MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 118 The dream of the nun (eight)

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The aircraft landed on the hills near the holy city, looking down from the hills, and the mist in the holy city of the basin was covered in the mist, and the scene inside the fog was completely invisible.

The group of Qi Le people went down the hill and went to the fog. The brooch of Maria, who was pinched in his palm, began to heat up from the fog and radiated a warmth.

The fog is getting deeper and deeper, and the trees that are close at hand are blurred. Even the feet are covered with a layer of yarn. The front and back are gray and foggy, making it difficult to distinguish the direction.

"The compass has also failed." Dr. Lu muttered.

"Let's go with the feeling, since the task props are there, you can definitely walk into the holy city." Su and comfort said.

Qi Le people have an instinctive fear of fog. In the village of Novice, the hospital was shrouded in fog. He also stood in the fog to save the Soviet Union and fall to the top of the building. The scene of laughter, the scene has become a frequent visitor in his nightmare.

"There seems to be light in front!" Dr. Lu cried in surprise.

The four men walked forward quickly, and the heavy fog began to dissipate. In the misty gray, a small figure could be seen standing in the fog.

Qi Le people stopped their steps. In "The Nightmare Game", he never saw any strange figures when he passed through the fog of the Holy City. The shadow in front of him is...

There was a little girl’s giggling in the fog, and the standing figure ran up. It seemed that they just discovered them and ran to them cheerfully. Her figure became clearer and closer, and she was golden in the fog. The hair is as dazzling as gold, beating in the mist of mist.

She carried the skirt and danced while she was running. The fog made her look obscure. Qi Le people tried to look at her, but she could not see her face. She only felt a familiar feeling... very close, very near.

The laughter stopped, and the little girl's footsteps stopped. She lifted the skirt with her hands, and owed them to the dancers like the curtain call, screaming and running away, and disappeared into the fog in a blink of an eye.

"That... what is that?" Dr. Lu asked, shaking.

Qi Le people are a little calmer than him. Can he still think about what it means to be a little girl who has not appeared in this Nightmare Game?

Maybe this means that this time he is on the right path.

Qi Le people looked at Ning Zhou around him, he frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Qi Le asked him whispered.

"..." Ning Zhou shook his head and said nothing.

"Follow her, maybe we are coming soon." Su and Wen said.

The four continued to trek in the fog. After the mysterious blond girl appeared, the fog finally began to dissipate. The light of the sun made people happy and yearning. They chased the direction of light. Finally, the fog in front of you is gone, and a magnificent and holy city is already in sight!

System tasks appear:

[Players are happy, start the mission: the dream of the Holy Mother. 】

[Mission background: Twenty-two years ago, the devil led the devil to attack the holy city, the holy city fell, the Holy See was forced to evacuate, and there was no way to go. A holy nun can't bear to see the believers smoldering in the devil's raging, willing to coexist with the people of the holy city, she got the power of God in the desperate situation, protected the holy city with her own dreams, the devils were expelled Was destroyed, but since then the holy city has been shrouded in a fog, isolated from the outside world...]

[Task requirements: End the dream of the Holy Mother. 】

[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronous completion. 】

There is a towering wall on the outskirts of the city. A group of people came to the gate. The gate was opened, but there was no guard guarding it. It passed through the open wall of the city, the city in front of it was thriving, and the residents went to the lively streets. The masonry structure has a different kind of exotic style. The pubs that are open during the day, the vendors selling fruits on the roadside, and the temple complex built around the mountains in the distance... everything looks beautiful and does not look good. This is a city that has been closed for more than 20 years.

"This is... holy city?" Ning Zhou's voice is very light, talking to himself, although this is where his mother grew up, but he has never been here. Because when he was born, it was isolated from the outside world.

"No, I am afraid this is not a real holy city." Su He said, with a hint of dignity, "I feel that I am now in a field."

Yes, they are not in a real world right now. Qi Le people know this very well. This is the realm of Mary and the dream of the Holy Mother. It is not a true holy city.

"The field? It seems to be very powerful." Dr. Lu is not very clear about what this is. His understanding of the field comes from the ancient castle, the Soviet Union and the "field" that he and Qi Le people have entered.

"This field is really very powerful. Whether it is scope or realism... Contact the name of this mission and the history of the Holy City, here is the field where the Holy Sister is condensed? She created a holy city in her dreams. Let the humans who survived 22 years ago live in her field. It is... great." Su and looked at the real blue sky and white clouds in front of him, and praised, "very, very great."

"If you have the chance, you must meet this lady." Su He said.

"Cough, this is probably impossible. This lady has been dead for many years." Qi Le people glanced at Ning Zhou and saw that he did not show any special look.

Su and he looked at him erratically: "The owner of the field has died, the field is not broken? Or is it that the field of Confucianism's secret law is different from the field where the player is condensed? Is the relationship of faith?"

Ning Zhou nodded. Although his semi-field is broken, he still knows the path of the Holy See, thanks to the large amount of research he has left on the Holy See before Maria’s death, although his constitution is not suitable for faith. The route, but the theoretical knowledge is still no problem.

Qi Le is inexplicably a little bit sad. Since he knew that the semi-domain of Ning Zhou was broken, he has been worried about it, but he knows too little about the field. Now...

Although a little embarrassed, but Qile people still asked Su He with a cheeky face: "What do you do in the field of player condensation?"

"In fact, this is very mysterious. When I recall the condensation field, I can only think of a very vague memory segment, because at that time... I am dying." Su and calmly said, "It is like darkness." There was a sudden flash of light, and suddenly a new power was realized on the edge of life and death, wonderful and incredible..."

Dr. Lu looked at his forehead: "I don't understand it at all. I believe in science. What is the use of this field?"

“In a nutshell, only domain-level talents may be confronted with domain-level people, otherwise it is not an order of magnitude.” Su and mysteriously blinked at a few people, “just like suddenly stepping into a whole new world, you What you have to face is completely different from the past."

When the Qile people heard the clouds and wanted to ask something, several middle-aged NPC guards found them and asked where they came from. After learning that they had passed through the fog outside the Holy City, the guards and the surrounding NPCs were very surprised and wanted to take them to see the lord.

Is there a plot in "The Nightmare Game"? Qi Le people are inexplicable.

He remembered that when he was here, there were no guards. He didn’t see any lords until he died. What is the story now? !

Feeling that the story is derailed, Qi Le people are weak.

The four followed the guards to the city's main government, and the residents along the way curiously looked at their strangers and whispered.

Along the masonry streets, the guards took four people to the stone fort in the center of the Holy City, through the gates and halls, and to the lord. The manager of the holy city is about fifty, full of white hair, very old.

The guards reported to him the origins of the four men. The old lord stood up from the seat and stared at Ning Zhou: " are the people of the Holy See?"

Ning Zhou, dressed in the uniform of the Holy See exorcist, nodded. The dress of the Holy See has not changed for more than 20 years. Even if the holy city caught in the fog has been forgotten by God's grace for more than 20 years, the lord can still recognize the dress of the Holy See at a glance.

The lord stared at him for a long time, and he sat back in his seat for a long time. His wife used a golden cup to give him a glass of wine. The lord drank it: "So, you are here to help us end the disaster." Er's?"

What is the disaster? Qi Le people smiled bitterly. Going around for a turn, I still have to solve this task.

I hope he will not die anymore this time.