MTL - Uzumaki Naruto is a Traitor-Chapter 182

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Said, Naruto walked to Zizhiha Mikoto's side, held her hand, made a seal with one hand, and left here with Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi by her side.

In front of Yuying's office building, a light green whirlwind appeared, and after the whirlwind disappeared, the four figures appeared in place.

"Too, should you and I stay in Wuyu Village for a while longer?"

Naruto looked at Uchiha Mikoto and asked, Terumi Mei was still waiting for her in the Oninin Village. She naturally wouldn't stay in Wuyu Village. If Uchiha Mikoto wanted to stay, there was nothing she could do. She couldn't take it away by force. huh? left.

"Little Naruto~! Are things threatening?" In the hotel, Chino, who was bored waiting for Ruo Naruto to come, saw Naruto walk in from outside, jumped on Naruto happily, and hugged Ruo her with both hands. neck.

Xiang Lian also rushed to Naruto, the two of them were like pendants. It hangs on Naruto's body.

"Come on, we should go home."

Naruto watched. Everyone's eyes narrowed. Laughing, turning around and walking out. Azabuyi used the technique of flying thunder to lead everyone back to Yinin Village, and everyone brought them with them and bought them in Wuyu Village. Some gadgets walked in the direction of Naruto's house.

In the laboratory, Naruto played with the black ball in his hand and looked at the night with a half-smile.

"The container you made is as brittle as paper. If it wasn't for me wrapping it with a substance with the power of an outsider, the container would have been broken long ago.

"Can't you?"

"Can't? Then look at this!" Naruto threw the ball in his hand towards Jiye.

"Wow! What are you doing here all of a sudden! 039;

I hurriedly received this request at night, and I was very worried that it would fall into pieces when it hit the ground.

"According to my calculations, it should be able to accommodate the illusion world created by that great illusion! What's wrong?"

Ji Ye looked at the black ball in Ruo's hand and said, "After all, there is nothing that has been tested...don't care so much.

"Thank you for saying that I was scared to death when the container cracked!" Naruto didn't fight. He came, picked Ye Ye, put his arms around her waist, and hit Ruo her **** a few times.

"Anyway, haven't you installed the illusion world? It seems like it's all my fault!" Miye touched his aching buttocks and glared at Naruto in dissatisfaction. Eye.

"Hurry up and make it. A container that can hold this illusion world. I went to see Terumi Mei first, and I don't know what she has to do.

Naruto said that if she went out, Terumi Mei would be waiting for her in Yinin Village. It's been a whole day, and she can't be allowed to wait any longer.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting.

In the conference room, Naruto, who had arrived late, looked at Terumi Mei with an apologetic smile.

"...I didn't wait... eh?!" Terumi Mei said Ruoyu and turned her head. When she saw Naruto, the words that Shang Mo said turned into a suspicious voice.

" are Naruto?" Terumi Mei looked at the grown-up Naruto who was completely different from the petite figure in her impression, pointed at Naruto with trembling fingers, and asked: "You... are you really Naruto? Wasn't someone pretending to fool me?"

"I'm human." Naruto walked over to Terumi Mei, bent down and whispered in her ear: "You haven't forgotten. We are married...

"Ah! I know, I know, you are Naruto Naruto, a human!" Terumi Mei blushed and waved her hand in panic, preventing Naruto from continuing to speak.

"Are your ears real?" Terumi Mei looked at Ruo Naruto's long pointed ears with many earrings, and curiously touched and pinched them.

"Of course it's true. Naruto said helplessly, why does everyone think it's fake when they see my ears?!

Chapter 335 Naruto's Rejection (1/2)

"You came to me, not only to see Yuren Village, right?"

Naruto remembers that Terumi Mei seems to have. ÷÷ kind of technique. You can see the scene from far away through the water polo. Although it consumes a lot of carats, it is surprisingly easy to use, especially when it is used for voyeurism. While talking about the purpose of coming to Yinin Village, I carefully looked at the grown-up Naruto. Compared with the cuteness as a child, the grown-up Naruto is very beautiful and has become more mature. It is hard to imagine what happened to her to be able to survive in a strong time. grow up and become a lot more mature.

Wait... Naruto has grown up, so...they are going to get married? Thinking of this, Terumigu's face instantly turned red, and said. He didn't continue talking for half a word, and was shy and didn't know how to face Naruto.

"Huh?" Since the engagement with Terumi Mei was nothing more than a political marriage, Naruto didn't think about that, and heard Terumi Mei say. Xia Yan stopped half of her words. Seeing her blushing and a little shy, she seemed to be enduring something, thinking that Terumigu might have been waiting for her here for a long time. Naruto suddenly realized. It turned out that she wanted to go to the bathroom what!

Do you want to go to the P life room? Or you should go to the bathroom first, and then we will continue the conversation?" Naruto, who thought he was understanding, whispered. The words made Terumi Mei laugh and cry, and the shyness in her heart gradually gradually increased. It turned into anger, thinking of how shy he was just now. Just like an idiot.

"No, I don't want to go to the bathroom for now, let's continue the conversation just now~!" Terumi Mei said with a smile.

"Then... can you really hold back? This kind of thing takes a long time to hold your body..

"Tuanzui, if you don't do it again, I'll kill you~!"

Terumi Mei. The bright smile on his face interrupted Naruto's words, and a fierce light flickered in his eyes, which opened slightly with a smile, and a Prajna mask seemed to appear behind him. . ..then let's continue our previous conversation.

Naruto felt Terumi Mei's anger, and returned to his seat obediently, as if nothing had happened. Sample.

"To be honest, if the current Mist Ninja Village wants to develop rapidly, it is very difficult to develop even with the assistance of the Sound Ninja Village. The main reason is that there are not many powerful ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village, right?" Naruto slapped the table with his fingers, analyzing the current strength of Ninja Wakamura Village. There are not many ninjas who can fight, except for Terumigu, a blood-based ninja, and Ao and Changjuro. . ζζ

"Indeed.. in the previous. Ren Shuiying was under the control of Madara Uchiha to implement a closed policy called 039; the Mist Ninja Village in the Village of Blood Mist, after I took over, the current strength is indeed very weak.

Terumi Mei frowned. Under the previous policy, every graduation of the ninja school would kill a lot of people. The strength of the Kirin Village was getting worse and worse, and the powerful ninjas kept fleeing from the Kirin Village.. If you think about it carefully, it's all about Uchiha. Madara! However, the closure policy of the village is also one of the reasons why the village is getting weaker and weaker. .

Huh? What's up with me? Madara Uchiha heard that. The face is stunned, she didn't do anything! Where did so many dung pots buckle her head.

It must be that **** brat again!

Uchiha Madara carefully. Thinking, the only thing left who can do evil in her name is the trash.

"Strength is. On the one hand, on the other hand, it is the economy and manpower. This is the most important and basic thing for a ninja village to develop. The Mist Ninja Village has implemented a closed policy for too long. How many ordinary people are there in your ninja village? Residents? The labor of ordinary residents is essential for development.”


Terumi Mei shook his head. Under the previous closed policy, how could there be ordinary residents in Wunin Village, that is, after the implementation of the open policy, people came to live in Wunin Village one after another.

"..It's really impressive...Naruto thought about the current situation of Mist Ninja Village, and felt that his head was big. Circle. The current Mist Ninja Village can be said to have three shortages and lack of strength. , Lack of manpower. Lack of money, of course, the last point. It can be made up with the help of Sound Ninja Village, but the first two things that are missing cannot be made up. There is only one of the three major Ninja Village. Completely wipe out the village of Kirin in half a day, no, when the Uchiha Shisui Susakuda is fully powered, it will not go out. In an hour, the village of Kirin can be razed to the ground.

"It's really hard for you.

Naruto thought that the current Kirin Village actually relied on Terumi Mei to support herself. It might be because of the unfading straight male thoughts in her heart. She felt a little distressed for Terumi Mei, such a good girl. ,Pity.

"There's nothing I can do with hard work, this is Shang. Ren Mizukage entrusted me with the responsibility." Terumi Mei showed a far-fetched smile, thinking of the last generation Mizukage Yakura, her eyes flushed slightly.

"It is impossible for the current Mist Ninja Village to develop rapidly. It can only develop slowly. Although it may take decades to develop slowly, there is. I can guarantee that, that is, in my shelter. Next, your Wunin Village will be very safe, and the assistance of Yinin Village to Wunin Village will not stop until the real development of Wunin Village. Naruto summed it up and finally expressed his promise. Look To Terumi Mei's eyes with. Silk is distressed. Kirin Village is not like sand

Ninja Village. Sand Ninja Village Yuping

People, there are also strong enough ninjas, as well as sources of funds (specialties), and more importantly, there are ninjas in the former Mist Ninja Village known as "tailless beasts", where the dry persimmon ghost shark sits, and the powerful ninjas in Mist Ninja Village are almost They all fled, after all, the policy of killing people, you can only wait for death if you don't escape. Uchiha Obito is a waste, but he is still very powerful. Although he failed to destroy the Kirin Village, he also stunned the Kirin Village in disguise.

Thinking of the dried persimmon ghost shark, Naruto couldn't help but look forward to Akano Ai Yixia. The child born at the annual meeting is a girl with shark teeth that looks like a small shark, or a boy... I'm really looking forward to it.

Terumi Mei asked suspiciously, she had suspected Naruto to her. Love at first sight, however, is nearly impossible, they count. The second meeting. This is just the second meeting. What's more, there are many beautiful women around her, and she still has self-awareness.

"Why. Because we are an alliance, right?" Naruto was really asked by Terumi Mei to help the village of Kirin. In the short term, it is not beneficial. In the long run, we can only wait for the mist. It is only because the Ninja Village develops slowly that it is good for Yin Nin Village. Maybe it helps Wu Nin Village, just because she loves this woman who has been single for her mother's life in the original book?

Or maybe, because they're allied, that's all. As for the political engagement, Naruto didn't take it to heart at all. It was a temporary engagement. It was just for her. An excuse to convince yourself, to convince yourself to form an alliance with Mist Ninja Village

"'re such an interesting person~!"

Terumi Mei

"I'm a person with a great sense of humor." Naruto patted his chest, said proudly, got up and walked out. He stopped when he reached the door.

"Are you going back today?"

"No, it's getting late, and I'll leave tomorrow to go back to Mistin Village." Terumi Mei shook her head, it was already afternoon, she didn't want to sleep in the wild.

"That's it, let's have a good time in the sound ninja village. Let's have fun~!" Naruto smiled brightly, and suddenly remembered the man named Asakura. Naruto felt that he sold the imitation of Asakura Naokara's armor. Maybe there is a secret base in the land of water. After all, it is possible to sell straight carat armor in a remote island country like the land of water. The base can never be on the road, right?

"By the way, you go back to Mistin Village and pay attention to the unknown person who sold the Chakra armor to Asakura. I think it is very likely that the base of that person is in the Land of Water. You should pay more attention, even if it is your strength. It is very strong, and it may capsize in the gutter. It is best to turn on the defensive function of the chakra armor. If it is broken, it can be replaced. When a person dies, there is nothing left. Naruto said seriously, in the Naruto world. Are there few people who capsize in the gutter because of their arrogance?

The current world can no longer be seen with the eyes of the original work. This is a real world, and the ghost knows that there will be some unknown enemies jumping out of the stone.

"Well, I will pay more attention." Terumi Mei saw that Naruto was so afraid of the unknown enemy, and he raised a little bit of vigilance in his heart for the person who provided Asakura chakra armor.

"If you find that person's base, be sure to notify me!" If someone who can crack the straight-carat armor can be used by me, it is naturally good, if not, then he can only disappear completely. Terumi Mei nodded. She walked over to Naruto, hesitated for a while, and whispered in Naruto's ear with her cheeks slightly red: "Is our engagement still valid?"

"You, want to marry me?" Naruto narrowed his eyes. Xie Sheng. Laughing, with deep azure blue eyes, staring at Zhaomei Mo's emerald green eyes, she patted her shoulder.

"Didn't we agree? It's just a political alliance.... You will meet better people.... I am not suitable for you." Naruto raised his hand and touched the earrings on his ears, she There are enough wives, too many to be overwhelmed. Terumi Mei may be able to meet a better person. And that person will not be her, she needs someone who truly loves her, and she is obviously not suitable. Am I being rejected? After Naruto left, Terumi Meijing sighed. Sound, a little lost in my heart. !

Chapter 336 Naruto's Acceptance (1/3)

In the evening, Terumi Mei walked out of the pub drunkenly. She felt extremely bored, and she would be rejected if she took the initiative to attack, which was a huge blow to her.

She didn't take Changjurou with her when she came out to drink this time. She will leave Yinin Village tomorrow. She asked Chang+lang to play by herself. She didn't want Chang+lang to see her so shameful.

"Hei Jue, what's going on with the three tails?"

Naruto sat on the roof, looked at the drunk Terumi Mei, squinted his eyes, the cool evening breeze blew, and the long soft golden hair fluttered in the wind.

"That group of people are planning how to break the barrier of the fortress. I think they will do it soon. Do you need to take this opportunity to help the three-tailed person Zhuri?"

Hei Jue stuck his head out beside Naruto, revealing half of his body, and followed Wu Ren's gaze down.

Isn't that woman Mizukage of Kirin Village? Why is she here?

"That's it.... When they start, let me know, and I will rush over. There are three tailed beasts left... Three tails, five tails, three tails... Find the five tails, and after the three tails are resurrected, I can start my plan. Before that, I hope I can give you some strength and make the game as soon as possible. I am really looking forward to what this group of ninjas will be like playing the game.


Hei Jue nodded, his body disappeared into the roof and disappeared.

.... the way Hei Jue appeared just now. Naruto's mind had a bizarre sight of Hei Jue's lower body shaking on the ceiling. Naruto was amused by the picture he imagined.

"What are you laughing at?"

Madara Uchiha stuck his head out of his pocket, looked at Naruto smiling happily, scratched his head, not knowing what Naruto was laughing at.

"I thought of happy things.

"What fun?" Madara Uchiha asked curiously.

"The way Hei Jue just appeared. I feel like his lower body should be in someone else's house.

Madara Uchiha followed Naruto's words and imagined that if there were a few black lines on his face, the picture really made her unable to look directly at it! Moreover, Kuro Jue is the embodiment of her will. represent her.

Madara Uchiha thought like this, and a look of horror appeared on her little face.

No no no, black is never just mine. It's just the will of silk, how can it be compared to me! Naruto saw Madara Uchiha's expression changed several times in just a few seconds, and he didn't understand what she was thinking in her little head. ≒≒

"That woman Naruto was harassed by a drunk electrician who didn't want to live.

Jiuruko's voice rang in Naruto's ears, but she had seen Terumi Mei's boil. Those drunkards really didn't know what to do, and they dared to approach her.

"Huh?" Naruto sensed where Terumigu was, and saw that the drunk Terumi Mei was walking down the narrow alley, surrounded by several drunks who didn't want to live. As a result, the drunks haven't waited yet. Well, he was knocked to the ground by a patrolling ninja who suddenly appeared, and then dragged away.


Terumi Meijin Yutou, looking at the drunken man who was dragged away by the sound ninja, she was a little drunk and didn't understand what happened. Naruto nodded in satisfaction, extremely satisfied with the efficiency of the ninjas.

Since the last theft incident in Yinin Village, the number of ninjas patrolling at night has increased significantly, in order to prevent any thief gangs from coming to Yinin Village to do business. Naruto couldn't bear to see Terumi Mei walking drunk and staggering, thinking about sending Terumigu to her place and then going home. Naruto came to Terumi's side and felt the smell of alcohol on her body. Feeling uncomfortable, he frowned and asked, "Why did you drink so much alcohol?"

"I want you to care, who are you to me!"

Terumigu pushed Naruto away and walked forward staggeringly.

"I'll take you back.

Naruto walked over to support Terumi Mei and asked, "Where do you live?"

"I won't tell you... wow.!" Terumigu didn't say anything, and felt something gushing out of his throat, wow. The sound was vomited on Naruto's body, and the defenseless Naruto was vomited by Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei, who was squatting on the ground with a dark face and vomiting.

Looking at the filthy old things on Ruo's body, the pungent smell caused a headache.

"Wow! What kind of smell is this!" Madara Uchiha yelled at the pungent smell. He jumped out of his pocket and ran to Naruto's head.

"You can't have this dress!"

Uchiha Banji looked at the filth on Naruto's body, pinched his nose, and fluttered his small hands in front of him as if he could fan the unpleasant smell away.

"What can I do... Naruto said helplessly with a black line on his face, what can she do, she can't be right. A drunken person should get angry. Naruto's wrists shook, and all the rolled sleeves in his sleeves were in his hands. The scroll in his hand was thrown into the air, and he took off his coat and held it tightly. The clothes turned into powder.


The smoke dissipated, and a white-blue shirt with wide sleeves and exposed shoulders fell into her hand.

ter>, put it on the body, reached out to catch the falling scroll, and put it on the leather button inside the sleeve

Because the clothes had no pockets, Chiha Madara had to hide in the wide sleeves, folded his arms around his chest, and looked at the leather buttons tied around his waist for unwinding. The corners of his mouth shook, and he kicked his feet Naruto's arm.

Terumigu who vomited seemed to have lost all her strength, and when she was about to sit on the dirty thing she vomited, Wu Ren reached out and grabbed her, and picked her up like a princess.

"Hey, Terumi Mei, where do you live? I'll take you there.

The tired and sleepy Terumi Mei only felt a pain in her throat, leaned on Naruto's body, and said willfully: "I want to drink water..

Naruto walked out of the convenience store holding Terumi with a dark face. She had already thought that it might be circulated in Yinin Village how she held her at night. A woman with a good figure and a drunken enzyme bought water in a convenience store. It would be strange if her wives knew about it.