MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1180 Li Weidaozu

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   Chapter 1180 Li Wei Dao Zuo

  When Mu Ying leads the troops back to Beijing, the military exploits of the Southwest Department will reach their peak. Li Xin and others will also prepare everything in the capital. At that time, it will naturally be time for the world to change surnames.

   This time point is not set by Li Xin, but the current situation is like this, and it will come naturally.

  After Mu Ying returns to Beijing, people from the Southwest Department will participate in the "persuade to enter" team, and Li Xin has to face up to these demands of his subordinates.

The position of the Son of Heaven is supreme. To say that Li Xin has no desire for this position would be lying with his eyes open. He was a juvenile prince, because he has not tasted the sweetness of power, and naturally he has some thoughts about the position of the Son of Heaven. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten to where he is today, but if he can do whatever he wants at this moment, Li Xin may not take the initiative to sit on the throne.

   Of course, it is too hypocritical to say these things now. The reasons for the development of this situation are complicated and cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

   After hearing the exact time given by Li Xin, Ye Lin was silent for a while, and then said, "Is there anything I need help from the Ye family?"

   "The Ye family has helped me a lot."

  Li Xin smiled and said: "Ye Mao has been in the north for half a year, and he has helped me a lot. Otherwise, I can't take care of the northern border in the capital, and there will be chaos in Jiangbei."

   "Keeping the land and keeping the people safe is the responsibility of the Ye family."

   Having said this, Ye Lin paused for a while, and continued: "In the beginning, half of the disaster in Jiangbei was in Xianbei, and the other half was in... Yunzhou City. Now Xianbei has been destroyed, Chang'an, how are you going to deal with Yunzhou?"

  Yunzhou planting family, for Li Xin, is indeed a very difficult problem to deal with.

First of all, the Yunzhou Army, which has been run by the Zhong family for decades, has long been called the Yunzhou Army by the outside world. It is almost impossible to take the Yunzhou military power from them. However, The Zhong family did indeed offend Li Xin, and Li Xin could not keep Beijiang in the old state, guarded by the Zhongye family.

   Now, Ye Mao is about to set up the Anbei Duhufu in the north, the Xianbei people are defeated, and the strategic position of the Yunzhou army has plummeted, so Ye Lin will ask this question.

   "Cultivation is a hidden danger in the north."

The smile on Li Xin's face subsided, and he snorted: "If Chong Wu hadn't brought his troops back to Yunzhou in time and continued to guard Yunzhou City, even if I paid some price at this time, I would send troops to Yunzhou to follow Chong. The family reckoned well with the old accounts, but the family members have surrendered, and although they are too much, they have not crossed the line, and I am not very good at dealing with them for a while."

   Governor Li said with a wry smile: "At this time, when we use troops in Yunzhou, outsiders want to say that I cross the river and demolish the bridge, although the farmers have never crossed any bridge for me."

  Ye Lin nodded and said slowly: "At this time, it's really not good to use troops against Yunzhou, but if you can't be tough, you can be soft. If Chang'an can trust me, this matter can be handed over to the Ministry of War."

   Ye Shangshu was serious: "As long as the Zhong family does not rebel, the Yunzhou army will be overtaken by the imperial court within five years."

   Li Xin was stunned for a while, then slapped his thigh: "I have also been a minister of the Ministry of War for several years, but I forgot about the Ministry of War!"

  There are four divisions in the Ministry of War, the most important of which is called the Division of Military Selection, also known as the Division of War, which is mainly responsible for the personnel work of military generals.

Ye Lin's meaning is obvious. If the Chong family does not accept the dispatch of generals to the Yunzhou Army through the Ministry of War, then it will be a violation of the court and open rebellion. If the Chong family accepts it, it will take a few years for the Yunzhou Army to cease to exist. It's a family army.

Chong Xuantong, the master of the Chong family, is not in Yunzhou City, but in the capital. Although this old general is in charge of the defense of the capital, because thousands of miles away there is still a seed of 100,000 people. The family army, Li Xin did not embarrass him, but only put him under house arrest in the family's house in the capital.

  The Yunzhou Army is now the eldest son of the Zhong family, Zhongwu. Zhongwu's character is not as strong as his father's, and most of them will accept the soft knives of the Ministry of War.

Dudu Li pondered for a while, and then said: "Then let's do it like this, the Ministry of War will first send a rank 4 or 5 general to Yunzhou to see how the Chong family reacts. Senior brother, you will also send a letter to Chong Wu in private. Letter and explain the situation to him."

   "I only take military power, not kill people."

Li Xin said solemnly: "The Zhong family will hand over the military power of the Yunzhou Army, and the Zhong family will have a hereditary marquis title, and will also be the general in the capital in the future, but it will not be able to lead an army as before. "

   Ye Lin bowed his head slightly and said, "Wait tomorrow, the Ministry of War will do it."

   Ye Si Shao said here, hesitated for a while, and then continued: "This is a major event that will change the world. Chang'an, you... have a careful mind, but you must also consider it carefully. If something goes wrong, it will be a big disaster."

   Changing the dynasty will inevitably make some vested interests dissatisfied. It took Li Xin more than two years to balance the relationship between these vested interests and the Southwest, but some vested interests cannot be balanced.

  For example, people with the surname Ji, such as royal relatives, and the descendants of the Ji royal family.

  The interests of these people can only be guaranteed by the emperor's surname Ji, so once the dynasty is changed, these people will never live in peace.

Li Xin smiled and said: "Senior brother, don't worry, I have already prepared what I need to do. Even if there are some omissions, as long as the capital does not become chaotic, there will be no major problems. ."

   He stood up from the chair, pulled Ye Lin's sleeve, and said with a smile, "I've been quite bored at home these days. Senior brother came just in time. I asked the house to make some side dishes. How many drinks do you and my brother have?"

   Ye Lin was nearly fifty years old at this time, but he still had the free and easy air of the Fourth Young Master Ye, and a smile appeared on his face.

   "Dare not to obey."


   When the two brothers were drinking, the capital was not very peaceful.

In a side hall in the Weiyang Palace, the empress dowager Xie, who was described as a little haggard, was pulling her young son to talk. I lost a lot of weight, and the spirit of the whole person declined along with it.


   "Someone sent a message to the palace today."

   Empress Dowager Xie took her young son's hand with a faint tone.

   "They said that all the soldiers and horses of the city gates in the capital have been replaced, and the people of the Southwest Army have taken over the capital."

   She looked at her thirteen-year-old son with tears in her eyes.

   "Li thief should be trying to usurp soon, your eldest brother has gone, you..."

   She couldn't control it any longer and burst into tears: "You are only thirteen years old."

   There were only two people in the side hall at this time. After being silent for a long time, Emperor Yankang took his mother's hand and said, "Aniang, Li... Xin said that he will give his son a way to survive."

   "He also told your father that he would be Jinchen forever!"

   Empress Dowager Xie wiped her tears with a handkerchief, gritted her teeth and said, "It's only your father's untimely death, otherwise how could he humiliate our orphans and widows like this!"

   Emperor Yankang was silent.

Although Li Xin promised him, but now he is not sure whether he can survive this change. Seeing his mother so sad, the young emperor is also a little sentimental. He stepped forward and hugged his mother. also left tears.

   "Auntie, at this time people are swords and I am fish, we can't resist."

   "Let's just wait for Li Changan to kill."

   (end of this chapter)