MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 873 Daoyang strikes

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"Oh, I still want to resist, I will be jealous of you today."

This blood can not be dealt with by the poisonous insects. At this moment, he was actually suppressed by himself, and the sentence was overjoyed.

Because of the tacit agreement with the Indian style, the criminal decision will unscrupulously guide the Indian style into the body and begin a violent attack on the blood-borne poisonous insects.

However, it must be said that the blood-like poisonous insects are very powerful, even if faced with such a strong printing wind, there is still room for counterattack.

For a time, the two fell into a stalemate, the Indian wind could not break the barrier, and the blood-like poisonous insects could not be detrimental to the criminal punishment.

Time passed by little, and the criminal decision never stopped the attack on the blood-like poisonous insects, because this is his only chance. If he does not seal it, he may die in the hands of this little poisonous insect.

Time passed by, I don’t know how long it took, the barrier of blood-like poisonous insects finally began to collapse.

When the barrier was completely disintegrated, the Indian style was attacked by the blood of the poisonous insects.


A screaming screaming sounded like a **** poisonous beg, but the penalty did not give it any chance.

After a long time, the blood-like poisonous insects are wrapped in a white object, and the white objects are like wind and fog, and the flashes are a little bit brilliance, as gorgeous as the vast river.

At this moment, it blocks the blood-like poisonous insects, and turns the insects into general, and that is the Indian wind.

When the printing wind condenses to a certain amount, it shows the appearance of its body, and the printing style of this form can imagine how large the number is.

"Call, finally succeeded."

Successfully sealed the blood poisonous insects, the first step was to wipe the sweat from the forehead, and then squat on the void, a long breath.

The weak mental punishment of the body is more like a collapse at the moment, but fortunately all the strength is not in vain.

"Strange, why can't you feel the existence of the Indian style?"

After taking a medicinal medicine, after the body improved, the criminal decision found that in this vast sky, there is actually no sense of the existence of the Indian style.

"Is it wrong..."

However, look again, it is stored in the depths of the soul, like a small galaxy of the Indian style, the sentence has got an amazing answer.

That is, unconsciously, he actually introduced the entire print of the heavenly cave into the body and gathered in the source of his soul.

This fact, although shocking the criminal decision, but what he wants to do at the moment is to get the blood-like poisonous insects out of the body.

However, as a result, the sentence was once again shocked. Although he could manipulate the Indian style, he could not guide the Indian style from the body.

That is to say, the blood-like poisonous insect that is sealed in the depths of the Indian style will not be able to remove the soul source, and is destined to continue to hide in his body.

"Call, it is a blessing, not a curse. It is a curse."

"Since the Indian wind can seal this bug, I will have absolute power in the future, and I will definitely eradicate it."

Although the blood can not be eradicated, it is worthwhile to seal it, not to mention that he has received a very precious print.

This print is the treasure of heaven and earth. If it is the enchantment that integrates him, the enchantment of the penalty will definitely take it to the next level.

After sorting out the mood, the prisoner did not hesitate, and the body flew away toward the road of the coming.

Although it is impossible to determine the time, the criminal judgment also knows that the seal blood poison has been consumed for a long time, so he is very afraid of the urgency of Mr. Pumpkin and Li Yuran.

"The criminal judge, successful?"

Outside the boundaries, Mr. Pumpkin still stands there, as if he has not moved.

When he saw the criminal decision at the moment, he was even more happy. When the sentence was close, he hurried forward and asked.


The sentence was also excited and nodded, and then swept around, after not discovering Li Yuran's figure, smiled and asked:

"Mr. Li Shijie?"

"Bad boy, you are going to do this for more than ten days. The head of the house was rushed back a few days ago, and the quota for entering the capital has begun."

"And Li Yuran's gimmick, naturally has to fight for a quota, after all, this is a chance once a year." Mr. Pumpkin is very casual smile.

"What? Has it been more than a dozen days? Isn't this the beginning of the battle for the total number of places?"

However, when I heard Mr. Pumpkin’s words, the face of the sentence was not changed. The total capital of the government was once a year and the only way to enter the capital.

Nowadays, the battle for the total number of places has already begun. It is likely that the time has come to an end in a few days. This is mostly a sign that the prison will miss the opportunity to enter the capital this year.

"Kid, why are you so nervous, is it that you are like entering the capital?" The wrinkles on Mr. Pumpkin's face piled up together, smirking.

"Of course, I dare to ask Mr., at this moment, I can still participate in the competition for the total number of places."

It is no wonder that Mr. has been in the West Branch for several years. He knows a lot about things, so he feels that his old man may know the specific time for this quota.

"If you go all out now, maybe there is still a chance, let's go, let the good guys do the rest, let the old man take you a ride."

Suddenly, Mr. Pumpkin’s palm suddenly grasped the arm of the criminal decision, and he did not wait for the reaction to come. His body had flew away from the cave outside like a fly, and the speed was so fast that it was a slap in the face.

"This... fast speed, what is this sacred Mr. Pumpkin?"

At this moment, the sentence was amazed, because the speed exhibited by Mr. Pumpkin at this moment is by no means a part of the war of the Shura.

However, even if this is the case, the punishment will not be able to sense the cultivation of Mr. Pumpkin. The only thing that can be sensed is the repair of the soul of the early stage Shura.

But the more this is the case, the more the sentence will feel that this pumpkin is unfathomable, because it can be true that it is a true superpower.

Mr. Pumpkin's speed is very fast, like the light, in this vast sky hole, flashed past.

In addition, the battle for the total number of places in the government has already begun. There are few high-ranking disciples in the cave. The speed of the two men is even more strange.


However, just as the two were about to fly out of the cave, Mr. Pumpkin suddenly began to slow down, and finally recovered to the speed of coming, and began to slowly move forward.

"Sir, why slow down?"

From the previous rapid flight to the normal flight today, the sentence is extremely unsuitable.

"Hey, my old man is very old. If I have been flying at full speed, my body can't be eaten." Mr. Pumpkin's breathless appearance seems to be really exhausting.

However, for this phenomenon, the criminal decision only shook his head helplessly. He knew that Mr. Pumpkin, it must be selling what he was, but he did not know it.

"In this case, let me take the husband to a section."

Although he did not know the reason, but he was eager to rush to participate in the competition for the total number of seats in the government, he took the arm of Mr. Pumpkin and then showed it out, and then quickly flew toward the road of coming.

However, even if the speed of the criminal decision is faster, there is still a difference between the speed and the speed exhibited by Mr. Pumpkin.

If you continue to move forward according to your own pace, even if you only have a small distance from the cave, it will take at least a few hours.

This made the sentence very anxious, but because Mr. Pumpkin did not want to help again, there was no way to execute the sentence, so he had to use his own strength to try his best.

However, after flying for half an hour, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the sentence. At this moment, the criminal decision finally realized that something was wrong.

"Dow Yang?"

Yes, at this moment, within this vast cave of heaven, a powerful figure is erected, that is, the Taoist Taoist, the high-ranking Shura warrior, and he has blocked the way of the criminal decision.

Daoyang is a Taoist. At this moment, it appears here, which naturally leads to a bad association.

"Penal, are you afraid? You will know the fear when no one is defending you."

Daoyang’s smile with a haze, step by step toward the criminal decision step by step, the cold eyes, let the criminal decision feel extremely clear murder.

"The sentence is about to go, run in the sky."

But at this time, Mr. Pumpkin, who was next to the sentence, suddenly burst into a burst of drink. At the same time, the whole person turned into a streamer, and he actually fled toward the road.

"Not self-reliant."

However, he still underestimated the strength of the Taoist, only to see the Daoyang wave, the pressure of the majestic descended from the sky, Mr. Pumpkin's body turned into a blood of the sky, exploding in front of the eyes of the criminal decision.

"I'm going to kill you."

Seeing that it is no wonder that Mr. died for himself, the sentence is extremely angry, just like madness, actually wants to take the shot.


However, in the face of absolute strength, he also has no counterattack force.

Between the hands of Daoyang, the retreat of the criminal order has been blocked, and it is said that life and death are only in the year of Daoyang.

Although the criminal decision can defeat the soul of Shura, but facing the war of Shura, it is still like the fish on the chopping board, and can only be slaughtered.

"Kill me? Do you have this strength?"

"The arrogant little devil, I will give you a chance to tell me who you are from, why you should target my Tao."

As a result of the cold and cold question, it can be seen that although he was determined to die in the dead, he still has scruples about the background behind his sentence.

"Speaking of my race, I am afraid I will scare you, now let me go, I can consider leaving you a whole body." Knowing how to rob the prisoner, how can the sentence be yielded.

"Good You have a hard mouth, but it doesn't matter, no matter what kind of backing you have behind you, you can't escape today, and no one knows, you are dead in my hands."

"Alternatively, I can tell you that I can appear here today, but it is all thanks to the deputy."

"I don't think about it? You think that the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary is sheltering you, but I don't know if anyone sees you as a nail."

"This is the consequence of your arrogance, die, I will let you experience the most cruel torture before dying."

When the Taoist thoughts move, the layers of energy fluctuations overflow from their bodies, like countless invisible sickles, and they are flying toward the criminal body, which is unable to move, and wants to be tortured.


However, just as the punishment was a painful torture, the force that threatened his **** suddenly collapsed, and at the same time, the invisible sickle was dissipated.

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