MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1687 2-faced Emperor

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"this is?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan was also shocked.

On one side is the blaze of demonic flames, the battle of slaying and fighting, the unimaginable evil, the lawlessness, the evil, the killing, the destruction, as if the ancient gods reappeared the world.

On one side is the Brahma array, the twilight morning bell, the golden light, the universal light, compassion, benevolence, bliss, interpretation of the Buddha's presence, great compassion, and light.

The two almost opposing forces, like water and fire, yin and yang, black and white, and day and night, are perfectly harmonious.

One thought becomes Buddha, one thought becomes demon, and the Buddha and demon are one.

At the same time, a figure manifested in the Buddha and Demon.

A figure in a white robe, standing with his hands on his back, looks like a jade, like a scholar, and exudes a sense of compassion all over his body.

However, his eyebrows, three eyes opened open, but full of extreme evil.

"The emperor on both sides!"

Fang Qingshan slowly spit out a name.

This person is now the first emperor monument, and also the last invincible **** emperor.

The reason why Fang Qingshan reacted was because he was not very familiar with him.

Because this person has become an almost taboo being among the heavens and the world.

This taboo is partly because of his origin and identity, but partly because of his strength.

This person is really a legend.

He was born in the third rank of Godlessness in the Supreme Power Rankings.

Later, he became a master of Buddhism and practiced a dharma, which was also the existence of a thousand Buddhas.

He was highly praised and cultivated by many Buddhist monks, even Wuliangshou Buddha personally pointed him.

If nothing else, this person will be able to become the next immeasurable holy Buddha, the mainstay of the Buddha.

Unfortunately, this man's ambition is not small.

He knew that if he practiced step by step, he could also reach the peak of the Emperor and become the existence of the Buddhism.

But it is more difficult to surpass him than to surpass the Emperor.

So, he was planning from the beginning.

Although he worshipped into the Buddhist gate, he let the avatar worship into the primitive Demon Sect.

Of course, if it is a general avatar, it is natural to hide from the original Mozong.

But who told people to be born the third godless dynasty?

And he is inherently sacred, the protagonist template, the same force from time to time.

In this way, he cultivated the Buddha while practicing the magic while he practiced the magical powers of the sacred system without God.

If you change to ordinary people, this way, better, I am afraid that nothing will happen. After all, no matter whether there is no dynasty or Buddhism, the inheritance of Mozong is extremely profound.

Worse, I'm afraid they will go into the magic and die.

After all, whether it is the inheritance of Emperor Taoism or the Buddhist gate, the inheritance of Mozong is extremely overbearing and very exclusive.

However, the two-faced emperor deeply relies on his own understanding, opportunity, talent, and emperor Tao to supernaturally merge the Buddha and the Demon into one.

Paper cannot cover fire. Especially the higher the strength, the harder it is to hide, because your every move can draw the minds of countless people.

After the strength of the two-faced Buddha finally came, it finally broke out.

Because the Buddha and the monster are not in a relationship, I know where the heresy of the two-faced **** emperor is not to clean him up. Even if he was born without God, it is no exception.

Facing the blame of the Buddha and the two demons, it is not easy to be too selfish without God.

Finally, the three parties discussed that the Emperor could not kill himself, and let the emperor on both sides live and die.

Although the emperor could not take the shot, in the face of the gods of the two deities, the pressure and the threat were completely conceivable.

Even now, Fang Qingshan is not sure if he can carry it.

However, the emperor on both sides really carried the past.

Not only carried the past, but also through the hands of the demons and demons, the magical powers of the demons and the Buddhas were completely merged together, and they took the opportunity to break through the emperor.

I hate the golden thread every year, making marriage clothes for others.

The buddhas and demons are considered ashamed this time, but due to the lack of godly direction, they can only hit their teeth and activate their blood.

Moreover, with the two sides of the Emperor breaking through the Emperor, it was even more out of control.

Breaking through to the peak of Emperor Respect does not say that drinking water is generally simple, but there is no stumbling.

Moreover, I heard that after breaking through the emperor, in order to avenge the pursuit of the Buddha and the Demons, he even beaten the Holy Buddha and the Protoss to fight with the infinite Holy Buddha and the Primal Demon, but it is unknown how he won But he retired.

In this way, it is related to the great forces of the three parties, plus the cultivation of the emperor on both sides, which naturally becomes taboo.

What unexpected to Fang Qingshan was that after the appearance of the Emperor God on both sides, he did not immediately start to work, but looked up and down Fang Qingshan up and down, some accidents, some sighs, and some joyfully said,

"For many years, finally there is one who is invincible and has reached the last step."

The heights are extremely cold, and invincible is the most lonely.

Therefore, for the appearance of Fang Qingshan, both sides of the emperor also held a happy attitude.

After all, Fang Qingshan has come to this step. Even if he fails in the end, as long as there is no accident, the achievement of the Emperor and the top emperor is only a matter of time. At that time, there will be one more fellow, one Taoist. We are not alone.

"I saw the Emperor God on both sides below Qingshan."

Fang Qingshan looked a little dignified, but also excitedly saw the ceremony.

The two trembled for a while, and the Emperor of God spoke on both sides,

"Go ahead."

"Be careful."

Fang Qingshan nodded, but did not refuse.

People have been famous for a long time, and they are too stressed, he doesn't mind taking advantage.


Fang Qingshan whispered.

Sanqi in one gas, the chessboard of heavens, the mirror of reincarnation, the eternal skyboat, all used at this moment.

Xiu Wei rose again and again, although it did not break through the Emperor, but it was no different from the ordinary Emperor.

"Not bad, not bad."

Seeing this scene, the emperor on both sides also lighted his eyes and secretly nodded ~ ~ but he was happy.

"The law of increase, blessing!"

However, although seeing Hunting Hearts is seeing Hunting Hearts, obviously, this level is the same for the two emperors. Fang Qingshan naturally knows that if this is the case, it is impossible to shake the other side. Do n’t say After winning, I am afraid that the result of the fight is not better than cats and mice.

So, he opened up another hole card, the law of increase.


This thing is useful for the improvement of the Xingyi Emperor's strength at that time. Now it is integrated into the eternal sky boat and inspired by Fang Qingshan, naturally he has not let him down.


Yes, at this moment, Fang Qingshan's cultivation completely broke the trance and became a true emperor, not comparable.

"Okay !!!!"

Seeing this scene, the emperor on both sides made three good sounds, and his momentum broke out in no time, not weaker than Fang Qingshan.