MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 30

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At noon the next day after receiving the invitation, Du Yuejiao invited everyone to dinner at the old granary.

In addition to inviting all the educated youth this time, she also called Lu Dazhou, the village party secretary Lu Caigui and several village cadres.

She made a lot of noise beforehand, and said that this time she would like to thank everyone for their help during the queue cut. Her sincere appearance made the villagers who were not invited drool with greed.

But it turns out that although she is going to marry the director of the Revolutionary Committee, her meal is not like the director's fiancée, but like the director's distant relatives.

A pot of sweet potato rice can hardly see white rice, the key is not to put sweet potatoes. As for the food, don't hold out hope, it's a real dish, all vegetables, and even a little pig is reluctant to buy it and invite everyone to eat it.

Thirteen educated youths plus a few cadres, a total of 20 people, such an order is not enough for ten people, and the food at the tea party is better than her.

Even if Du Yuejiao is getting married now, but the things she seduced her sister's object before made Zhu Xia not have a good impression of Du Yuejiao, but when they invite you to dinner, they will not eat for free , prepare meal tickets in advance.

But when they looked at this table of green food, they exchanged glances silently, and no one was reluctant to reach for their trouser pockets.

Jiang Yao came here this time to walk off the scene, and did not intend to take advantage of it.

Lu Che now has a lot of side jobs, and he is willing to spend money on his daughter-in-law when his income increases. In addition, he has a bicycle, so he goes to the county town to get some meat, pigs and other vegetables every once in a while.

Jiang Yao ate a bowl of braised pork trotters and white rice before she went out. Now her stomach is full, she has no interest in the green vegetables that have turned yellow because there is no oil.

Everyone eats together, and faces Du Yuejiao's "enthusiastic" hospitality, and has to force a smile.

In addition to Jiang Yao, Zhao Pengfei couldn't eat these "pig-feeding dishes". He put down the tableware and whispered to Du Yuejia: "Don't eat this after eating, let's go back and make it. Egg rice."

His voice was small, but the sisters of the Du family who played the role of sisters in front of the leader tonight sat next to each other. Du Yuejiao listened to Zhao Pengfei's words without saying a word.

She couldn't get angry, so she began to brag about his fiancé. Some people dismissed it, and some people were taken aback.

After listening for a long time, Zhao Pengfei finally couldn't listen anymore. Of course, it was because he was too hungry to go back to cook. He stood up and said, "I was delayed by things in the morning, I was late for work, and I still There is a lot of work left to do, I have to go to work early in the afternoon, everyone eats slowly, Yuejia and I will leave first."

Speaking, he pulled Du Yuejia and left the old granary in full view.

With Zhao Pengfei taking the lead, others began to leave one after another, saying that they wanted to go back to take a nap, but in fact they wanted to go back to cook and eat. Tired in the morning, I have to continue working in the afternoon, not to mention what to eat, I have to be full before I can continue.

Du Yuejiao hasn't finished showing off yet, but the audience is about to leave. She definitely won't obey. She kept everyone back several times, but everyone insisted on going back.

Jiang Yao would not stay, of course, and left with Zhu Xia and the others, and went back to Lu's house alone after reaching the fork.

Although it is early autumn, the sun is still fierce at one or two o'clock. Even though Jiang Yao is wearing a hat and a long-sleeved thin shirt, she still feels hot, and the speed under her feet can't help speeding up.

She walked a few steps when she heard footsteps approaching from behind, and it was getting faster and closer.

She turned her head and saw that it was Du Yuejiao. This menacing appearance is obviously not passing by, but finding fault with her.

As expected, Du Yuejiao walked up to her and said angrily: "Jiang Yao, you are married to a scumbag, what qualifications do you have to pretend to be here? You don't have any of my meals. Eat, this is the second-rate child feeding you meat every day, making you so crazy?"

"My Lu Che doesn't have the ability to make me eat meat every day, but I can eat meat and fish every day. I have never been short of cheap things like eggs and pig water. I don't eat your food, it's not good Can I save you something?" Jiang Yao sneered.

"Save some?" Du Yuejiao seemed to have heard some big joke, stuck her waist, and said, "I am going to marry the director of the Revolutionary Committee, do you need to save?"

Jiang Yao raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said ironically, "Then I ask you, the wife of the chairman of the Revolutionary Committee, if you are invited, everyone will not be full, does the director of your Revolutionary Committee know? Doesn't he find it particularly embarrassing?"

"You..." Du Yuejia stretched out her index finger and pointed at Jiang Yao, Jiang Yao glanced at her contemptuously, "What? Want to hit me? My scumbags know that I was invited out today by you. , If there is something wrong with me, who do you think he will settle accounts with? You should have heard that he is very ruthless. If your face is useless for no reason, do you think the director will marry you? "

Du Yuejiao didn't dare, but she was still so angry that she gritted her teeth, "Jiang Yao, how long do you think you can be silent? If you marry a mud leg, you will stay in the countryside for the rest of your life. Different, I'm going to be a city man again, and my man will give me a job in the city. Anyway, in the end, it's me who wins."

"Of course you won!" Jiang Yao rarely disagreed with Du Yuejiao, she was not used to it for a while, and after a long time of speech, she stuck her neck and said proudly: "My future realm, You can't catch up no matter what."

"Of course I can't catch up with your realm." Jiang Yao emphasized the word "realm", which sounded very meaningful.

Du Yuejiao felt that something was wrong and asked: "You... what do you mean?"

"It's literally." Jiang Yao chuckled: "I heard that your director is about the same age as your father, so it must be at least forty. Although the city is more comfortable than the countryside, the age is not the same. Here, it is estimated that he has white hair on the temples, wrinkled face, and loose muscles. Also, he is in a high position, he must be eating well, and he must have a big belly. Such a greasy uncle, I ask myself. You can handle a level like yours."

Speaking of this, Du Yuejiao was stupid if she couldn't hear her sarcasm, but before she could refute, Jiang Yao added: "I am... Really superficial. Saying that my mother's family is in good condition, marrying Lu Che is an upside down post, but what about upside down posts, who made my family's Lu Che handsome and good-looking, and fascinated me so much."

"You know what? I hold him to sleep at night, it feels so good... Forget it, I can't explain it to you, after all, you are going to hold a bunch of old and old Wrinkled things to sleep."

"Jiang Yao, you..." Du Yuejiao blushed with anger, unable to refute Jiang Yao but scolded: "You are such a blatant woman, you have no shame."

"Where do I have no shame? You are so powerful. When you go to work in the afternoon, you go to the production team and say they have no shame."

After Jiang Yaoli finished speaking, she also reminded very "kindly": "I am telling you as a married person, you must be mentally prepared... Your director is probably very old at this age. It's hard to give you the ultimate happiness in married life. But it's not all bad, at least you're very relaxed. Look at me, my family Lu Che is young, I often can't sleep enough, and I'm so tired! "

Seeing Du Yuejiao's blushing and white, white and red face, Jiang Yao turned around, and went home with a victorious attitude.

But as soon as she walked to the corner, she was startled, and a big man was sticking against the wall.

"You...why are" Jiang Yao looked at Lu Che's half-smiling face, and his heart suddenly felt empty.

How long has this person been squatting here? Did he listen to what she said to Du Yuejiao?

You don't need Jiang Yao to wonder for too long, Lu Che has already given a clear answer, he leaned into her ear and said, "Daughter-in-law, it turns out that you like the extreme happiness I give you so much... It turns out that you usually Disgusting face is all duplicity."

His words were enough to make Jiang Yao's face red, and he deliberately blew in her ear, she suddenly felt that her whole body was on fire, so embarrassed that she wanted to be burned to ashes and stay where she was. disappear.

This time she showed her prestige in front of Du Yuejiao, but was caught by Lu Che.

In the evening, she was really tired and wanted to sleep, but someone told her to be polite and dare to say it if she wanted to, but it took a toss twice before letting her go.

The day Du Yuejiao returned to the city, whether she was sincere or fake, many villagers and educated youth sent her to the entrance of the village.

But Jiang Yao didn't go, because it was a market day, she and Lu Chetian went out before dawn.

Now that the weather is getting colder, Jiang Yao did not make jelly to sell this time, but made almost a hundred tea eggs.

Of course, not all of these tea eggs are produced by themselves, because Lu Che is very willing to feed his family now, and the eggs at home are consumed very quickly. Even if there are egg subsidies for tractor repair sometimes, it is still not enough.

Most of these raw eggs were brought back by Lu Che from special channels.

In addition, Jiang Yao also made a hundred red bean snow skin moon cakes. As for vegetables, in addition to regular leafy vegetables, Lu Che also picked ten pounds of tomatoes.

"Daughter-in-law, are we still setting up a stall at the entrance of the theater today?" Lu Che asked with an ox cart in front of him.

"No." Jiang Yao said, "Let's go back to the market on the other side, and put it at the intersection near the machinery factory."

"The location over there is a bit remote, will the business not be so good?" Lu Che asked.

"No." Jiang Yao said: "Let's go there now, and we can catch up with the rush hour for workers in the machinery factory. Don't you say that the machinery factory does not include breakfast? We can make tea eggs and ice. The leather mooncakes are sold for breakfast. Of course, if they can't sell out by then, they will go to the theater in the afternoon, when many people have sold out and go home, there must be vacancies."

"Okay, let's go to the machinery factory."

They went early, and no one robbed the booth near the machinery factory. No one had any problem lining up today's goods.

When the stalls are sorted out, we will welcome the first batch of customers today.

Today's tea eggs are about the same size, and Jiang Yao sells them for three cents a piece. For a machinery factory worker who earns 20 to 30 yuan a month, this is a small amount of money. Generally, those who have not eaten breakfast are willing to buy one or two fragrant tea eggs.

In addition to the machinery factory, the powder factory and the bamboo factory are also nearby. Although the benefits of their factories cannot make up for the machinery factory, they also have money in their hands, and three cents are willing to spend.

Tea eggs were sold very quickly. On the other hand, snow skin mooncakes were sold at 80 cents a piece, which discouraged many people.

"Do you need to bring a snowskin mooncake? The red bean filling is very delicious." Lu Che packed two tea eggs and persevered in selling snowskin mooncakes.

At first, some people refused, until a worker of a machinery factory found that the snowskin mooncake was exactly the same as the last factory Qingfa, he asked: "How come your snowskin mooncake is the same as what our factory sent last time. very similar?"

Of course Lu Che couldn't say that the goods were supplied by him, but said: "I don't know what kind of moon cakes your factory made, but these kinds of moon cakes are very popular in provincial capitals recently. My daughter-in-law comes from From the provincial capital, she made this moon cake."

As soon as Jiang Yao heard it, she hurriedly said: "I learned it from a dim sum chef in the provincial state-owned restaurant, and the taste is definitely not worse than the one made by your factory. If you like it, then Just bring two, and give the children a taste."

"Then I want five." The worker in the machine shop said proudly that he really wanted to buy it for his child.

"Okay, I'll pack it for you right away." Jiang Yao hurriedly went to pack, and did not forget to sell her own tomatoes, "Comrade, look at our tomatoes, they are also very beautiful, from the provincial capital. People are also very fond of eating this now.”

Workers in the machinery factory looked at the red fruits and thought they were beautiful, but they had never tasted them.

"It's really delicious." Jiang Yao handed the packaged mooncakes to the workers in the machinery factory. The next moment, he took out the lunch box in the bamboo basket, opened it, and handed it to the workers, saying : "This is a tomato scrambled egg made with tomatoes. It tastes sour and sweet. Children will love it."

This tomato scrambled egg was made by Jiang Yao this morning. It was not only her lunch with Lu Che, but also provided some for customers to try.

When she finished speaking, she turned out another bowl and a spoon, spooned a spoonful of tomato scrambled eggs from the lunch box, put it in the bowl, and handed it to the co-worker, saying, "You can taste it."

"This...not so good." It's a tomato and an egg, and it's not good if you eat it.

"It's fine." Jiang Yao said with a smile: "If you think it tastes good, you can consider buying it back, but if you don't like it, don't buy it. You bought tea eggs and moon cakes with me, this tomato fried Treat the egg as if I gave it to you."

The words have come to this point, the co-workers are also welcome, take the bowl and spoon and eat.

Suddenly, the whole mouth is full of sweet and sour taste, the eggs are fried tenderly, and the slippery taste makes people want to stop, after the first bite, I want to eat the second bite.

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Yao asked with a smile, full of confidence.

"It's delicious." The worker asked in surprise and joy, "How much is a pound of this tomato?"

"Two cents." Jiang Yao replied.

"What, one cent?" The worker's eyes widened in shock, and the other two or three customers in front of the stall were also surprised, and shouted: "One cent can buy two taels of meat. Now, vegetables are two or three cents a pound, and you are trying to steal money for one cent!"

Everyone's reaction was within Jiang Yao's expectation, she said calmly: "Look at my box of tomato scrambled eggs, I use a pound of tomatoes, three eggs , the total cost is 15 cents. If it is used to buy meat, it will cost three or two at most, and you will have to pay for meat tickets. Each family will be divided into a piece of meat thinner than paper. It is better to have a plate full of tomato scrambled eggs. Everyone can eat to their heart's content."

With Jiang Yao's words, this tomato has suddenly become cheap.

Workers in the machinery factory tried the taste and thought it was delicious. They gritted their teeth and asked for a pound of tomatoes. Others followed suit, some bought it after trying it, and some were still reluctant to spend.

There were no customers in front of the stall until eight in the morning.

Seeing that no one was there, Lu Che immediately asked Jiang Yao, "Daughter-in-law, why are you so powerful that you can sell tomatoes for a tenth of a pound?"

Jiang Yao smiled mysteriously and said, "Actually, I'm waiting for Director Fang to dance!"

Lu Che: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Yao: "Eight cents a catty of tomatoes is a sky-high price for Director Fang, who is used to vegetables at two cents or even lower. The tomatoes were sold to the workers in the machinery factory, and they passed it on from 100 to 100, and when we sold it to Director Fang, he not only accepted it, but also thought it was very cheap."

After hearing this, Lu Che suddenly realized and gave Jiang Yao a thumbs up, "Daughter-in-law, you are so smart."

"I'm just a little clever." Jiang Yao was so modest that she didn't forget to praise her man, "You still have to grasp the overall situation, I don't think things are so thoughtful."

"Daughter-in-law, how can I be so capable as you say?" Lu Che, who was praised, scratched his hair shyly and said, "Daughter-in-law, as long as we husband and wife are of the same mind, life will be better and better. ."

Jiang Yao: "That's a must."

After the peak sales period in the morning, the employees who bought tomatoes went back to their respective factories to promote it, and the stall ushered in a peak of traffic at noon. By the afternoon two days, the tomatoes and moon cakes had been sold out, and there were not many vegetables and tea eggs left.

Lu Che went to the theater to take a look. There were vacancies. He and Jiang Yao moved the stall over there. After two more hours of hard work, they closed the stall and went home.

Lu Che was in front of the bullock cart, and Jiang Yao was in the back to settle today's income, earning almost ten yuan.

Although it's not as hard as selling jelly, but this time I didn't have a hard time selling jelly, and it was pretty good.

The next night, Jiang Yao asked Lu Che to go to a nearby fish pond to see if he could find a fish.

Small. Occasionally with good luck, a big one will not exceed a pound.

Lu Che was busy in the water for almost an hour, and only touched seven or eight small fish with the thickness of two fingers.

"Forget it, come up." Jiang Yao squatted by the river, and when he came up, he said, "It's enough to have these little fish."

Lu Che: "Just a few small ones, the soup is not sweet."

"I'm not making soup, so hurry up. It's windy, let's go home quickly, don't wait to catch a cold." With that, she reached out to him.

He grabbed her hand and suddenly pulled her forward, but then pushed her back halfway.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yao was confused by his actions.

Lu Che climbed up from the water and said, "I originally wanted to relive the feeling of hugging in the water with you that day, but now the weather is cold, I'm afraid it will get cold to you."

"..." It's fine if he didn't say it, Jiang Yao couldn't help but look at him at the moment. No one knows better than her how good the figure is hidden behind the wet clothes and how addicting it is to the hand.

The temperature on her face gradually rose, she glared at him, threw down the phrase "go back quickly", and ran first.

Lu Che looked at her frizzy appearance, she was so cute, he picked up the bucket and followed in a hurry.

The next day, Jiang Yao got up early, and Lu Che was going to Director Fang today to sell tomatoes.

In order to let Director Fang really feel the deliciousness of this tomato, she decided to make two dishes for him to try, one is the most common tomato scrambled eggs, and the other is tomato fish.

The fish of the tomato fish is the small fish that Lu Che caught last night. First, fry it in oil until golden on both sides, and take it out for later use. Then pour the tomatoes into the pot and stir fry. When the tomatoes are juicy, pour the small fish in and cook for a few minutes before the pot is ready.

When Jiang Yao packed the two dishes, Lu Che took them and rode a bicycle to the machinery factory.

Lu Che was very confident in Jiang Yao's cooking skills, Director Fang was really satisfied after tasting it, and said, "I heard a few workers say yesterday that they bought tomatoes at the market and made them at home. I made scrambled eggs with tomato, and it tastes very good. If we can eat it in our cafeteria, everyone will be very happy. How much can you serve with this tomato?"

Lu Che said: "About 30 pounds at a time, and a shipment can be delivered in four or five days."

"Thirty catties at a time, plus eggs, is enough for a meal in the cafeteria." Director Fang said, "How much is this per catty?"

Lu Che said: "Eight points."

Director Fang heard that it was one-third cheaper than what the co-workers said. You will send 30 pounds over tomorrow, and I will see the response of the workers, if it is good, I will order it later."

"Okay, it will be delivered on time." Lu Che was already happy in his heart, but he could hold back his face. The director of the other party thanked him before going home.

The next day, Lu Che got up at four in the morning to pick tomatoes. When Jiang Yao woke up, he had already delivered the tomatoes and gave her two yuan and four cents.

"It's great!" Jiang Yao put the money into the tin can and smiled contentedly, "Cheche, you are awesome!"

"It's you who's great." Lu Che said, "The idea is what you think, and I'll do the labor."

"Without your connections, I wouldn't be able to sell tomatoes." Jiang Yao said, "I will ride a bicycle to the county town to buy some meat and come back. Let's celebrate our successful shipment this time."

"No need." Lu Che said, "I went to the alley to buy half a catty of meat, and then went to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy two big bones and a large piece of pork liver. Let's eat meat today. How about pork liver porridge wrapped with bones?"

"Of course there is no problem." Jiang Yao met Lu's request and said, "You have to eat when you come back from work."

When Lu Che got to work, Jiang Yao went to the kitchen to process the ingredients, but as soon as she got the pork, the fishy smell made her stomach roll, and the next moment, she couldn't help retching stand up.

Lu Qing saw this scene as soon as she walked into the kitchen, she blurted out and asked, "Yaoyao, are you pregnant?"

The author has something to say:

Lu Che: Is the ultimate happiness about to end?

 Little Angel: Nanli NL5 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!