MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 88 Supply box stuff

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Chapter 88 The contents of the supply box

Ye Fan was overjoyed when he saw that the supply box was stuck by a tree. If the tree hadn't blocked this thing, it would have been really difficult to catch it as it kept going down the river.

 The motorcycle moved forward and finally came to the vicinity of the supply box.

Zhuge Yunxue got out of the car and was really ready to take off his clothes and go into the water to salvage the supply box.

Ye Fan turned around like a gentleman, with his back to Zhuge Yunxue and stretched out a hand, ready to get her clothes.

He had no intention of turning around and peeking. He still understood the principle of "don't look at anything inappropriate".

This motorcycle is actually quite good. The rearview mirror looks very good and is worth studying.

Before Ye Fan could receive the clothes, he was suddenly stunned.

 Because the sound of voices was heard in the distance.

Zhuge Yunxue immediately stopped taking off his clothes and quickly came to Ye Fan: "Sir, there is something going on."

 Ye Fan also hurriedly turned on the radar.

On the radar screen, the river ahead curved around a mound, and there was someone coming from the other side of the turn.

 Ye Fan was previously focused on the supply box and other things, and didn't pay attention to the screen, so he didn't notice it.

 Two blue light spots are two survivors.

If there are two people on the other side, there is nothing to worry about. He and Zhuge Yunxue are both armed, so even two evolvers can fight.

Since people have arrived, they are not in a hurry to salvage the supply box and watch the people over there appear.

Soon the two people over there turned the corner. Ye Fan closed his right eye and immediately saw their situation clearly.

 Not evolvers, but two ordinary survivors.

Two people were carrying fishing rods and fishing baskets on their backs, one was holding a crossbow and the other was holding a spear. They were looking for suitable fishing spots along the river.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan felt that these two people had really big hearts. They were still in the mood to fish despite the many crises in the apocalypse.

 Ye Fan saw them, and they also saw Ye Fan.

 The two survivors were stunned for a moment, and then walked over here.

Ye Fan also took Zhuge Yunxue to greet him.

 Four people met on the river beach.

Ye Fan asked with a smile: "You two brothers, why are you going out to fish when you are so leisurely and elegant?"

The two survivors first stared at the Dawn Army mark on Ye Fan's chest, and then asked tentatively.

“Little brother, you are not from the Huacheng Survivor Alliance, are you?”

 “No, we are from the Dawn Army.”

“I’ve never heard of the Dawn Army, it’s probably not a big force.”

Ye Fan nodded. In terms of numbers, his Shuguang Army was indeed not a big force.

“Are these two brothers from the Survivor Alliance?”

The two middle-aged men smiled bitterly: "No, we are the survivors of Baoshan Town. We are just a small group and are not qualified to join the Survivors Alliance."

“Oh, but I heard on the radio that the Survivors Alliance is going to search for survivors along the Seven Stars River. How come I’m not qualified to join?”

“That’s what I say, but they don’t recruit people for free. Only by paying a certain amount of materials to join the alliance can you be eligible to join their base. Otherwise, it will only become their protectorate and you will have to pay taxes.”

“Do I need to pay materials to join the alliance? Do I also need to pay taxes? How to pay taxes?”

"Materials to join the alliance are relatively expensive. We need to provide various items of considerable value, such as diesel, firearms, food and medicine. Some of our small groups simply do not have the ability to collect so many supplies, so the alliance will not accept us. But if you want to survive in Flower City, you must pay taxes to their alliance."

Another man interfaced: "Paying taxes is a poll tax. Their alliance has a set of standard rules. The value of materials is all written in the regulations. Each of us needs to pay a poll tax worth no less than fifty kilograms of grain every month. , so that when we encounter danger, we can burn the smoke and ask for help, or we can temporarily take shelter with them."

The two survivors were still a little worried as they said: "Their search was just to get supplies. Now the first batch of tax collectors have arrived in our Baoshan Town. They have to eat here at noon. We don't have anything delicious there, so we have to come out." Fished for them.”

 Hearing the stories of the two survivors, Ye Fan felt a little unhappy.

This survivor alliance is a bit too much.

 This is a world where zombies eat people. It is extremely difficult for survivors to survive and they have to accept their exploitation.

Moreover, the protection they provide is a little too false. When you are really in danger, it is almost impossible to succeed whether you ask for help or escape.

  Although it sounded unpleasant, Ye Fan did not help the two survivors. People in the last days had to rely on themselves to save the two of them. There were countless people like them, and it was impossible to help them all.

Moreover, even if we want to continue to accommodate survivors, it must be done after the base is completed. Now is not the time.

 A man asked Ye Fan: "Little brother, I think you are more leisurely than us. Is your Dawn Army far away from here?"

 When he said this, Ye Fan felt that the man was inquiring.

Maybe Ye Fan told him here, he would tell the tax officer when he got back, and then turn around and sell Ye Fan.

Although this is just a guess, in the last days, it is necessary to be on guard against others.

Ye Fan smiled: "It doesn't matter, I live in the gold mining area over there, far away."

As he spoke, Ye Fan pointed in a direction.

A man opposite suddenly laughed: "Haha! Don't be confused. The old gold mine is obviously in the mountains. From there, you have to walk more than 20 kilometers into the mountains."

As he spoke, the man also pointed in a direction, with a proud smile on his face. He was obviously proud of exposing Ye Fan's nonsense.

Ye Fan's face suddenly darkened: "What about you, Meng? Let's go, let's go! There are no fish here!"

 The two men were a little unhappy: "Why are you like this...?"

Ye Fan pulled out the silent submachine gun he carried with him: "That's just me. Shouldn't you speak more quietly to people with guns in this world? Do you still want me to teach you this truth?"

The two men panicked and hurriedly turned around and backed away. How could this young man fall out so quickly? Too dangerous.

The two of them left quickly. Ye Fan thought about killing the two survivors, but after all, the two survivors had done nothing evil and were just two ordinary people. If they killed someone just because they inquired, Ye Fan still couldn't do it.

 Finding out the location of the gold mine is the biggest gain today.

 Watching the survivors walk away, Ye Fan turned around. The supply box was still floating in the water.

 Zhuge Yunxue was ready to go into the water for the second time.

 Suddenly there was the sound of vehicles again.

Ye Fan took a look and saw that this time it was one of his own, an armored vehicle directly under the battalion headquarters.

 The car arrived nearby, and Shen Ruihui and several soldiers from the guard platoon jumped out.

After running all the way to Ye Fan, Shen Ruihui said: "Sir, you came out too fast, and the armored vehicle cannot advance along the river beach, so I came late to protect you, sir. Please punish me!"

Ye Fan waved his hand: "What's the punishment? I don't blame you. Go back quickly. We will go back soon."

Shen Ruihui nodded and was about to get in the car, when he suddenly saw a supply box in the water.

He immediately felt that his opportunity to make a contribution had come.

Isn’t this kind of work of fishing for boxes in the water exactly what you should do?

 A superior officer or a **** are neither suitable. He, Shen Ruihui, has no shirk of responsibility!

 Qiao Sanyou was born after me and is now the company commander of the second company. The commander established the third company, but no company commander has been appointed yet.

 Isn’t he the best candidate?

Without saying a word, Shen Ruihui handed the pistol to the soldier next to him, then took off his coat and plunged into the river with a sudden movement.

 Freestyle over, push the box and breaststroke back.

Going ashore, he stood in front of Ye Fan, all wet, and handed over the box.

 “Sir! Get the supply box!”

 Ye Fan patted Shen Ruihui on the shoulder expressionlessly: "You did a good job, get in the car."


 Shen Ruihui felt the silent encouragement from his superior, and his heart was filled with joy.

 It seems that the position of the third company commander is not lost this time.

 Turning around before getting on the bus, Shen Ruihui saw that the officer's hands suddenly exerted force and opened the supply box in one go!

 A huge black shadow fell into the water with a plop, the river water splashed, and the water column rose to a height of more than 20 meters!

 Sea monster! !

 Your recommendations are very impressive! Any more? Smash the black soil to death!

 (End of this chapter)