MTL - Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Young Miss Has Arrived!-Chapter 19

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The evening wind and other people have seen their eyes straight, and the five-star wolf king is well-deserved!

A single blow, the Wolf King even flicked a few claws, a few wind blades will scrape.

"It is actually a double-winged wolf king!" The evening wind is not channelable.

Like humans, Warcraft with dual or triple attributes is rare and more rare, and has even greater growth potential! Even the worst quality of the double-series Warcraft, the price in the market is high!

Lu Yiqian staggered the pace and was able to escape these wind blades!

Looking at this beautiful and coexisting wolf, she has the desire to conquer, but to conquer it, she has to show her strength. Lu Yiqian made a decision, which decided to scare the silver blue team and Lu Jiajun straight!

I saw her swaying at the pace of being incompetent, a jump, and lightly jumping on the back of the Wolf King!

God, this is a five-star wolf king!

She has her own plans. If she does not take measures, she can only be hit by the wolf king on the ground!

The wolf king stunned, and she did not expect that she would be so bold, but then it was extremely angry, madly jumping up and down, its supreme majesty and inviolability, it is not a daring human being!

Everyone was nervously watching Lu Yiqian, secretly cheering her up, if... but the hope is too small, if she fails, they are also ready to fight with the wolves! It is a well-known truth when you can't be disturbed while beasting!

Lu Yiqian clung to the wolf king's hair, and did not let go, no matter how the wolf king tossed her, she clenched its body tightly, like the 520 glue tightly stuck!

The game between a young girl and a five-star wolf king, this battle will be spread out and will be written into the lyrics. The long hair flutters and draws a soft and tough arc in the air. Shocked everyone!

This is Missy. If she has never seen it with her own eyes, who can believe that she is the big lady who has been stunned by thousands of people, who would believe that she is the big lady who is not ashamed of 10,000 people!

One person and one wolf persisted for more than one hour, and the wolves looked at them intuitively. They naturally did not dare to intervene. This man wolf contest was witnessed by a group of wolves and a group of people!

The wolf king gradually became a little weak, and Rao was infinitely strong and flexible. He did not give Lu Yiqian a slap in the face. Instead, every time it tried hard, its silvery wolf hair would be smashed a lot. It really Some want to cry without tears.

On the other hand, Lu Yiqian is also quite uncomfortable. The training wolf is no more than a horse. Her bones are all scattered. Her palm is full of blood, but she does not intend to give up. As long as she releases her hand, she and others will become The dinner of the wolves, she deeply understands this truth! At the same time, she also noticed that this wolf is not good enough, it is time to conquer it!

Lu Yuqian took out the knife that Lu Xianghui gave to her, and ran across the neck of the wolf king: "Submission or death!"

From the eyes of the Wolf King, she knows that this wolf is intelligent and should be able to understand her words. If the Wolf King refuses to surrender, Lu Yiqian will not hesitate to kill it, even if he likes it again, he will never give it a chance to counterattack!

The wolf will meet the insistence of this person on the back. This person is very likely to cut his head with a knife. It decides to surrender. The rules in the forest are like this. The winner is king!

It lowered its proud head and whispered a few times.

Lu Hao was hot and iron, and placed his hand on the head of the Wolf King. The magic power immediately poured into the wolf king's mind, and the Wolf King did not make any resistance.

A gorgeous purple purple contract pattern flashed at the foot of a wolf, and soon, the six-star star pattern shines at the foot of the wolf, it actually advanced!

This is one of the hegemony of the "contractual instrument". When the contract is concluded, both sides can benefit. The stronger the contractor is, the more benefits the two sides get. This is why Lu Yiqian cannot sign the five-star or less Eudemons. The powerful force that enters will make the Eudemons explode and die!

The five-star wolf king, not now the six-star wolf king, has not reacted yet, and it clearly feels that his body is full of strength. The World of Warcraft has a magical power, but it is very difficult to cultivate itself. Five years ago it was a five-star. In the past five years, there has been no sign of breaking the five-star. But this time, I signed a contract with the owner and jumped to six stars. Moderate level, oh, this time I made a big profit, I knew this, I still played something, and I signed the contract directly!

Lu Yiqian also got a lot of magic power, but for her magic sea, it is just a sea of ​​chestnuts. Now, she is very happy. First, she knows that the method of promotion by the contract Eudemons can work. Second, she finally has a magic pet, or a beautiful mighty wolf king!

"Master!" A voice with joy and excitement rang in Lu Yiqian's brain. She looked at the wolf king who was looking at her with excitement.

"Amount, can you talk?" She was a little surprised.

"No, but after the contract is concluded, I can communicate with the host!"

Oh, strong, mind platform!

"Master, this contract is great!" The Wolf King is still excited.

"Well, it is a bit more powerful than the general contract." Lu Yiqian is more modest, only to say that it is a bit more powerful.

"Master, it’s good to meet you." The Wolf King now shouted at the master and shouted.

Amount, just like a wolf wants to peel her skin and smoke her ribs.

I noticed that Lu Yiqian’s thoughts were red, and if its face could be red, it must be red now: “At that time, I didn’t know that there were so many benefits in contracting with the owner!”

Lu Yiqian is speechless, it turns out that it is the idea!

The people who were paying attention to them were really speechless at this time. They looked at each other in a very strange scene: a person and a wolf, looking at each other like a silent communication.

Lu Yanqian patted the head of the Wolf King: "Let's say hello to them." She also noticed that everyone's expression was weird.