MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1767 Fall

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Click, click, click! !! !!

But I heard an overwhelming crackle from the eternal sky.

Too false **** armor is broken!

Karma red lotus burst!

Chaos Bell Breaks!

Qiankunding burst!



Almost instantly, the defensive unit surrounding the eternal sky boat was tortured by Jian Guang, who was instantly killed like a piece of paper.

Then the unrelenting bombardment on the other shore, the bombardment on the hull, even if the other shore, even if there are many defensive treasures, at this moment, was forcibly cut out of a crack. The hull was forced through.

Fortunately, the other shore has reached the peak of immortality, and the heritage is deep, no less ancient.

Although the defense of the treasure is not able to defend the instant kill attack, but also weakened.

If another immortal boat is replaced, I am afraid that under this blow, it will be torn directly, two swords in half.

Fortunately, although the instant killing of this sword is powerful, but it is only a blow, carrying it in the past is rain and sunny.

Nonetheless, as the eternal Tianzhou Lord, the Tianzhou was damaged, and Fang Qingshan suffered a lot of damage.

But what really hurt him was the damage that Eternal Skyboat suffered.

Looking at the cracks and openings that could not be repaired for a long time, Fang Qingshan couldn't help cracking.

Fortunately, he foresighted into the everlasting beads in the eternal sky.

At this moment, the effect of this thing was urged to the maximum. The Tower of Origins, Jureta was overloaded, and countless eternal divine powers were poured into it, urging him to repair at the fastest speed. I believe it will not take long. Generally speaking, it can be restored. As for complete restoration, I am afraid that it will take a lot of resources.

Of course, Fang Qingshan's blood pain was not only due to the damage to the sky boat, but also a suicide attack of instantaneous killing, so that he had nothing but a fourth-level Arcane Aurora sword that was struck by himself long ago. Already.

You must know that those things have long been regarded as something in his pocket, and now he has lost everything, how to prevent him from being distressed.

I don't know if the suicide attack of instant killing also has a reason to not want to support the enemy.

A fire broke out in the city gates, causing fish and pond fish.

Although Fang Qingshan was not fatally injured in this attack, the people close to them in the God Emperor Battlefield were blood-stained.

After all, Jianguang, who had been killed instantly, shrouded a small half of the Emperor's Battlefield.

Even if they are not weak, even if they are not targeted, they are left out.

But other people are not Fang Qingshan, nor do they have the eternal sky boat, the fourth-level defense is precious.

For a time, Aihong everywhere.

Looking around, centering on the battle between the two Fang Qingshan, the half of the God Emperor's Battlefield was flattened. Under this attack, countless God Emperors had no bones. More People were also seriously injured.

Of course, the most unlucky ones are those of the Supreme Palace.

After all, the people of Imperial League were originally enemies, but they were also treated equally and attacked indiscriminately.

It is a pity that even if they hate and find no one, it is too late.

Because the instant kill has fallen, and they are in the Emperor's Battlefield at the moment, seriously injured ...

Just thinking about it makes me feel haze.

But how about them, Fang Qingshan has no mood to control.

At this moment, watching the aftermath gradually dissipating, while he was distressed, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then stretched out his hand and took the Aurora sword back first. This treasure lost its master. Although it was spiritual, there was resistance to it. Fang Qingshan of treasure money.

"Fortunately, fortunately, it is not a loss of money. With this four-level Arcane Aurora sword, it is a worthwhile trip."

At the same time secretly rejoicing,

"Fortunately, there is no intention this time, otherwise ..."

Although Fang Qingshan had long anticipated the difficulty of Emperor's beheading, he also knew that they each had cards.

But Baiwen is better to see each other.

If you don't really face it, you will never have a personal experience.

Ordinary people in despair often have three reactions.

The first reaction is despair. It is a despair that has nowhere to struggle and can only watch death sweeping towards itself.

The second kind of reaction is liberation. The so-called early death, early birth, and early liberation. Compared with the first, this mentality lies in calmness, in that there is no concern, and even in the way of hearing.

The third kind of reaction is resistance. The so-called dog jumps off the wall, and the rabbit has to bite when it is anxious. Many people in this kind of desperation often explode unprecedented potential, and even gain a little vitality, so it may not be possible to survive. You can even fight back with the Jedi and come up against the wind.

Striking is clearly the latter.

Unfortunately, he is obviously not very lucky, and his strength is worse.

Encountered Fang Qingshan, although he rose up and resisted, unfortunately, he died only a bit more tragically, a little bit more tragic, and did not win any vitality at all.

However, his purpose was also achieved, which brought some trouble to Fang Qingshan. If it were not for Fang Qingshan's strength, he might have been pulled back by him.


A sword exploded in the Divine War Zone.

The shadow of Striking again appeared between heaven and earth.

This is not his resurrection, but the final imprint. This thing dissipates, and there will be no trace of him between heaven and earth.

At this time, he didn't look at Fang Qingshan, didn't look at other people, but just stared blankly at the sky, the figure collapsed, and he mumbled to himself,

"Endless years of monasticism, emperor Taoism, I thought I could live with the sky, and even fight for the chance of detachment from the front line, but did not expect ..."

At the last moment, Instant Kill had no resentment, no regrets, no more ... There was only one regret left, he lowered his head and said to the other side, Aoyama.

"I hope you can see for me the peak, what a detached avenue is."

As soon as the voice fell, the sky and earth shook, countless avenues became apparent, and the sky was crying sadly, more than the movement of the Xingyi Emperor that day.

The reason for this is that the Xingyi Emperor is not in its heyday state, and only one true spirit is left, but the instant kill is all-tailed.

The other point is that this is a battlefield between the two realms. The rules are exposed and the heavens and the earth are off, so the movement will be a little bit bigger.

"I will, you go with peace of mind."

Fang Qingshan nodded secretly after hearing the final instructions of the instant kill.

Although they are opponents and enemies, everyone is a seeker, and death is the most important thing. Respect for convenience is for yourself.

However, while others were still shocked by the instant kill, Fang Qingshan quickly cleared his mood.

Because he has more important plans to complete.

That is to continue to slay the formation map, assassination teams such as Liu Yun, and even other **** emperors in the **** emperor battle zone.

The assassination squad is not mentioned, but now there is a large wave of merit waiting for him to scrape.

Because of the final killing of the mortal madness, I wanted to pull Fang Qingshan together. Although it was unsuccessful, the fire at the gate of the city hit the pond.

The other **** emperors who were close to them were suffering from big seedlings, and many people were spared and seriously injured.

The so-called is to kill him while he is ill. If you do n’t do anything at this time, when will you stay?

brush! !!

At this moment, I only saw that a simple pupil, like a stone, floated in the air above the God Emperor's Battlefield. It was not exquisite, just like the stone tools of the ancient people. A dead silence like the infinite void.

This thing is not side by side, it is Fang Qingshan's eye of the last law.

Although he is not as evil as the third eye of the evil evil, he is not as majestic as the eye of the avenue.

However, if he looked down on him like this, then it is really that Lao Shou star hanged to death.

Once this thing appeared, a very unusual breath swept away like a tide.

Although it does not give people the coercion of mountains and seas, such as mighty prisons, but it still makes people see a strong pressure involuntarily in their hearts, and they feel a fatal crisis.

"What pupil is this and why is it here?"

"Although this pupil seems less powerful, I have an ominous hunch!"

"Do you feel the same way? I do too, what the **** is going on?"

"No matter what it is, the so-called gentleman is not standing under the wall, it is right to stay away from him."


As soon as the eyes of the end of the law appeared, the entire God Emperor battle zone saw it, and even everyone who followed it saw it.

Far away from the eyes of the end of Fa, only those emperors who have been cultivated to a high depth. Only the **** emperors in the war zone, especially the **** emperor near Fang Qingshan, have changed their faces. A secret thought flashed in his heart, and he wanted to stay away. After all, as people confused on the battlefields of the two realms, they are the most sensitive to the sense of crisis. Without this keenness, I am afraid that they will not be able to live now. Unfortunately, since Fang Qingshan shot, where did he get them to escape, but It's too late.

The so-called fast knife cuts the chaos, not to mention Fang Qingshan has to go and kill the map, Liu Yun and others ~ ~ is that the hand is fast, the hand is slow, in case someone else borrowed Hu and snatched it For his meritorious service, he had to regret his death, so the moment when the eyes of the last Fa appeared, a light burst out.


An invisible and intangible, if there is no, the pupil light drips like spring breeze. But it's amazingly fast.

In the next moment, wherever the pupil is shrouded, all the extraordinary powers dissolve as if Dongxue met Chunyang, quickly disappearing into nothingness, no matter what, magical powers, spells, secret laws, laws, even auras, all All are broken down by strange weirdness, turned into countless ordinary molecules, atoms, and dissipated in the void. Into nothingness. Not even a trace of resistance. Even in the end, even the light was broken down, and where the pupils shined, it became eternal night. It was so dark that nothing could be seen.

The ultimate magical power of the Eye of the Last Dharma, the ultimate Dharma! !!

At the same time, but on the deck of the eternal sky boat, the honorable soul-chasing arrow tower, the life-saving crossbow car, the ancient fort, and the magic tower have long been ready.

With the enveloping of the pupil light of the end of France, the cover-type, carpet-type attack was issued almost immediately.

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