MTL - Virtual World: Conquering the World-Chapter 1146 Party and Private

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The forest shook, and a large number of silver cymbals and iron riders were killed from behind each other's camp. The leader was a shadow of the wind, flurry spring and autumn, guardian of sword fire, sword fire battle song, flying fire and big sword division, etc., a group of sanctuary, unstoppable.

As soon as he contacted, the unparalleled camp in the world collapsed!

Today's Yinxie Tieqi is definitely the master of the king of hundreds of battles. Even if the main force of the soul returning to the battle robe is sure to break the defense within half an hour, not to mention the unparalleled group of Wuhe in front of the world?

The impact of Xueyue Yinxie Iron Riding can be described as utterly overwhelming. In less than a minute, the unparalleled faction in the world was killed.

The shadow leaped in the wind and Ma Yangjian rushed to the forefront, and came in front of the party like a whirlwind.

He Fang took a few steps back, pretending to be calm, and shouted, "Come, stop him!"

Tranquility appeared, as a ghost, the luster of the blinding skill appeared on the dagger.


One hit, unfortunately, but it only hit the war horse. The shadow separated from the horse long ago with the wind. One-handed sword, the whole person turned into a whirlwind and swept by!


Three swords in a row, with a look of serenity, kneeling slowly, three clear sword marks on his neck, he never dreamed that he couldn't stop the opponent's one-round attack.

The shadow slammed the dead body with a heavy wind, and said angrily, "What the **** do you want to be the first assassin in China with sad and crisp breeze? Well, you don't even match your shoes!"

Shadows show a beautiful hand with the wind. As we all know, the entire Chinese server has several recognized strong peaks of operation flow, a dust, sad crisp breeze, and shadows follow the wind. Count me, I have four big kings, three of them All of them are Xueyue. If you try hard, no one in China will be our opponent!

At the same time, the two brothers, the sword guardian and the sword war song, sharply cut King Zhongshan into empty blood. King Zhongshan was so angry that he drew his sword and ran away, but did not go far, and killed a black one across the road. The face man yelled like a sullen thunder: "Oh! See grandpa flying fire, don't you kneel?"

"Knee your mother!"

The King of Zhongshan yelled angrily, and the long sword suddenly fought a sword with Feihuo, and suddenly his body turned. He stepped on the Z and reached the right side of Feihuo. A sharp sword struck, and the back of Feihuo was about to be swept away. in.

At this moment, another Snapdragon was killed, the silver eagle warrior flew past, a flash of sword light directly gave the king of Zhongshan Jing a slash, and the original blood of King Zhongshan Jing was already crippled. With such an attack, he fluttered to his knees.

The attacker jumped down and said loudly, "Feihuo, no?"

Feihuo patted the young soldier's shoulder: "Furious South Man, you are here in time. I really appreciate you and work hard. The future is limitless. In a few days, I will introduce you to my neighbor!"

The soldier's eyes flooded: "Thank you Feihuo!"

On the other side, Fang Fang was fleeing furiously and was about to leave. He was cold and killed a person. His sword was waved several times. Fang Fang opened his eyes and looked at the bottom of his blood. He knelt slowly.

The flurry dances off the horse, picks up the boots that Fang Fang exploded, and yells, "What the hell, wearing a garbage can dare to come out and be so poor ..."


When the two dragon knights flew in the sky, the battle was over.

More than 200,000 unparalleled elite players were intercepted in Luoyanpo, and none survived.

Bingzhiyi jumped down the dragon's back and instructed the players to clean up the battlefield. These unparalleled friends in the world were full of devotion, and they really burst out a lot of best-in-class equipment.

The flurry spring and autumn flew in and laughed: "Reporting the results of the battle, annihilating more than 270,000 opponents, we lost less than five thousand, hehe, this is a brilliant battle!"

I nodded and smiled: "Very good, Qiu Yang!"

Ranwu Chunqiu shook her head and smiled: "Not hard, serve the people. By the way, the garbage guild of World Warriors also dominates the Gold City. This is not so funny. When will we uproot World Warriors and take Gold City? I I do n’t know, let ’s not do it again. The Qixing Lantern will surely be tempted to take the shot first. He also hates Fang Fang.

"I'm going to work tomorrow. If I attack, I'm not here, I'm afraid you'll have to work harder ..." I ran a hand.

Fluttering Spring and Autumn contemplates, "No, you have to be here for such an interesting thing as torture the party. Then wait for this weekend. Let's Snow Moon formally attack the Golden City, but I'm worried that the Qixing Lantern will take the lead."

"It's okay, I'm making an announcement, implying that Qixing Lamp shouldn't want to do anything."

"Hey, that's best!"


Leaving the battlefield and returning to Tian Key City took a system announcement, rhetoric--

"Ding ~!"

System announcement (player shouting madly by the students): Friends in China, some time ago gave birth to something unpleasant, some guilds colluded with foreign forces to attack Tianyao City, Earth Tooth City and Silver Gun City, will The whole barren land made people frightened. The Wind Magic Altar and the Helm City took the opportunity to capture our main city, Qingfeng City, and left a painful scar on the Chinese server. Today I decided that Xueyue will attack Qingfeng City this weekend. This is my personal resentment between myself and the world's unparalleled Alliance God. I hope that non-Xueyue players don't step in and give me face. At the same time, everyone is welcome to watch the Golden Weekend weekend!


Quite sincerely, I hope that others will not intervene in the grievances between me and the party, which is equivalent to telling Qixing Deng and others that the world's unparalleled Golden City is mine, and no one wants to take it away!

If anyone dares to capture the Golden City before then, I will still fight!

After finishing everything, it was already more than two o'clock in the middle of the night, and hurried off the line to rest.

Waiting for the weekend, a few days dazzled in the past. On Friday afternoon, after work, Blue Star's staff were happy to take aphrodisiac one by one.

Generally speaking, office workers have this virtue. On Monday, the mood to go to work is heavier than to go to the grave. On Friday, the mood to go to work is happier than gold.

"Get ready tonight, stay up late!"

In the president's office, I walked out of Ling Xue's shoulders, while planning with a smile on the various issues of capturing Gold City tonight.

Ling Xue groaned and leaned her face in my arms, whispering: "Hey, scholar, when you met in the afternoon, why did you quarrel with President Wang of the marketing department?"

I raised my eyebrows: "He is aiming to make things difficult for your sisters. This product obviously feels that you are too young to be convinced. Damn, I won't give him a disposition. He really is what he is. Blue Star is calling for wind and rain. "

"There is no need to kill it together with the planning director and marketing director?" Ling Xue blinked and asked with a smile: "Are you hiding something from me?"

I nodded: "Well, I investigated it secretly. The director of planning is Wang Fat's distant relative. At the beginning, he introduced Wang Fat to Blue Star. The marketing director had nothing to do, but he has been closer to Wang Fat in the past six months. I personally wore a pair of trousers. At the meeting this afternoon, there were so many excuses. It was just to embarrass you and Ling Yue, huh, this group of old guys knows to rely on the old and sell the old in front of us! "

At this moment, a door next to it opened, Ling Yuechun breeze came out and smiled, "Scholar Xueer?"

With that said, she ran over quickly, holding my right arm intimate, and said, "I will be dumbfounded in the afternoon. Fortunately, the scholar is quick and stubborn. Discipline them, otherwise the old stubborns are really difficult to handle. "

I smiled slightly: "Otherwise, do you think I invited the elites of various departments for dinner for three days and two?"

There is no doubt that I am not as good as Ling Xue Ling Yue in terms of management and operation, but in terms of forming a party, managing private parties, and buying people ’s hearts, I have far better than the two of them. After entering the Blue Star for less than a month, I have been continuously building my own power. In this case, the power of Blue Star can be held tightly in the hands of several of us. The shopping mall is at risk, so be careful when sailing!

At this moment, after walking around the corner, a group of staff members of the president was waiting for the elevator. Ling Xue and Ling Yue conditionedly released their hands, and the two stood beside me left and right, with calm faces and deep eyes. The majestic momentum of the stock, this is what the president looks like.

I couldn't help laughing, and my face went to Ling Xue's hand, and the little girl gave a grin: "Well, be serious, there are so many people here ~"

Ling Yue said: "What time of the night did it decide to be 8 o'clock?"

"I do not know!"

At this moment, Qin Yun came quickly and said, "I'm afraid that the attack on Gold City tonight will be aground!"

"Why, Sister Yun wants to treat you?" Ling Yue asked with a smile.

Qin Yun shook her head: "Poor clanking, I don't want to treat guests. But just now, I checked the game's official website before I came out. What kind of mission did the kid in the dust touch? There is another battle in the main line camp. The mission has started. Silver The Alliance of the Moon Alliance gathers in the Dark Castle not far from Hell Castle, and is ready to attack the Dark Castle. Players can participate in the attack and receive very rich rewards, so I think Snow Moon's attack on the Golden City may be a little stranded. "

Ling Xue froze slightly and said, "You care about games at work ..."

Qin Yun held her chest up and said, "I just watched it, what do you want?"

Ling Xue smiled: "Not good, hard work, I treat you to dinner ~"

The other presidential staff in the elevator couldn't help laughing one by one ~ ~ Then, tonight ... Go to the Dark Castle? "I thought for a while and said," At least a few of us are going. Feiya and Iceland will definitely play. The class in the dark castle is Annie. Maybe Feia may be in danger. We may help if we go. "

"Well, go!"

Immediately I got a message to Flurry Spring and Autumn, Snow Moon's plan to attack the Golden City was postponed, and tonight to attack the Dark Castle, to assist the Silvermoon Alliance to pull out the Dark Castle, the fang that is trapped on the edge of the Alliance territory!


In the evening, after dinner, go online.


The characters appear in Tian Key City, repair the equipment, and it is also good to attack the dark castle. It is even more beautiful if the player can occupy the castle. Occupying the dark castle, one of the dark towns, what a pull!

