MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 128 The power of the giant cannon! (Sixth update, getting slapped in the face for a layup

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Chapter 128 The power of the giant cannon! (Sixth update, added for the boss who hit the face with a layup)

Hearing Nana’s prompt, Ye Fan was stunned.

He thought about many possibilities of opening items from the supply box, but he never thought about the giant cannon.

 In the game, things like giant cannons cannot be opened from supply boxes.

 This is a special unit belonging to a country in the Allied Forces.

 It is no exaggeration to say that it is the ultimate defense weapon against the ground.

Hyperlarge caliber and long range. Except for the three-star Apocalypse, it can basically shoot one at a time.

 If dealing with infantry, there is still a lot of splash damage.

 During the game, if you can build a row of these things and place them at the door of someone else's house, then the other party will not be able to get out.

Of course, in reality, a cannon is just a cannon, and it is difficult to compare with weapons such as missiles, but this is the most powerful cannon after all!

  It is simply not very useful when used to fight zombies.

 Ye Fan immediately thought of Shen Ruihui.

Although this was brought back by Xiaotian, Shen Ruihui personally picked it up and tied it to Xiaotian.

This idiot is so lucky!

Last time he picked up the supply box in the water and fired Xiaoba. This time he picked up the supply box in the mountains and fired the giant cannon.

He is just a loser.

The big cannon was obtained, but Ye Fan didn’t know where to put it.

This thing occupies a large area. It can't be placed on the city wall. It can't be launched inside the city. It's even more unsafe when placed outside the city. You have to watch it.

 Finally, Ye Fan decided to build a fort for it!

 The construction location of the fort is very easy to choose, right next to the main city gate in the core area.

This is the center point of the inner city and core area. If the construction is higher, the entire city and outside can be covered.

Constructing a fort is also simple, just build a ten-meter wall.

 A ten-meter wall costs 500 gold.

However, Ye Fan has stocked up a lot of building materials here, which can reduce the construction cost by 90%. 50 gold per meter is enough.

 After asking Nana, the base of this fort needs 220 square meters!

 There are four square meters of one meter of wall, and Ye Fan directly produced 30 meters.

  1500 gold flowers went out, then seemed to run to the core area, and placed the walls like building blocks.

 Ye Fan can choose whether or not to have crenels on the fence. Some do not need to have crenels, but they have to be on the edges.

 Finally, a rectangular, ten-meter-high tower with crenellations was built.

 There are steps that fold back and forth to reach the top. This is the fort.

 After the ten-meter wall was built, Ye Fan began to place it.

  Two hundred and twenty square meters, with a walkway around it for soldiers to patrol and so on.

 But this cannon alone completely shocked Ye Fan.

 Is this a cannon?

This cannon barrel is a bit too thick!

 It feels like it’s a sewer pipe that can be drilled into?

"The giant cannon, a special red alert unit, is not in the Qin and Han national production series. The barrel length is twelve meters, the caliber is 480mm, and the maximum range is 38 kilometers. The turret can rotate 360 ​​degrees and has a shock absorber. It can only attack the ground. The target possesses five armor-piercing rounds weighing 1.4 tons and five rounds of grenades weighing 900 kilograms. It has no anti-aircraft capabilities, and it is recommended to cooperate with air defense units for protection."

“Note: Giant artillery does not belong to the production sequence of Qin and Han Dynasties, so giant artillery shells cannot be produced in the arsenal. There are only ten rounds fired every day. After they are used, they can only be refreshed on the next day.”

 After reading the data of this group of giant guns, Ye Fan suspected that this gun was the main gun removed from a certain battleship.

With a caliber of 480 mm and a range of 38 kilometers, this gun has terrifying lethality.

I'm afraid that the main guns of the largest battleships in the past would not exceed the data of this gun.

A ten-meter-high fort was erected in the core area, with its huge main gun shining silver.

 The cannon body bears the legion mark of the Dawn Army.

 “This cannon should be given a name.”

The giant cannon Ye Fan can no longer be mass-produced. If this cannon is placed here, it is almost the city-shaking artifact of the Dawn Army.

 “What should I call it?”

Ye Fan circled around the cannon twice and simply clapped his hands.

 “Just call Dawn Justice.”

Following Ye Fan's naming, several eye-catching large characters also appeared on the body of the giant cannon.

 “Dawn of Justice!”

Ye Fan feels that his naming skills are very good. This cannon represents the righteous heart of the Dawn Army.

Looking at this caliber, who dares to say that this is not just?

 The cannon was built, and Ye Fan knew that the zombie siege was actually over.

  No matter what tricks the bald man plays, he will not be able to threaten Dawn City.

 But the end must be the end. How to end it is a question.

 Ye Fan first found a few Shuguang Army soldiers.

The firing of this giant cannon is computer-controlled. The ten shells are carried in the turret and do not require manual loading by soldiers.

 But it does not need to be loaded, and it also needs to be watched by someone.

This is not only a fort, but also the commanding heights of Dawn City.

The ten-meter high platform is much higher than the city gate. Fortunately, the city gate in the core area was originally covered by a circle of trees, so although the appearance of this giant cannon is a bit unexpected, it can be used as an excuse to temporarily install the cannon on the existing foundation. .

 Even if some people don’t believe this reason and have some doubts, it doesn’t matter. Ye Fan is not afraid of others’ doubts.

Doubts are indispensable, and anyone’s doubts can only be kept in the stomach.

 A squad of Dawn Army soldiers, including four anti-aircraft infantry and four army soldiers.

Divided into two shifts, this giant cannon is protected 24 hours a day and can directly monitor the entire city.

Ye Fan first wanted to test the power of this cannon.

“Sir, when you want to fire the cannon, just give me the command directly. I can directly control the central control system in the cannon to fire.”

Ye Fan nodded: "Then let's fire a shot first. On that hillside, I see that the zombies are a bit annoying sneaking behind the hillside. They have been wreaking havoc in our base for two days, so I should give them a little. It’s a gift.”

“Would you like to fire armor-piercing projectiles or anti-personnel grenades?”

“Armor-piercing bombs, they have bunkers over there.”

 “Okay, getting ready...launch in five seconds!”

"Wait a moment."

Ye Fan rolled his eyes and told Nana to notify a flamethrower warrior to come up and bring some oilcloth or something.

Nana didn’t know why, but she still did as she was told.

 When the flamethrower warriors arrived, Ye Fan ordered the artillery fire.

 With the five-second countdown, the cannon fired!


I saw that the cannon had a rear seat, and the turret moved back as a whole, but it quickly returned to its original position. The recoil-reducing device inside worked.

There was a deafening bang, and a beam of fire shot straight down the hillside!


Wang Huining took his main zombie group and hid at the corner of the mountain col.

 He was very excited at the moment.

 Because the third-level mutants of the two zombies are about to evolve.

 No, Xing Hai has been completed, and now we just need the crawler.

Xing Hai had a higher degree of evolution before and was the first to devour it, so he completed it first.

He is five meters tall, with long bone spurs on his back, and a tail even grows under his lumbar spine.

The forearms are frighteningly thick, and it looks like the third-level mutant zombie has completely separated from the human form, like a combination of a gorilla and a stegosaurus.

“What a beautiful guy, Boss Xing, you should be a tyrannosaurus zombie now.”

Xing Hai opened his mouth and roared, walking back and forth beside Wang Huining. He couldn't wait to rush out and massacre in Shuguang City.

 “Haha! Boss Xing, don’t be anxious, don’t be anxious, I’ll equip you with a powerful partner later.”

“The two of you join forces and make sure that Dawn City becomes a river of blood!”

Wang Huining’s eyes fell on the crawler.

 The crawlers have reached the final stage of evolution.

 The bodies that had been curled up slowly unfolded.

 The body length is over eight meters!

The long tongue is like a steel fork, and it is two meters long when swallowing.

The claws that were originally in human form have been completely transformed into beasts, and there are some suction cup-like protrusions between the soles of the feet to facilitate adsorption on the wall.

The long tail swung, whipping up puffs of smoke and dust on the ground.

  There is no strong sense of power like the power-type mutant zombies, but the body lines are smoother, and you can tell at a glance that it has absolute speed.

 “Hahaha! Get up, my darlings, it’s time for you to perform.”

 The third-level crawler propped himself up, and the evolution was finally completed.

  It raised its head, wanting to prove its strength, it let out a roar!


Wang Huining suddenly felt a numbness in his scalp.

  It does not come from the zombies in front of you, but from a feeling of extreme danger.

 He was originally lying on the back of the only remaining King Kong zombie. At this moment, he hurriedly asked the King Kong zombie to retreat.

The King Kong Zombie just took a step back when a sudden change occurred!

 The mountain on his left suddenly exploded!

A flash of fire penetrated the mountain, passed through here, and penetrated into the mountain a few hundred meters away on the right!

On these few hundred meters of road, all the creatures that stood in front of it disappeared!

 Crush all the way!

 Kill all the way!

 The level 3 speed zombie that just appeared was on the path of the fire.

 A ball of flesh and blood rose up in front of Wang Huining's eyes!

The speed zombie was beaten into two pieces at the waist, and the middle part of the body disappeared directly, leaving only the head, limbs, and tail thrown into the sky, and then landed with a crash.

 The group of corpses behind the zombies were cleared of a road of several hundred meters, which was unusually clean.

The fire light rushed into the mountain wall, and there was a dull shock inside. It must have been an explosion.

Wang Huining stood on the ground blankly for a long time without moving.

 It wasn’t until the agile zombie’s head fell in front of him that he seemed to come back to his senses.


 It took Wang Huining a long time to say this sentence.

 Why does the Dawn Army have such powerful weapons?

 Why didn’t they use it earlier?

Wang Huining immediately thought of quitting.

Facing such a terrifying weapon that he has never seen before, this battle can no longer be fought.

 He was also decisive and immediately asked Xing Hai to take him and prepare to leave.

Stepping out of the mountain col, he glanced towards the Shuguang Army.

 He saw the big guy firing the terrifying shells.

 A big, scary cannon.

 But... this cannon seems to be on fire!

A group of people from the Dawn Army are putting out the fire there.

Wang Huining, who was about to leave, stopped.


 This is the sixth update today. Kurotsuchi slept for three hours yesterday and couldn’t hold on any longer. He went to take a rest and wake up to continue typing! Try to get an update today! Please subscribe automatically! Asking for a monthly ticket!

 (End of this chapter)