MTL - Weak A, She Just Wants To Live To the End-Chapter 61

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Perhaps it was because of a day's fatigue, after dinner in the evening, Xiaoyue knocked on Lin An'an's door and said that Yu Nanxi seemed to be in estrus, which would make her stomach aching and burning. uncomfortable.

Lin Anan immediately packed up, and then followed Xiaoyue sneakily into Yu Nanxi's room.

In the room, Yu Nanxi was lying on his side on the bed, his face was slightly pale, his hands were holding his stomach, and he looked like he was in unbearable pain.

She saw Xiaoyue and Lin Anan pushing in the door, opened her eyes and turned to look at Lin Anan, then continued to close her eyes, turning her head back a little indifferently without speaking.

Lin Anan was not angry when she saw this, and hurriedly got to the bed and began to release the pheromone to appease. Pheromones.

She explained to Lin Anan a few words with interest, then opened the door and returned to her room.

Lin Anan pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, and said softly, "Are you feeling particularly uncomfortable, did you just take an inhibitor? Now do you want to take it a little slower?"

Yu Nanxi pursed her lips tightly, as if she hadn't heard Lin Anan's words.

, and did not play games for her."

Lin Anan waited for a while, and seeing that Yu Nanxi still didn't answer, she explained to herself: "Are you angry that I didn't speak to you today? Actually, what I want to say, But I'm afraid that what I said didn't work, and instead made her more targeted at you, what should I do?"

"Actually, I don't want to pay attention to that Ye Yutong either. She is so annoying, she has been pestering me to entertain her, and her pheromones, I smell a little uncomfortable."

Yu Nanxi finally moved, she turned over and turned her face up, her face a little better.

Lin Anan was able to figure out the point of Yu Nanxi's anger, and she continued to coax: "Oh, don't be angry, you are like that now, being angry is not good for your health."

"I swear, I will definitely stand with you, don't worry, I will try to avoid her in the future."

Seeing that Yu Nanxi's expression finally eased, she continued to coax: "If you still feel angry, why don't you bite me, anyway, you don't bite me, later You are uncomfortable, you can't inject inhibitors, or you still want me to bite you."

Such an intimate action was said so frankly by Lin Anan, Yu Nanxi's cheeks got a little hot, and he finally said awkwardly: "Do you know that she is an Omega, you are a Alpha, don't you know how to avoid suspicion when you contact her like that?"

Speaking of this, Lin Anan was also a little depressed: "But the problem is, I want to avoid suspicion, but she always pesters me, but she is a senior, it's really annoying."

"Is she always like this? It seems to be inexplicably familiar."

Yu Nanxi didn't answer, but nodded his head slightly to express his acquiescence.

Lin Anan was about to ask Yu Nanxi what they were having during the festival when Lin Anan's cell phone rang, she picked it up and saw that someone Aite had posted her official blog.

She followed the information and saw that Aite's person was actually Ye Yutong, who had been pestering her today.

Three images are attached below the text.

The first picture is the same frame picture of Ye Yu and his own play level and Lin An'an's play level.

The second one is the highest level officially released, showing the date at noon today, and the level is 968.

The last picture is the last screenshot in the group, and Yu Nanxi is just in the last picture, and the level displayed is level 87.

This sarcasm is self-evident.

After this web blog came out, the comments below instantly exploded. Except for the comments that surprised Lin Anan and encouraged Ye Yutong, most of them were talking about Yu Nanxi's level. low.

Especially Ye Yutong's fans, because they managed to grasp a little bit of the opponent's family, so in the comment area, Yu Nanxi was very unsightly.

Then maybe Yu Nanxi's fans saw it, and then they scolded Ye Yutong's fans, scolding and scolding, and finally the two sides started to pinch.

Lin Anan refreshed the comment, and it was so noisy that she sighed.

I didn't hear Lin An'an for several minutes, Yu Nanxi felt strange at first, when she looked over, she found that Lin An'an was looking at the mobile phone intently, and she was still looking a little bit at the same time. Helpless look.

She endured, but couldn't hold back, she pulled her face and said actively: "What's wrong?"

Lin Anan told about what happened between Ye Yu and Aite just now, and what happened in the comment section, and handed the phone to Yu Nanxi to see the Weibo.

Yu Nanxi glanced at the lines of Ye Yu and Ait Lin An'an, and felt very uncomfortable, and saw that Lin An'an's ranking and Ye Yu's same ranking were in the same picture, I couldn't help feeling anger in my heart.

She threw the phone away, her voice annoyed and cold: "She Aite your information, what are you showing me for, I don't want to know, and I don't want to see it."

"Ah?" Lin Anan looked puzzled, "What's the matter? Wasn't it okay just now?"

Yu Nanxi muttered twice, not embarrassed to explain her anger, so she became angry again.

But she was angry for a long time, but she didn't see Lin Anan continuing to coax her. When she peeked over, she found that Lin Anan was still swiping that web page, which made her suddenly wonder about this one. rabbit hates itchy teeth.

She turned around and said angrily, "Didn't you say you are my fan?"

Lin Anan took a moment and followed her words and replied, "Yes, does the idol have any orders?"

Being called an idol by Lin Anan for the first time, Yu Nanxi's face became hot again, and the anger that had just gone up was stunned: "You are my fan, you are not allowed to be right with me in the future. If you don’t interact with your family, you will be suspected of climbing a wall and your legs will be broken.”

"Oh." Lin Anan thought for a while, "I don't want to climb the wall, but I can't control her if she sends this Weibo? I don't do it voluntarily."

Yu Nanxi: “…”

She really overestimated the comprehension ability of this rabbit.

Yu Nanxi finally felt a little more comfortable after hearing Lin Anan say not to climb the wall, but Lin Anan gave her another injection, which was like she was making trouble unreasonably, making her feel Can't breathe.

Yu Nanxi was sullen and said, "Did you just say that I can bite you?"

, Seeing her cry out of grievance, it is only in my heart that my hatred is relieved.

"Huh?" The topic changed too quickly, and Lin Anan, who was about to lower his head and continue to read Weber's comments, didn't react at all.

Yu Nanxi said unnaturally: "Didn't you say it yourself just now, can you bite me?"

Lin Anan blinked and whispered, "I just meant to say, you thought you were still a little angry and could bite me, but didn't you just disappear?"

Yu Nanxi's face was hot again, and he pretended to be cold: "No relief."

Lin Anan wondered: "Are you particularly uncomfortable now? I put so many pheromones just now, do you feel better?"

"No." Yu Nanxi's voice was awkward.

Lin Anan looked at the inhibitor on the bedside table and came up with an idea: "How about you take the half-pipe inhibitor slowly?"

Seeing Yu Nanxi's inexplicable and a little angry look, Lin Anan thought about it, and had to compromise, and dared not say anything else, whoever called this was her own fault.

"Okay." Lin Anan glanced at the bed, "Then what should I do now, I'm sitting here, can't you bite?"

"Yes, just sit and lie down on the bed." There was a little awkwardness in Yu Nanxi's tone, and the tips of his ears began to get hotter and hotter uncontrollably.

Lin Anan looked at the position on the bed and pointed to Yu Nanxi's flat leg: "The bed? On your knees? Otherwise, you don't seem to be able to reach anywhere else."

Yu Nanxi showed a very reluctant expression: "Okay, just... on my knee."

Lin Anan made an "oh oh" twice, then pulled the chair closer and adjusted the position: "Then you can... be gentle, last time actually... I had a little pain."

Seeing Lin An'an's slightly aggrieved expression, Yu Nanxi suddenly felt itchy and uncomfortable. Feel your sharp teeth.

Lin An'an didn't hear Yu Nanxi's answer, and remembered the last time Yu Nanxi had bitten for so long, so she lay down and whispered: "This time you bite for ten seconds The clock will suffice, it's almost the time for Alpha's temporary mark, last time...too many."

Yu Nanxi's heart trembled slightly by her soft and soft voice, but she denied herself and became annoyed: "I see, you... hurry up."

Lin Anan flattened her mouth and didn't dare to speak any more. Through the quilt, she lay gently on Yu Nanxi's thigh, like a shivering little rabbit waiting to be bullied.

Afterwards, she obediently brushed the hair on the back of her neck, and took the initiative to reveal her pink and fragile glands.

For Lin An'an, it's nothing to be bitten by Yun Nanxi like this, anyway, as long as Yun Nanxi doesn't transfer too much estrus pheromone to her, for her Alpha's body, it is mere The amount of temporary marking at one time will not affect anything at all.

She has eased, and now it is even more obligatory for her to "return the gift".

But for Yun Nanxi, many things have been interpreted differently.

At first she really looked down on this unknowing rabbit, but gradually, in addition to the attraction of pheromones, she found that there were many unknown things about this rabbit that attracted her.

Lin Anan not only does not have the legendary willful and unruly, but also cares and comforts her when she is uncomfortable, and she actually likes the clean and refreshing pheromone smell more and more on her body, and she is also easy to be caught Her insignificant little things irritated her.

But now Yu Nanxi found that she began to worry about gains and losses, and began to care whether the other party's eyes were still on her, and even had an inexplicable desire to ravage this rabbit.

I want her to look at herself with tears in her eyes, and only look at herself.

Such thoughts made Yu Nanxi quite ashamed, but he couldn't control the urge in his heart.

Yu Nanxi looked at Lin An'an's obedient and obedient appearance, and there was a little bit of abusive pleasure in her heart. She slowly leaned over, blushing, and bit down on the sweet and delicious place.

Lin Anan trembled slightly, but she just clenched her hand tightly without making a sound.

Yu Nanxi originally wanted to teach Lin Anan a lesson, so that she could remember the pain of her sharp teeth, so as to repay the hatred that the rabbit always scratched in her heart.

But when Lin Anan really trembled under her mouth, she suddenly couldn't take it anymore, she remembered Lin Anan's aggrieved eyes when she said that she was a little hurt, the tip of her heart softened, and she didn't want to be real Bite as hard as you can.

I love you, my heart.