MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 81 Castle Cry (8)

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"When - when - when -"

The distant bells came, and the fear drowned the Qiele people like the tide. He even had time to tell the two partners that he had already returned to the world.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Dr. Lu’s flashlight is still on, and Qi Le’s man is fixed on the piano. There is no dog collar and his flashlight.

Qi Le people took a deep breath and hesitated to tell Dr. Lu about this matter. In the end, he decided to say it. If he dispersed his actions in the world afterwards, this would also allow Dr. Lu and Nan Zhen to be wary: "I just saw the flashlight that I fell on the piano. I remember that when I dropped the studio on the next floor, the flashlight was on, but I suddenly remembered that the flashlight had been turned off. ”

"Hey? Ah? Lying in the trough!" Dr. Lu used three interjections. "Are you sure? It won't be dead."

"I'm pretty sure, I can't fall after I fall into the studio. I can only lie flat on my head. At that time, the hound looks down at the hole and illuminates it. It is the light of my flashlight. And I am here. The front flashlight is fully charged, and it is impossible to run out of electricity so quickly." Qi Leren said calmly.

"Can the dog not turn off the flashlight." Nan Hao muttered.

"The dog won't, but the ‘people’ will,” said Qi Le.

Nan Yan’s eyes are sharp: “You mean that Xiao Hong and the monk have been here?”

"..." Qile people were silent for a few seconds. "This is a possibility, but they don't have to turn off the flashlight. This kind of useful thing, they are more likely to take it away directly."

The sound sank in the bright moonlight of the world. In the new piano room, none of the three people spoke. The shock brought by the scene was just erased by the fear of being close at hand. The same kind of imagination lingers in their minds, the shadows of fear piled up from the dark corridor into the piano room, silently turning off the flashlight that illuminates the darkness...

"No matter what it is, we can at least be sure that it is a wise creature, it knows what it is, how to turn it off, maybe it hates the light..." Qi Le whispered.

"Wisdom creatures... then it’s troublesome, we broke into its territory, maybe it’s looking at us now and thinking about how to get it done.” Dr. Lu said with a snarl.

Nanxun shuddered: "Don't say it!"

"No matter, look for the switch first." Dr. Lu took a flashlight on the wall of the door with a flashlight, and quickly found the switch. The chandelier in the piano room lit up and the light returned immediately, whether it was Nanxun or Qi Le. People are relieved.

"The world is quite kind," Dr. Lu exclaimed.

Nanxun cold and cold road: "Have you forgotten the death of Miaobo?"

Although the world seems calm and peaceful, it hides murder everywhere, and a little carelessness is the end of the dying.

"Let's go, let's go to Nina and come back to search the room. I have a lot of things to ask her, I hope I won't encounter the walking armor this time." Qi Le said. This time, he is not too scared. The cooling time of the SL skill has passed. If you encounter it again, you will not be able to fight hard. You just don’t know how to explain it to Nanxun. He doesn’t know what NPC is special about them. What will happen...

The three men walked to the first floor, and the lights were bright, but the bright lights were so quiet around them that they couldn’t help but observe everything around them, but they were afraid of discovering ominous signs from ordinary times. The contradictory psychology makes everyone nervous.

"You are here waiting for me, I will go and see." When walking to the entrance of the corridor on the first floor, the Qile people said to the two, and then one person walked into the corridor.

The lights are on, illuminating the sculptures and paintings on both sides of the corridor. The potted plants seem to have been carefully managed, green and green. At the end of the corridor is a semi-open room similar to the piano room on the second floor. The body of Miaobo remains. Lying on the ground, and the suspected fierce armor has disappeared.

Qi Le people found the switch on the wall and opened the light in this room. The hidden small room door was damaged by the armor, but it seems to be closed. I don’t know if Nina is still there. . He walked up to the door a few steps and whispered, "Nina, are you there?"

There was a soft response from the door: "I am... is it gone?"

"It's gone. I have a few things to ask you, can I come in?" said Qi Leren.

"No! Don't come in! Don't open the door! If it comes back... I... I'm scared." Nina's voice hangs high and the voice is broken in the rushing voice.

"But the door lock should have broken." Qi Leren said that the door lock that had been loosened said that the door can be locked from the inside, but the armor had already crashed the door lock when it was forcibly broken. However, the outer lock seems to lock the door from the outside to the inside.

"No! Don't open the door! Please! The door is open, it will come in!" Nina's anxious voice was vaguely a little crying, she seemed to be terrified.

"...well, you wait, I called a few friends." Qi Leren compromised and turned back to Dr. Lu and Nan Yan.

Once again set foot in this room, Nanxun still dare not look at the body of Miaobo, the dead companion corpse here, inevitably let her think of her own safety, she resisted fear, stood far away from the body, silently Use your eyes to urge Qi Le people to hurry.

"There are a few things I have to ask you, let's start with my wife. Is she pregnant? Is the child?" Qi Le asked straight into the room.

Nina behind the door was silent for a moment and seemed unwilling to talk about it. She asked: "Why ask this?"

"Because it is very important, please let us know." Qi Le said tough.

"Well... Madame did get pregnant, but unfortunately she had a miscarriage. After that, her spirit was very bad. It was probably from that time. She gradually revealed hereditary madness... In order to avoid irritation to her, Mr. ordered We don't want to talk about it, but my wife's illness is getting worse. Sometimes she feels that her child is still alive. She gives him or her a doll and clothes, but when she is awake, she puts these things again. Destroyed. She... very painful.” Nina’s voice was filled with a humble pity and an unspeakable fear.

This kind of thing really makes sense, Qi Le people think.

“Hey, how did she have a miscarriage? Natural abortion? Unexpected abortion?” Dr. Lu also stood at the door and asked.

"...She fell off the stairs and then aborted," Nina said.

At this time, Nancy also joined in. She asked sharply and sharply: "Is she falling down? Or is someone pushing her down? She aborted, murdered, set fire, is it just because she is crazy?"

Both Dr. Lu and Qi Le people looked at Nanxun. I wonder if this lady’s experience reminded her of her, so she was particularly excited and even over-excited. Qi Le people vaguely felt that Nan Yan should also be part of the plot, but before she made something harmful to them, he was still willing to help her... This kind of luck is dangerous, he and Dr. Lu The tacit words, but they still did.

Nina in the door said with some surprise: "If it wasn't because she was crazy, how could she do this kind of thing? She used to be a very gentle and quiet person! Even if she is crazy, she also...this is not all Her fault!"

Nancy was not willing to bite his lip and did not speak again.

"I still have a problem. Before you said that the lady's illness is getting worse and worse, she was shut up, then where is she being shut down?" Qile asked.

"...the basement. She was locked up in the basement," Nina replied.

Nanxun said incredulously: "You actually shut her down to the basement?! My God... How can you do this? She is already suffering."

Nina snorted a few times and said weakly: "It’s Mr., the lady’s madness is getting more and more serious and needs isolation, so..."

Dr. Lu snorted with a little doubt, but did not speak.

“Where can I open the basement? Do you need a key?” Qile asked.

"The basement is in the kitchen at the end of the hallway on the other side of the hall. There is a dark space on the corner of the corner. When you open it, you will see a lock. The key is in Mr.'s study. I think... maybe the lady is full of resentful soul, still Let's lie in the basement...please let her rest in peace. May the Lord bless her no longer suffering from the world. May she rest in the arms of the Lord and let me... we rest in peace."

The task is very clear here. Just take the key to the basement and enter the basement to eliminate the undead of the mad lady. This task can be ended. This should be the easiest way to clear the customs.

But... there are many things in this mission that make him remember, such as the sacrifice of the devil.

Do you want to ask? If you ask, will it be self-defeating, triggering the hidden plot to improve the difficulty?

"Then do this first? Go to the basement key?" Dr. Lu asked, pulling the arm of Qi Leren.

"Things about sacrifices..." Qi Le people whispered to Dr. Lu.

Dr. Lu gave him a look: "Do you want to die?"

"Just a bit curious." Qi Leren argued.

"Young people, your thoughts are very dangerous." Dr. Lu said with a strong heart, "Less knowing a little is safer. You are not asking for the bottom, that is to find your own way. Walk around and find the key."

The Qi Le who was pulled by Dr. Lu did not entangle any more. He left the room according to his meaning. Before he left, he looked back and looked at the hidden door. Everything was ordinary.