MTL - Venerated Venomous Consort-Chapter 3017 Bureau of Central Bureau

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Gu Xiyu suddenly understood.

I was taken away by myself~

The devil smashed her soul out when she was in turmoil, and then took up her body...

After all, Gu Xiyu is a god, even if it is a soul, it can be condensed into a solid, she is doing what is going on, the heart of the devil fingers fluttering like an orchid, and the pity of the body suddenly appears a twisted big hole, this big hole suction Strong, the soul of Gu Xiyu was directly sucked in.

When Gu Xizhen was in front of a flower, he found it in a transparent cell.

The reason why it is transparent is that she can see everything in the desert in this cell. She and the desert are like a transparent film. She can even hear the words of the devil.

The devil is smug: "The deity of the deity can be distinguished. Now that the deity has occupied your shell, he does not believe that he can distinguish it! He can also give the deity a knife! Unfortunately, the deity originally disliked you as a shell. Useless, don't want to take up, but now, in order to swear, the deity can only be awkward. Just use your shell and he really doubles."

Gu Xiwei: "Metamorphosis!"

The devil licks his lips and smiles: "What is the metamorphosis? The deity has something more abnormal to do for you! This weak water jail is designed by the deity for you, you will taste the taste of water and fire in it, you will sleep the deity In this desert for hundreds of thousands of years, the deity must trap you in a weak water prison for millions of years!"

The hard work she spoke, the black water that came out of the cell where Gu Xizhen was located...

This black water has risen from the bottom of her feet and quickly passed her legs, her waist...

This black water is obviously different from any water. Anything can't float in it. Gu Shizhen can't float up. He can only watch the black water flowing over his chest, his neck, his chin... until the whole person Dip in it...

It is reasonable to say that Gu Xiyu is now a soul, no need to breathe, is not afraid of flooding.

But after she was immersed in it, it felt like she was immersed in boiling water. It was not a normal fire, and the skin would be burnt down!

And she has a desire to breathe, but she can't breathe. After being immersed for a while, she turns black in front of her eyes...

Just as she felt like she was going to faint, Blackwater retreated a bit and exposed her face.

The black water is really black. When she is immersed in it, she can't see the outside scene. Now that the black water is back, she can finally see the outside, and then the heart sinks.

It is not a desert outside, but a Gobi desert. The Gobi Desert is a large black stone.

At the moment, there are three people standing on the Gobi Desert.

Emperor's clothing, emperor, and the ‘Gu Xi’’


After the Taoyuan illusion completely collapsed, the emperor's clothes completely fell from the inside and landed on this Gobi desert.

This Gobi desert is very large, and the outer circle is a desert with vast deserts. When he landed, he seemed to have sensed something. When he was turned, he saw the ‘Gu Xi玖’ girl who was not far away...

‘顾惜玖’ seems to have been seriously injured, his face pale, his lips and blood, but she refused to take care of herself, and she was half-hearted and healed the emperor...

The robes of Emperor's chest were dyed red by the blood of the big group. Obviously, he was seriously injured and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

It seems that I heard the movement, ‘Gufu玖’ jumped up and pulled the sword in hand: “Who--”

At the moment of seeing the emperor's robes, she paused and stood there, like a faceless unbelief: "Hey... 拂衣?" The voice shook slightly.


Say it again, this article is going to the end, the latter will not be very long, the little friends are not safe.