MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 126 The dream of the Holy Mother (16)

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Ning Zhou’s eagle returned to his master’s side after a week of circling in front.

"There is movement in front." Ning Zhou said after receiving the reminder of the eagle.

In the darkness, only a few buildings can be seen in front of the faint, and the rich blackness obscures the human vision, and it is unbearable to feel fear, because the darkness is also unknown.

Ning Zhou looked to the front, the other side of the street, several figures are swaying, his night vision ability is good, but still can not see clearly, the eagle on the shoulder again flutters, in the dark Fly there.

"It's a demon." Ning Zhou said coldly.

Sure enough, as in "The Nightmare Game", the devil began to appear in the Holy City after the catastrophe. The Qile people were killed by this group of demons, but this time they will not repeat the same mistakes.

"Reassure, they won't find us." Su He said, keep moving forward.

The alienated demons walked on the dark streets and staggered. There seemed to be no sense of mind and thought. The Qi Le people observed them at close range. Although the darkness made him unable to see their appearance, they could vaguely see them naked. - The body with the variation, walking slowly like a zombie.

As the group walked into the bustling area of ​​the Holy City, the number of demons became more and more. They were not organized and disciplined, but they followed strange instructions and wandered here...waiting...

“Is the residents of the Holy City okay? Will these demons attack humans?” Dr. Lu asked with fear.

"There is no human being." Su He’s voice rang in the darkness. "Now, this holy city has only demons left."

A chill climbed from the foot to the back of the neck, Qi Le people can not help but creepy, although he knows that after the zero will be filled with demons in the holy city, but did not expect these demons ... turned out to be residents living here?

“Why is this happening? Do the residents here know that they will become demons? Wait, if you don’t sleep...” Qile people remembered the inhabitants who disappeared in the last night on the night of the moon, a more terrible The conjecture came to his mind.

"Once you fall asleep on the night of the moon, it will be alienated into a demon after zero. If you stay awake, then..." Su and paused, slowly, "... will become the prey of the devil."

As if confirming Su He’s conjecture, the door suddenly opened in front of the street, and the door of the house on the side of the road opened. A young male screamed and rushed out: “No, demon! Don’t come over!”

Behind him, two weird devils swayed chasing him.

As he escaped from the house, the devils wandering in the streets were awakened. The irrational monsters screamed excitedly, chasing him in the direction of the four, and the young man cried. While running away, he fell in the darkness, and even crawled up and continued to run, but the greedy predators behind him have become closer and closer, and he will seize him in the next second...

Qi Le people felt a loose on the wrist, and Ning Zhou had already rushed out.

"Don't kill them! They are living people!" Qi Le people shouted.

Ning Zhou really did not die, he pulled the young man who fled the emperor, kicked his demons one by one, carrying an adult man, and climbing the railing of the nearby house to pull people up. More demons were alarmed and madly coming here...

There was a whistle in the darkness, not beautiful, but it was hanged up and down, but in this strange flute, the original crazy demons calmed down, and they stood there blankly. After a while, he continued to wander around in twos and threes, turning a blind eye to the two big living people.

The sound of the flute is too strange, will it be the little girl of the blonde? Qi Le people stared at the direction of the sound, where it was soaked in pure darkness, and faintly saw several figures, coming towards here.

Three people wearing cloaks came to Ning Zhou. One of them was still playing the flute. The person in front of him looked up at the two people on the roof and said in a hoarse voice: "For the foreigners, please hand him over to we."

The young man who had been scared and timid on the roof shivered and shouted with a broken voice: "No, no, no, don't hand me over... I want to go home, I want to sleep... ”

"We will send you home, you will sleep peacefully until dawn, then forget about this thing, come on, we will send you home." The cloak said.

"Who are you?" Ning Zhou asked, and he was full of vigilance against the three people wearing cloaks, because he felt that these people also had strong demon power.

Qi Le people got nervous and took a step forward and was dragged by Su He: "Let's wait, let's see what the group wants to do."

The cloak was silent, and the two of them whispered a bit and finally said, "You can call us a night watchman."

"Demon?" Ning Zhou asked coldly.

The devil under the cloak smiled and took off his hood, revealing a mutated face: "Yes, just, we are awake demons."

The young man rescued by Ning Zhou shook even more, and his teeth in the trembling squeaked and seemed to faint at any time.

"This moon night, all the sleeping people will become demons, and the awake people... will become the object of the devil chase. Although we are standing here now, we can walk and talk, but in fact we are also sleeping. This should be called 'sleepwalking'. On every night of the moon, we will look around in sleepwalking for the living people who have not fallen asleep, save them before the devil eats them, let them forget all of them, and then sleep peacefully. The foreigner, promised me to keep this secret like us." The cloak said hoarsely.

"Why don't you say it? But let this kind of thing continue?" asked Ning Zhou.

In the faint piccolo, the watchman’s mutated face showed a sly and sad smile.

"The crimes committed by people in the ignorance can be forgiven by God. On every night of the month, these sleeping people take off their clothes in their dreams, turn into the devils who eat people, and hunt their own kind everywhere. Then clean up all the traces before dawn, once again put on the human coat, wake up safely... This day has been gone for eight years without peace. If one day, this hypocritical peace is broken, Innocent people know that they are eating people, the city is really finished, they...we, anyone will fall into **** and never get redeemed."

Eat people... Qile people once again think of the young man who recorded all this in his notebook. Did he finally be eaten by the devil? Then think of the knocking sound he finally heard... The one who will appear in his house that night, I am afraid that only the relatives he has already fallen asleep.

Qi Le people felt that the stomach was rolling, as if burning, he held his stomach and tried not to imagine the **** and cruel picture.

The young man rescued by Ning Zhou gave a desperate cry, screaming on the roof, and on every night of the night before this night, he was sleeping like a **** demon, greedily attacking. Live people. He couldn't help but think of one day many years ago. He spent the night of the moon in his dreams. He woke up and felt the satisfaction of his body and mind. It was like a dream. It was that day, when I was a child, my neighbor’s grandmother was missing in the catastrophe...

The nightmare devil's face once again showed that smile: "Look, knowing that you are eating people is far more terrible than eating people themselves."