MTL - Weak A, She Just Wants To Live To the End-Chapter 129

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Although Lin Anan was busy on her first day out today, she still wanted to go to the hospital to see Wu Xixi and Chen Mi while the weather was good.

Although she also contacted Wu Xixi in the past two days, but since the accident, she has not gone to see Chen Mi. At the last moment, Chen Mi exchanged herself for the two of them. She is reasonable Take the time to see the last one.

Although Yu Nanxi told her not to run around and accompany Fu Ling to the police station in the afternoon, it was Xiaoyue that she talked and talked about, but she just wanted to tell Wu Xixi what happened to Bai Yunshuang. Make Wu Xixi happy too.

Xiaoyue did not let go with a sad face, until Lin Anan called Yu Nanxi on the loudspeaker in front of Xiaoyue, and Xiaoyue compromised.

On the phone, Yu Nanxi disagreed at first, saying that she was not in good shape, and she would have to shoot in full force tomorrow, so it was not suitable for long-term activities, so she would take time to visit the hospital after a while .

However, Lin Anan whispered "Nanxi" in a hurry. Unexpectedly, when the other end of the phone was quiet, Yu Nanxi softened and his tone was a bit pretentiously calm: "Then you... just go and go home early."

This was actually the first time she called Yu Nanxi Nanxi. She had already admitted her relationship with Yun Nanxi before, and unconsciously wanted to use her name without a surname to get closer to Yun Nanxi.

At the same time, with her own thoughts, she wanted to play a coquettish with Yu Nanxi.

I didn't expect that Yu Nanxi really understood, and immediately obeyed her meaning, until she hung up the phone, Xiaoyue was stunned and asked her what happened just now.

And asked why Yu Nanxi suddenly agreed, did she miss the 50,000 words omitted by the two people in the middle through the exchange of consciousness.

Lin Anan blushed immediately, and according to the little shyness in her heart, she just said that Yu Nanxi figured it out.

When Lin Anan arrived at the hospital, Wu Xixi was holding a novel and reading to Chen Mi, who had been unconscious on the bed.

Wake up earlier to recover faster.

So the doctor suggested human intervention as much as possible, and Wu Xixi, as the person Chen Mi was most fond of, was naturally the best choice.

This method was also tried by Chen Mi's parents before, but after the doctor's test, their voices did not come from Wu Xixi's voice, which made Chen Mi's emotions fluctuate.

So although Chen Mi's parents looked down on Wu Xixi as a Beta, but Chen Mi only reacted to Wu Xixi's voice, they could only obey the doctor's arrangement and let Wu Xixi be with him.

Wu Xixi didn't know what to say to Chen Mi every day, so while taking care of her, she took a love novel and read to Chen Mi for an hour every day.

Chen Mi's parents are big businessmen, and naturally they don't have time to accompany Chen Mi 24 hours a day. Seeing that Wu Xixi really cares about Chen Mi, he just hired a few other nurses to take turns to take care of him. Not in the hospital.

So when Lin Anan and Xiaoyue arrived at the door of the senior ward, apart from the two bodyguards at the door, there was only Wu Xixi in the room.

Wu Xixi saw Lin Anan limping in, being supported by Xiaoyue, and immediately stepped forward to help.

Lin Anan glanced at the bed, Chen Mi on the bed was still tightly wrapped in gauze, lying quietly with drips hanging next to it, the arc on the monitor went up and down, showing Chen Mi situation is normal.

The two talked about Chen Mi's situation, and Lin Anan comforted Wu Xixi again, and was about to leave.

In addition, thinking of Chen Mi's return at that time, Lin Anan could only think of Wu Xixi who was at the scene when he was in a state of collapse, so Lin Anan could only persuade him Let Wu Xixi relax, other words are just superfluous.

It is said that at that time, Yu Nanxi sent her and Wu Xixi to the hospital. When she was still in a coma, Wu Xixi woke up from her sleep.

Wu Xixi heard that the police had intercepted Bai Yunshuang's passenger boat. No matter how the doctor persuaded, she would drag her injured body and wait at the door.

Two hours later, Chen Mi was transported to the door of the hospital by ambulance. At that time, Chen Mi was covered in blood, and there was no clean place on her face. And was beaten by Bai Yunshuang.

When the police arrived, they were already dying, and they were **** and thrown into the cabin below.

However, Bai Yunshuang gave her her last breath, in order to raise the top Alpha glands on the back of her neck before reaching the black market.

Wu Xixi saw Chen Mi like that, she was sobbing to the point of fainting. After she saw Chen Mi enter the emergency room, she sat on the chair outside, as if she had lost her soul .

Yu Nanxi advised her to deal with her injuries first, but she was indifferent as if she had never heard of it.

It wasn't until two or three hours later that Chen Mi's operation was over and the doctor came out to announce the good news, saying that the operation was a success, and Wu Xixi stood up, swayed, and fainted without warning.

Afterwards, Wu Xixi lay in the hospital for a day, treated all the wounds that should be treated on her body, and went to Chen Mi's ward to accompany Chen Mi.

Now that so many days have passed, Chen Mi still has no sign of sobering up. Wu Xixi doesn’t ask for anything now, just hope that Chen Mi can wake up early and take care of her body.

Lin Anan stood up and hugged Wu Xixi distressedly, so that she didn't have to worry about anything else, just stay in the hospital with Chen Mi, and then prepare to say goodbye.

Wu Xixi and Xiaoyue were helping Lin Anan to walk to the door. They just walked a few steps when they heard a small quarrel outside. Through the glass of the door, they could vaguely I saw a middle-aged man arguing with the two bodyguards at the door outside.

Wu Xixi took the lead in releasing Lin An'an's arm, and walked to the door a few steps to ask what was going on.

I'm Zhang Jianguo, do you remember the manager Zhang of Strawberry Delivery?"

Wu Xixi motioned for him to be quiet, and then asked, "I know, Manager Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

"I am here to visit Sister Chen, they won't let me in." Manager Zhang said, raised the fruit baskets in both hands, and laughed, "I represent me My cousin, it was Director Zhang Zhang Qing who came to visit Sister Chen."

It's not suitable to be disturbed, Manager Zhang, you should go back first."

"It's fine." Manager Zhang said with a smile, "Then I...then I'll put the fruit basket here, so I won't go in, so as not to disturb Sister Chen's rest."

"If Sister Chen wakes up, Wu Xixi, remember to tell Sister Chen for me."

Wu Xixi responded with "um", and saw Manager Zhang put the two high-end fruit baskets on the ground, nodded at her angrily, and turned to walk towards the elevator not far away go.

He walked out a few steps, then turned around suddenly, a little uncomfortable: "Wu Xixi, is it convenient for you to take a step to talk now?"

Wu Xixi, who was supporting Lin Anan for two steps, paused for a while, and then walked towards Manager Zhang politely: "Does Manager Zhang have anything else to tell me?"

Manager Zhang glanced at Lin Anan behind Wu Xixi, and said in a low voice: "Wu Xixi, that's it, before, I didn't know you were Sister Chen's girlfriend, so I was talking nonsense. , I hope you don't take it to heart, sorry."

It turned out to be outside the studio of "Pear Dream Biography", Chen Mi returned to find Manager Zhang, and really told Manager Zhang about their relationship.

She thought that Chen Mi was just fooling her, but she didn't expect that Chen Mi was really protecting her.

However, the past is like smoke, she and Chen Mi have quarreled, and it is meaningless to entangle these.

Wu Xixi thought about it, and said with relief: "It's all over, it's okay, I didn't take it to heart."

Manager Zhang smiled with some relief and continued: "Actually, it was a complete misunderstanding that I deducted your money at the time, and it was only after Sister Chen told me that I knew."

"I'm sorry, at that time, I was also afraid that I didn't do a good job of after-sales, and the platform would be difficult to do in the future, so I'm really sorry."

"It's all right." Wu Xixi said, curiously, "What did Chen Mi tell you later?"

Manager Zhang said honestly, "Sister Chen told me that day that she was the guest who complained to you at the beginning, but the original intention of her complaint was not to want me to fire you, but I misunderstood."

"What?" Lin Anan was surprised. She was not far from Xiaoyue. She happened to be able to hear the conversation between Manager Zhang and Wu Xixi clearly. She helped Xiaoyue as she walked over and said , "You said it wasn't Yu Nanxi who complained to us at the time? It was Chen Mi?"

Manager Zhang heard Lin An'an's question and did not dare to answer, and only cast his eyes on Wu Xixi secretly.

Wu Xixi frowned slightly and said: "It's okay, you can say it, she is my friend, and she knows this matter from beginning to end."

Manager Zhang hesitated for a while, but said truthfully: "Yes, at that time, Sister Chen complained through Sister Xi's account. I also told me that day, and I only knew."

"Sister Chen said that she just gave a bad review at the beginning, I hope you can contact her to deal with it after receiving the bad review, but she waited for half an hour, you didn't contact her, she In a hurry, I had to submit another complaint."

"After Ms. Chen submitted the complaint, she contacted the customer service of our platform, hoping to contact you through the customer service, so that you can quickly contact her to apologize."

"But, sister Xi's account is a super VIP of our platform. I think this matter is a bit serious, so I will contact you on my own initiative, and I want you to contact the guest to deal with it."

"As a result, you haven't dealt with it for a long time, and Sister Chen called us and asked us for your address, and let us urge you to compensate, hoping that you will contact her as soon as possible to apologize."

"Then I... I mistakenly thought that the guest was very angry, afraid that it would make things worse, so I compensated the guest, that is, Sister Xi's side, and then I let you go, leaving Clear the relationship..."

Manager Zhang finished speaking, seeing the complicated expressions on Wu Xixi and Lin An'an's faces, he added with a guilty conscience: "At that time... Sister Chen really didn't say that we should fire you, she just kept thinking I want a personal apology from you, and I want you to contact her, but I'm afraid of making a big mess and affecting the platform, that's why..."

Manager Zhang took a step back, bowed to Wu Xixi, and said sincerely: "Wu Xixi, what happened was really wrong with me, just because I have already paid you the money. , don't bother with me about what happened in the past."

"I officially apologize to you today, I'm sorry, you have a lot of adults, please forgive me."

Wu Xixi and Lin An'an were both smashed by these messages and did not react, and looked at each other for a while, Wu Xixi saw that Manager Zhang was still bending his waist and bowing his head, and the sincerity of repentance had indeed been delivered. So he said that he didn't care and let him leave.

Lin Anan looked at Wu Xixi, and did not digest the information for a while. Xiaoyue, who had been listening silently beside her, suddenly said, "This matter... Actually, I can explain it. I was there the whole time."

Lin Anan and Wu Xixi glanced at Xiaoyue, their eyes were a little straight, hoping to get a more accurate answer.

Xiaoyue swallowed her saliva and said: "Actually... After Sister Xi was permanently marked, the symptoms of the first estrus attacked, and it was a little uncomfortable, even the inhibitor was a little bit overwhelming. Pain, so urgently need to find the person who marked her."

"But after sister Xi and Sister An An finished, after waking up, I don't remember what Sister An An looked like, I only remember that Sister An An came to deliver food at that time, so I can only use the food delivery platform. The platform and the delivery staff put pressure on her to voluntarily turn herself in to solve Sister Xi's urgent needs."

"And the company's packaging for Sister Xi is a pure and beautiful girl, and it is urgent to find someone to mark her, to wash off the permanent mark for her, or the company can't explain it well."

"At that time, Sister Xi was already hospitalized, so it was Sister Chen who was handling it."

"Sister Chen first gave a negative review, then a complaint, and then pressured you again, all just to force you to surrender. I really didn't think about letting the platform fire you."

" Sister Xi and Sister Chen thought about it at first, thinking that Sister An An was marking Sister Xi on purpose. Before she was hospitalized, Sister Xi said that if you are really difficult, I will give you some Money, let you help her wash off the mark."

"I didn't expect you to never contact us all the time, and Sister Xi's side, because she was permanently marked, the first symptoms were particularly uncomfortable, especially the soothing pheromone of the person who marked her , Sister Chen had no choice but to find the address and come to the door to find you, but you still..."

It turned out that in Yu Nanxi's heart, she always thought she and Wu Xixi were difficult "villains", and deliberately marked her for other purposes.

It is no wonder that after Yu Nanxi and Chen Mi met them, they deliberately approached them, seduced them, and treated them as difficult villains, which turned out to be self-defeating.

Lin An calmed down the shock in her heart and asked, "What about my bicycle? You also took it away? It was also because of..."

"Yes." Xiaoyue said honestly: "Sister Xi's symptoms started not long after she woke up, and there was no way to suppress the inhibitor completely, so Sister Chen wanted someone to guard the bicycle and wait until You, in the end, stayed for a day and didn't wait."

Lin Anan said in disbelief: "So you guys actually just wanted me to get rid of Yun Nanxi's permanent mark because Yun Nanxi's symptoms couldn't be completely suppressed. How is it, is it?"

Xiaoyue nodded: "Yes, but I haven't been able to find you. Sister Chen is also a little angry, so the means is a little more urgent."

It turned out to be so.

It turned out that all this was not Yu Nanxi's operation, but Chen Mi, but Chen Mi did this just in the hope that she could help Yu Nanxi remove the permanent mark.

But she and Wu Xixi were preconceived, thinking that Yu Nanxi was still the vicious and vengeful female supporting actress in the original novel, and she would definitely report her revenge, and if they were caught, they would leave this world directly , to vent his hatred.

The next move was more ruthless than the next move. They naturally thought it was Yu Nanxi's calculation method. In addition, the two of them were called in a series of deadly calls, who would believe it? Such an offensive is not intended to take lives.

That's why they tried desperately to escape and hide, but in the end it was just a misunderstanding.

Such absurd truth made Lin Anan and Wu Xixi look at each other again, they didn't know what to say for a while, but it was certain that both of them had cleared all the clouds and mists in their hearts at this time. A rare ease.


The author has something to say:

I feel that all the little cuties who subscribe are more than big hearts.

The misunderstanding was finally resolved. The answer is that Chen Mi and Yu Nanxi felt that they were both deliberate and should be difficult to deal with. Soft and simple, so they all fell into each other's gentle land.

Lin An'an and Wu Xixi felt that Chen Mi and Yu Nanxi were scheming and vicious, and the two were cowardly and sincerely trying to make up for it. It's not what I imagined, but it is charming and doting, so I also fell into it.

Oh my god, the author is heartbroken, let's be together next time, haha.