MTL - War Hymn of Warcraft [WOW]-Chapter 44 time travel

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Under the leadership of Jaina, several people soon came to the main entrance of Stratholme, and unexpectedly passed by the "past" Jaina. However, due to the effect of teleporting the hourglass, Uther and Jaina did not see a group of people running towards Stratholme.

At this time, Alsace, full of sadness and anger, was preparing to restart Stratholme and start massacring the city. The moment he turned around in despair, a voice suddenly appeared in his ears:

"Alsace, I'm back."

Alsace seemed to have heard the most beautiful sound of nature in the world, turned his head, and looked at Jaina who was still blond in surprise.

Jaina looked at Alsace with tears in her eyes. It has been five years since the upright and brave prince fell into death knight Arthas, Jaina has not seen him for five years. Every time she thinks of the beautiful years between herself and him, Jaina can't help but feel heartache. Alsace, my Alsace...

Jaina couldn't help throwing herself into Alsace's arms, crying loudly: "Alsace, my Alsace. No matter what happened before, I will never reject you. At least at this moment, let the two of us Together, fighting side by side..."

At least for this moment, in this established history, let me indulge for a while.

The deep meaning in Jaina's words was not heard by Alsace, he just thought that Jaina had changed her mind - this is undoubtedly the brightest ray of dawn for Alsace, who is almost facing the malice of the entire world.

Arthas put his arms around Jaina, and slowly wiped the tears on her face with the cold plate gloves, but only let her tears cover the whole face: "Don't cry, Jaina, as long as you can be with me Together, I am content. Even if the whole world abandons me, as long as you exist, I am content."

Jaina took out a handkerchief, wiped away the tears on her face, took Alsace's hand, and said to him firmly and solemnly: "Alsace, I will not let you be abandoned by the whole world, absolutely not meeting!"

Zhan Zhixing, who was behind her, knew that Jaina meant the expedition that everyone was preparing for in the near future, but Arthas was unaware of it. He looked around and found that most of the soldiers had left with Uther, and too many people had left. To be honest, with such a small number of people, can I really slaughter the entire city? Alsace couldn't help asking himself, it was a bit difficult to answer.

""Sir, please allow me," an Alsace adjutant stepped forward, with a trembling voice, "I...uh...I would rather be chopped into ten thousand pieces than become a zombie."

Then there was a murmur of approval, and Arthas's heart cheered a little, and he clenched his warhammer tightly.

"There's no pleasure in what we're going to do here," he said, "just grimness and inevitability. It's all about putting an end to the plague with minimal casualties. Those inside the walls are dead. Though they don't know it yet." , but we understand. We need to kill them cleanly before the plague kills us."

One by one he watched each one, who did not shirk their duties.

"They must be killed, and their houses must be burned, lest anyone we have saved could hide in them."

The soldiers clutched their weapons, nodding in understanding.

"It will not be a great and glorious battle, but will be ugly and painful. I mourn with all my heart that it was necessary, but I also believe with all my heart that it is what we must do."』

After saying all this, Arthas looked down at the princess in his arms, Jaina Proudmoore, his lover. He took the helmet out of the backpack and slowly put it on his head so that other soldiers could not see his face clearly. If Alsace, the commander, wavered, so would this group of soldiers.

"For those we need to protect, for the Holy Light!"

Arthas held up the warhammer in his hand, and was the first to rush towards the wide-open city gate.

The Stratholme crowd gathered at the gate, worrying about the abnormality of the food. Seeing their prince's arrival, they couldn't help but greet him, crying loudly to the prince:

"Prince, please help me, my stomach..."

"Your Majesty, Ms. Proudmoore, you must have come to save us!"

A little boy hugged Alsace's thigh and looked at his prince innocently: "What about us infected people? Your Majesty the Prince."

Alsace looked at the little boy hugging his thigh, he was only seven or eight years old, so small. However, there was already an ashen color on his face, which was a sign of an imminent corpse change.

Why does the Holy Light want to bring these punishments on them? It's not fair! Alsace couldn't help thinking, he recalled the little boy Timmy who came to ask him last when he defended the city for the first time.

"What about those who were taken away by the orcs?" Timmy was so small, just like the child who was holding his lap now.

How did the original self answer? Oh, it was a gentle yet firm tone.

"Don't worry, my children, I'll bring them home."

But now, I want to kill this child with my own hands. Even though Arthas has made up his mind, he still feels a little bit reluctant, especially around Jaina... Forget it, explain it to them, so that they can Do not understand.

"I'm sorry, child." Alsace squatted down, watching the heads of his people slowly lowering enthusiastically at any time, "those food is a kind of plague, and the outbreak only lasts for a few hours. And , This plague will also turn you into corpses and become zombies and skeletons that can spread the plague. It is too late for you, for the sake of other people in the kingdom, I must..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a bolt of ice pierced through the little boy in an instant, directly piercing his heart. The gushing blood splashed on Alsace's hair, opening the curtain of blood for today's slaughter.

Alsace stood up in astonishment, and looking back, there was still a faint icicle in Jaina's hand, and her face was also covered with tears:

"...for the sake of the other subjects of the be purified!"

The townspeople were at first puzzled and then horrified, and most of them didn't even bother to take up arms at first; they were familiar with the badges and knew that those who came to kill them were supposed to protect them. When Jaina started to do it, some people expressed surprise, but they were quickly pulled away by those who understood.

Even though he was pierced by the ice blade, the little boy did not die immediately, but looked up at Jaina, his brown eyes full of relief:

"Thank you, Ms. Jaina. For the sake of Lordaeron, Your Majesty, soon as possible..."

"Ah—" Alsace couldn't help shouting loudly, the originally handsome face was filled with tears at some point, buried deep in the heavy armor helmet. Arthas knew that Jaina was taking the blame for this alone—he, the leader of the troop, should have been the first to strike. But now, it was his lover, Jaina who had always loved peace and believed in the Holy Light, who did it.

Is this too cruel for her? Alsace suddenly felt a little regretful, maybe it would have been a better choice if she hadn't looked back. Speaking of the Holy Light, Alsace suddenly realized that at some point in time, the warhammer that had been emitting the Holy Light in his hand had also dimmed, perhaps because he was mourning the massacre.

After listening to Jaina and Alsace's explanation, most of the citizens who originally took up weapons because of Jaina's behavior also threw their weapons on the ground one after another. The boy's mother slowly picked up the boy's body, and put his still warm body upright.

"This batch of food happened to be delivered during the famine in Stratholme, and now almost all the people in the city have eaten it." The mother hugged her child, hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth and hugged her child, Let the Frostbolt penetrate the hearts of both of them at the same time.

There was no pain of death on her face, instead she was full of serenity, watching Alsace quietly: "For the future of Lordaeron, Prince Arthas, please... act bravely!"

"For Lordaeron, Your Majesty the Prince!" Some people looked at the weapons in their hands and chose to sacrifice their lives for the future; More people are saved from the ending of the dead.

Alsace's tears flowed slowly from the gaps in the plate armor, not only him, but also all the soldiers who saw this scene. Some of them couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands firmly, and they fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"For the sake of Lordaeron, please solve this city as soon as possible!" The dying citizens prayed to Alsace and his soldiers. The soldiers gritted their teeth and clenched their weapons again. Citizens who chose to commit suicide and have turned into corpses.

""I have been waiting for you, young prince."

A deep and trembling voice invaded Arthas' ears and the depths of his mind. The voice was loud and...can't find other words to describe it...evil. It was the Dreadlord, as Kel'Thuzad said, a dark name for a dark being.

"I'm Mal'Ganis."

Something bordering on joy penetrated Arthas, and it turned out that he was right, that Mal'Ganis was here, and that he was responsible for the plague.

Just as Alsace's subordinates also heard the sound, they turned around to search for the source of the sound, the door of a house hiding villagers suddenly opened, and the dead bodies rushed out, their bodies were outlined with a strange green light.

"See, your subjects are mine now. I will transform this city one by one until the spark of life is completely extinguished...forever!"

Mal'Ganis laughed, a deep, primal laugh full of darkness, unnerving. 』

"I will not allow it, Mal'Ganis!" cried Arthas. He now firmly believes that his actions are just, not to mention that Jaina is by his side, "I would rather they die by my hands than let them be your slaves after death!"

He was met with an even more sinister guffaw, and the loathsome monster disappeared as quickly as it had come.

"I'll be waiting for you at the Municipal Square, Alsace."

A group of zombies swarmed up, and it seemed that Malganis wanted to cause some trouble for the young prince. But Jaina purified them all with a ring of flame, and then released a fireball, which set all the houses on both sides of the road on fire.

"Don't stand there stupidly, Zhan Zhixing, come and help!" Jaina took a deep breath, stabilized her mind, and called Zhan Zhixing to come and help. Zhan Zhixing took a staggering step forward, only to realize that at some point, his face was already covered with tears.

Looking back at the others, although Garrosh and Illidan did not shed tears, they also fully expressed their indignation on their faces; and Maiev, who is a woman, has been lying on Illidan's shoulders for some time. sobbing. Taking out the Hammer of Sufras, Zhan Zhixing slowly closed his eyes, calling out to the surrounding fire elements:

"Fire elementals, I am calling for your help. As the power to purify the world, please correct the wrong existence of this city, let everything return to ashes, and be free from natural disasters..."

In an instant, the entire city was ablaze with raging flames, which was even greater than the damage caused by Jaina's own arcane energy—what the shamans do, as long as they are recognized by the world, they can be used in a thousand ways. Ten thousand times the power. Zhan Zhixing knew that Jaina's move was not asking the whole world about her right or wrong.

Opening his eyes again, Savras in Zhan Zhixing's hand violently swelled with flames due to excessive output, showing Zhan Zhixing's anger. The fire elementals responded to the shaman's call and gathered around him one after another, making him look like a flame demon.

However, every time an innocent citizen is reduced to ashes, Zhan Zhixing can feel their souls, the last thanks from the souls that have not yet fully fallen. Tightly pursing his lips, Zhan Zhixing really wanted to kill Malganis in Stratholme if history could not be changed!

Alsace looked at Zhan Zhixing with a little surprise, as if wondering where such a powerful man came from. But before Alsace could ask, Zhan Zhixing took the lead and walked forward:

"Come on, let's meet the guy who made all of this." The group of eternal dragons who let us see this scene, and Malganis who caused the natural disaster, Zhan Zhixing added silently in his heart.

Hearing Zhan Zhixing's words, the prince's eyes shone with a strong light: "Yes, that's right, with a strong man like you, that Malganis is nothing to be afraid of. Come with me, I know there is a secret way to Quickly head to the Plaza Mayor."

Alsace rushed forward a few steps and led the crowd into a room on the east side. The original residents here have all committed suicide, and the house is empty and somewhat infiltrating.

The Eternal Dragon took advantage of this opportunity to attack Alsace in batches. Unfortunately, with the support of the whole world, Zhan Zhixing was reduced to ashes without even saying a word. This time, Zhan Zhixing clearly felt that whenever he touched the corpse of the Eternal Dragon in his hands, a wave of energy would flow into Zhan Zhixing's body to enhance his strength.

But since he couldn't explain it, Zhan Zhixing didn't think too much about it. The group quickly passed through the secret passage and arrived at the Municipal Square. Sure enough, their enemies have been waiting here for a long time. Arthas felt unsteady when he saw it.

"This creature is gigantic. Its blue-gray skin was like a moving stone, and the two horns on the bare skull were bent forward, and a pair of strong bat membranous wings stretched behind him, like a living shadow. Its legs are bent forward and end in a pair of hooves, with spikes protruding from metal leggings decorated with hideous patterns of bones and skulls. The green light in its eyes illuminated its sharp teeth, revealing a haughty and sarcastic smile.

Arthas looked up at the creature in front of him, frozen in horror, unable to believe his eyes. He had heard tales and seen illustrations in Dalaran and those ancient books in the royal library. But to witness this colossus looming in front of it, and behind it a sky scarlet and blackened by fire and smoke. 』

A dreadlord is a demon that comes from mythology and cannot be real. The original Arthas told himself so. But it was here, now, majestic, standing in front of him, with a hideous face.


Fear nearly overwhelmed Arthas, and Arthas knew that if he stood in his way, he would be torn to pieces by it. He would die at the hands of this monster—killed before he could resist. However, in an instant, he put his hopes on that powerful human being, and his pupils couldn't help but burst into brilliance.

Before the prince could react, Jaina held Malganis in place with a frozen ring, and the arcane in her hands was flowing, and her eyes looked at the dreadlord without the slightest emotion.

"You are a smart creature, you should know what to do, so get out!"

Malganis froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand why this archmage possessed such powerful power. Under the threat of death, its face turned pale, but it still insisted on completing its original mission: "Assemble your army and find me in Northrend, the extreme north, where your true fate will be revealed." , my dear prince.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Malganis felt that the ice ring that bound him was shattered, and it took off in a panic. The air around Malganis began to flicker, forming a vortex. The teleportation spell was completed in an instant, and the figure of the Dreadlord disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"No—you can't run!" Arthas couldn't control it for a moment, and he stared at Jaina angrily: not because she hid her strength, but because she let the devil go.

Before Alsace could say anything else, the space that had gradually calmed down was shaking again in an instant, and a bright golden vortex appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, wait a minute, it's me." Illidan thought it was the Eternal Dragon reappearing, but just as he was about to go forward and get rid of the Eternal Dragon who was in the way, a familiar voice came from the vortex.

A female dwarf popped out of the vortex. It was Chromie. She summoned the web of time, then waved it away.

"You people from the future are in charge of too many things, and I have to erase the memories of these related people."

"You guys come from the future?" Alsace took a step back, as if he understood something.

Before Jaina could speak, Chromie waved and Arthas closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he shouted towards the sky knowing nothing: "I will chase you to the end of the world! Did you hear that? The end of the world!"

Although everyone still had some minor troubles, most of the problems were solved, and Chromie was still very satisfied. After asking everyone not to change the time arbitrarily, Chromie continued to rush into the web of time, repairing some falsified history.

Standing in the web of time again, everyone's state of mind changed slightly. Illidan suddenly frowned and said, "What happened to this dreadlord? Is he still alive in our time?"

"Alive, and alive well." Zhan Zhixing nodded, he remembered that there was a plot related to the Dreadlord in Wrath of the Lich King.

Illidan licked his lips, feeling a little impatient: "That's great, I haven't been engaged in my old profession of demon hunter for a long time, I hope its blood tastes good."

There was no words all the way, and several people continued to work on maintaining the timeline.

A young Thrall escapes from Dunholde Castle and embarks on a journey to become the greatest warchief in orc history; the epic battle at Mount Hyjal, where Jaina faces Archimonde alongside her past self; the Fall Arthas captured Silvermoon City and defiled the Sunwell...

Although some things are not what everyone wants to see, if the past history cannot be saved, the world will have no future. Everyone knows this, and they can only suffer silently for all tragedies.

I don't know how many timelines we traveled through, but when all traces of iron blue were wiped out by everyone, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally done, you can go back and have a good night's sleep!" Zhan Zhixing rubbed his sore shoulders. These days, if he could occasionally land in cities like Silvermoon City and Stormwind City for supplies, I'm afraid everyone I couldn't stand it anymore.

There is no time limit for time and space travel, and everyone will not age because of it, and in terms of real time, their trip only took even less than a second.

The long-lasting battle made Jaina feel a little tired. She carefully took out the teleportation hourglass, and the iron-blue trace inside had completely disappeared: "It seems that we can go back."

Saying that, Jaina threw the hourglass hard to the ground, and the web of time appeared in front of everyone again. But this time, on the thick main thread of the web of time, there is a shining point of light.

"You've done it, it's really hard work." Suolidomi's voice came from that bright spot, with some relief in her voice, "Wait a minute, I'll bring you back right away."

At this time, Zhan Zhixing suddenly saw a very strange timeline—two segments of it were broken, as if a line segment. He clicked the timeline curiously, and Suoli Domi's voice just came from behind:

"Get ready, three, two, one, teleport!"

A burst of dizziness from traveling through time and space hit Zhan Zhixing. When he opened his eyes again, Zhan Zhixing suddenly found that he did not appear in the Cavern of Time.

Underfoot, there is endless magma; as far as the eye can see, there are ruins everywhere...

The author has something to say: z4486653 threw a mine

Destiny has dropped a mine

Hua Hualiuguang threw a landmine

Thanks to the three GN who cast mines,

The promised six thousand chapters

Opened the author's background at noon, and found that the collection was lost... lost... lost...

Weakly ask the author to accept, ask for works, ask for chapters....TAT