MTL - Welcome to the Nightmare Game-Chapter 112 The dream of the Holy Mother (2)

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"So Ning Zhou is here for you?" asked Miao Li, who was roaming in the dream of Qi Le people.

The dream is always nodded by the Qi Le people who are not invited by themselves, but thanks to the intrusion of Miao Li, he is still having a nightmare, and the continuous death in the dream has plagued him exhausted, but now he is awake.

Miao Li yawned: "It's really good, we are still busy with the follow-up of the killing secret meeting."

"Isn't it all over?" Qile asked.

"End? No, no, this task is much more complicated than you think. Although you have implemented the most critical part, there are many other things..." Miao Li pushed her glasses, " Do you think that we are sending you to kill the secret society under the cover? It is a lot of effort to let the illusionist cover up your tombstone on the island of Undead. He is very curious about you."

tombstone? Qi Le people suddenly remembered that when he recognized Luo Yishan, Luo Yishan also recognized him. If he sent people to investigate the identity of 'Qile people', then the amazing number of tombstones on Undead Island... ...

Wait, the trial also knows about his tombstone? Qi Le people do not feel a bit stunned.

"You don't think nobody knows about this. In a few months, the whole dusk town will know that there is a player who has died many times called 'Qile People'. This bizarre news always spreads. Soon." Miao Li seems to see what he is thinking, said with a smile.

The feeling of Qi Le people was a bit bad. He didn't want to get into trouble: "Is there any way to cover up my tombstone? For example, dig it?"

For the sake of confidentiality, Qi Le people did not hesitate to dig their graves.

"...Your thoughts are really interesting, but the nightmare world is different from reality. Even if you forcibly dig up your own tombstone, it will be refreshed after zero point. Undead Island is like a game record. Recording the names of the players from the birth of this world, our group of prey played with the drums, what qualifications are there to revise the game records?" Miao Li said with a mockery, "so we are only sure before you need it." After going undercover, I sent an illusionist to temporarily cover your tombstone on Undead Island. Now that the illusionist has removed the illusion, your secret may not be hidden for too long. As long as one person discovers it, the secret is no longer a secret. You should be glad that there are not many people who have a grave-sweeping hobby."

It is a pity that if the illusionist hides the tombstone earlier, he will not be stunned by the accumulation of death records. It seems that if you walk outside, you should use your real name less. If you are surrounded by people, you will be afraid that someone will take risks for the secret of his death. This kind of thing has already happened, and it will continue to happen. Speaking of this...

"Is the believer of the killing secrets caught? Luo Yishan... Lieyang knows my real name. I didn't kill him in the field at the time." Qi Le asked.

"He is dead, died of the killing of the species and the excessive blood loss. Now the enchantment of the dusk town has been closed, and only allowed to enter. The connection attached to the token ring can counter-track the identity of the person who entered the field. All believers have been basically locked in, and they will soon be arrested. However, there are still a few believers who are not in the dusk when they are in the incident, and two other believers escape before the enchantment is closed." Miao Li will be simple. Said it.

"Who is the escape?" Qi Le people suddenly had a bad feeling.

Miao Li looked at him deeply and seemed a little sympathetic: "Two people you are familiar with. Mrs. Catherine, and her son Axi."

"..." The ominous premonition will always come true, and Qi Le people can't say what kind of understanding it is.

"Let Ning Zhou train you, maybe you will use it someday." Miao Li said.

The depressed Qi Le person looked indifferent. When Ning Zhou trained him, he didn’t talk about feelings at all. He couldn’t remember how many times he was knocked over to him when he was practicing. Even if his psychological quality is good, he will fall four times. Yangba has a psychological shadow.

"Oh, another thing about killing, after completing your first mandatory mission, report it to the trial. Leave at least one week of survival. We will help you take out this fixed-time-explosive-bomb. Miao Li said with a smile, and walked out of his dream lightly.

I woke up in the morning, although the window was still cloudy, but the countdown to the number of days of survival told him that another day passed. Qi Le people struggled to get up from the bed, while washing and thinking about today's mission.

Ning Zhou gave him a menu of daily training, and some of them needed to be trained in the training. Therefore, Qi Le people took the initiative to contract the three meals of the "coach". At present, the two people get along well. - Considering that there have been so many anecdotes between the two people, this rapport is even more commendable.

Scenes of eating together in the warm sunset, recalled a little faint warmth.

However, Ning Zhou said yesterday that he was not there today. Qi Le people didn't bother to ask him where to go, so today's breakfast is only for him to enjoy.

Compared with the large number of procrastination and lazy cancer patients in modern society, Qi Le is a very self-disciplined person. After entering the nightmare game, he is consciously training himself. Now he has cherished this kind of scientific tutorial. Opportunity, although every day - was drilled and a piece of purple almost climbed back to the bed, fell asleep and was entangled in a nightmare from time to time, but the next day still bite his teeth.

Ning Zhou is not there, and the schedule for training is cancelled. After the afternoon training, Qi Le people had a rare rest time. Because of the friendship between the small partners, he specially copied a training menu to Dr. Lu. In the private clinic, he saw lying on the soft sofa. Dr. Lu, who enjoys desserts and hot drinks, warmly invited Qi Le people to share afternoon tea.

After learning about the recent training menu of Qi Le people, Dr. Lu revealed that “My little friend turned out to be a masochistic scared baby”, and I was reluctant to promise every day after Qi Le’s human persuasion. Jogging for two kilometers. However, in view of his two-step sprinting in two steps, Dr. Lu repeatedly explained that this is because the imbalance of the natural cerebellum caused the balance to be worse than the average person. Qi Le people did not believe how long he could hold...

After coming out of Dr. Lu’s clinic, Qi Le also saw a player with an accent talking to his friends: “There is a female doctor here, the medical skills are very good! It’s just a little more rules.”

"Really? Beautiful?"

"It's a man."

"Don't you say that it is a female doctor?"

"Oh no, it is that woman (Lv)."

The window on the second floor was pulled open. Dr. Lu poked his head and said, "My name is Lv! I don't care for people with accents!"

After two rounds of sorrow, I found out that this doctor was so heart-wrenching, suddenly mourned, wanted violence threatening, worried about Dr. Lu’s safety, so the Qile people who had never been away from the practice had simply practiced their recent training results and were pleasantly surprised to find out. It’s not a problem to play one or two.

The two players who had not escaped from the sneak peek did not dare to let go. The Qi Le people watched the two disappeared at the intersection. This was a helpless look at Dr. Lu: "Let you learn two tricks, now know the exercise." Is it important?"

Dr. Lu opened his mouth and exclaimed: "You are usually a mysterious soft sister, and I am as bullied as I am. The result is unexpected every time. It’s really unappealing, and Lemei can’t fight..."

Qi Le people tickle to swear to him, what is the mysterious soft sister gas field? ! What kind of ghost is Lemei? Although the task needs to be forced to be a sister for a few days, but it is still very ordinary, just packed up two seven-footer!

"Train yourself, at least keep running for two laps, or how do you have someone to make trouble next time? You can't beat it." The Qila people who are too lazy to care about it.

"I don't have a skill card with [Free Wi-fi here]? Everyone on the equipment will slowly forget about my existence and concentrate on doing things. If the skill card runs out of time, or think it, or The alarm is really not good. There will always be a righteous passerby to help me at the crucial moment." Dr. Lu is in color.

"...with you." Qi Le people were tired, and as a lucky E, he did not quite understand the confident source of Lucky EX, and left.

It's still early, and you can go anywhere else. Qi Le people took a look at the list and address that Chen Baiqi gave him. There are two players who are good at doing manual work. They can be used as chargers. As a result, when he goes to the door according to the address, he goes out to do the task and is not at home. The other house is empty and should have died recently.

Qi Le people screamed for a while, it seems that after a while to see if the player who went to do the task is alive back.

Because of the abundance of time, Qi Le people simply went to check the main line task. Since entering the nightmare world, he will be obsessively stalking the three NPCs to see the key NPC that triggered the mission is not there, but deliberately not to trigger The task, for fear that he will die again, he just wants to see if anyone knows about it.

Following the route in memory, Qi Le people came to the settlement of the NPC in the dusk town. It is close to the "red" home that was in the bottom of the killing secret meeting. Qi Le is afraid of meeting people who have not been arrested. Put on the cloak for safety reasons.

In the setting sun, a lot of water vapor is poured into the rusty iron pipes on both sides of the road, which looks like a piece of smoke.

There is a tavern in the depths of the alley. It is located in a garbage dump built of scrap iron. The half-man iron gate can't keep the loud noise inside the house. The men play cards and drink and chat loudly to make this remote pub feel very lively. .

Qi Le people pushed the iron gate of half a person and walked into the pub.

The tavern owner recognized him. This man with a small, curly hair asked with enthusiasm: "I haven't seen you for a long time, Qi."

"There are some things recently." Qi Le people answered and looked around.

The NPC Rood that he was looking for was not here... This is not an ordinary thing. Every time he came here, he was drunk in the corner of the pub. According to the plot, if he went to ask him to have a drink, he would tell his own memories in a snot and tears. The tragic battle of the human holy city was destroyed by demons more than 20 years ago, and then went to the church cemetery to pay homage. His comrades.

"What about the drunk?" Qi Leren pointed to the corner of the pub and asked.

"Oh, he, there was a man in a cloak who came to drink with him. Then the two went together. Before leaving, they even returned the wine bill that he owed, and I was really grateful," the boss said.

The face of Qile people changed instantly: "What does the man look like?"

"I don't know, he is wearing a cloak and can't see his face," the boss said. "But it shouldn't be here before. I don't have an impression of his voice... Hey, isn't your wine?"

"Give you!" Qi Le people did not say back, rushed out of the pub to go straight to the abandoned church.

The next step in the mainline mission is there!