MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-~ End of testimonials, new book promotion!

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  End testimonials, new book promotion!

   I heard that there is no charge for the starting point within a thousand words. I will try it. If there is a charge, I will delete it.

   This book is officially over!

how to say? I have been affected by some things in the past few months, my brain is like a paste every day, and my body is not good. I won’t say more about the specific reasons, and I don’t want to pretend to be pitiful. They are all brothers.

But this work has gone through ups and downs with me, and I can still see some old faces voting. Old readers know Shan Gui, he has a stupid mouth, and I don’t know how to say thank you. False, but I'll always remember those names.

  The names of those who voted for me, tipped, and corrected my typos.

   Of course, don't change the name! If I changed it, I might not be able to remember it, because I don't really look at the profile picture!

  I have been writing in Genesis for several years, and I plan to go to the starting point for the next book to try the water. After all, this book is not bad at the starting point. Although it is not good, it can still be regarded as a pass.

  If possible, I hope that friends and readers can help Shan Gui’s new book to be favorited.

   Whether to read it or not, to vote or not, that's all for later.

   Just like the line that I write on the title page of every book.

   "I want to see who will be my friend until the end, you will always be the one I look forward to the most!"

   Meng Xinshan ghost.



  Book title: "This dragon set is called Yuhuatian"


  You ask me what kind of trick is it? I tell you now!

   I will act in scenes that movie stars dare not act in!

  The drama that the actor dare not appear in, I will!

   In a word, I will act if the actor can act, and I will act even more if the actor cannot!

   Act first and act later, strength privilege! This is a trick, don't you understand?

   You should be able to tell from the name~

  Hehehe, brothers, the new book will be released before twelve o’clock, waiting for you~

  (end of this chapter)