and he returned to his aloofness: "My lord, do you think there are immortals in this world?"


Song Shi nodded.

"Xue'er now has a chance to become a fairy, which has been reserved for the young master, so the young master will become a distinguished guest and receive special treatment."

Liu Ruxue pushed Song Shi away, the moonlight bloomed on her body, her hair was windless and automatic, and she folded her hands in front of her body to make a formula.

The breeze hovered under her small and exquisite jade feet, and she was suspended out of thin air, making Song Shi's eyes shine.

" can fly. Could it be that you are not a human, but a female fairy? A vixen?"

Song Shi was a little scared, this woman wouldn't try to show her off, she would immediately open her **** mouth and eat him, right?

A black line appeared on her forehead, and Liu Ruxue's otherworldly aura was immediately destroyed. She gave Song Shi a blank look: "You are the monster, you are a cultivator."


Song Shi was stunned for a moment, she originally thought that Liu Ruxue was some kind of monster like a vixen, that's why she sucked his yang energy, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.