MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 77 On the run

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Chapter 77 Escape

 It’s not that Xing Hai and others didn’t plan carefully enough, in fact they have done a good job.

Using Ye Fan's psychology of suppressing everyone, he successfully aroused people's anger, and used the greedy psychology of these people to jointly deal with Ye Fan.

 Even if the departure of Qin Yumo and Dai Yu has some impact, the impact is definitely not big.

 The elevator suddenly dropped and a group of people rushed in. Normally, Ye Fan would not have a chance.

 It’s a pity that something went wrong along the way.

Ye Fan was actually able to place a heavy machine gun in the bathroom in advance, and Ye Fan's radar showed that their arrangement could be seen clearly.

This kind of battle is impossible to fight at all. Unless Ye Fan deliberately lets them go, it is impossible to win.

Xing Hai pulled Liu Long and ran to the window near the corner.

"Liu Long! Don't hesitate. This is the second route we planned. If we don't run, we will have no chance."

Liu Long also woke up at this moment. When he saw the battle in the hall that was coming to an end, blood came from the corner of his mouth.

"Ye Fan! If you don't take revenge for this, I swear you won't be a human being. Brother Hai, let's jump!"

The trading floor is on the third floor. A normal person would break his leg if he jumped and would not fall to his death. But these two were different. Both of them were evolutionaries. If they jumped from the third floor, they would at most lose their sight.

Xing Hai is a powerful mutant. He kicked the window open and the two people jumped out.

This is the backyard of the Hardware Building, and it is not open to outside survivors. The two people jumped out, but there was no one here.

As soon as he ran out of the backyard door, he saw soldiers under Ye Fan chasing him.

 “They’re over there! Don’t let them get away!”

Xing Hai saw this situation and immediately said to Liu Long: "Run separately! Wait for the opportunity to meet again."

Liu Long didn't have time to say anything and started running in one direction.

The two people's abilities are different. Xing Hai is pure strength, while Liu Long's abilities are more special. Not only can he run fast, he can even jump three meters high, and he can easily break the previous world record in jumping. It is an almost light-gong ability.

  Relatively speaking, Liu Long has a higher chance of survival.

Liu Long ran desperately, his fat body moving in a Z-shape, making it difficult for the Army soldiers chasing behind him to hit him.

The bullets whizzed past, and from time to time a string of white smoke rose from the ground.

However, he couldn't get rid of the warriors chasing behind him. Each of these three-star warriors were superhuman in physical fitness. They could run at 100 meters in less than 12 seconds when fully equipped!

He has to run a zigzag route, and of course it is impossible to leave him behind.

 Liu Long has already used his energy to **** milk, and his goal is also very clear.

 There is an artificial river dug out during farmland water conservancy construction in front, with a width of ten meters.

 This river is dug three meters deep and is the infrastructure to protect the rural areas of Sishui County from natural disasters.

There is no bridge in this section. As long as he can jump across the river, he can run all the way and escape.

 The only problem is how he can ensure that when he jumps over the river, he will not be hit by bullets from behind.

 After all, it is impossible to move in a Z-shape on the river.

Seeing that he was almost in front of the river, Liu Long's eyes suddenly lit up.

 There is a dead tree on the shore!

  Not long, only a little over one meter, but just enough to block his body.

He rushed over desperately, rolled on the ground, and then jumped directly behind the dead tree with a leap.


 A piece of wood splinter flew, but it didn't penetrate!

 Liu Long was overjoyed, and with his stronger body after evolution, he directly picked up the dead wood.

 It’s okay, not too heavy.

Hold the dead wood as a shield, he used all his strength to perform a super long jump!

 In the past, he might have fallen into the river after jumping two meters, but after possessing the superpower, he could jump out seven or eight meters even if he was holding a piece of wood!

 He fell to the shore and used wood to block it twice, and he survived!


 Jump up!

The pursuers from behind also arrived at the river and opened fire with their guns, but they could not penetrate the wood.

  Liu Longren already felt that his fate was in his hands while he was still in the air.

“Ye Fan, it’s going to be very difficult for you to kill me, a light-gung fugitive!”

“Let’s wait and see... hmm?”

Liu Long turned around in the air and saw a soldier carrying a rocket launcher among the pursuers.

 The dark muzzle has been pointed at himself.


 A rocket burst through the air!

 A group of red fireworks exploded in the air, announcing that another boss in the Coal City area had become history.

Su Mo, a three-star rocket launcher warrior, put away his rocket launcher, waved his hand, and returned along the same route with several army soldiers around him.


 Compared with Liu Long's escape, Xing Hai's side was much smoother.

After running away from Liu Long, Xing Hai lowered his head and ran in a straight line.

 Although his strength was strengthened, he ran much faster, and he ran for more than a kilometer.

 There is a piece of grass in front.

 The warrior of the east wind stopped there.

He got this car in the prosperous period of Meicheng. After getting it, he couldn't put it down and drove to Surabaya this time.

Xing Hai is quite thoughtful. He had parked his car in the grass in advance as a way out. He and Liu Long even put the gold somewhere else.

Since Ye Fan wanted it, he didn't give it so easily. If the situation was unfavorable, he could exchange the gold's hiding place for a chance to survive. He was cautious enough.

Hopped into the car, started the warrior, and rushed out with a rumble.

 Bumping in the wilderness, I ran two kilometers along the way.

  Seeing that the pursuers were finally behind him, Xing Hai breathed a sigh of relief and drove the car to the edge of a nearby corn field.

There is a haystack here. Open it up and remove a stubborn rock underneath. There are two packages inside.

 This is his and Liu Long's gold collection. Each of them collected almost ten kilograms.

 Now that he and Liu Long are separated, all the gold belongs to him alone.

 After collecting the gold, we drove for almost another kilometer and stopped at an intersection.

Xing Hai took out a lighter and lit a pile of dry firewood, and thick smoke rose into the sky.

 This is the code he agreed with those people, and this is the agreed place.

Seeing the smoke rising, Xing Hai shivered and sat on the ground, only to find that his clothes had been soaked with sweat.

"It's nothing, nothing. If I survive the disaster, I will be blessed."

 I felt relieved in my heart. About ten minutes later, there was the roar of a vehicle.

They are all large off-road vehicles, six in total.

There were five or six people in each vehicle, wearing camouflage field uniforms, carrying steel guns, and wearing military helmets.

The man in front was chewing gum and his eyes were cold.

 They were not people from the Qin and Han dynasties, but a group of foreign soldiers.

Xing Hai suddenly smiled and greeted him enthusiastically: "Hello! Sakadi! Are you John?"

 John walked up to Xing Hai and patted him on the shoulder: "Hey! Xing, are you okay?"

"No, no, no, it's not good at all. That **** Ye Fan forced Leader Liu and me to a dead end. Leader Liu's hometown was taken over by him, and all the people I brought were beaten to death. How can you You have to help us this time."

 “No problem, have you brought your things?”

“I brought it, I brought it, I was afraid that Ye Fan would find it, so I hid it well and gave it to you now.”

Xing Hai presented the two bags with both hands and handed them into John's hands.

 John opened the bag and took a look: "Oh! That's a lot, Xing, you have completed the task perfectly."

“Then shall we fight back now?”

“Of course, you lead the way and show those people how awesome you are.”

Xing Hai turned around excitedly and started to drive ahead to lead the way.

 There was a crisp gunshot, and his body was frozen.

 Looking down, he saw that his heart had been punctured.

At this moment, he understood something.

No wonder he was able to run out. It turned out that Ye Fan regarded himself as a cash machine.

 "Ye Fan... lacks great virtue...!"

 His body fell to the ground and he died on the spot.

John didn’t even look at him, and led his troops closer to the hardware building. He wanted to send all Xing Hai Liu Long’s gold, as well as what he had collected during this period, to Ye Fan.

Xing Hai's body was abandoned in the wilderness until two zombies appeared next to him and dragged him away.

 (End of this chapter)