MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 135 Hug the thigh

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Chapter 135 Hug the thigh

Looking at this convoy, Ye Fan felt that it seemed a little familiar.

One of the off-road vehicles seems to have belonged to Chen Hao from the Dawangzhuang Village Base.

 He met Chen Hao at the Coal City Survivor Trading Conference.

Chen Hao is a good person. He has no evil intentions in the big dye vat of the last days, and he treats his subordinates very well, so Ye Fan also took good care of him that time.

Ordinarily, the supplies Chen Hao obtained at that trading conference were enough to help him survive this winter. How could he come here in such a mess?

 And what’s going on, it looks like you’re being hunted?

There were dozens of cars in the convoy, and there seemed to be hundreds of people. What kind of force was the person who could chase them?

The plane is a bit far away from the motorcade now. Although Ye Fan's eyesight is good, he is still not sure whether it is Chen Hao.

“Have the people on the other side of the convoy noticed us now?”

"Sir, it shouldn't happen yet. Even if someone pays attention to the sky, they will only see a small black dot at most."

“Fly back a little, don’t let them find you, notify the base, drive out a Xiaolong vehicle, and then bring Xiaotian out, so that we can meet them about fifty kilometers away from the base.”


  Notified the base, and immediately a Xiaolong vehicle drove out with a squad of soldiers and Xiaotian, while the helicopter began to fly back.

After a while, the helicopter encountered the Xiaolong vehicle, and Ye Fan got off the plane with a few people.

 Let the plane stop and hide behind the nearby woods, and Ye Fan got into the car.

 “Wait here for a while, the other party will be here soon.”

About twenty minutes later, smoke and dust billowed on the opposite side, and the fleeing convoy arrived.

 Ye Fan's Xiaolong car was parked on the road, waiting for the other party's arrival.

When the first car came into Ye Fan's field of vision, Ye Fan immediately confirmed his guess.

 It is indeed Chen Hao’s car!

This guy's car looks a bit riddled with holes, as if it has just experienced a fierce battle.

 There were two cars following closely behind his car, and then a long line of cars behind him.

 Seeing the Xiaolong car parked on the road, the first car stopped with a creak.

 A man jumped out of the car with a look of surprise on his face, it was Chen Hao.

Seeing that it was Chen Hao, Ye Fan first asked the soldiers to take Xiaotian out of the car.

 The purpose of bringing Xiaotian is very clear, that is to confirm whether the other party is hostile.

Ye Fan knows his own importance and tries not to take risks if he can.

After Xiaotian confirmed that it was safe, Ye Fan got out of the car.

Seeing Ye Fan, Chen Hao ran to Ye Fan excitedly: "Haha, Boss Ye! We meet again. Just when I saw this dog, I knew it was you."

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that sometimes Shen Ruihui's words were not too unpleasant.

He hugged Chen Hao and said, "Chen Hao, what's going on with you? Why do you act like you're fleeing?"

“Hey, Boss Ye, you have to make the decision for us. We are really desperate, so we have no choice but to come to you.”

 More people got out of the two cars behind.

A beauty dressed in black leather, dusty but naturally beautiful, is Qin Yumo, the leader of the Meicheng Airport Base.

There is also a man wearing a cowboy hat and two guns stuck in his waist, it is Dai Yu from the hot spring base.

 The two people came over, both of them seemed very happy about this sudden encounter, and greeted Ye Fan one after another.


 “Hello, Chief Ye!”

Ye Fan remembered these two people. During the Survivor Trading Conference, the two of them were still aware of current affairs. Even if they retreated, otherwise they would have been shot by their own heavy machine guns that time.

 For these two people, Ye Fan's impression is pretty good. At least he knows how to advance and retreat.

Chen Hao glanced at the car behind Ye Fan. He knew this car.

  When we first met Ye Fan, Ye Fan was driving this Xiaolong.

He asked tentatively: "Chief Ye, how are you doing now?"

 “It’s just so-so, and still like that.”

Chen Hao smiled a little, his expression a little reluctant, while Qin Yumo and Dai Yu were a little disappointed.

This made Ye Fan even more curious. Could it be that the power he showed at the beginning was not enough?

"What's going on? Why did you come to Huacheng? It seems that you are at war with someone?"

Chen Hao smiled bitterly: "Chief Ye, to be honest, we are here to join you. As for our base, it is no longer ours."

 “Oh, come and listen.”

Chen Hao continued: "After you left Coal City, a man named Hu Yuan became the boss of Daqingshan Prison. This man was originally a prisoner and a bastard. His actions were even more excessive than Xing Hai's."

“A group of them ran to the Armed Police Detachment, where they worked repeatedly for almost twenty days. They eliminated all the zombies nearby, obtained some weapon supplies, and increased their strength several times.”

"They gave us an ultimatum and told us to surrender unconditionally. We didn't agree. He teamed up with other forces to launch a sudden attack and took over Leader Qin's airport base and Leader Dai's hot spring base. The two of them ran away with their people. I came here, but within two days, our base in Dawangzhuang Village was also seized by them."

"These people want to be killed, so we have no choice but to run away. My men resisted desperately and bought us time, but they are probably coming after them."

 “Oh, can they catch up with you?”

“They have planes. The airport was suddenly attacked and all three helicopters belonged to them. This time they attacked us, and it was the helicopters that came first to open fire.”

Qin Yumo also spoke at this time: "Someone at our airport has rebelled, and some pilots have joined them. We have basically no power to fight back now."

Dai Yu from Hot Spring also said bitterly: "We finally modified a heavy truck into an armored vehicle by ourselves, but the driver was also bribed, and we were completely defeated."

Ye Fan was stunned: "Do you produce your own armored vehicles?"

“’s not very well modified, maybe it’s a little broken.”

Ye Fan smiled: "Then you plan to come to my place."

"Yes, there is no place for us in Coal City anymore, so we can only ask Chief Ye to take him in."

 Ye Fan looked at them and some of their men in the distance.

 These people are not weak in strength, and most of them are combatants.

  And there are more than a dozen evolvers.

 At present, among the survivors of the Dawn Army, there are already several evolvers.

 It’s just that Ye Fan is not very able to look down on the evolver.

 He doesn’t know if the evolver can evolve a second time, but the strength of the evolver who has only evolved once is not outstanding.

A round of one-on-one duel is almost the same as that of my own three-star warrior, but the round of marksmanship may not be comparable.

 As for loyalty, no one can compare to the Red Alert Soldiers.

 So the evolver who is regarded as a treasure elsewhere is dispensable to Ye Fan.

 But it would be different if the evolver could evolve twice or even three times.

 The reason why Ye Fan caught Wang Huining, the zombie leader, was because he wanted to study the secret of evolution.

He estimates that as some forces slowly gain a foothold, they may have to conduct research on this. At that time, the value of evolvers will be very high.

This time, such a large group of people came to defect, and there were so many evolutionists, and they all knew the truth, so Ye Fan had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, since that's the case, then you can continue to drive forward. After walking about fifty kilometers, you can see our base."

Before Chen Hao could say anything, the soldier in the Xiaolong vehicle suddenly said: "Sir, we have discovered three planes flying in our direction."

 At present, their position is still within the radar range of the base. Although they are fifty kilometers apart, the fifty kilometers is a road distance, not a straight line distance.

 As soon as they heard the soldier's words, the survivor team suddenly panicked.

Qin Yumo's face turned pale: "It's over. They are chasing us. The three planes have been modified by them and have machine guns mounted on them. We have no chance of winning."

 Chen Hao also had an ugly face and said to Ye Fan: "Commander Ye, run away. This is our business. We don't want to implicate you. Let's go back now and make sure not to expose your base."

Ye Fan waved his hand: "Now that we're here, how can we just leave like this? That's fine, let's keep moving forward. I'll find someone to deal with them."

Qin Yumo glared at Ye Fan: "Why are you so brave? I know you have a heavy machine gun, but can the heavy machine gun shoot into the sky? Can it bring down the plane?"

Before Ye Fan could answer, Shen Ruihui sneered softly next to him: "It seems that you, a little girl, have no idea what our commander is best at."

Ye Fan glanced at Xiaotian, and Xiaotian immediately pulled Shen Ruihui's pants and dragged him into the Xiaolong Car.

 At this time, three small black dots appeared on the horizon.

The three pursuit planes will arrive in a few minutes.

Ye Fan immediately asked Nana in his mind: "Has Wu Zhi given birth?"

 “Sir, it will be done soon.”

"Okay, let Wu Zhi fly to the southeast immediately and come to my side to support me."

 “Okay sir, it will take about ten minutes.”

Ye Fan immediately called everyone to get in the car: "Everyone, there is no time to talk. Just get in the car and run. Maybe a miracle will happen."

Everyone had no choice but to get into the car one after another, and Chen Hao and others were even pulled into his car by Ye Fan.

 The vehicle quickly drove towards the direction of the Shuguang Army Base.

 The convoy followed closely behind.

Ye Fan ordered Bi Jinbang to lift the helicopter into the air and try to entangle the opponent for a while.

 Bi Jinbang received the order and flew from the woods behind.

The leaving convoy sighted the Hind helicopter.

 Qin Yumo was stunned for a moment.

 “This yours?”

Ye Fan smiled slightly: "It's funny."

 The three people in the car were stunned.

 Seeing that Ye Fan was only flying a Xiaolong, they thought that Ye Fan was still the same as before, so they were desperate.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan actually had a plane, which gave them hope again.

Chen Hao even hugged Ye Fan's thigh: "Chief Ye, I thought you could do it at the beginning. This time I hug your thigh, I won't let go."

 Dai Yu seemed eager to give it a try, but he was not as shameless as Chen Hao and was not embarrassed.

Qin Yumo is not like the two of them. She is relatively rational. Although Ye Fan also has a plane here, she previously owned a base with the leader of three helicopters.

She, Qin Yumo, is a good woman with integrity and pursuit. Even if she hugs her thigh, she must hug the thickest leg. Ye Fan's strength is not enough.

 (End of this chapter)