MTL - Vicious Male Partner is a Girl-Chapter 29 take pity on

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Everyone in the racecourse looked at Princess Nanyang and others who came on horseback, and couldn't believe it. It's a good horse racing competition, but someone will be seriously injured? ! Everyone was shocked.

Only Zhao Yuanmu, who came out of the dense forest early, narrowed his flirtatious peach blossom eyes slightly when he saw this scene, the corners of his lips curled up, and he was ecstatic in his heart.

The person he sent finally succeeded! Alright, he will reward these subordinates heavily later!

Zhao Yuanmu's biological mother, Concubine Yin, has always loved her only son. Today, Aizi was going to hold a horse race at Xuanwu Racecourse, she was thinking about it, and sent her most important nun, Aunt Liu, to see how the situation was going.

Although Zhao Yuanmu deliberately concealed it, in the eyes of Liu who watched him grow up, the pride and excitement in his heart could not be more obvious. The last time Zhao Yuanmu smashed the palace angrily, Liu Yu was also there.

During this time, His Highness hated nothing more than that gentleman named Shen Fengzhang. His Highness is so happy to see someone seriously injured, could it be—

Ms. Liu asked softly: "Your Highness, is the seriously injured person Shen Fengzhang that His Highness mentioned earlier?"

"Exactly!" Zhao Yuanmu didn't hide anything from Liu Yu, who was the most important old man beside his mother and concubine, who had watched him grow up. His peach blossom eyes were bright with excitement, and his face was covered with a layer of red light, like a triumphant child, showing off his achievements today to Mrs. Liu.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. I can't laugh three times at such a happy event." Zhao Yuanmu shook his head regretfully. When he understands this matter, he will definitely understand it when he goes back!

Aunt Liu looked at Zhao Yuanmu peacefully with loving eyes, and heard him say in a boastful tone that he killed an annoying person today, she didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhao Yuanmu's actions. However, as Princess Nanyang and the others got closer, the smile on Ms. Liu's face gradually disappeared.

She stared at Shen Jun who was following Princess Nanyang, her old eyes showed a look that did not match her age. Suddenly, she took two steps back, lowered her head subconsciously, the wrinkles on her face trembled unintentionally, full of horror!

That face—that face—

Shen Jun had a keen sense, and when he noticed a strong gaze cast on him, he suddenly looked back, only to see an old palace man next to Zhao Yuanmu. The two sword eyebrows frowned slightly, and Shen Jun looked away suspiciously.

Zhao Yuanmu didn't notice that there was something wrong with Mrs. Liu, he suppressed the smile that rushed to his chest, his brows and eyes were serious, his lips were tightly pursed, and he pretended to be worried and angry, and walked quickly towards Princess Nanyang and Shen Juan. Before he came to the two of them, he flew into a rage and said, "What's going on?!"

"Who is so bold that he dares to kill people in Xuanwu Field?!" He raised his brows coldly, furious, and shouted, "Come here! Search the forest immediately! The murderer who killed Mr. Shen Erlang must not be allowed to escape!"

Shen Jun, who dismounted from the horse with his arms around Shen Fengzhang, raised his eyebrows imperceptibly, and sighed softly in his heart.

Except for Zhao Yuanmu who came over first, the other gentlemen and even the girls who had been in the corridor all surrounded him one after another. Shen Xiangpei was walking behind at first, but he didn't see clearly who came back with Princess Nanyang. At this moment, when she heard Zhao Yuanmu's resounding "Mr. Shen Erlang" across the crowd, she was taken aback.

The ladies and gentlemen standing in front of her unanimously stood on both sides, making way for her.

Shen Xiangpei took a deep breath, and stepped forward quickly, clenched her slender hands hidden in her sleeves tightly, her heart was beating extremely fast, her breath seemed to be held in her chest, she wanted to look but didn't dare to look.

Zhao Yuanmu caught a glimpse of Shen Xiangpei walking quickly from the corner of his eyes, with a look of mourning on his face, he turned to Shen Xiangpei, and said slowly in a soft sighing voice, "Er Niang, death cannot be brought back to life, so mourn and obey."

Shen Xiangpei staggered suddenly, her face was as white as paper, and her red lips paled. Second brother, did you really go? What is she going to do, explain to her grandmother?

"Who's dead?! Arong'er, what are you talking about?!" Princess Nanyang's complexion changed, her voice was unhappy. She glared at the nonsense imperial brother angrily, and said angrily to the guards who didn't wink at her: "Hurry up and go to the imperial doctor Xuan! Go and invite the imperial doctor who is good at trauma!"

"Shen Fengzhang is not dead?!" Zhao Yuanmu turned around suddenly, Tao Hua's eyes were wide open, his face was full of astonishment, "How is it possible?! How could she not be dead?!"

Zhao Yuanmu seemed to want her dead very much. Moreover, his words made people wonder whether today's assassination had anything to do with him. Shen Fengzhang glanced at Zhao Yuanmu thoughtfully, broke free from Shen Jun's support, walked up to Zhao Yuanmu covered in blood and an arrow. Although her steps are slow, her posture is still very dignified and elegant.

"Your Highness misunderstood. I have a great life, and those thieves only hurt my back, and there is no danger of life." Enduring the severe pain on his back, Shen Fengzhang bit the tip of his tongue hard, and controlled his voice not to utter. trembling. She even raised her lips to Zhao Yuanmu and smiled slightly.

Even an overly pale complexion did not diminish the beauty of this smile.

It was as bright as a bright moon, and Princess Nanyang's eyes were infatuated.

However, in Zhao Yuanmu's eyes, this smile was a naked mockery! His chest heaved violently, his lips trembled, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly. Anyone could see that something was wrong with him.

"It turned out to be like this! That's really a blessing in misfortune!" Zhao Yuanmu almost gritted his voice, "Mr. Shen Erlang is really lucky."

Thinking of what he had sworn before, no matter how lucky Shen Fengzhang was, he would still be able to kill Shen Fengzhang. Zhao Yuanmu could only feel a rusty smell rising from the depths of his throat. He forcibly swallowed the blood gushing into his mouth. The disgusting fishy smell was deeply branded on his lips and tongue, which made his hatred for Shen Fengzhang go up to a higher level.

Princess Nanyang gave Zhao Yuanmu a strange look, and when she turned to Shen Fengzhang, there was a hint of tenderness and apology in her peony-like features, "I have wronged Mr. Shen Erlang, please be patient, the imperial doctor will be here soon. Please rest assured Mr. Shen Erlang, I will definitely We will find the murderer who hurt Shen Erlang-jun this time, and give Shen Erlang-jun justice!"

Shen Fengzhang wanted to salute Princess Nanyang, but as soon as he made a gesture, Princess Nanyang stopped him immediately.

"Mr. Shen Erlang is injured, so there is no need to be polite!"

"Thank you, Princess Nanyang." Shen Fengzhang stood up, looked at Princess Nanyang and said, "Princess Nanyang's kindness is appreciated, but there is no need to bother the imperial doctor for minor injuries." As a modern person, Shen Fengzhang used to look directly at each other when speaking Eye. Normally, she would deliberately adjust restraint according to the situation, but this time the sharp pain in her back made her forget about it for a while.

As a distinguished royal princess, Princess Nanyang didn't feel that Shen Fengzhang's behavior of looking directly at her offended her at all. She looked at Shen Fengzhang's beautifully shaped eyes, which were as dark and clear as black jade, and couldn't help but feel joy in her heart. She even had the urge to just keep looking at her like this and listening to her talk.

However, after hearing what Shen Fengzhang said, Princess Nanyang instantly realized, "No! This is absolutely not possible!"

"Mr. Shen Erlang was injured at the Xuanwu Racecourse. I also proposed this horse race to the emperor. Speaking of which, I am also responsible. How can I let Mr. Shen Erlang go home and ask for a doctor by himself?" Princess Nanyang smiled. , and said to Shen Fengzhang very sincerely, "What's more, the imperial doctor's medical skills are more exquisite, and I hope that Mr. Shen Erlang will not refuse."

Shen Fengzhang smiled wryly in her heart, of course she knew that the imperial physician was more skilled in medicine, but given her own situation, how dare she let the imperial physician in the palace treat her. To be honest, Princess Nanyang's enthusiasm is beyond her imagination.

After thinking about it, Shen Fengzhang showed a trace of worry between his brows, and he sighed softly with a look of unspeakable concealment.

"What's wrong with Mr. Shen Erlang? Is there any discomfort?!" Princess Nanyang became anxious, and immediately shouted at the guards: "Where's the imperial doctor?! Why hasn't the imperial doctor come yet?!"

Being able to get along well with Zhao Yuanmu, Princess Nanyang's temper is not very good. Seeing that the imperial doctor hadn't arrived yet, her face immediately changed and she wanted to get angry.

A clear voice interrupted Princess Nanyang's anger.

"His Royal Highness." Shen Fengzhang said softly.

Among the ladies and gentlemen watching around, many of them had seen Princess Nanyang's temper, she was completely like a firecracker, and would fly into a rage when things went wrong. And when Princess Nanyang gets angry, anyone who tries to persuade her will be implicated.

They waited for Shen Fengzhang to be trained by Princess Nanyang.

Unexpectedly, Princess Nanyang, who used to have a fiery temper and was like a fiery cloud, immediately suppressed the anger in her brows and eyes when she heard Shen Fengzhang's voice, like a shy peony, which made the others stunned.

But Shen Fengzhang, because he didn't know much about Princess Nanyang, never noticed Princess Nanyang's abnormality. She nodded in her heart, Princess Nanyang has a good personality, cheerful and generous without appearing savage.

"Mr. Shen Erlang, if you have something to say, please speak." Princess Nanyang said softly, staring into Shen Fengzhang's eyes.

Shen Fengzhang coughed lightly, as if a little embarrassed, and said slowly: "Actually, there are other reasons for my minister's resignation from the imperial doctor." She paused for a while, and under the watchful eyes of Princess Nanyang, she continued: "At that time, my father died of a sudden illness. , from then on, Weichen has always been fond of the doctor—" She looked at Princess Nanyang and whispered the word "resistance".

It seems that after the biggest hurdle has been passed, it becomes easier to speak after that. Shen Fengzhang shook his head lightly, and sped up his speech, "It took me a long time at home to allow me to accept a doctor I am familiar with." She looked at Princess Nanyang with a wry smile on her face, "I know all about the princess's kindness." , but there is a reason for the incident, and I really have to live up to the princess' kindness. Please don't mind the princess."

Princess Nanyang has always disliked frail scholars, but at this moment, when she looked at Shen Juan's pale face that looked sickly, with a pair of black eyes that were exceptionally clear, she suddenly realized that she didn't hate frailty, but just Just hate other people.

"No problem, no problem." Princess Nanyang was full of pity, and hurriedly said: "Since Mr. Shen Erlang is in a special situation, of course I don't mind." She turned around and told the guards: "Come on, hurry up and prepare the carriage! Send Mr. Shen Erlang Go back to the mansion! Besides—” Princess Nanyang looked at the servant of the Shen family who had run over to support Shen Fengzhang, “Quickly invite the doctor Shen Erlang-jun used to come to the mansion to prepare!”

Seeing this, Shen Fengzhang breathed a sigh of relief.

Aunt Liu watched Shen's family leave with a solemn expression on her face, and hurriedly turned around and walked towards Concubine Yin's palace.