MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 32 Battle against Baiyun

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(Today's three more, a total of 10,000 words +)

In the square of the next day's cabinet, it was more lively than yesterday.

If there are tens of thousands of disciples in this square yesterday, then today there are 20,000 disciples, and this number represents all the disciples of the cabinet.

This time, most of them did not participate in the assessment, but watched as an audience, because compared with yesterday, today is the highlight of this cabinet assessment.

Because today will be screened from among the 100 disciples who passed the first pass, only the last 20 disciples will be able to enter the cabinet, and among the 100 disciples, one will win the cabinet assessment, and I can get the mysterious prize. Although the disciples don't know what the championship prizes are this year, at least the prizes in previous years are good things in the city, so this year's prizes will not disappoint them.

"Persons who passed the first pass assessment, please enter the corresponding platform according to their own number." The elders stood on the elders and said highly.

After that, the hundreds of disciples, in an orderly manner, followed the number received yesterday and embarked on the corresponding downfall.

As the elders screamed "Before the test," the hundreds of disciples who stood on the ringade began a fierce confrontation.

The opponent of the criminal decision was a high-ranking martial artist. Although the other party had mastered the gorgeous martial arts, but under the penalty, only one round, he was thrown away by the penalty.

After that, I took a nose and a tear and walked down the platform. In fact, I can understand his feelings if I changed my mind. I finally passed the first level of assessment and had the hope of entering the cabinet, but in this The second pass was killed by people, and this mood is indeed miserable. In the end, it can only be said that when he meets the criminal decision, he is unlucky.

Compared with the criminal decision, the four-eye battle is a bit difficult, but relying on his outstanding strength, he will eventually defeat the opponent successfully.

A few hours later, there were only 20 people standing on the ring, and the faces of these people were filled with a big smile, because no matter what the next victory, they already had access to the cabinet. qualifications.

Among the 20 people, the final sentence is a relatively easy one, because no matter what kind of opponent, there are ten rounds in his hand, including two preliminary Wu Zong.

Although the criminal decision is also a preliminary Wu Zong, but the combat power is far above them. In fact, if the real strength, then the current criminal judgment, even if it encounters high-ranking Wu Zong, may not lose.

However, in addition to the sentence, there is also a disciple, which is also extremely eye-catching. That is the "Baiyunfei". Don't look at the white clouds flying so long, but he is very hot, and he has been recruited. Almost all of them became disabled. Even the lightest one was seriously injured. At the end of the day, no one dared to compare with him, because no one wanted to ruin the rest of his life.

The most unfortunate thing is that four eyes are among those people, but the smart four eyes naturally choose to admit defeat. He does not want to fight this comet. Although his heart is extremely depressed, but the four eyes know that the sentence will definitely help. He cleaned up the kid.

In the final game, there were only two people left, that is, "Baiyunfei" and "penalty". This fatal-like opponent finally stood on the same platform.

At this time, the disciples of the square also mentioned the spirit head to the best state, because this is the most exciting battle of the day. No matter who wins or loses, in fact, it doesn’t matter to them, but they think Look, in this cabinet, who is the real first.

"Hey! Why are you so embarrassed about this person? How do you say that you are all in the same door, you are so poisonous, it is so cruel." The sentence was a heartache, and said Bai Yunfei satirically.

"A group of waste only, what is the use of it" and Bai Yunfei is a sneer, disdainful return.

"Hey? What kind of thing do you say is not waste?" The criminal decision was a curious expression, and asked inexplicably.

"In this cabinet, there is only one king, and everyone else is waste." Bai Yunfei said refreshingly. It seems that this is his point of view. The winner is king and the loser is awkward. In fact, it is also very realistic.

"Hey? It seems that you have to enter the waste list." The sentence was slightly smiled, and confidently said, it would be like this Baiyun flying will be defeated by his own hands.

"That depends on you, is there any strength?" Bai Yunfei said that he was cold and cold, and then violently screamed, and a large amount of martial arts in his body rushed out, wrapping his body in an instant. And the body is also beginning to become blurred, and then the body shape, it will become a white line toward the criminal rush.

"Hurry" saw the white clouds flying like a lightning bolt, and everyone said with amazement.

"Fabulous martial arts?" In the face of the rapid looting of Bai Yunfei, the criminal determination is also a shock, the sentence did not expect this guy actually will also be martial arts, but after marveling, the mouth of the sentence is set off A sneer, secretly said: "I am far worse than me."

In the blink of an eye, Baiyunfei has been plundered to the front of the criminal squad. In the face of a close-knit criminal decision, Bai Yunfei’s body swayed, and a golden light of the roundabout kicked, with a fierce wind, and it turned to the head of the criminal decision. The Ministry of the Ministry swept away.

But when Baiyunfei’s kickback kick was about to sweep the head of the sentence, the criminal’s left arm was suddenly explored, and the beautiful roundabout of Baiyunfei was directly blocked. At the same time, it was covered with strong Wuzhi. The right fist of the gas, aimed at the chest of Bai Yunfei, smashed the past.

"Oops" Bai Yunfei did not expect that the speed of the criminal decision was so fast, not only blocked his attack, but also launched a counterattack, but looking at the attack that was close at hand, Bai Yunfei could not dodge, In desperation, I had to keep my arms in front of my chest to resist this attack.

"砰" hit a hit, although it is to protect the important position, but Bai Yunfei is still being a strong force, and the bombs are flying backwards.

Looking at the white clouds flying back and forth, the squad suddenly swayed, and it disappeared like a ghost. When the next moment appeared again, it was already behind Baiyunfei.

But when Baiyunfei reacted, it was too late, and I saw a gorgeous punch in the penalty. Looking at the handsome face of Baiyunfei, I slammed it down.

"噗嗤" In a boxing, Bai Yunfei spurted out a stream of blood, and after a gorgeous rotation in the air for two laps, the scorpion fell to the ground.

It’s just a blink of an eye to fly from Baiyun to Baiyun. Even many people did not see the situation clearly, they found that Baiyunfei had spurted out a blood and fell to the ground.

"Oh my God, it's so powerful." Looking at the white clouds flying down to the ground, the disciples around the square are almost dumbfounded. So strong Bai Yunfei, in the hands of the criminals, is also so fast defeated, to this moment They are really aware of how strong the criminal decision is.

"Good boy, I don't think you can learn even the wind blast." Looking at the criminal entangled in the wind, the elders said with a smile, if others did not see the match between Bai Yunfei and the criminal decision, then this is big. The elders saw clearly and clearly. Originally, Bai Yunfei wanted to rely on his body and martial arts, and then suppressed the sentence by speed. However, he never thought of the martial arts of the criminal decision, but he was far above him and was not only suppressed. And also ate a big loss.

"嘎。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 That kind of laughter is chilling.

After laughing, Bai Yunfei slowly stood up. At the same time, a stock of extremely fierce murderousness spread from his body. The murderous spirit is like a soul around the Baiyunfei, and this moment is There is no anger in Bai Yunfei's body. The only thing that can be felt is the two words "horror."

"I finally applied the trick?" Looking at Bai Yunfei, who was in a state of cultivation in that day, the criminal decision began to become cautious, because he could feel the dangerous atmosphere of the white clouds flying.

"Scorpio magic power?" Looking at the Baiyunfei that had undergone great changes in the field, the elders said with a voice. And above his face is also a shocking color.

"Great elders, you said that Baiyunfei is practicing the magic of heaven and earth? What is the practice?" asked an elder who was puzzled.

"Yes, this day, magic tricks are a kind of evil tricks. After cultivation, you can make a qualitative change in the body's qi, so that the attack power and defense power can be greatly improved. In fact, this is a kind of extremely mysterious. Work method"

"But the scorpio magical power has the energy to devour the human mind. If you cultivate for a long time, people will become ruthless and ruthless. In the end, they will completely lose their senses and thoughts and become a killing tool that only knows the slaughter." The elder said slowly.

After hearing the words of the elders, the elders were shocked. They were all shocked and looked at the white clouds in the field.

"The elders, since this day, the magic power, so strange, why not destroy him?" An elder continued to ask.

"This day, the magic power, this is the magical teaching of the imperial empire, but the magical teaching was later leveled by the Yufeng Pavilion, and this day the magical power was naturally destroyed, but it was impossible to think about it. For many years, this method will appear on the disciples of my Yufengge." The elders are also very puzzled.

"Since this method is so horrible, isn't it dangerous to be sentenced?" The elder was nervous.

"Reassured, I will shoot when necessary." The elders said that they would appease. Even if they cast their old eyes on the criminal decision, they secretly said: "Criminate, then, what will you do?"

"Penal, death" suddenly screamed Baiyunfei right fist and a grip, a purple martial arts covered his right fist, then immediately against the penalty Suddenly blasted, with the horrible martial arts of his right fist blasted toward the shackles.

"Booming" was accompanied by a thunderous sound like a thunderous sound. The place where the criminal decision was just made rose up with huge dust. After the dust was dispersed, people would be shocked to find that it appeared on the landmark at the moment. There is a huge pit with a few meters deep, and there are deep cracks on the periphery of the huge pit.

At the moment, a few meters away from the huge pit, the sentence was gasping with a gasp, looking at the white clouds flying in front of him, and on the right arm of the sentence, a large piece of blood was constantly following the right arm. Flowing down, although it was to escape this blow, but the sentence was still suffered a lot.

"Under absolute power, your speed has no effect." Bai Yunfei looked at the cold in front of his eyes and said coldly, then his palms were held, and the purple qi was once again flowing out quickly. Among the two palms, with the constant infusion of Wu Qi, there is a purple gas aperture in the palm of his hand, and a strand of horror that is several times stronger than before, is also from the aperture. Spread out...

The "big elders" felt the horror of the aperture in the hands of Bai Yunfei, and an elder hurriedly said.

And when I saw the elders, I quickly got up and got up, but when he was ready to shoot, the scene changed again.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!
