MTL - Way of the Devil-Chapter 1166 Contradiction 2

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"It's you.... At noon during the lunch break, are you running to dry up?" Lu Sheng said without words, "Running to me for three days, is it free?"

The girl named Enna, Enna German, according to the sense of blood, should be the physical sister.

Since I met Lu Sheng, the girl often ran to chat with him, talk about life, talk about hobbies, and even talk about how to find a boyfriend and so on.

The two slowly become more and more familiar.

It’s just that when he takes a nap every day, he doesn’t open the store. The other party knows it. How is it so rude today? It’s time to find it.

"Hey. Halgo, my dad heard about you, just come to school today to see me, but also want to come and see what's in your store. Give a face, how about opening a store in advance?" Enna with a little Little spoiled pleading.

"Your dad?" Lu Sheng slowly moved his neck and slept a lot. "Go, let him come in and see for yourself."

He guessed the purpose of the other party.

Soon, Enna opened the door bigger and advanced herself, and then let a middle-aged man with a gray hair followed by the door.

The man is dressed in a white casual wear, looks serious, and faintly with a look. I can see that the clothes on his body are of great value. They are definitely not cheap goods. They are vaguely temperamental and belong to a long-time resident. They are not ordinary people.

As soon as the man entered the door, he did not look at the surrounding shelves, but instead looked at the road for the first time.

Lu Sheng also looked at the other side.

"You.... Really like..."... Nottinge stared at Lu Sheng with some shock, and the other party was exactly the same as he was when he was young.

This feeling is very difficult to describe. Except for the laziness in the bones, the rest, eyebrows, nose, eyes, no one is not like him when he was young.

When he saw the first moment of the other party, he understood that the man in front of him was probably the son of his lost for many years.

Calculating time, his son should be this age.

"Hello?" Lu Sheng stretched out his hand.

Notting was pushed by his daughter and reacted. He quickly reached out and Lu Sheng shook hands.

"Nodding Germain, Enna's father. Nice to meet you." His face barely smiled.

"Halsa Latin, the same." Lu Sheng casually.

"Have a question, I heard Enna talk about it, should you be an orphan?" Notting couldn't help himself, and immediately went straight to the subject. The eager and hot sight stared at Lu Sheng. With a strong kindness and harmony.

"Well, yes. I grew up in an orphanage." Lu Sheng nodded.

"So, have you thought about finding your parents?" Notting asked a little nervously.

"I have found it, but unfortunately I have not found it. Later, as I get older, I give up." Lu Sheng shrugged.

“Don't you feel sorry? Others have parents, but you don't.”

"Of course there will be regrets. But this is a destiny. The manpower can't be changed. The only thing I can do is to make myself feel better and have a better life." Lu Sheng shrugged and sent it.

Notting was silent.

"Yeah, it’s destined, really regrettable. You and Enna seem to be very close. In fact, if my former eldest son is still there, it should be bigger than you...."

"...". Lu Sheng did not answer, he probably guessed what the other party wants to do.

as expected.

Notting has a turn.

"When I heard Enna talk about it, you and I look a lot like me, I can't wait to come over and see you. Now....." He breathed a little, "Now, I got what I want.... Seeing you is like seeing me when I was young. Do you understand and understand what I mean?"

He was short of breath, spoke in one breath, and disconnected twice, feeling a little excited.

"Sorry, you should calm down first." Lu Sheng shook his head and motioned for him to sit down, then turned himself and poured a glass of water.

"Young people.....I am too impatient." Notting took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions.

"Don't pour water on me, I will leave first, come back next time. think about it..." Nottinge plans to calm himself down and let his son calm down.

Suddenly knowing the result, it is too abrupt for both sides.

The son needs a process of acceptance, a process of thought transformation.

"Enna." He waited for Lu Sheng to answer, and asked Enna to sit and drink water. "Let's go, let's go together. Let your brother take a break."

"it is good!"

Enna also saw that something was wrong. My father seemed to be very determined. Big Brother Hare was his biological son. However, before I passed the paternity test, everything still couldn't be confirmed. Both sides need to calm down.

The two fathers and the girl won the farewell and walked out of the store one after another.

A voice slammed behind him came to the door of the store.

Notting took Enna to a corner on the right side. There were already several bodyguards waiting for a long time. Several bulletproof luxury cars were quietly arranged on the street and ready to leave.

Notting did not say a word, pulled the door and sat up. Enna sat in a row with him.

The bodyguards followed the car.

He kept breathing deeply and his emotions were a little excited.

After a while, I slowly calmed down.

"He has always been like this, is there a small shop here? Based on this to maintain a livelihood?" Notting slowly looked at the Saladin convenience store from the rearview mirror. The old-fashioned, small storefront with a narrow facade was deeply stinging. His heart.

"Yes.... At least I haven't seen him and other jobs since I met him." Enna nodded.

Notting is silent.

The atmosphere inside the car gradually became a bit awesome and somewhat sad.

"It's my fault... If I had thought about it at the beginning, I would do more with one hand, maybe..." His face showed sadness and self-blame.

"Dad...." Enna gently held his hand. "this is not your fault...."

"No, this is my fault...." Notting held her daughter's hand. "I will compensate him....." When he thought that his son had lived so hard in these years, his heart was as uncomfortable as a sob, and he could not speak.

"A person comes out of an orphanage, solitary in the society, no help, no blood, no smile, no idea how much hard to eat out of such a small shop....Enna, you later Take care of your brother. Just compensate him for Dad. I know that you are the most sensible child in your family, different from your brother..."

Enna nodded seriously.

"I will."

Nodding stopped talking. He came here personally to confirm that the man that Enna spoke about was his own son.

And the purpose has been reached.

Originally, he just held a glimpse of unrealistic fantasies and expectations, and did not let go of any possibility before he took the initiative to come along.

In fact, he knows in his heart that he has not been able to find it for so many years. Hope is already very small.

Unexpectedly, fate made a big joke to him.

If it is not a fake, then the other party is from a long-term perspective, it is very likely that he is a pro-growth.

"I will go to my eldest brother to get a few hairs, go to the group's research to do the paternity test. Dad, rest assured, I will handle everything." Enna gently held the old hand of Notting.

"Well. When the report comes out, I will formally convene the board of directors and assign the equity that I have previously set to you... your brother, you, and your brother, I have already prepared." Notting seriously.



Lu Sheng didn't expect Notting to move so fast. After discovering that Enna was his sister, he used the huge network in his hand to find out what Nodding Germanman is behind Enna.

The reason why he didn't want to recognize his relatives too early was because Nodding Germanman was too famous.

Too early contact with him can lead him to premature exposure to countless people. This is not conducive to him looking for someone.

Unfortunately, from the day when Nodding came to the door, Enna joined the door for three days and asked him about the past events of childhood, as well as the words in the speech, she pointed out that she and he are really brothers and sisters.

He also hinted at him if he would like to live with his parents and live together. But it was rejected by Lu Sheng.

Just kidding, he is now too secretive. One person is the most relaxed life. To live together, there are too many things to cover up. Unless he hypnotizes others every day, don't think about keeping it safe and secure. But hypnotizing others every day has a bad influence on the spirit and soul of the other party. This is not something he can control.

Therefore, despite Enna’s various benefits and benefits, Lu Sheng was unmoved.

Although through the secret paternity test of Enna, he has officially been confirmed as the eldest son of the German family, Enna's eldest brother.

He couldn't admit it on the surface, so Enna and Notting would not say it.

Notting himself came back a few times, and he wanted to give the check to Lu Sheng.

More than a few times, Notting also understands that Lu Sheng does not want to change his current life, so that Enna is a bridge for the exchange of two people, and he is also busy with group affairs, and there is no way to come.

The problem of the relatives was temporarily resolved. On the other hand, the church side had a problem.

The flesh-and-blood cults in the four churches, the gods that dominated the gangsters and the women's clubs, finally broke the friction with the representative of the world's extraordinary power, the League of Heroes.

The reason is that a folk hero who was originally seen by the League of Heroes was dragged by the flesh and blood evil spirits and joined the church. The hero's ability is very special and has a lot of importance.

The League of Heroes was unwilling to send people to continue lobbying, but unexpectedly discovered that the ability of this folk hero has actually improved significantly in a short period of time.

This caused their vigilance, so a large-scale investigation finally truly unveiled the mystery of the flesh-and-blood church.

The church's pastor, bishop, and the low-level heroes of the League of Heroes had conflicts in confrontation, causing the tragic consequences of three deaths and one injury.

The church died two times, the League of Heroes died one and seriously injured one.

The tragic result has caused the contradictions between the two sides to intensify rapidly. Soon, the Church of the Flesh and the Evil God sent an archbishop, thirteen bishops, and joint action to retaliate. In a short period of time, the five c-level heroes of the Heroes Federation were strangled.

This has completely caused a sensation in the extraordinary world.