MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 804 Who do you look down on!

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  Chapter 804 Who do you look down on!

   For this reason, Qian Yingjun was so angry! They felt that these people just looked down on them, so they moved the schedule of Han Guanqi's movie when it was released in theaters.

   When it came to me, they moved the schedule instead. Isn’t this looking down on me?

   Immediately, he found Wang Siqi, hoping to increase publicity and let these people know that his box office competitiveness is also very strong!

  Wang Siqi didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked his subordinates to help increase publicity, while he himself continued to study the publicity plan of "Inception".

  After Qian Yingjun got support, he desperately started promoting it, but he has to admit that Qian Yingjun's movie this time is really good.

  Although it has ghost content, it is a warm ghost drama.

  A family of five got into a car accident and only the youngest son survived.

  But this youngest son lost a million dollars because of too much stimulation, and he was always lonely in his life, so he planned to end his life.

   But at this time, he was entangled by several ghosts, who said that he would only let him go if he fulfilled his wish.

   It was not until the end that he discovered that these ghosts were his family members.

   What he asked him to do was the regret that his family failed to complete back then.

   This reversal directly made the audience yell shit! How happy I was watching before, how miserable I was when I cried later!

  The word-of-mouth of the movie is also quite good, even better than the previous police and gangster movies!

  The name Qian Yingjun instantly became the most frequently appeared among the new directors!

  As for Han Guanqi, he is already a great director, and has nothing to do with a newcomer director.

  The number of users of the live broadcast platform and Kylin Video is also increasing steadily, and the monthly income is very objective.

   All of these gave Qi Lin confidence!

   Funds represent confidence!

  On this day, several people just finished recording a variety show.

  During the break, Xu Zheng was fanning the air duct with a straw hat.

   "It's really hot today! I'm almost getting oily from the sun."

   Lao Bai on the side also nodded repeatedly. He was about the same size as Xu Zheng, and what he was most afraid of was heat.

  Hearing this, Qi Lin moved his position and made way for the fan.

   "Let's just leave it at that, the roads here are so bad that RVs can't get in."

  Xu Zheng came to the recliner and sat down, "Hey, it will be much cooler if there is a little wind."

  Old Bai also moved a stool and squeezed in. Chen Kun is already familiar with Qi Lin, so he had no intention of seeing outsiders, so they blocked all the outlets of the fans.

   Qi Lin grinned when he saw this, but Nie Xiaolong didn't say anything, and went to the director's team to ask for two fans, and he carried them over by himself.

   As for Luan Yuan, he went to fetch ice cream for everyone.

   Lao Bai saw Nie Xiaolong carrying the fan, so he stepped forward to help, and said while helping to plug in the electricity.

   "Look at their children, how hardworking they are! No wonder they are so popular."

  Nie Xiaolong was a little embarrassed by what Lao Bai said, and his face turned red.

  Qi Lin thought it was okay, this 'simple' person's assumption is for you to understand!

   "Here comes the cold drink!"

  Luan Yuan walked into the temporary tent carrying a white incubator, and wiped his sweat.

   "Choose it yourself."

   After speaking, he opened the incubator, which was full of ice cream and iced drinks.

   After waiting for a few people to finish picking, he took the box and went to the staff to distribute it.

  Xu Zheng was eating a piece of mung bean ice cream and said, "Mr. Qi, how is your movie preparation going? How much did you spend?"

  Qi Lin thought for a while and said: "So far, it has cost about 1.1 billion."

  Xu Zheng stared wide-eyed: "Good guy! 1.1 billion? No wonder everyone says it's a big production!"

  Chen Kun on the side also stared wide-eyed: "My God, in the first two years, this investment alone can scare people to death."

  Old Bai patted his chest and said, "Who says it's not? A few years ago, the box office broke one billion. That's a big deal."

  Only Xu Zhengdao: "Then it won't be over 1.2 billion in the end?"

  Qi Lin nodded, the cost of publicity is not low either!

  Xu Zhengzhi gritted his teeth and said: "It's outrageous! Fortunately, I didn't shoot a movie this year. If I were squeezed between you and Director Zhang, wouldn't I be evaporated every minute?"

   As soon as the words came out, Lao Bai and the others all laughed along with him.

   After everyone stopped laughing, Lao Bai spoke.

   "This time it depends on the box office. If you can crush Director Zhang, the next ten years will be the world of Kylin Media!"

  Xu Zheng frowned and said, "It's not that easy. Director Zhang's investment this time is bigger than theirs, and Director Zhang's name alone can attract many people, not to mention that he used such dirty tricks?"

  The audience may not know that director Zhang gave more box office points to the theaters, but how could Xu Zheng and other directors in the circle not know?

  When Xu Zheng said this, his expression was obviously disdainful.

  Although Director Zhang's achievements are much higher than his, Xu Zheng still looks down on him after using this method.

  Even Lao Bai, Chen Kun and the others frowned, feeling that the methods were a little low-handed.

   "However, your countermeasures are really fast, or you are willing to spend so much money for charity? Don't you feel bad?"

  Qi Lin shook his head and said: "There is nothing distressing. I have been doing charity all the time. This time it was just made public. Since the box office of this movie is used for charity, there will be some left over for other parts."

  Xu Zheng raised his thumb and said, "I can assure you, when they know the truth, they will definitely curse at the street!"

   Several people laughed again, as if they could see the small circle jumping.

  The few people who recorded the variety show this time, except for Chen Kun, were all their own people.

   Needless to say, Xu Zheng, Qi Lin made his film debut.

  Old Bai Na took good care of him even more, he was his father's apprentice.

  The two little ones are both entertainers brought out by him, and they must be strict.

  In this case, it is impossible for Chen Kun to spread any news, because it is too easy to be exposed.

  Besides, after recording variety shows for the past two years, Chen Kun and Qi Lin have also developed some friendship, and the two sides are still quite friendly.

  A few people chatted and laughed, Xu Zheng asked suddenly.

   "Hey, have you heard? Next year, the boss plans to shoot a blockbuster movie!"

   "Blockbuster? Gift movie?"

  Qi Lin was a little puzzled, Xu Zheng shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just heard some rumors. With your connections, didn't you hear it? Could it be fake news?"

  Qi Lin shrugged and said: "I've been filming abroad, and I came to record a variety show with you as soon as I came back, and I don't have time to listen to these gossips."

   "I heard that Director Han may not be here to shoot this time. The higher-ups originally planned to let Director Zhang shoot, but later they had different opinions. It seems to be affected by your incident."


  Qi Lin pointed to his nose in surprise, Xu Zheng nodded and said.

   "It seems to be so. I heard that the opposition from the Qi Party is relatively loud."

   Xu Zheng said enviously after finishing speaking: "That's Qi Dang. Although not many are active on the big screen, they can't stand the old seniority and high position."

  (end of this chapter)