MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 89 Castle Cry (16)

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This absurd and **** scene shocked the three people. At least Qi Le people have been shocked. He has not seen death, but the tragic and shocking death method still makes him feel shocked. It takes a long time to realize that he should Do something.

He took a step forward and stopped again, looking back at Su He.

Su He looked far away at the tragedy that occurred on the platform. The eyebrows were very small. When he saw Qi Le people looking at him, he also went forward: "Go and see."

Qi Le people suddenly set a lot of heart, bravely walked up the stairs, in the dark light, sitting in the pool of blood, only half of Xiao Hong left, mixed with his blood, stained her In a beautiful dress, muttered to himself: "You are mine... it is mine..."

When the Qi Le people stepped on the first step of the stairs, the stairs on the second floor came up with a hound of a hound. He jerked his head up and the burning hound slowly walked down the stairs and stood. Nanxun, mad at them.

Nanxun was awakened, and picked up the body on the ground. He fled to the stairs above. Xiao Hong’s half-body was like a blood bag, licking blood, dragging the **** traces on the ground. .

The hound stayed by the pool of blood in the slaughterhouse and rushed them to reveal the teeth of Sensen until the shadow of Nanxun disappeared on the stairs. It slowly walked back and ignored them.

"This is the dog you met before?" Dr. Lu asked behind the two.

"Well... but this time it didn't attack us?" Qi Le said strangely.

"This must be the result of two lucky EX rescued a lucky E." Dr. Lu said.

Qi Le, who is difficult to refute, has to turn his eyes.

Su He squatted down next to the pool of blood, and looked at the viscera on the ground for a while: "Have you seen how the body of this NPC is divided into two? It is reasonable to say that two people tear him at most to cause the arm to break. It is impossible to have such neat cutting scars."

"I only saw the flash of electricity outside the window, Xiao Hong became two halves, and I didn't see anything else." Qi Le said.

"It seems that the lame is not countered by the thunder, the sisters said that the tearing will open and tear, half unambiguous." Dr. Lu said a joke.

"Probably because the power of the devil has infected the two NPCs, they will have abnormal power and ability. The inside of this copy may not be simple." Su He stood up and said.

"The power of the devil?" Dr. Lu snorted, and Qi Le did not tell him that he was parasitic, so he did not understand the power of the devil.

"A kind of energy related to the devil, I and Qi Le people are somewhat aware of it. At present, this copy should be removed from the devil." Su He said, looking up at the upper stairs, "Go up and see Look, listen to their footsteps, it should be to the third floor. Have you been to the third floor before?"

Both of them shook their heads. It was dangerous to enter the castle all over the place. Plus the space was too big, it was not easy to collect clues. The two men turned around on the second floor.

"Before you said that there is a key on the second floor, should there be no baby room on the second floor?" Su He asked.

"No, the baby room is probably on the third floor. I didn't plan to go into the plot before, so we didn't go to the baby room." Qi Le said.

"If you want to go, you have to find the key, this is my hand." Dr. Lu said proudly.

Su and nodded, and the aligning person said: "I will probably encounter the previous dog after going up. What are you going to do?"

Qi Le people looked at Su and his concerned eyes and silently swallowed the words "I don't want to swear": "I brought three miniature bombs. Now there are two left, and I should be able to kill the dog."

"If you are not sure, let's go to the piano room on the second floor and take the dog collar. If I don't guess wrong, pick it up and you will pick up the dog. You can set a trap to deal with it in advance." Su He before the Qi Le people The experience said his own speculation.

Qi Le people nodded eagerly, and he completely ignored the way.

Still waiting for what he said, a sudden sizzling sound from the top of his head, mixed with the sound of metal collision, rumbling, the three raised their heads, just to see the charred hound being hit by something, smashing On the platform on the second floor. The sound of the cymbal came, and the Qi Le people whispered: "It is the armor!"

"Is it not a monster in the world?!" Dr. Lu whispered.

"The armor will not be easily burned, so it is normal to appear in the world after the fire." Su He said.

The flocked hound climbed up again, rushing to the armor while arrogant, and the armor waved the iron fist without the sword, and once again hit it to the ground, the hound fell to the ground and screamed.

"Redmond, come back, Redmond!" The call of Nanxun came from the third floor. The hound barely climbed from the ground and ran to the direction of the sound.

The armor stands on the stairs, and the heavy metal body is generally tall, and the heavy pressure is even greater than in the world.

It moved!

The sound of the cymbal sounded deafeningly, and the armor held the sword and ran down the stairs! Every step on the dilapidated wooden stairs brought a tremor of ground.

"Oh, my mother, it's down!" Dr. Lu screamed and hurriedly wanted to run.

Qi Le people are also a little panicked, and they have encountered this armor without any psychological preparation. What can I do? Using a miniature bomb?

The speed of the armor was very fast, and it was already on the platform almost in a blink of an eye. The SL skill of Qile was used in the basement to drive the mad lady - although he did not read the file after use - but he also had a Easter egg In hand, but this rare resurrection prop is intended to be used as the last means of pressing the bottom of the box.


Qi Le people are going to take out the iron rod from the parcel and smash the resurrected armor, but before he comes forward, Su and suddenly lost something: "Hold!"

Qi Le people reached out and grabbed it. It turned out to be a rope. He looked at Su He and suddenly understood what he wanted to do.

The armor that ran down quickly from the stairs was getting closer and closer. Qi Leren and Su He each took the end of the rope and quickly opened the distance, ready to retreat and squatted on both sides of the stairs. Dr. Lu was stunned. Standing under the stairs, suddenly realized that he should run farther, turned his head and ran down the stairs.

The speed of the armor is very fast. When it comes to the rope, it is too late to brake. The rope that is not as tall as its knees is perfect to hold it. The heavy armor is thrown out under the influence of resistance. The strength is almost so strong that the Qi Le people are on hand. The hemp rope is off the hand.

The armor that fell down the stairs gave a heavy bang, and the body’s helmet, armor, and long sword all fell out of the body, turning it into a metal part of the land, and it was scattered. The ground, shockingly, with the separation of the armor, the inside of the armor reveals a fragmented skeleton, which is obviously a sly appearance.

Dr. Lu, who was holding his head on the floor, opened his mouth: "Can you still play like this? It is too easy."

Su and slowly pick up the rope: "That's a try."

Qi Le people have a bit of a recollection: "If it reacts quickly, don't stumble it? Or if it collapses, it won't fall apart? If the cockroach is alive?"

Su and mysteriously laughed and hanged their appetites slowly and said: "Let's run."

Qi Leren: "..."

Dr. Lu: "..."

"But this task is also D-level difficulty. Even if there is the interference of the devil's power and the actual ending route, the difficulty will not exceed the B level. The monsters other than the BOSS will not be too difficult to deal with. There are tricks, as long as your reaction is fast enough, the observation is sharp enough." Su and after enjoying the ever-changing look of the two, still gave a reasonable explanation.

Qi Le people agreed to nod. At that moment, they had to figure out how to deal with the activity of armor. This is even harder than hard work. Su He has a lot of experience, so he can solve the monster with the simplest props and terrain. Sure enough, it is the predecessor of the dawn town, even if you do not use the skill card, the task of dealing with this difficulty is still hand-to-hand.

"This trip is a bit of a meaning..." Su and stood on the stairs and looked at the skeleton that could not be struck on the ground, revealing the look of interest.

"Look what I found!" Dr. Lu suddenly screamed happily, and found a bunch of keys from the pile of metal parts and shards on the ground.

"It should be the key to the third floor, doing a good job." Su He praised him, the light here was too dark, and he did not notice that there was a bunch of keys hidden in the armor.

Dr. Lu ran up with the key and handed the key to Su He.

Qi Le people have no doubt about the talents of their companions in finding things. Instead, they have doubts about this armor: "Su He, why do you think the armor has just been beaten with that dog?"

Su and Mo took the key on his hand and said with a deep voice: "I think of a possibility. At present, the NPCs and monsters that have appeared in this castle are the following: four plot characters, maid Nina, BOSS Lady Mad, active armor, charred hound, white skeleton. The bones are undoubtedly the servants of this castle, the most vulnerable, no intelligence, should be controlled by the will of the mad lady, to enter into their sphere of influence The creature is attacking. The charred hound is also controlled by the mad lady - it should be controlled by Nanxun, and she just called it away when she called out. But the cockroach in the armor, it is obviously not controlled by the mad lady. Then there is a question, who is it?"

Dr. Lu joked and said: "Probably a cockroach full of enthusiasm, I feel that wearing clothes is too much, so I have to wear armor, and immediately evolved from white bones to armor, became elite, and then rebellious."

Su He: "..."

Qi Leren: "..."

Qi Le people leaned on the armrests of the stairs and thought thoughtfully: "You said, will the beggar in this armor be the male master John?"

Su and smiled and nodded. "Your thoughts coincide with me. Imagine that when Mrs. Mad is killing people everywhere, the male owner John may have hid in the armor because of fear. As a result, Mrs. Mad can't find him to set fire to ancient times. Fort, he was burnt to death before he escaped, so it became such a monster. The ornament of armor should represent the male in a symbolic sense, and it also has the meaning of power and power, so I prefer this activity to armor. It is the will of the male owner. In this case, it is understandable that it conflicts with the hound, because the hound Redmond guards the mad lady."

Dr. Lu snorted twice: "It seems that the couple is still turning against each other."

"This is probably inevitable." Su and sighed.

"Why?" Qile asked.

"Actually, I can see it from the name. John wrote his signature to Dr. Fleischer. His name is John Sebastian Wolf. The full name of Mrs. Sarah was just reported by Luo Xueyi. It came out, called Sarah von Wolf. There is a 'Von' in the surname of Mrs. Sarah. This is a sign of noble origin in Germany. If Mr. John is a nobleman, he is signing. I will never miss this word, so he is probably not a nobleman. In this task, he never mentioned what title he is. On the contrary, this Sarah must be a big aristocrat. "Su and the analysis of the stripping "John's diary mentioned that she didn't want to live in the concession area after she came here, but built a castle. This castle is her money. She should be a very rich lady. Less property."

"Wow, □ □ silk bubble on the white inspirational story, but Bai Fumei has a mental illness." Dr. Lu suddenly got up, conspiracy theory guessed completely She, if it’s not true love or money, it’s hard to hide the people’s business when it’s in chaos, so that you can make a fortune by earning a fortune here?”

"Do not rule out this possibility." Su He said, "If Mrs. Sarah does not have a family-inherited mental illness, I am afraid that her family will not easily agree to this marriage."

Qi Le people can't help but recall the crazy manners and shouts of Mrs. Mad in the basement.

On the wall of the platform, there is a copper frame left behind. In this thunderstorm night, it is illuminated by lightning again and again. He remembers this portrait of the world, she is holding a pet dog and snuggling with her handsome and elegant. Husband, full of smiles are happy, and her husband also looked at her tenderly, affectionate, full of tenderness.

It was a good time to go back and witnessed that they once loved each other.