MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1149 Frostblade

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"The food at noon is really not delicious. Xiaoli"

An undead warrior stretched out Bai Sensen's hand bones and scratched them.

Another undead warrior sneered, "It's good to have meat, what else do you want?"

"Meat, are you talking about carrion with porcupine porridge?"

He yelled: "Although I like the delicious and fatty taste very much, the porridge is too old and the thorn is very annoying! The lazy bugs responsible for the meal do not know how to catch more human Bring it down? "

"Why would someone serve you a little guard?"

"Guard?" The undead warrior was furious: "I was the famous Viscount Yale Master in Heishui, Baiyun City during my lifetime. How dare you say I'm just a little guard?"

"Huh, you're just a mean bug, dare to pretend to be a noble?"

"Damn, I want you to regret what you said!"

With a loud bang, a big ear-scraper, two undead guards slammed together.



The air was wavy, a ray of light and light flew past, and I had drifted into the hall.

Do not dare to walk, the eternal boots will definitely make a sound on the glazed ground, so fly 10 centimeters above the ground, while holding the Beiming sword firmly, ready to desperately.

Teams of ingenious 280 guards passed by, my nose was full of sweat, but fortunately, the invisibility effect of my celestial realm has been enhanced, otherwise these purgatory monsters that are 10 levels higher than me will definitely find me.

The passages in the hall are criss-crossed, and they walked on the small map for a long time. Finally, a glimmer of light radiated in front, and Anne Frost's habitat had arrived!

I didn't dare to make a sound, and carefully groped along the corner.

In the hall, there was a sound—

"Master, they are attacking the Dark Castle. Xiaoli" A low voice came, faintly visible as an undead warrior wearing a swarthy black armor, which seemed to be at least the commander in command.

Above the throne, Annie looked somber and asked, "The Silvermoon Alliance can't hold it anymore! Hum, how many people are there in Baiyun City? Is Feya here?"

"The four major legions of Baiyun City are here, and Her Royal Highness Feiya is temporarily out of sight ..."

"That's good, we ..." Annie stood up, lifted a frost sword, and said, "We should also go out to defend the dignity of the dead. Human beings treat us like grass and hum, let them taste it. The taste of revenge! "

The black armor warrior nodded, but said, "Sir, once we meet His Royal Highness Feiya, what should we do? Kill, or not kill?"

Annie's delicate shoulder suddenly shuddered, and drew there, groaning for a moment, and said, "Feiya is my most beloved younger sister. I will not kill her until the last moment. Even if I want to kill her, only I will do it. Who dares to hurt her, I will let him go to hell! "

The black armored warrior knelt down on one knee, and said, "In the old days of Baiyun City, the earth knight Claire must be loyal to the adults!"

Then he raised his head and said, "Sir, Dahl has already been killed. He is your No. 1 strongest. Should we avenge him?"

Annie sneered: "Revenge? Dahl is addicted to killing. He has long lost his nature for strength. He is no longer our companion, and there is no need to talk about revenge."

"But ... Master Mingyu ..."

"Mingyu?" Annie's eyes were covered with frost, and she said, "I will explain to him there. You don't have to say more. We are just a way to pursue strength and to defend racial dignity. Yu, what's more ... hum, he has long been fascinated by the infinite power of the sorrow of the moon, and is no different from Dahl. "

"Sir ..." Earth Knight Claire looked horrified. "Annie! You mean, Lord Mingyu ..."

Annie took a deep breath and said: "The sorrow of the moon is a peerless **** soldier, which contains the power to destroy the sky and the earth. It is a weapon. Mingyu has lost her self, and Mingyu who holds the sorrow of the moon does not distinguish The enemy, while destroying humanity, will also bring our darkness into the endless abyss, and the world will become a void. Xiaoli. "


Claire was even more horrified: "The sorrow of the moon is so terrible?"


Annie holding her sword, she said, "Let's go, let's go and kill all humans, and let them give up the idea of ​​touching the dark castle!"

"it is good!"

Two super come over, my lurking corner is the only way to go out!


Annie landed silently, but Claire's repairs were much worse, stepping on the ground and making a slight noise.

My heart beats fast, will it be found? can you?

However, at this moment, Frost Sword, the second-ranked abruptly turned around, with a pair of dark eyes with boundless murderousness, and whispered: "Bold madman, come out!"

Ying Ye, was detected!

I walked out of the darkness without saying a word, arms lightly-verdict!

Successfully tied Earth Knight Claire!

Annie sighed angrily, and the frost-filled sword struck with lightning!


The shield shook and the guard of the sky saved me from death.


Horrible, Annie deserves to be number o. Even if I am wearing a set of ancient artifacts, I can still cause such horrible damage!

My body was trembling, I took a step backwards, and suddenly I jumped into my boots, and a slap of sound came out of the wall, and the whole person flew towards the city.

"Want to leave ?!"

Annie chased quickly, and that speed was much faster than me riding a dragon!

Flying at full speed, I change perspective, Annie is getting closer, terribly!

The earth knight Claire also broke through the shackles of the ruling and chased him. The speed is not much slower than Annie. This is a bit troublesome. This Claire is obviously a hidden master. We completely underestimate the strength of Anne's generals. . Xiaoli

Turning around is a blow to the dragon!


The golden sword gas crossed the sky, but Annie showed a contemptuous smile, stretched out her hand and fluttered the sword gas, and the attack damage was reduced to the extreme.

However, my purpose has been achieved. Anne's movements have been postponed for at least two seconds. By the time she slaps the Dragon Dragon Slash, I have flew at least 200 yards away.

Suddenly, Annie was furious, Qing Jianfei plundered!

Not far away, two beautiful figures appeared, and the rescue arrived.

"Ready to cover, Xiaoxue! Ice tea escapes!"

A trace of snowflakes flew over, and Annie's body was condensed in the air, and the player in the sky domain was extraordinary!

After seven seconds of freezing time, the three turned into three rays and flew out of the city. Behind them, Annie and Claire killed again.

"Damn Guardian of War Temple, you can't run away!"

Annie's voice hovered in the air, captivating, and many players fighting on the ground couldn't help but look up.

"Fuck! Isn't that Frost's Blade? Oh my **** ... who was led out by o?"

"It's a scholar! It's Xueyue!"

This is no longer a battle that ordinary players are eligible to participate in. On the other side of the Dark Castle, someone reacted. Two silhouettes flew to kill. It is the barbaric throne and Optimus from the city of beast souls!

"It's the o'th, the Chinese want to steal the o'th!" The excitement in the tone of the barbaric throne couldn't be masked, and he shouted, "Qingtian, come with me and **** the o's and lead us to the Tiger League The camp! "

I was secretly anxious, the savage throne of the barbarian throne. Do you think the blade of the frost can be dealt with by all the tigers?

But it was too late, the barbaric throne and Qingtian came out of the sky, the sword slashed heavily on Annie's back, it was the tooth of the frost wolf!


Annie was even more angry, with snowflakes flying above her arm, a prelude to a certain big move!

The Barbarian Throne hasn't realized the coming of death, so he splits Earth Knight Claire from his sword, and yells out: "High Sky help to block this, I'll hook Frost Blade!"

The words didn't fall, "Beep", Annie's sword straight through the chest of the barbaric throne!


Too scary, one sword killed at least 90% of the blood of the barbarian throne!

Annie drank softly: "Go to death!"

The sword was quickly pulled out and waved again, the barbarian throne turned into a white light scattered, blood bottles and various miscellaneous equipment dropped in the air, like a firework.

Optimus did not wait to block the earth knight Claire, but Claire had been repelled with a sword, and Annie cut a sword from the side fury and killed again.

What kind of players can you count in front of this peak?

Two "friends" of international friends were killed, and it was considered a bit of time for us. I took Ling Xue and iced tea shuttle one by one and went outside the city. Looking back behind them, Anne and Claire rushed to kill them. !!

"The plan has changed. There is an additional Earth Knight, Claire, who is also god-level. Be careful!" I warned in the team and said, "Lingyue, fly to Wildhammer Town, Xiangxiang, in Ready to delay halfway! "

"Okay!" A few mm answered in unison.

At full speed, it turned into an electric light that passed over the branches and leaves of the forest.

Annie chased after, and volleyed loudly, "You childish dragonspeaker, die!"


A sword of light fell, and I hurried to dodge and rubbed my wings. Fortunately, Anne was not attacked by a frontal attack. Although the speed was fast, my speed was also fast. With my reaction speed, it was still very effective possible.

The sword fell in the jungle, and it exploded like a cannonball. Many players who came to attack the city returned innocently.

On the way, the orange dot of rice flower fragrance finally appeared!

"Go on!"

I rushed past, the sound of the flute sounded, and Annie suddenly choked. The whole person stopped in midair and was sealed!

Earth Knight Claire is furious: "Heavenly soul wizard ?!"


Claire turned into a sharp arrow and rushed towards Daohuaxiang ~ ~ I was so anxious that I swaggered empty-handed and added a shining manga to Daohuaxiang!


Claire was bounced four times in a row, and the Archaic Artifact Set also seemed to strengthen the skill's toughness.

Ling Xue pulled the hatred of the Earth Knight, the anger of the sword and shield opened, and Claire flew to Wildhammer Town, while Daohuaxiang opened the invincible ability at the end of the seal, Annie went away and transferred the hatred to On me, the two men flew at full speed, and turned into a red and blue two meteors and fell to Wildhammer Town.


Over the town, Annie stopped suddenly and realized that she had been fooled. She stood in the air and sighed coldly to the distance: "Come out!"


The blades of grass were swaying, and the beautiful imperial princess and the general commander of the Silvermoon Alliance Feiya appeared in front of her, a pair of beautiful eyes full of sorrow.

