MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 39 Flirt three

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Lu Sheng followed the memory and walked toward the wing where he had been.

Entered the hall and went up from the wooden ladder on the left.

Going to the door of the wing, Lu Sheng looked at the red lantern on the top and always felt a little hairy in his heart.


Suddenly a cool breeze blew, and Lu Sheng turned sharply. Just a moment, he seemed to feel something floating from his back.

"Since the people's government has been destroyed, according to the truth, there should be no ghosts to come to me again. Maybe I am nervous." Lu Sheng did not see things, his mind was slightly fixed. Turning back, he reached out and pushed the door of the front room.


The door was slowly opened, and the red light inside was bright, and two red lanterns were hung.

"Someone?" Lu Sheng screamed again and walked in slowly.


Suddenly a dry voice came from behind Lu Sheng.

He turned sharply and saw a dad with a white lantern, standing in the mouth of the room with wide eyes.

The wrinkles on the face of this old man are like old bark, layer by layer. Carrying the lantern, her turbid old eyes stared at Lu Sheng.

"Little brother, you shouldn't get on board this time."

"My stuff fell here, it was a waist pocket, so I came back." Lu Sheng squeezed a smile.

"This find it, look for it, look for it." The old man looked expressionless, turned and took the lantern, and walked silently toward the other room.

Lu Sheng looked at her until the old man disappeared at the door of the room before he went up to close the door.

He turned back and went to see the furnishings in the room.

The two red lanterns that were not in the past were hanging on the wall on one side of the room, and the bright red light dyed the entire room in a bright red.

Lu Sheng carefully groped at the position he had just sat, and he found the falling pocket in the gap on the side of the cushion.

He untied the lumbar sac, the dark brown skin, the gold ticket, the silver ticket and the note, the powder paper bag left by the demon, all in it.

Put the waist pocket back and hang it back on the waist. The road wins straight up and looks at the room. The light in the lantern seems to be redder.

An inexplicable feeling sneaked out from his heart.

"You have to go." Lu Sheng quickly walked to the door of the room and reached for the door.

The door is still not moving!

Lu Sheng’s heart was shocked, and his hand slammed his hand. The door that was originally stretched out can be opened. At this time, it seems that there is something heavy and heavy, but even if it is the strength of the road, it’s actually It’s just barely pulling out a gap.

"I'm not right!" Lu Sheng's heart-warming alarm sounded, and the internal air was running, and he tried hard.


The door was opened and the solid wood handle was cracked. The road triumphed and rushed out, quickly ran down the hall along the corridor, and then rushed out from the intestines.


He had a toe on his toes, borrowing a force from the circle of hemp piercing through the painting, and a sprint, falling on the bank of the river.

Although he has not practiced light work, the black tiger knife, the swallow chasing knife and the like have basic footwork skills, and the speed is much faster than the average person.

After getting off the boat, Lu Sheng looked back and looked at the painting.

The painting is still the painting, and there is still no one on the top, but the alarm of Lu Sheng’s heart is a slap in the air, and obviously no longer feels threat.

He looked at his eyes deeply and turned and ran towards the city.

When I got back home, Lu Sheng pushed open the door, locked it back, and the black-painted room was cold and cold, and it was not popular.

He slowly walked to the desk, touched the flint, and sparked the candle and lit the candle.

The dimly lit candlelight illuminates his lower half of his face.

"This painting may be related to ghosts. I didn't expect to go to a scroll house and meet a red building. I originally wanted to take a leisurely break for two days and then start practicing new internal skills. Now it seems that there is no need to wait any longer. Do everything you can to do."

Lu Sheng left the desk and went to the bedroom bed. A heavy iron box was pulled down from the bottom of the bed. The box was fixed on the floor with a chute, which was difficult for ordinary people to remove.

He carefully took out the small key from the waist pocket, inserted it into the box and twisted it to open it.

There are two brown-yellow cloth books in the box.

Lu Sheng took out a book and held it in his hand. He closed the box and locked it.


The book clearly reads the characters of five dragons and phoenixes.

Lu Sheng gently opened the first page, after the general plan that he had seen before, it was the map of the sky.

He carefully looked at the picture for a while, then he gently closed it, put it on the bed and set it on his knees, and began to keep his air.

This health practice has been practiced for so long, perhaps because of the conflicts in his previous practice. Whenever he feels that he is going to condense his anger, he will be swallowed by Yuhegong.

This time is no exception. Soon, Yuhe Gong will run at a high speed and quickly destroy the artistic conception of Qingsong. The crane that flies its wings seems to be loud and long in his body.

"唉...." Lu Sheng opened his eyes. "Is it possible to get stuck in the internal conflict? Can there be any further improvement?"

Under his irritability, the hand grabbed the waist pocket unconsciously and gently pinched it. When the finger pinched the powder paper bag, he suddenly glimpsed.

"This paper bag.... is it a trace of powder left by the demon?"

He gently opened the paper bag, which was a black powder, but he seemed to remember that the powder was not the color before.

"In the beginning, I was able to open my abilities. It was related to the stone left by the ghost, and the pebbles. It seems that it is difficult for me..." Lu Sheng looked at the powder, and there was a strange faintness in his heart. idea.

"Dark blue!"

He slammed silently.


A blue box suddenly appeared in front of him.

Lu Sheng looked at the modifier box, and there was still no option for Qingsong. He hesitated and looked at the powder.

He reached out and tilted the paper bag and poured the powder inside into his palm.

From the beginning, he got the powder, and he was careful not to let it touch his skin, in case it was corrosive or toxic, but now that there is nothing to do, try it anyway. If you can't do anything, you can quickly get rid of it.

Then he bit the index finger of the other hand, bite his fingertips, squeeze a drop of blood, and drop it on the powder.


Sure enough, the blood drop just touched the powder, and suddenly a white smoke suddenly appeared. Soon, the black powder quickly turned into a white powder, as if the color faded.

Lu Sheng felt a hint of coldness and began to infiltrate into the body from the palm of his hand.

‘Do you conduct martial arts deduction? ’

Immediately, almost at the same time, the cold breath blinked and was absorbed by the body, and a query dialog appeared on the dark blue modifier.

"Sure enough!" Lu Sheng’s heart was happy, and this function really appeared.

Before he found that the fourth layer of the black tiger knife method appeared, there was some suspicion. This modifier may be a further deduction of the exercises through the knowledge reserve in his mind. So the fourth layer of the black tiger knife was produced.

But no matter how he learned any exercises, there was no such thing as a black tiger knife, and he was puzzled.

It seems that perhaps it is the lack of ghost remnants, and he has been unable to continue to push the higher realm of martial arts.

"At the beginning, it was the pebbles that were found when the Xu family went out. This time, the powder that remained after the demon died. It seems that my ability and the ghosts are really different." Lu Sheng’s heart smiles. .

Looking at the inquiry dialog box that appeared in front of him, Lu Sheng made a certain god.

‘Do you conduct martial arts deduction? ’


After determining the options, Lu Sheng quickly has a wonderful feeling. It seems that all the martial arts in the modifier can be deduced and integrated.

These kung fu martial arts are all things that he has mastered. He feels like reorganizing the knowledge base in his mind and then choosing different centers to rebuild martial arts.

Just like building a house with bricks, he can have a variety of different room types.

There are also several selectable buttons behind the martial arts on the modifier.

What can be deduced and what can not be clear.

Lu Sheng looked carefully from top to bottom.

"If you can focus on black gongs and absorb other systems, this is the best.... You can also use Yuhegong as the main structure, and you can also use black tiger knives.... "Luo Sheng is a little hesitant. But there is some helplessness right away. "Unfortunately, the amount of the powder is too small, and there are only a few that can be selected."

He looked at the modifier, and there were only two selectable buttons, Yuhegong and Black Tiger.

"Can only choose these two...."

He thought of a move and pressed it on the button behind Yu Hegong.

"Internal strength is the most important foundation."

When selected, all buttons disappear and the entire modifier begins to blur slowly. Lu Sheng felt that a lot of knowledge and understanding about Yu Hegong in his mind began to be active, and combined with the contents of the classics recorded in the memory, began to frictionally collide, and in a blink of an eye, there were countless new inspirations.

Just ten breath times.

Lu Sheng closed his eyes and slowly opened, and a brand new sigh of relief spread out from him.

The combination of Yuhegong and Black Tiger Knife is perfectly integrated. This is the modifier that uses the knowledge reserve of Lusheng to make a higher level of Yuhegong's deduction, and integrates the black tiger knife's power-making skills. Formed a more explosive internal strength than the original Yuhegong.

This new internal strength, with the effect of retaining the original strong endurance and resilience, has more explosive power.

"This new internal strength, drawing on the power of the black tiger knife, actually turned the health care into a fighting internality with a killing nature..... This deduction, really great!" Lu Sheng felt in his heart, "if There are more powders, or more pebbles like the ones left by the last water ghost. Maybe I can also promote other advanced exercises such as black scorpion."

Feel the new internal strength, it seems that with the increase of explosive power, the original self-healing ability of Yuhegong has also been strengthened.

"This is no longer a matter of jade cranes. Since it is a combination of black tiger knife and skill, in the future, it is called black tiger jade crane."

He thought so in his heart, and the name displayed by Yuhegong on the modifier was slowly changed into the word black tiger jade crane.