MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1668 Hui Jian

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This time Fang Qingshan was not alone, but with Yiyidao people, not through the transmission array of Duobao Pavilion, but Yiyidao people directly used their authority to communicate and seal the town monument, and directly brought Fang Qingshan to the picking. In front of the star tower.

Fang Qingshan once again met the old man in Fengzhen, which is the spirit of Fengzhen Bei.

However, compared with the previous one, although the appearance has not changed much, it is not known whether Fang Qingshan's repair was improved, his consciousness was more acute, or the old man in Fengzhen was repaired, or for other reasons.

Anyway, this time it seems that although it is not as good as the Taoist boy feels to himself, the degree of threat seems to be overdone.

In fact, this is normal, after all, although the grade of Fengzhen Beilun may not be as good as the Taoist list, it only looks like the emperor-level Zhongpin.

But after all, the Taoist list is not really a killing treasure, but the Fengzhen monument is different. At that time, the ancestor of the Taoist Gate, the emperor of Fengyi Town, used this treasure to kill a lot of wealth.

In the past, it was only lowered, and Lingbao was damaged again, so it was not so strong.

But it is naturally different now.

Moreover, the response of the elderly in Fengzhen after seeing Fang Qingshan was very different from the last time.

The last time I saw Fang Qingshan, the old man in Fengzhen had no interest at all and lay lazily in front of the door to sleep.

I don't know if this is the Taoist tradition. Anyway, whether it's Tan Lao in front of Tianweizhi, or drunk elders in the Avenue Palace, Fang Qingshan was closing his eyes when he saw them.

Even in the end, when Fang Qingshan relied on the eternal Daoyun and the falling treasure money to win three third-level top treasures, he was still considering whether to interfere.

But this time it was different. When he saw Fang Qingshan, the old man in Fengzhen patted his shoulders with joy, and even cooperated with Yiyidao to place all the top treasures in front of Fang Qingshan and let him choose.

The reason for this is naturally different from the past.

At that time, Fang Qingshan was just an insider disciple with good potential. There is no background backing, just recently joined the Taoist gate.

But now, Fang Qingshan has almost become the optimistic white jade pillar of Taoism Gate, and the existence of Zihailiang is like the ancestors of the Kai school.

Moreover, this time Fengzhenbei's injury could be repaired, thanks to Fang Qingshan.

In addition, the Great Emperor Xingyi ran out of the picking star tower, and he guarded the picking star tower, which can be said to be his fault.

Therefore, combining many factors, this time seeing Fang Qingshan, Fengzhen veterans are so enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

Fang Qingshan was drooling, watching the third-level peak of the old man from Fengzhen.

He can think of the deep meaning of Taoism, which was felt when the eternal Taoism was released last time, knowing that the third-level peak is not a minority.

But he didn't expect that much.

"It would take a few more if I knew it."

Looking at the treasure in front of him, Fang Qingshan could not help but think of this.

However, he was immediately left behind.

Although the third-level peak treasure is good, it is not so attractive to him. After all, he still has stone gambling skills. He wants to get it, but he just spends a little more time and luck.

Besides, I have already said two things.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan settled down, looked carefully, and after picking out two treasures that were most suitable for him, he followed the thoughts and left the picking tower.

Then Fang Qingshan went straight back to his dojo.

Nothing was done, and the treasure that had just arrived was also thrown aside without finishing, harvesting, meditating and practicing, but just like ordinary people, comfortable and comfortable, and fell asleep easily.

This time he slept darkly, and the sun and the moon were dark. When Fang Qingshan opened his eyes again, ten days and a half had passed.

Who dreamed big dreams, I knew it all my life.

Fang Qingshan stretched a lazy waist comfortably and exhaled a breath.

All I could hear was the crackling of the bones like crackling cannons.

I don't know how many years, I have never been so comfortable.

This feeling, although it is not so comfortable than on the road, is two completely different feelings.

After sleeping comfortably, Fang Qingshan had a good mind to organize this harvest.

This time, it was a twist and turn, and it was even more thrilling than the last time the meteorite of the meteorite dragon.

However, the greater the risk, the greater the gain.

The harvest this time is mainly divided into three aspects.

One of them is the legacy of the peak Emperor Xingyi.

Of course, it's not right to say heritage.

Because he was just a Yuanshen, the real net worth, even when he died of a tail, even the body was taken away by his opponent.

Even so, what Fang Qingshan received, including the power of the emperor level, the power of the true spirit and the memory, is still considered to be the most precious existence except for the fourth level treasure and the bone of the emperor.

Among them, the power of the emperor level and the power of the true spirit Yuanshen have been absorbed a little by Fang Qingshan. Therefore, his cultivation has broken through to the peak of the emperor, but most of them have been sealed in his mind and body.

This was when Fang Qingshan was preparing to break through the Emperor himself, and even when he practiced in the future, he released the seal and blessed the breakthrough.

As for the memory, although it was not sealed, Fang Qingshan only looked at it in a horse and did not observe it in depth.

After all, the Xingyi Emperor's life spanned from an unknown age and lasted a long time from birth to its true fall. Even if it is fast forward and wants to completely digest, it is not a matter of a while.

Seeing too much, if it ca n’t be consumed in time, I ’m afraid that he will still be mentally disturbed. Even if he does n’t become the Emperor of Xingyi, it will be affected by him, but this is not something Fang Qingshan wants to see. Complete digestion ~ ~ So although the harvest from Xingyi Emperor is precious, it is clear that Fang Qingshan is not willing to consume at this moment.

Then there is the reward from Taoist Gate, two third-level treasures.

A little different from the last time, this time picking treasures in Xinglou, Fang Qingshan not only depends on luck, but also needs eternal green lotus to attract, and then forcibly collects money by falling treasure.

This time, Yiyidao and the old man from Fengzhen directly picked the top three treasures of the secret building from the secret house. Through their authority, they all placed in front of Fang Qingshan and let him choose by himself.

Such a good thing, Fang Qingshan naturally will not refuse, but also picked from his favorite good things.

One of them is Hui Jian.

This treasure of the sword type, not gold, non-jade, non-copper scrap iron, seems to be true and false, half true and half false, not any kind of natural treasure. It is the wisdom of the living beings that converges through the magical power to make ready-made spirit treasures.

The so-called Huijian is the sword of wisdom.