MTL - Warm Wedding, CEO Loves Me-Chapter 2722 Love you, I have the final say 203

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Xiao Mumu stared at Lin Xueluo with big watery eyes, and looked at Lin Xueluo timidly; after blinking her long eyelashes a few times, she hid herself in Mommy Lin Wan's arms.

"Late night, this kid... is... really yours?"

Up to this moment, Feng Xinglang could not accept all this.

It's like a bolt from the blue!

Lin Wan nodded seriously, "Dad, I know you can't accept it...but Mumu is really my daughter! Hope...I hope you and Mommy can accept Mumu!"

"You stupid girl, you are not married yet! Just... just get a child... how are you going to marry someone? Those gossips can drown you!"

Lin Xueluo was too distressed to breathe.

She is also a mother, and of course she can experience the hardships of a woman taking a child alone!

"I've already said that I won't marry! I'll just stay with Mumu!"

Lin Wan said calmly and surely.

"Late late, what are you saying stupid? You are only twenty years old, and your good life has just begun... Why do you... why don't you want to marry? You... don't you like the fifteenth seal? Are you in conflict?"

Lin Xueluo was so anxious that she didn't know where to start.

She became a grandmother abruptly, she was really not prepared at all!

"This child's biological father, is it a fifteenth seal?"

Feng Xinglang held back his anger and asked in a low voice. It seemed that he didn't want to scare the timid Xiao Mumu.

"I have already answered you: Mu Mu is not the child of Feng Fifteen! She is mine alone! It has nothing to do with anyone! In Mu Mu's face, please stop asking, okay?"

Lin Wan picked up Xiao Mumu, "Mumu, go upstairs to sleep with Mommy! Wait for Mommy to take you out to rent a house tomorrow!"

After that, she went upstairs holding Xiao Mumu without waiting for her father Feng Xinglang to make the next reaction.

To be honest, when the daughter's slender figure is holding a little over a year old baby, the pitiful appearance of the mother and daughter really makes Feng Xinglang feel distressed.

"I'll send it to the evening tonight!"

Worrying that his cousin and Prince Xing would quarrel with Wanwan again, Xing Shisi took the initiative to carry Lin Wan's suitcase and went upstairs.

Leaving Feng Xinglang and Lin Xueluomu stunned in place!

"Oh my god... what is this? So late she... why did she suddenly have a child?"

Lin Xueluo kept stroking her heart, feeling she was almost out of breath from being frightened.

"This kid...this kid must have been sealed for fifteenth!"

Feng Xinglang gritted his teeth and said. At this moment, he couldn't wait to cut the seal of fifteen.

"How can this girl late to do such a foolish thing?! If she likes to seal the fifteenth, she marries him completely... Is there a conflict between the two? Or is the fifteenth empathy and fall in love?"

Lin Xueluo was really sad. I was so distressed that I even shivered when talking.

"If you want this kid to be sealed for fifteenth, I must not spare him!"

Feng Xinglang turned and walked towards the door with soaring anger.

"Xinglang...Xinglang! Where are you going so late?"

Lin Xueluo stopped angrily and wanted to go to Master Feng Shivxing to inquire her husband, "I have come back late... you should let the mother and daughter stay at home with peace of mind for the night! Whatever happens Let's wait till tomorrow!"

Feng Xinglang, who was stopped by his wife, stepped back and sat on the sofa, panting eagerly.

"This girl late... is really going to **** us off!"

To be honest, Feng Xinglang couldn't accept the fact that he became a grandfather abruptly.

"Xinglang...Xinglang, don't worry...Since it has happened, we will help our daughter solve the difficulties together!"

Lin Xueluo sat down next to her husband, "You just get angry and can't solve the problem!"

Feng Xinglang took a deep breath and then took a deep breath, trying hard to calm himself down.

"It's all my fault... It would be nice if you kept watching over there! There won't be a child suddenly!"

Lin Xueluo began to blame herself.

"Wan Wan said that the child has been one year old for five months... plus the pregnancy in October... Isn't it just that Lin Wanwan was pregnant before he left for MIT?"

Feng Xinglang calmed down and began to calculate the time for the child to conceive.

"Impossible! I spent a year late in Massachusetts, and I didn't have a big belly at all..."

Lin Xueluo then remembered what her daughter said again, "That's right, it's said that she has found a Ukrainian surrogate mother... Then it shouldn't come out of Wanwan's belly!"

"The biggest possibility now is: our baby girl took her egg gene, and the one sealed 15...had an IVF, and then found a surrogate mother in Ukraine!"

Feng Xinglang patted his forehead, "I was anti-night defense on the 15th, but failed to prevent his gene from leaking! This night... Is she going to feel bad about my daddy? ?!"

"Xinglang, in case Xiao Mumu's biological father is really the fifteenth seal... what are you going to do?"

Lin Xueluo asked weakly.

"I'll give Feng Fifteen a thousand cuts!" Feng Xinglang hissed sharply.

"Xinglang, don't be impulsive! If there is an accident on the 15th, then Xiao Mumu will no longer have a father!"

Lin Xueluo quickly took her husband's arm, "Now that we have done it, we will seal the fifteenth night and night! The fifteenth seal is really good...and love him so late..."

"No! He dares to do such a despicable thing when he is fifteenth, he is not worthy to be my son-in-law!"

At this moment, Feng Xinglang seemed to have gritted his teeth against Feng Fifteen.

"Xinglang, I just took a closer look at that little Mumu, he looks really like my house lately... We... we should be really grandparents!"

Lin Xueluo bit her lip, tearful eyes whispering: "But... but it happened so suddenly, I really can't accept it... I'm only 20 years old late, what can I do with a child without a parent? Life?!"

"Xueluo...Don't cry!"

Feng Xinglang hugged his wife tightly in his arms, "Our daughter is so good and the family is so wealthy, even with a child, she can marry a good family!"

"It's easier said than done! The richer the richer the more powerful, the less likely it is to raise children for others! Their face is more important than money!"

This is the truth.

Even if Feng Xinglang buys more and more generous dowry for his daughter, he is afraid that few real rich sons will marry a woman with other men and children!

Unless the other party's rich son is a second marriage!

But how could Feng Xinglang be willing to marry his daughter to a second-married rich man!

"Then find someone with average family background, but talented!" Feng Xinglang added.

Is this lowering the standard? !

"But what I like late is the fifteenth seal..."

Lin Xueluo sighed again, "This girl late tonight, really is about to torture the hearts of my parents!"

At this moment, Xing Shisi quietly walked downstairs from upstairs.

"Fourteen, did you tell me something tonight?" Lin Xueluo hurried forward and asked.

"I'm making milk powder for Xiao Musen late in the evening! The little guy is a little confessed and will not let me hold him; he has been entangled late in the evening!"

Xing Shisi shook his head and sighed, "Let me go downstairs to tell you that she and Xiao Mumu are already asleep! This means I don't want you to go upstairs to disturb you!"

"How can we feel at ease after such a big incident? That's a living child!!"

Lin Xueluo was anxious and cried again, "It's not a toy, you can throw it away if you get tired of it! I will raise her up late!"

"Xueluo...Xueluo! No hurry! We are not in a hurry!"

Feng Xinglang hugged his wife tightly in his arms, "We can help raise this child together at night!"

"But... but I still can't accept that I will be a single mother lately!"

Lin Xueluo choked out, "A good big girl who suddenly became a single mother! How can you accept me as a mother?! The latter half of my life...that's so desolate!!"

"Cousin, don't think so! Many young hot moms now only want their children and not their fathers!"

Xing Shisi quickly comforted the crying cousin, "Perhaps this is the lifestyle advocated by young people!"

"I just want my daughter to have a complete family! A husband who loves her!"

Lin Xueluo nestled in her husband's arms and lost her voice again. In fact, at this moment, Feng Xinglang is also heartbroken; but he has to comfort his grieving wife!