MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 126 Destroy King Kong! (Fourth update, the years are like water

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Chapter 126 Destroy King Kong! (Fourth update, added by Grandmaster: Time flies like water, friendship remains)

 After killing this group of zombies, Ye Fan knew that the balance of victory was tilted to his side.

The opponent's current zombie count is only 80,000 even if they are fully defeated.

Although there are many powerful mutant zombies among these 80,000 zombies, the Dawn Army is not without resistance.

 I felt a little relieved, and suddenly received a reminder from Nana.

“Sir, a supply box has been refreshed in the Xing’an Mountains in the north, twenty-eight kilometers away from you.”

 “Oh, the supply box is out again!”

Although the supply box is very important, Ye Fan is not too urgent.

 The things that can be given in a supply box will not contribute much to the overall combat effectiveness of the army.

Even if he can create a group star upgrade, it is impossible for him to gather his troops to activate it now.

 But he had to get the supply box, but he didn't have time to go.

 He turned around and glanced at the guard platoon.

Swept Zhuge Yunxue and shook his head slightly.

Sweeping over the army soldiers, he sighed softly.

Scanning over Shen Ruihui, his eyes lit up.

Shen Ruihui immediately felt the commander-in-chief's trusting gaze.

 “Sir, I’m going right now!”

“Well, there may be mutant beasts in the mountains, so take Xiaotian Zhentian with you.”

 “Okay, don’t worry, sir.”

Running down from the city wall, taking Xiaotian and Zhentian with him, he drove Sanbengzi towards the core area, abandoned the car at the back door of the core area, and entered the Xing'an Mountains.

 Twenty-two kilometers, it is not that easy to go back and forth. It will probably be almost dark when Shen Ruihui comes back.

Ye Fan didn't care and immediately turned around and threw himself into the current battle.

The next charge was coming. Ye Fan ordered that all survivors in the main city were not allowed to leave the room, and all the curtains were closed to prevent peeping.

 Because the next battle may involve some secrets of the Dawn Army.

  The survivors were also quite obedient and would not watch if they were not allowed to watch. No one was watching the battle anymore.

 The next batch of zombies is coming!

Wang Huining was not a blind commander without any brains. His second batch of zombie charges was very skillful.

 He concentrated his main charge on three points.

 One next to the main gate, and one next to the other land gate.

 There is also a southeast corner far away from the two land gates and even some distance away from the water gate.

 The three points are far apart, which will make the Dawn Army exhausted.

 At these three points, the corpses of zombies are piled up even close to the city wall.

 Even after being burned by fire, it is now close to four meters high.

 At other city walls, the bodies were piled up less than one meter.

 This is called a focused attack, and the force will not be evenly distributed.

If it hadn't been set up by Ye Fan just now, I'm afraid the third batch of zombies would have rushed up the city wall along these three points.

  But the subsequent charge did not stop.

 After letting the zombies disperse, around ten o'clock in the morning, the zombie army began its third charge!

 This time it is obviously different.

 Among the team, two huge King Kong zombies and three fiery red crawlers were particularly eye-catching.

Moreover, there are no other zombies following these zombies, so the single target is relatively small.

It would be uneconomical to concentrate firepower on a few of them like this. Without bombing, when these big guys get close to the city wall, it will obviously cause a lot of trouble to the Dawn Army.

 “The bald man has become smarter.”

Ye Fan rubbed his chin and called the rocket launcher warrior Su Mo.

“Su Mo, bring a few bazooka warriors and try those King Kongs and Creepers.”

 “Understood sir!”

Several three-star rocket launcher warriors gathered over and waited patiently for the zombies to approach.

  Sniper rifles began to fire bursts, and heavy machine guns began to roar.

 In the early stage, the main focus is to snipe mutant zombies. When the large army approaches, army soldiers and conscripts will be the main force to snipe ordinary zombies.

As King Kong and the Creeper Zombies walked into the shooting range, several three-star rocket launcher warriors from Su Mo opened fire!

The rocket launcher brought black smoke and sniped at these big guys.

 The Creeper's reaction speed was extremely fast. When the rocket launcher approached, it easily jumped out more than ten meters. The rocket launcher missed and it continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

One of the King Kong zombies dodged on one side, while the other one didn't.

 Because Su Mo cooperated with another rocket launcher warrior, he avoided the first shot but not the second shot.

 Hit with one shot from the front!


A ball of fire exploded, and the King Kong zombie was blown away.

 Ye Fan hurriedly opened his left eye to observe.

 King Kong got up again.

 The chest was burnt black, the flesh and blood were extruded, and he was injured, but he was not dead.

This kind of injury doesn't matter to zombies at all. They won't die unless they are hit on the head.

It is undoubtedly difficult to hit the head with a rocket launcher.

 The power of the rocket launcher is not much different from that of mortars, anti-aircraft portable individual missiles, and even the 107 towed rocket launcher.

 It is very difficult to kill King Kong head-on.

 Wang Huining is also paying attention to this shot.

Seeing that King Kong was hit head-on by a rocket launcher and was not seriously injured, Wang Huining suddenly became excited.

"Well done! Ye Fan, let me see what your Dawn Army can do to resist my King Kong."

As the King Kong Zombies entered the shooting range, the Dawn Army's trouble finally came.

Although the gunshots continued to sound, hitting the King Kong zombies was like scratching an itch.

This kind of zombie's skin is like a layer of tough iron armor, with a thickness of thirty centimeters. If a sniper rifle bullet is fired into it, it will only be unable to threaten its inner abdomen.

Two King Kong zombies each ran towards an assault point, and three crawlers also followed behind the King Kong zombies. It seemed that they were going to concentrate their efforts on attacking these two points.

 The point in the southeast corner seems to have been abandoned by them.

 The most brutal city wall battle finally started.

 Large numbers of zombies climbed onto the pile of corpses, directly threatening the city wall.

Both piles of corpses spread tens of meters, and the taller zombie's arms stretched directly to the wall.

The glass windows above the guard tower have been smashed, and the heavy machine gun is aimed directly at the pile of corpses, firing wildly!

 The flamethrower warriors crawled on the city wall, spraying large **** of flames all over the sky.

 As soon as a zombie climbs onto a pile of corpses, it will immediately turn into a torch.

The dense torrent of bullets has almost no gaps, and the zombies will be hit in the head when they show up, and the zombies will be hit in the head when they show up!

The soldiers were covered in plasma, but no one had time to raise their hands to wipe it away.

An armored zombie was shot twice in the head, one sniper bullet passed through the mouth, and one ripped off the skull from the top of the head, but it was not fatal.

With a paw waved over, the conscripts who were holding their position were knocked down.

The mobilization soldier held his head in his hands and rolled down. As long as he didn't die, the three-star medical soldiers would have a way to revive him.

Although the armored zombies were subsequently killed by heavy machine guns, this has proved the danger of the city wall.

 The zombies howled and charged upward, and casualties began to appear gradually.

If this is the case, it doesn’t matter. You can still resist at some cost.

 The key is that the main purpose of these mutated zombies is to provide cover for the King Kong zombies.

The King Kong zombies have arrived at the city wall and began to climb up the pile of corpses surrounded by several armored men.

 This is true for both points!

 And those crawlers were running around behind them. Once the King Kong zombies climbed onto the city wall, the crawlers would immediately follow and use their speed advantage to start a massacre.

Facing here, a King Kong zombie stands on the pile of corpses!

 No matter how intensive the firepower was, King Kong showed no fear.

Swinging two huge claws, it grabbed the bulge of the city wall.

 With just one more effort, you can climb the city wall.

At this moment, a giant beast suddenly emerged from the water under the city wall!

 Xiaoba has logged in again!

In twos and threes, we arrived at the central city wall. Several huge tentacles were lifted up and tightly wrapped around King Kong who climbed up the city wall!

King Kong let out a thundering roar and tried to pull it out hard. The two monsters began to compete for strength.

  Xiao Ba is a giant ocean beast that can drag a warship into the water. Its power is beyond imagination, but it was still held at bay by the King Kong zombies for seven or eight seconds, which shows how powerful this guy is.

 But after all, he was not as strong as Xiaoba, and he was forcefully dragged off the city wall.

 Falled off the city wall, and you can’t help it anymore.

 Xiao Ba dragged and dragged the King Kong zombie into the water.

 The water surface was violently rolling, and bubbles were popping out.

 A stream of blood overflowed from the water. It was Xiaoba's blood.

The huge and sharp claws of the King Kong zombies can cause damage to giant beasts like Xiaoba.

 But it still couldn't escape from the water after all, and was dragged to the bottom of the river by Xiaoba and strangled.

 The injured Xiao Ba devoured the King Kong zombie.

Ye Fan did not continue to let Xiao Ba fight. He would rather lose some red alert units on his side than lose Xiao Ba, because Xiao Ba is currently unique to him.


 Xiaoba killed the King Kong at the main gate, and the King Kong at the other gate also rushed to the top of the city.

Looking at the changes on the city wall, Wang Huining smiled ferociously in the distance.

As long as this King Kong can open up the situation, he will command a large army to swarm forward.

 He did not believe that there was a second sea monster in the Dawn Army.

The King Kong zombie stood in a pile of corpses, half of his body on the city wall.

Huge arms waved, and the soldiers fell to pieces!

 The situation is about to get out of control.

The guard platoon around Ye Fan couldn't help it. If they weren't responsible for protecting the officer, they would have gone up to fight King Kong.

 Ye Fan stopped the guard platoon from making any move.

With a wave of his hand, a warrior quickly ran up from under the city wall.

He is very different from other soldiers. This soldier carries a big explosive bag on his back!

 Demolition Warrior!

 The cost is 800 gold!

Ye Fan originally had no money, but two thousand gold were collected in the mine. When Ye Fan saw King Kong, he immediately made two warriors.

The King Kong zombies are rushing over and are difficult to damage with ordinary firearms, so some special measures are needed.

 “Bazooka fire!”

 Several rocket launchers that had been waiting for a long time opened fire together.


The King Kong zombies had just climbed onto the city wall, but before they could gain a firm footing, they were directly knocked down.

At this moment, the demolition warrior pulled down the explosive package, pulled out the fuse, and rushed towards the King Kong zombies.

King Kong was hit by a rocket launcher and was seriously injured. Before he could get up, the demolition warrior stuffed the explosive package into his arms.

Just after the traffic was finished, a car suddenly started in the city.

It turned out that there was a rope tied to the rear of the car, wrapped around the waist of the demolition warrior.

 Before the zombies came to attack him, he was dragged directly into the city by a car!

 “Lie down!”


 A ball of fire shot into the sky, causing the city walls to shake!

Ye Fan stumbled and fell into Zhuge Yunxue's arms. When he opened his left eye, he could clearly see that the big head of the King Kong zombie was blown up into the sky!

 (End of this chapter)