MTL - What If I Accidentally Made My Debut?-Chapter 789 Spring Festival

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  Qi Lin lived in Hebei Province for more than half a month before returning home, so he was able to take a break from his busy schedule.

   Within two days of returning to Yanjing, Qi Lin went to visit his film and television city.

  Nowadays, the land of the film and television city has expanded several times, but the surrounding area has not been expanded too much.

  The European-style architectural area has been built in sevens and eighties, and there is absolutely no problem with the shooting next year. Now I don’t know if the special effects production can keep up.

  Nowadays, there are quite a few crews coming to Kylin Film and Television City to film. Judging from this situation, it may really become a big film and television city in the future!

   Next, Qi Lin once again gathered everyone to record the second season of "The Inheritor".

  The effect of the last variety show was very good, and it has to be recorded in advance next year. Otherwise, when the filming of Qi Lin's movie starts, I don't know when I will have time to record it.

  Nie Xiaolong and Luan Yuan turned down the show appointment because of this variety show.

   These two people are very clear that following Qi Lin's side will increase the popularity faster than filming scenes!

   Especially Nie Xiaolong, since the variety show was broadcast, he has officially entered the circle.

   This 'simple' little transparency is especially loved by the audience.

   Until he played the villain in the movie, he made the audience hate it again.

  But then the audience realized that it takes a lot of strength for a good person in reality to act as a bad person!

  So Nie Xiaolong, who debuted for only one year, was dubbed the title of "powerful group", which made Luan Yuan very envious.

  I think he was recognized by the audience by playing the idiot Chen Bijue, but Nie Xiaolong was recognized by the audience after his debut.

   Immediately afterwards, Nie Xiaolong's past was also 'dug' out.

  The family is poor, and the mother is sick.

  In order to treat her mother, she even worked three jobs a day. Fortunately, she finally signed a contract with [Kylin Media] and raised enough money for her mother’s life-saving.

   Then I went to the actor training class of Kylin Media for further study, and this is what I have achieved today!

   This is definitely a comeback from a desperate situation!

  Even the official made a special statement, praising Nie Xiaolong for his courage to surrender to fate even in deep trouble!

  Finally, Nie Xiaolong was invited to become a national secondary actor.

  Luan Yuan is stupid, what the **** is this? Is it a sin to say that my family is good?

   This, this, this is a bit outrageous!

  Although the words are true, Luan Yuan also understands that the reason why the officials did this is to make Nie Xiaolong a role model.

   Let many people who are facing the same situation as Nie Xiaolong, don't give up!

  In a few days, the resident guests have been convened, and the second season of "The Inheritor" has officially started recording. At the same time, the promotion of the second season has also been officially released.

   Netizens were filled with anticipation in an instant. After all, the first season was well-produced, and netizens were very happy to watch it. They have long been looking forward to the release of the second season.

   And the time slowly came to the end of December!

   In one and a half months, everyone stepped up to produce the variety show. This is something that can't be helped. After all, Qi Lin is not the only one who is busy, everyone is very busy!

   Actually, it is not easy to spare a month and a half.

  The variety show side began to hurry up and edit, and the annual company annual meeting also started.

  The major departments have already started preparing the program a month in advance, nothing else, just for the generous bonus!

   But anyone who can get on the stage can almost get a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and once they get the ranking, the bonus will be doubled!

  Who would not want to attend such an annual meeting?

   There are even quarrels in the company over the program of the annual meeting. After all, the duration of the annual meeting is limited, and the number of programs produced by each department can be counted.

   But what is different from usual is that this time, for the company's annual meeting, Qi Lin chose to broadcast live on Kylin Video!

   And the publicity was also made in advance, so that many people flocked to watch it on the day of the annual meeting.

  The programs of the annual meeting are more exciting than the last, and the organization is also very regular. Some viewers even said that they can even contract the local Spring Festival Gala.

   Until the year-end awards were issued, these audiences gradually stopped laughing and became jealous instead.

   "Damn it! Who's the year-end bonus?"

   "Let's not talk about the discovery of gold, hundreds of thousands at every turn?"

   "That's right, isn't it heavy when you carry it?"

   But it didn't take long for these people to realize that they were wrong.

  Because hundreds of thousands, that's just the beginning!

   With the appearance of some technicians, the bonus has also increased from hundreds of thousands to millions!

  By the time Luan Yuan, Nie Xiaolong and others entered the stage, the prize money had reached four to five million!

   By the time Han Guanqi and others finally reached tens of millions!

  Of course, it is impossible for this level of bonus to be paid in cash, otherwise they would not be able to take it away.

  But it still shocked the netizens inexplicably!

  At this moment, they suddenly wanted to work in Kylin Media, not for anything else, just for the year-end bonus! Too much fun, isn't it?

  Of course, after watching Kylin Media’s annual meeting, many netizens felt that Kylin Media’s actions were too ostentatious, and it was easy for children to refuse to endure hardships and only wanted to make big money and quick money.

   This made Qi Lin a little speechless, thinking, is it my fault? If your child learns badly after watching a live broadcast, it proves that your education is not good, or your child is originally a bad species!

   But no matter what, Kylin Media’s annual meeting was still a great success!

   Moreover, it has attracted a lot of talents from all walks of life. The company's HR department must be extremely busy next year.

  After the annual meeting, the family began to prepare for the Spring Festival.

   I don't know if it's an illusion, but since Qi Lin had a child, it feels like the flow of time has sped up a lot.

  Seeing the children grow up day by day, seeing the parents getting old day by day, but there is nothing I can do.

  Qi Lin didn't like this feeling very much, but he had no choice but to sigh in the middle of the night, a **** is hypocritical!

   And he's that bitch.

   Soon the Spring Festival came, and the three families made dumplings together to prepare for the Spring Festival.

   This is the advantage of living close. There is no need to study whether to go to the mother’s house or the in-law’s house to celebrate the new year.

  Eldest Young Master Yiming was also very happy, kneading the dough given by Wang Ping very happily.

   Qi Lin is also helping to make dumplings and watching the Spring Festival Gala with his family.

   You can skip the usual Spring Festival Gala shows, but not this year, because this year both Luan Yuan and Nie Xiaolong will be on the Spring Festival Gala!

   This is also thanks to the help of those big bosses in the whole party, because one of them from the music association not only helped Nie Xiaolong enter the art troupe, but also accepted him as a disciple.

   And this Spring Festival Gala is to praise Nie Xiaolong! As for Luan Yuan, that was just incidental.

  The three of them will perform a skit this year. I have to say that Nie Xiaolong’s path has gone in just one year, but he is very clear about who he is today because of.