MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 120 armored attack

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Chapter 120 Armored Attack

 The tide of corpses advanced rapidly, and the earth shook.

Although Wang Huining was furious, he didn't expect the zombies to rush to the Dawn Army city.

The Dawn Army is heavily guarded, and there is such a strong city. It is a dream to capture it in a short time.

 But he firmly believed that he would win. After all, the difference in numbers was too huge. No matter how the Dawn Army resisted, it would just be a battle between trapped beasts.

The number of zombies rushing ahead was 20,000.

Their purpose of coming here is cannon fodder.

 Used to rush to the city wall, pile up the corpses, and build a road up the city wall for the following troops.

The zombies roared forward and were already within a thousand meters of the city wall!

 But Ye Fan did not give the order to fire.

 No one questioned Ye Fan's decision, and the Shuguang Army absolutely obeyed orders.

Wang Huining looked here coldly. He wanted to see what other tricks Ye Fan had.

 Should we use cannons and rockets to bombard us?

It would be great if that was the case. Wang Huining was confident that Ye Fan would spend all his money and become completely bankrupt.

 But the next scene subverted his cognition.


 In the advancing zombie group, a violent fire suddenly broke out!

A dozen zombies around him fell to the ground in the explosion. Some of the broken ones got up, and some could never get up.

This is just the beginning, one after another explosions began to explode outside Dawn City.

After the first zombie stepped on a thunder and exploded, Wang Huining knew that he had underestimated Ye Fan.

The other party has obviously made extremely complete arrangements here.

 The mines exploded one after another, and with each explosion, a group of zombies fell to the ground.

Wang Huining really wanted to tell the zombies to pay attention to their feet, but these elm-headed creatures simply couldn't understand such a complicated command.

  "Step on, step on, let these zombies trample all the landmines, they are just cannon fodder anyway."

“I have three hundred thousand men, look how many mines you have?”

It would be fine if the entire Shuguang City was covered with mines, but soon Wang Huining discovered that a group of zombies were advancing rapidly in the middle and did not encounter any landmines.

 “There are no mines on the Middle Road!”

 “Push forward from the middle! Go and attack the city gate!”

 He ordered a group of zombies to follow him and take the middle road.

 This time it fell into Ye Fan's wish.

 When the corpse group entered the gun range, the Dawn Army on the city wall, which had been waiting for a long time, started shooting.

Zhongjing ordered to fire, and the roars of the zombies were suppressed by the sound of shooting.

Countless tongues of flames sprayed down from the city wall, and dense rain of bullets poured down!

 The person responsible for guarding the south gate is the Second Battalion of the Shuguang Army.

 The soldiers in this second battalion are all new recruits, not long after Ye Fan was born.

 In their starless state, their marksmanship is not outstanding.

 But now it doesn’t matter even if your marksmanship is not good. A large group of zombies are gathering on the middle road and rushing over. All you need to do is fire at that direction, and you will definitely hit.

 There are some zombies on both sides that are constantly stepping on mines and exploding, and the road in the middle has become a slaughterhouse.

No matter how wide the road is, it is limited, and the zombies here are perfect targets.

The bullets of rifles and light machine guns are better, but the heavy machine guns placed on the city walls and watchtowers are too brutal.

The corpses crowded together were like countless candied haws. A string of bullets fired at them did not hit one, but hit them one after another!

Zombies fell in pieces, and bullets hit you with flesh and blood flying everywhere. Regardless of whether there was a headshot or not, under this kind of fan-shaped intensive firepower, there will always be a bullet that will blow your head off.

Whenever there are too many zombie corpses, rocket launchers will be launched from the city walls.

A rocket bomb exploded, causing the zombie corpses to scatter in pieces, and then opened the road.

 The recruits on the city wall ran out of bullets, so they immediately retreated to the left and right, and other soldiers came to supplement them.

 The bullets are refreshed at twelve o'clock. There is no need to waste spare bullets now.

In this kind of high-speed killing, tens of thousands of zombies fell on the middle road in half an hour!

 Including those killed by landmines, the zombie losses have reached 20,000!

 Then the zombie swarm was not able to get close to the Dawn Army's city wall.

This made Wang Huining, who was overwhelmed by anger, calm down a little.

That does not work.

All the zombies are crowded together and moving forward. The too dense team is completely massacred by the Dawn Army.

  If you want to pose a threat to the city, you have to let the zombies spread over a large area and attack the city wall.

 It seems that the only way is to step down all these landmines.

He stopped taking the middle passage and let the zombies start the second wave of attacks.

This time he learned a lesson wisely and sent out a thousand zombies at a time to advance in pieces in order to step on mines.

 The large group of zombies stayed outside the minefield, waiting for the mines to explode before charging.

Zombies are constantly being shot on the road to step on mines, but batches of zombies are coming one after another. Each mine explosion will bring up a lot of dust, blocking the sight of the soldiers in the city, but the efficiency is still good.

Seeing that they were approaching the city wall at the minimum cost, Wang Huining opened his mouth and felt that he saw hope of victory.

 At the foot of Shuguang City, the main gate is wide open!

Wang Huining’s gaping mouth stopped there.

Three Xiaolong off-road vehicles and one Dongfeng Iron Armor rushed out quickly!

 The vehicles all have heavy machine guns.

"Ye Fan, have you released your family? Come on, come on, if this kind of jeep dares to rush to the corpse group, you will never come back! My armored zombies can overturn your jeep."

 But before Wang Huining could be happy, four more armored vehicles appeared!

 “There are actually armored vehicles!”

Wang Huining really can’t understand, where did the Shuguang Army get this brand-new armored vehicle?

But he is not worried. Although the armored vehicle is strong, the King Kong zombies can also overturn it.

This kind of giant zombie is not afraid of any firearms, whether heavy machine guns or sniper rifles, they can't penetrate its armor which is stronger than iron plates.

 Just as he was preparing to mobilize King Kong to join the battle, another vehicle from the Dawn Army came out.


 The appearance of two grass-green tanks caused a burst of cheers in Dawn City.

The Dawn Army is too strong and has such modern weapons. It seems that victory is possible.

Four jeeps, four impact vehicles, and two tanks rushed out of the city and arrived at the edge of the mine array.

 Arranged in an arc along the road, with tanks in front and other vehicles on both sides.

 The ten vehicles have one thing in common, that is, they all have machine guns!

 Ten heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns opened fire at the same time!

The zombie group in front who had gathered together and prepared to charge when the thunderstorm was over was immediately met with disaster.

On Wang Huining's side, no one except the King Kong zombies could resist this violent torrent of bullets.

And the King Kong zombies have now withdrawn far away with him, and even if they want to attack, they can't quench their thirst.

The zombies fell to the ground like mowing grass, being wildly harvested by heavy machine guns.

 The zombies in front cannot retreat because they are surrounded by their companions behind them.

The two tanks not only fired, but the 105mm main guns also kept firing.

 The cannonballs are fired at places where zombies are densely populated. Wherever they land, a huge fireball will appear.

Wang Huining ordered the zombies to rush forward, but the firepower network of ten heavy machine guns was too strong.

 Basically, more and more people died in the past.

The only way to attack this armored team is to bypass it from both sides and completely outflank it.

 But the mines on both sides have not been cleared yet.

Small-scale zombies cannot achieve the effect of cleaning up. There are still soldiers on the city wall who are constantly firing, so they can only forcefully charge with numbers.

Wang Huining’s eyes were a little red.

 How despicable!

I don’t know who came up with such a damaging move. This is forcing a large army to step on minefields.

 He had no choice at all.

 In desperation, Wang Huining waved his hand, and the zombie army began to advance.

  Braving the hail of bullets to step on minefields.

There is probably no more fucked-up job in the world than this.

Wang Huining can now look forward to running out of bullets for those heavy machine guns as soon as possible.

 But it was obvious that the sustained combat capabilities of these heavy machine guns exceeded his expectations.

Those armored vehicles and jeeps have killed a lot of zombies before, and they are basically at a half-star level.

Such a dense camp allowed them to shoot and upgrade quickly. Before they ran out of bullets, those without stars were upgraded to one star, and one star was even upgraded to two stars.

 The bullets are replenished and the crazy clicking continues.

Wang Huining’s work of evading minefields was extremely difficult.

  Under the double wreak havoc of machine guns and mines, Wang Huining's zombie army suffered a total loss of more than 50,000 when they advanced to Shuguang City!

Ten tanks shot all the bullets and shells, and retreated before the zombie army approached.

 Except for the two Type 15 tanks that were not upgraded to stars because they were too expensive to build, the rest of the tanks were all upgraded to stars.

 Outside the city, zombie corpses are already scattered throughout the outer city.

The number of zombies under Wang Huining's command has been reduced by one-sixth, and they have not yet touched the city wall.

 This made him feel angry.

 But he believed that the next battle would definitely be different.

 Because the mines have been stepped on almost all the time, the next step will be the most intense battle to attack and defend the city wall.

This time, Wang Huining let mutant zombies appear.

 Ordinary zombies are in the front, and mutated zombies are mixed with the large army, ready to attack the city wall at any time.


 A roar came from his mouth, and the zombies began their general attack!

The huffing corpse wave rushed directly to the bottom of the city wall.

They attacked the wall in vain, but the reinforced concrete wall with a thickness of 1.5 meters was simply not something that ordinary zombie minions could break through.

  Fierce firepower poured down from the watchtower and the city wall, causing blood below.

 In almost just five minutes, the pile of zombie corpses under the city wall had reached nearly two meters!

These are cannon fodder arranged by Wang Huining, who wants to use corpses to build a way to climb the city wall.

When the pile of zombies reached two meters, the commando team arranged by Wang Huining came on stage!

A large group of armored zombies were bent forward, with rocks and other objects on their heads to protect their heads, and they rushed forward despite the hail of bullets.

 Behind every armored zombie is an agile zombie.

 He wants the armored zombies to throw the agile zombies into the city!

Watching the armor approaching the city wall step by step, Wang Huining felt excited.

Ye Fan of the Dawn Army had just poured out crazy firepower without any hesitation. Heavy weapons such as rocket launchers and tanks were used. Ordinary firearms could not pose a fatal threat to the iron armor that protected the head.

 So now it’s his turn to show off his power.

If this move is successful, Dawn City may be destroyed!

 It is now 11:45 am.

 (End of this chapter)