MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 101 Death of Li Xiang

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Chapter 101 Death of Li Xiang

 The three companies quickly rotated, and the number of bullets has dropped to less than 30%.

 Zhongjing immediately commanded the flamethrower warriors to open fire.

Ten flamethrower warriors opened fire at the same time, covering the temporary 100-meter small square and bridge.

The pile of zombies in the small square of 100 meters has been piled up to more than two meters high. An unknown number of zombies who were not dead among them were burned by this fire, and many who were not dead were also directly burned to death inside.

“The armored vehicle is ready with heavy machine guns, don’t be stingy with bullets, completely clear the bridge deck, bomb the rear with mortars, and open a safe path for the commander-in-chief!”

Zhongjing gave the order calmly, and the two armored vehicles that had not been used advanced to the bridge.

 Two heavy machine guns opened fire at the same time.

 Among them, the first armored vehicle produced by Ye Fan was the one driven by Han Haoyu and shot by Zhang Xiaoyu. It has been upgraded to a three-star armored vehicle.

The appearance of the Samsung armored vehicle has not changed much, but a layer of protective armor has been added inside, and the number of bullets has increased from 3,000 to 6,000.

Hundreds of zombies that came on the bridge were beaten to pieces.

The body was spinning as the bullet flew away, and the blood that exploded from the headshot splashed the bridge black and red.

 Four mortars fired from the rear, once again destroying the end of the bridge into a mess.

It was under this situation that Ye Fan rushed towards the bridge under the protection of the guard platoon.

 The five-meter-high and 20-meter-long fence has been produced.

Three-star warriors were protecting him on his left and right. When passing by the pile of zombies, hands were constantly reaching out to grab at them, but they were all blocked by the three-star warriors.

Although many three-star warriors were injured, three-star warriors were not infected.

 In the middle of the battle, a soldier was even pulled into a pile of zombies and was pulled out by military dogs.

 Ye Fan ran to the bridge without any danger, clicked on the wall, and placed it!

 The twenty-meter wall blocked the bridge head tightly without any gaps.

The soldiers protected Ye Fan and walked around the edge of the zombie pile again, almost running back under the fire.

Running back to the Dongfeng Iron Armor, Ye Fan felt that his hair was about to be burnt.

Zhuge Yunxue hurriedly ran to Ye Fan, "Sir, your face is blackened. You need some water."

Ye Fan wanted to say that he needed some saliva, but when he saw Shen Ruihui, who was loyal and looking at him with a worried look, he swallowed the words back into his stomach.

The medical soldiers rushed forward. Xiao Jing and He Xiaoting checked Ye Fan's condition. The other injured soldiers were also treated by medical soldiers.

 Zombies on the other side of the bridge were roaring and beating on the wall, but they couldn't get across at all.

 Ye Fan also let out a sigh of relief.

 Zhongjing’s command was still very good.

If he were to take command this time, there would definitely be casualties.

 Uninjured soldiers are still surrounding the zombie mountain, shooting or assassinating.

There are many zombies who are not dead inside. Some of them were not burned to death by the fire inside and are still crawling out tenaciously.

 The soldiers are doing the finishing work.

“Sir, the number of our kills this time is out.”

 “How many zombies were killed?”

“About 27,000 zombies, including nearly a hundred mutated zombies.”

 The number of people Ye Fan brought was only about 400, and he killed more than 20,000 at one time. This number is definitely a lot.

If it was a small town like Chengguan Town or Kaoshan Town, it would almost be bulldozed in one wave.

But Ye Fan looked at the zombies on the other side of the bridge, but he didn't see any decrease at all.

 There is even an increasing trend.

“There are probably too many zombies.”

“Sir, there are millions of zombies in Qinghe County, and our fierce fire has attracted many nearby zombies. The number of zombies gathered here is at least 700,000 to 800,000, and they cannot be killed in a short time.”

Ye Fan nodded, he knew this. If it weren't for this river, he would have no intention of attacking the county town.

It would be okay if he had a regiment, but a battalion would still be a bit thin.

 Let’s first take a look at the collection of supplies.

 Finally all the zombies in the zombie pile were killed, and it was not easy to collect supplies.

That is to say, the Red Alert soldiers are not afraid of those **** corpses, nor are they afraid of infection to collect them. It would be difficult for ordinary people to even collect them.

  Lasted for about three hours, Ye Fan gained more than 40,000 yuan.

 All the corpses were burned, and almost all the burned bodies were pushed into the river in a wrecker.

  After busy work in the afternoon, the cooking class made a simple meal and came back after the bullets were refreshed.

 Fortunately, you don’t have to get close when recovering the wall. You can recover it within the radar range. Ye Fan recovered it from a distance, and the battle started again.

 There was no preheating for the battle, it was intense as soon as it started.

  Lasted for two hours, and it was almost dusk before the second battle was over.

 Then it was a long period of cleaning up the battlefield and collecting supplies. It was not until eight o'clock in the evening that the day's battle came to an end.

Another nearly 30,000 yuan was obtained, and Ye Fan had already accumulated 190,000 yuan.

 The bullets are not used up this time because they will not be refreshed until noon tomorrow, so some must be kept just in case.

 The speed of making money is quite fast, but what worries Ye Fan is that the number of zombies on the opposite side seems to have increased again.

 It was five to six million in the morning, seven to eight hundred thousand at noon, and now it's probably over one million.

“I’ll do another wave tomorrow, and I’ll get out of the mining field. Regardless of whether I can mine the mines, I’ll at least unlock the tank factory.”

Ye Fan stayed in the Dongfeng Iron Armor at night.

 In his radar range, some sporadic blue light spots can be seen.

Those are the survivors in the city, and it is not easy for them to persist for so long.

But Ye Fan didn't see any lights.

 Only then did he realize that there was a power outage.

“This power outage will make life difficult for the survivors.”

“Winter is coming, and there is no heating or electricity. They are afraid of dying if they continue to stay at home.”

“Those who stayed in Chengguan Town and refused to come will probably be sad too.”


This time, Ye Fan's guess was a little wrong. The people in Chengguan Town were not sad, but couldn't get through.

 Li Xiang occupied Ye Fan's former room at the police station.

 The people at the big restaurant have basically moved to the police station.

But they could only use candles for lighting.

 As night fell, Li Xiang and others held a meeting in his room.

 They are studying how to survive the winter.

 Halfway through the discussion, footsteps were heard in the distance.

 Very dense, with a large number of people.

"what happened?"

 “Where did so many people come from?”

 “Go and have a look?”

“You can’t see clearly in the dark.”

Li Xiang waved his hand: "Don't be confused. The people from the Shuguang Army should be back, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people."

“What are they doing back here? Do they want to come back because things are not going well outside?”

“It’s not a bad thing to come back, but does our status need to be improved?”

"I think it's feasible, Xiangzi. You have to fight for it this time. It's best to be a deputy leader, so that we can take advantage of it."

Li Xiang frowned slightly. He didn't think promotion was that easy, but the Dawn Army had gone and returned. People like him were able to stick to their positions and make the right choices in the beginning. It's not too much to ask for something.

 The sound of footsteps came downstairs.

 Intensive footsteps are going up the stairs!

Several screams suddenly came from outside!

 Li Xiang stood up with a cry, something was wrong!

Before they could react, the door was knocked open and several people sitting at the door were knocked to the ground.

 An armored zombie more than two meters tall walked in.



 Many people were frightened to the point of peeing, shaking like chaff in a sieve, unable to even run away.

Li Xiang was quite brave and rushed to the window quickly, but he immediately collapsed to the ground.

There are countless corpses outside!

 It’s over!

Li Xiang's heart was filled with despair. He was determined to die this time.

A large group of zombies came in, but they didn't eat people immediately.

 They walked into the room surrounded by a bald zombie.

The bald zombie walked up to Li Xiang.

 Two iron armors lifted Li Xiang up and faced the bald zombie.

 “Where is Ye Fan? Say!”

The voice is hoarse, but to Li Xiang it sounds like the sound of nature.

This zombie can talk!

Then do you have a chance to survive?

 He immediately wanted to sell Ye Fan. When Shuguangjun left, he said that they were going to Kaoshan Farm.

He was excited and scared, trembling all over, and stammered: "Fuck...fuck...fuck...!"

Wang Huining felt that his dignity had been greatly challenged.

As the king who commands hundreds of thousands of zombies, his only opponent is Ye Fan.

 But this tiny survivor in front of me actually dared to scold him!

Why should he?

The zombies' violent temper suddenly emerged.

He laughed ferociously: "Well done, he's such a tough guy!"

 Change your face instantly at the next moment!

Stretched out his one arm, and tore Li Xiang's throat to pieces with his sharp claws.

 “I’ll let you rely on it!”

 Let’s talk about Ye Fan’s gun training. I wrote about practicing tens of thousands of rounds a day. Many readers thought it was nonsense and asked me if I practiced with a machine gun. Otherwise, how could I shoot tens of thousands of rounds?

 You're right, I practiced with a machine gun.

I have written before that when Ye Fan was practicing gun training in Chengguan Town, he used the light machine guns of the soldiers in the guard platoon to practice. Now the guard platoon is all army soldiers, all with light machine guns. If we don’t practice with light machine guns, how can we fire tens of thousands of rounds a day?

I thought readers would remember this, but obviously some readers have forgotten. Let me reiterate, machine guns are clicking, and ten thousand a day is not a dream.

 (End of this chapter)